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Author Topic: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | The Streets of Tucson  (Read 12815 times)


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2017, 03:33:02 am »

Bring a bonesaw and an empty icebox.

"Irneus. Healer specialization, as they say. It seems I shall be the doctor of this endeavour. What might be your names?"
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2017, 05:39:03 am »

Bring Malalai, the pimped-out pulwar that I got half-price from the sword store way back in high school. Used to be much smaller, but the cool thing about sword magic is that your WoC (that's Weapon of Choice for you civilians) can make some seriously mad gains too.

"What up! Eiyal in the house!" I say, drawing my main girl and doing that thing the dude in Indiana Jones did with the twirly-twirls. "Whuppah! Aw yeah!"

Also bring a six pack of discount beers.

"Dude," I say after everyone's been totally blown away by my sword powers, pointing Mala at Irneus, "that's a nice cooler you've got. I'm gonna park some brew in there for max portability, that cool with you?"

If Irneus agrees, put the six pack into that sweet cooler he's got.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 09:19:27 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2017, 05:58:50 am »

"That is acceptable, for now. I will need it for... something else, at a later date, however."
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2017, 06:36:26 am »

Farris knows exactly what he'll bring. He grabs his copy of "You and enhancement enchantment", the book that first got him into enchanting magic in the first place. He also grabs an umbrella- after all, who knows when he'll need it?

"Be careful waving that sword around. I'd rather not be eviscerated before the mission actually starts."
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2017, 09:40:13 am »

((Are the rest of us waitlisted?))
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2017, 09:45:37 am »

((And the rest of you are waitlisted. Probably still off in the background somewhere.))
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2017, 04:08:11 pm »

Randall is bring with him a mop and bucket.

"Geez, first day on the job, a 'gents. Woo huh-huh, kinda of nervous."
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2017, 10:28:10 pm »

Turn 1: The Docks and the Arbore


The main Spelljammer dockyards are practically a national monument- more than a mile of pearly stone and enchanted timber designed to cradle the plane traveling vessels that carry the will of the empire to the stars. There's every amenity available, constant media attention, and the paving stones have been enchanted to emit a constant pleasing aroma. It's the kind of place where anyone visiting the capital absolutely has to go to to have their picture taken with whatever fantastical vessel happens to be in the dockyard and post about how amazing it was on social media.

Your ship is not docked at the main Spelljammer yards. It's not docked at the secondary dockyards either. It's docked in the tertiary auxiliary reserve sub-yard, which is a less of a national monument and more of place to stick Spelljammers that are damaged but don't warrant immediate repairs, are unsightly, are privately owned by utter cheapskates, or are experimental enough that the Mananauts don't want to risk an audience when they explode. Your Spelljammer, the Arbore, you know is not privately owned, it's not terrible unsightly, and has no apparent damage. Which puts it firmly in the last category.

The Arbore is rather peculiar. Rather than being shaped like some fantastical creature, it looks like nothing so much as a massive gem shaped terrarium. The upper three quarter's of the Spelljammer's exterior is constructed of some nearly transparent material, which gives an excellent view of the oak tree growing in the middle of the structure. For an oak, it's relatively small, probably between thirty and fourty feet, but its branches have a spread that almost touches the edges of the Spelljammer. The ground beneath the tree is carefully manicured and grassy, with a single door mounted in an artificial hill hinting at underground structure. The lower quarter of the terrarium, however, is opaque, and sadly does not provide an ant-colony view of any rooms below.

The door connecting it it to the docks is connected at the grass line, and is constructed from the same transparent material as most of the hull structure. Waiting in front of the door for you and your three companions is a fresh looking young mananaut wearing the teal coat of a mission analyst. He's tall, perfectly clean, with corn colored hair that has been parted and locked in position by either great effort or a healthy application of magic. He also waves enthusiastically the instant he spots you, as though the Arbore was the kind of ship you could accidentally miss.

"Hey! Good to see you, good to see all of you! Farris, Eyal, Irneus, aaand... yes! Randal! I'm glad you're all here, there's apparently been some mix-up with launch dates and you're the last members of the team to arrive. My name is Locke, and this is, as you can see, is the Arbore." Locke makes a couple of ticks on a clipboard, and motions you forward before you have a chance to speak. "So, let's get cracking with the tour and get your things stowed so that the Captain can get us underway."

Locke beckons to you and turns on his heel, heading into the Arbore. With little else to do you, you follow.

"So, as you can see, this is Shelby's Tree," Locke says, gesturing to the tree. "She's the navigator, and she's, err, different. Up in the branches is the bridge, you probably won't spend a lot of time in there, but if you need to the ladder is on the trunk." It wasn't visible from the outside, but there is indeed a tree-house built into the upper branches of the oak tree. The structure looks sturdily built and well anchored to the tree, but it's not exactly what you expected for the bridge of a Mananaut Spelljammer. "Now we'll be heading down below, so mind your step and watch your head."

Locke guides you through the small door that leads down into the earth the tree is growing from. Inside, the dirt is held back by solid wood and light is provided by manabulbs in bare fixtures.  Locke chatters on about the Arbore's simple and rugged design, and he introduces you to passing crew members whose names and roles you promptly forget. The amenities are really rather spare. There's a small growing area filled wall to wall with Manana plants, a storage area packed to bursting with various sundry supplies, a four-person teleportation glyph and scrying station for landing parties, an armory the size of a cubby, and an infirmary that makes more use of space saving triple bunk beds than you've ever seen in a medical suite.

"So, before I show you to your rooms so you can settle in, we'll swing by the mess-hall-slash-recreation-area. It's not much, but there's enough room for about half the crew to eat at once, and there's a pinball machine, a computer, and phone if you ever need to contact people back home." Locke flashes you a quick grin of pearly white teeth and pushes the door open, treating you to your first set of the ship's mess. There is indeed an arcade machine in the corner. There is indeed a computer. There is indeed a table with seats for at least a dozen people. More interestingly, there's an arm wrestling match going on at that table between a woman made of wood and a stout looking dwarf. The dwarf is dressed in grey mananaut attire, and her hair and beard have gone completely grey with age. Her hair has been braided into her eyebrows which have been braided into her mustache which has in turn been braided into her beard, and her sleeve has fallen back from the arm engaged with match to reveal a stupefying amount of muscle. The woman made of wood, you presume the dryad, is wearing a skin tight black leather miniskirt, a loose chain belt, and a black leather top piece that's crosslaced across the front to expose... well, more wood. She's got what looks for all the world like a handrolled joint clenched between wooden teeth, and a thin spiral of blue smoke rises from the end. For just a moment, her eyes flick up to notice Locke open the door.

In that moment, the dwarf grunts and slams the dryad's hand into the table. The Dryad looks back and curses, untangling her hand and wringing it as the dwarf settles back silently and strokes her braided mustache. "Damnit, Locke, I had that!" The Dryad swears again points accusingly at the dwarf "You know I had that."

The dwarf shrugs soberly and stands up from the table, walking over to a slate on the back wall. Across the top of the slate, the words 'Janitor Vs. World' are written. Janitor has a lot of tallies in it. World has none. 

"Ah, sorry," Locke says, not sounding terribly sorry. "Shelby, Janitor, these are the new members of our away team."

The greyed Dwarf nods to you and your companions to acknowledge your existence. Shelby just cocks her head at you. "'Sup. Aren't you like, really late?"

"There was a bit of an administrative mixup." Locke shrugs, then frowns at Shelby's joint. "Shelby, Mananaut regulations clearly state there is no smoking to be done below-decks on a Spelljammer."

Shelby rolls her eyes. "Doesn't protocol also state that abitchwithastickuphisasssayswhat?"


An expression of glee forms across the dryad's face as a foot long stick grows from her right hand.

Dawning horror spreads across Locke's face as his brain catches up to what Shelby just said.

"Enough." The single word is delivered, without shouting, but with the finality of an executioner's blow. A short, slim, older woman in an embroidered captain's coat stands in the doorway at the opposite end of the mess. One of her eyes is closed by a scar that bisects her eyebrow, and her right arm is a clearly a golem-graft replacement. Her expression is one of tired irritation, well armored in frown lines and low-expectations. "Shelby, don't smoke around Locke. Locke, don't bring up protocol with Shelby. As for the rest of you lot..."

Randal Mixon (Yottawhat)

The captain's gaze falls on you first. It almost softens, as though you're somehow the least disappointing thing she's seen all day. "I am Captain Sihn. I've heard good things about you. Be sharp for duty and show me what those crows and eagles mean and we'll get along just fine. You're dismissed. Feel free to set up your things in your room and mingle. We'll launch soon, and everyone will be strapped in for our first jump." She gives you a sharp nod before moving on to your companions.

Shelby, however, looks at you with a dubious expression. "So, uh, if you're hot shit, why did you bring a mop and a bucket as your only personal items?"

Spoiler: Randal Mixon (click to show/hide)

Eiyal (Harry)

Captain Sihn looks at you with a familiar expression of contempt mixed with utter disappointment.  "Don't mess anything up anymore than you absolutely have to. We're SNAFU enough as it is without seat fillers making it worse for everyone."

A moment before she moves on to one of your companions, she pauses. "Pull your weight and I'll treat you well. Fail as spectacularly as your record indicates you will, and I'll leave you behind. Regardless, you too are dismissed."

Spoiler: Eiyal (click to show/hide)

Farris Kindlestone (Coolrune)

Captain Sihn moves on from Eiyal to peer at you. Her one eye squints at you. Then she looks back at Eiyal. Then she squints at you again. After a long moment of consideration she gives a barely visible shrug. "Your class records indicate you're slow. We don't have enough people for anyone to be running behind on this ship-"


"-whatever, so do what it takes to keep the pace. Other than that, I've seen worse. Don't disappoint me. Get yourself situated, talk if you have time, but you will be in your jump seat and belted in when Shelby takes us out."

Spoiler: Farris Kindlestone (click to show/hide)


Captain Sihn stares at you with a calculating expression. "Mr. Irneus. You and I are going to have a word in my cabin."

You remembered hearing her name when you were at graduation, but now it clicks. Her face was on the newspaper in bandages, after a laboratory accident involving an unstable mana-source (which was later stabilized by the Grand Elementalist, to much hurrah and fanfare in the Thaumatic community) destroyed her laboratory, every lab member not capable of forming a strong enough energy barrier, and most of a city block.

As you recall, the article was heavily critical of how she ran her lab, and the Grand Elementalist himself had laid the blame for the accident squarely on her shoulders.

Spoiler: Irneus the Merciful (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 07:28:32 pm by Draignean »
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2017, 11:19:04 pm »

Farris raises an eyebrow at the snark about his intelligence. Even knowing the captain was not paying attention, he muttered, "There's a difference between doing poorly because of a lack of intelligence, and because of a lack of interest."

His eyes then snap back to a dryad; he was a bit curious about her, as he had never seen one before, let alone spoken to one. With a hand rubbing his chin, he advanced towards her, wiggling his eyebrows expressively as he tried to get questions in order.

"Hullo. Your name was Shirley? I'm Farris. I have many questions for you. I suppose the first is the following- does smoking an herbal mix have an effect on your plant-based biology? This is fascinating. I've never met a dryad before." His words are rushed and eager, and he only pauses for a nanosecond after asking his question before launching into his next line of thoughts.

(Question- what are the limits of what I can enchant? Must I be touching it? Can I do it to organics, and myself?)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 11:29:49 pm by Coolrune206 »
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."

Harry Baldman

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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2017, 12:41:25 am »

"Right on, me hearties," I say in a nautical kinda way. "We'll all float on okay."

If our rooms aren't assigned yet, call dibs on the best one. If they are assigned, check how exactly they spelled my name.

In either case, check out what our quarters are like!


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2017, 04:42:10 am »

"A word? Gladly, spending time in some more... refined company would be most appreciable."

Follow the Captain to her cabin.
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2017, 09:23:45 am »

"Hullo. Your name was Shirley? I'm Farris. I have many questions for you. I suppose the first is the following- does smoking an herbal mix have an effect on your plant-based biology? This is fascinating. I've never met a dryad before." His words are rushed and eager, and he only pauses for a nanosecond after asking his question before launching into his next line of thoughts.

If Captain Sihn hears your sotto voce grumbling, she ignores you as she walks out of the mess hall with Irneus.

The Dryad smirks at your questions, but seems to preen under the attention. "My name is surely Shelby, not Shirley, but get it mostly right and we'll be cool." She winks at you and fishes around in her leafy hair to pull out another joint, identical to hers.   "Yeah, you could say these have an effect on my biology. Can I see what they do to your meat based one?"

She wiggles the joint at you. Locke makes strangled noises.

(Question- what are the limits of what I can enchant? Must I be touching it? Can I do it to organics, and myself?)

((Basically anything can be enchanted. Enchanting is basically just giving something the ability to do something when a magical charge is run through it. Things that are already enchanted, like phones, manabulbs, etc, are more difficult to enchant without breaking or damaging the existing enchantments. Most enchantments will fade over time unless there's a physical structure to support them, like a tattoo or the mystic gold lines on a thaumatic microchip. Touching helps, but you can do it at range if you know what you're doing and are willing to accept a bit of imprecision.))
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 10:56:09 am by Draignean »
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2017, 10:25:25 am »

"Gladly. Protocol only gets in the way of discovery." That last bit was directed at Locke- not in an aggressive way, but rather with an almost informative tone. He then takes the offered object, lights it with a small spark of magic, and copies the way Shelby is inhaling it.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2017, 05:01:02 pm »

"Ah. See, funny story there. So there I was at the supermarket, buying supplies for the job when suddenly, I noticed that there was a sale on cleaning supplies. And I thought "hey, know what would make great first impressions. If I came to work kitted out to clean-up any mess. That will surely impress the bosses!"

"But then I realized that we could only bring two items, so I thought "well, they probably have soap and other cleaning supplies up there so all I really need is a mop and bucket."

"But now that I'm saying this out loud, I'm kinda realizing that if we already had cleaning supplies here, then we probably also had mops and buckets.  So now I'm just standing around holding a mop and bucket for no reason. And now that I that said that last bit out loud, I'm starting to look like a loon."

At the realization that the loon comment was not in fact his own personal thought, but rather a egregious comment towards himself, Randall precedes to stiffen-up similar to how a deer freezes up right before a car accident.
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


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Re: Mananauts! | Wizardly Away Team | [4/4 Players] | Welcome, Mananauts
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2017, 06:18:14 pm »

Turn 2: Of Capybara and Cannibalism

Randall Mixon (Yotta)

"Ah. See, funny story there. So there I was at the supermarket, buying supplies for the job when suddenly, I noticed that there was a sale on cleaning supplies. And I thought "hey, know what would make great first impressions. If I came to work kitted out to clean-up any mess. That will surely impress the bosses!"

"But then I realized that we could only bring two items, so I thought "well, they probably have soap and other cleaning supplies up there so all I really need is a mop and bucket."

"But now that I'm saying this out loud, I'm kinda realizing that if we already had cleaning supplies here, then we probably also had mops and buckets.  So now I'm just standing around holding a mop and bucket for no reason. And now that I that said that last bit out loud, I'm starting to look like a loon."

At the realization that the loon comment was not in fact his own personal thought, but rather a egregious comment towards himself, Randall precedes to stiffen-up similar to how a deer freezes up right before a car accident.

 [3] Locke laughs politely in the silence that follows your comments, and Shelby mutters "kissass springbutt."

"Anyway," Locke eventually says, breaking the incredibly awkward silence. "The two of us should probably talk. As mission analyst, I'll be providing most of your information about tasks and I'll be your link to the Arbore when you're elsewhere. Captain Sihn appointed you head of your team in light of your abilities, which means that you'll be the one on the ground who actually decides to do with the information I give you. Now, since this is going to be my first time acting as a mission analyst in a live scenario, I'd like to start things off with you on the right foot so we can work together productively without unnecessary friction." Locke sounds both earnest, and surprisingly respectful in his plea.

Shelby begins making 'gag me with a spoon' gestures in the background.

Spoiler: Randal Mixon (click to show/hide)

Eiyal (Harry)

"Right on, me hearties," I say in a nautical kinda way. "We'll all float on okay."

If our rooms aren't assigned yet, call dibs on the best one. If they are assigned, check how exactly they spelled my name.

In either case, check out what our quarters are like!

After a quick word with Locke in order to get rough directions to crew quarters, you end up tailing Irneus out of the room and following him and the captain. The pair don't really talk while they walk, but at least they both walk pretty quick for old people.

[2] Your room is assigned, and it's tiny. It's actually smaller than your old apartment, which is impressive. It's private, but the ceiling is maybe six inches above your head and you can almost touch both opposite walls if you spread your arms. There's a single raised bunk in the room with a storage locker beneath it, and a shelf above the bed. Mercifully the tiny closet opposite the bed has a mananaut grade bar for hanging clothes, which means you can still do pull-ups if you cross your legs. There might even be room for pushups beside the bed if you do most of them one handed, so things might not be all bad.

Incidentally, your name is spelled Eyal on the door.

Spoiler: Eiyal (click to show/hide)

Farris Kindlestone (Cool)

"Gladly. Protocol only gets in the way of discovery." That last bit was directed at Locke- not in an aggressive way, but rather with an almost informative tone. He then takes the offered object, lights it with a small spark of magic, and copies the way Shelby is inhaling it.

You take the joint and spark it alight, Shelby watching carefully as you draw it to your lips and inhale. [1] Your eyes water involuntarily and you sputter as the flavor of thousand burning wildflowers fills our throat.

Shelby claps as you wheeze. "Good shit, right?"

You cough a little more, and your ability to form a coherent reply is somewhat ruined by the fact that you suddenly realize you can see the oak tree. Ever root, every fiber, through the walls and the soil. The joint tumbles from your hands to the floor as you stare at your fingers and palms- every vein of the illuminated by pulsing light. The Spelljammer lurches beneath you, and you stagger slightly to try and keep up with it.

[2] The Spelljammer, however, pulls a fast one and twists wildly, smashing you in the back of the head with the floor before you can react.


You're in a warm looking office, lit by candles and with open books strewn everywhere. Your favorite instructor on enchantment dynamics is sitting in front of you, trying to illustrate a principle that you haven't quite been able to grasp yet. You feel like you're getting it though, like it almost makes perfect sense.

"Imagine this newspaper is of infinite length," she says, pulling a newspaper that depicts your father winning the nobel prize in gymnastic stripping from a stack of identical copies beside her desk. "If we don't have planar travel, we have to read one word at a time and while we can eventually get to anywhere, we can only get nowhere quickly. Now, if we have planar travel, that's like being able to skip to the article you like. She folds the newspaper, opening up and article that displays a full page picture of a dryad looking down at you with a smirk, the headline reading 'Nah, don't worry, he'll be fine in a minute'.   "The trick, of course, is knowing how to fold the planes. You've got to realize that the shortest distance between two points isn't a line, it's...

As should folds the newspaper in her hands, you feel your mind whirling. You understand where she's going with this, it's all finally clicking together.

"... a capybara." Your instructor gives the paper a peculiar flick and fold, and it disappears with a pop, becoming instantly replaced by an adult capybara.

The capybara sits on her desk and regards you with the wisest  eyes you've ever seen. "She's right you know," it says.

Your instructor nods to you with a smile. "You should go now, your girlfriend is waiting for you. You promised her something, didn't you?"

You look over to the door, and there's a four foot pigeon standing there, looking shyly in. She's as beautiful as the day you met her. "It's getting late, Farris, can't you and the instructor finish up tomorrow?"

Spoiler: Farris Kindlestone (click to show/hide)

Irneus (Icy)

Follow the Captain to her cabin.

The walk to captain Sihn's cabin is quick and silent. Eiyal follows you for a bit, before turning to head to the crew rooms.

As you enter the captain's cabin, you can only imagine how painfully small the crew cabins are. The captain's cabin is cramped, and is filled with bookshelves containing various various thaumatic journals. Most of it is rather far from your area of expertise, but it's certainly more the kind of collection you'd expect a researcher to own, not a Spelljammer captain.

"So. You eat parts of humans on occasion, is that correct?"

Spoiler: Irneus the Merciful (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 06:41:51 pm by Draignean »
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."
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