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Author Topic: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race  (Read 64862 times)


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #105 on: December 23, 2017, 12:30:52 pm »

Unmanned Decoy could do some nasty suicide tactics. The fuel is after all, quite explosive. Intentional detonations could viably take out their interceptors.


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #106 on: December 23, 2017, 12:47:50 pm »

I like the decoy idea, problem is they were able to send a ship to ALL of our missions last turn, we might not actually be able to produce enough decoys to stop them from hitting our real ships, so at that point it's just us wasting VP. I suppose we'll find that out once this turn is done though.

edit: That said, I want to try making Reapers(from oldcom), I'll have a draft of the design itself up later
« Last Edit: December 23, 2017, 12:53:51 pm by Failbird105 »

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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #107 on: December 23, 2017, 02:56:24 pm »

Human head sized creature with four powerful tiny legs and jaws in the middle, jaws have neurotoxin gland and egg layer.
 Creature instincts guide it to seek hard to reach places like vents, holes, sewers and seek to ambush any earthling creature.
One powerful leap out of shadow and as knocked out victim gets paralyzed by venom, it becomes host of several new genetic horrors.

Silent Reaper
By gene splicing DNA of diseases found in captured humans and DNA of different microorganisms we encountered in our search for the gift, the perfect plague was born : not only it is virulent and gene tailored to be extremely lethal to earthlings,  virus
does not show up any symptoms for first two weeks, making pandemic sudden and brutal.

gatling turboplasma turrets ( revision probably)
By using rotating block of barrels instead of just one and enhancing turret targeting systems, our engineers designed effective CIWS to shoot down enemy missiles, craft and SCORCHE EVERYTHING.


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #108 on: December 23, 2017, 03:33:46 pm »

Ehhh, I don't think a plague would really be allowed, and the deathleaper sounds like a facehugger rip off without the fancy xenomorphs. The gattling turrets sounds possible though, maybe.
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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #109 on: December 23, 2017, 03:56:18 pm »

I am all for headcrabs.

however, I said I would do this, so I will.

Or "Tyrant Toad", this creature originated from the muton homeworld, where it was referred to in their language as a "reaper", it shares a surprising number of genetic similarities with earth toads. It possesses brutal jaws for ripping through armor and flesh, and and being of great size, more than twice that of a human. The Tyrant Toads most important trait is its powerful back legs, allowing it to leap forward great distances and carry heavy loads. However they are simple beasts in mind, and their lack of front legs or a tail means it can lose its balance relatively easily, however this issue can likely be solved with the addition of previously mentioned relatively compatible toad DNA.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2017, 04:18:13 pm by Failbird105 »

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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #110 on: December 23, 2017, 05:10:52 pm »

What I consider worth while so far:

1: Improve our Guns.

2: X Com 2 style sectoids.

3: We do need more units and missions. Thinking when we have enough invest in terror and inflirtatiin stuff. That’s down the line ( need siege units for terror, human looking minions for other.)

4: Invest in more psionic powers.


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #111 on: December 23, 2017, 06:40:57 pm »

I have an idea for two revisions, possibly useful next turn

Fighter Algorithm Improvements: By making our light Fighters truly autonomous and not reliant on any nearby ship, we can deploy them anywhere on the earth without the need of a larger mothership to control them. This can also allow it to utilize its construction better and react thousands of times faster then any mere sectoid controller could ever hope. This will result in more agile fighters that can tell the difference between human aircraft and our UFO's, know how to engage and destroy human aircraft in an efficient manner, and of course, be able to dodge and get into the blind spots of enemy aircraft.

Air Superiority: This Mission is exactly what it says on the tin. Its simple air superiority designed to shoot down anything that enters the range of our UFF's, whether or not the targets are military or civilian does not matter to us. The goal of these missions is just simply take down anything Xcom sends at us and cause a bit of panic by destroying anything else the ships can see flying. Can also be useful to test out how the humans are doing with their air combat designs by pitching them against our own as we know they would attack, after all, they wouldn't want a passenger aircraft getting shot down and possibly hitting a city now, would they?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2017, 06:55:14 pm by piratejoe »
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #112 on: December 23, 2017, 06:46:31 pm »

We can obtain more VP, EP, and UP through upgrades, right?

Here's some stuff I've thought of. Of course, the descriptions are a tad lackluster because it's more of a checklist than anything.

Plasma Rifle: Plasma weapon in rifle form. Higher rate of fire, more accurate, more powerful, longer ranged, and has an attachment rail.

Massive UFO: Bigly Huge UFO, armed with tons of high powered plasma turrets +whatever else we come up with beforehand (preferably a WMD like a glassing cannon too), can carry a big large handful of units, and a fighter complement. Shielding, stealth tech, automated self repairs, onboard factories, and a self destruction device would probably be necessary to make it viable.

Mission - Glass: Just annihilate a city lol

STRONG Sectoids: We NEED our sectoids to have four arms people. This is NOT OPTIONAL!

Stealth Tech: Optic Metamaterials, radar deflection/absorbtion, shipwide teleportation, etc would all probably serve to circumvent whatever they're using to detect us instantly. (They did detect us, right? They didn't just have interceptors on patrol?)

Hoomans: Like Thin Men (which are cool and should happen as well), but with a greater focus on absolutely blending in with the normal populace. They'll have like 90% human DNA, and are identical from the outside. They'll have an increased intellect, and will seek to infiltrate all levels of society and Cause a Ruckus.

Mission - Infiltrate: Drop some Hoomans and/or Thin Men into a community in the chosen country. With advanced onboard cloning technology, perhaps it could be combined with Harvest to allow us to take humans and replace them with Hooman clones in one run, making entire dummy communities. Very scary!

Self Destruct Device: We should really be able to detonate all of our technology should the need arise. By overloading the Elerium power sources, or doing something similar to Meld sterilization, we can ensure our technology is as safe as possible, and even dangerous to recover for humanity. Ship based SDD's should be able to be activated manually by personnel, or automatically by shipboard sensors and a computer to calculate the odds of imminent capture. It's probably only viable to have equipment detonate with manual input, but maybe we could do it remotely.

Scout Drone Mk2 - Bigger, faster drone with flight capabilities due to its upsized engine and wings. Utilizes infared and radar sensors as well as its default. Has a Laser Rifle built into the head, as well as its originial nonlethal weaponry. It can now be deployed prior to landing to defeat local resistance and gather intelligence beforehand, or deployed during aerial combat as a swarm of miniature fighters.

Rocket Propelled Elerium Grenades: An infantry weapon that can fire RPG style projectiles at enemy vehicles or entrenchment. Increased power and armor piercing, due to the use of shaped charges and whatnot.

Psyker Sectoids: I'm not sure how XCOM psionics and whatnot work, but a unit with telekinesis, telepathy and whatnot would be nice. Exchange "Sectoids" with whatever dedicated species we come up with, assuming sectoids just don't have that capacity.

Anti Missile Shipboard Defense: An autoplasma turret that can turn and fire with enough speed and accuracy that intercepting missiles with plasma is possible. Also would work as anti infantry.

That's a good idea PJ, especially if our fighter proves itself insufficient against the XCOM jets this turn.


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #113 on: December 23, 2017, 08:20:25 pm »

If our fighter proves inefficient, we should upgrade it with that revision, if it proves efficient, we should upgrade it with that revision so long as nothing else comes up so that way when Xcom wastes a design on a new fighter to kill our fighter, ours will be good to face off against it.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.

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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #114 on: December 23, 2017, 08:43:23 pm »

 X Com psionic s: Mainly demoralize, mind control and in Nu2 make basic zombies. Some cases psi bolts too.


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #115 on: December 24, 2017, 09:08:11 am »

Battle Phase
Sectoid Strengthening: DNA retrieved from the Earthlings we harvested in Nigeria has already proven its worth, as we find that splicing a few key genomes into Sectoid DNA results in improved strength and resilience, without adversely affecting other traits. As a result, our Sectoids can now carry greater loads, and endure more damage in a fight. Not massively so- we have not made discount Mutons here, but their performance should improve noticeably.
Normal : 3 + 2 = 5 (Average)

Integrating human DNA into the main Sectoid clone strain turns out to be a relatively straightforward operation. The new sectoid strain is somewhat taller than the old one, and has a different muscle structure. This gives it a significant strength advantage over the original sectoid, roughly on par with a baseline human. Beyond that, the changes are minimal. Given it's obvious superiority, the new strain has superseded the old one.

Quote from: Missions Launched
Mission Type: Harvest
Craft(s): 1 Small Scout, 1 Light fighter (2VP)
Unit loadout: 1 Sectoid (Plasma Pistols, Meld container) (1UP, 1EP)
1 Scout Drone (1UP)
Destination: Japan

Night has fallen, and the operation has been nearly completed, when XCOM's response finally arrives. A few commands from the UFO later, and the light fighter breaks of from it's patrol route and moves to intercept. Soon, the enemy comes into view. Two interceptors, escorting 2 of their troop transports. Our light figher speeds towards them, firing an enormous barrage of plasma shots. The enemy scatters, only narrowly avoiding getting hit. One of the interceptors twists back around, firing it's missiles.

Two hits penetrate the hull, one passing through harmlessly, the other taking out the antigrav. Connection is lost when the tumbling fighter disappears into the Pacific.

The Skyrangers roar past overhead not long thereafter. There are twice as many here now as there were last time, and they conduct themselves with the same professionalism and determination. Soon enough, plasma bolts and burning debris light the battlefield, amidst the sounds of gunfire and explosions. Scout drones take advantage of the darkness to sneak up upon soldiers, but even so they rarely survive the endavour. The new sectoid mutation has gone a long way to reducing it's vulnerability in combat, and it still uses it's gift to great effect to spy and identify humans.

Still, they're being pushed back. The Scout drones are falling fast, and not all of them succeed in disabling humans before they're destroyed. And while our plasma pistols may be better than anything the enemies got, none of our forces are particularly armored. Even their relatively weak weapons are deadly. Following a fighting retreat, the remainder of the sectoid groups successfully gets into the UFO and prepares to take off. Explosives blast of the armored hull, without significant damage. Slowly, the UFO lifts off, only for 3 Avalanche missiles to strike it across the back and bring it down to the ground, killing all aboard.


The Light Fighter, despite it's greater firepower, is no better against the XCOM interceptor than the Light UFO. Primary reason for this are it's equal speed and cost, and the fixed positioning of it's plasma guns. Given that even a single hit can down an interceptor, the extra guns are mostly unnecessary.

The scout drone suffers from a lack of armor and a short range. This ensures that most attacks are suicide attacks. However, it is a very effective people gatherer.

The Sectoid is an effective combat unit, though it's unarmored nature renders it vulnerable even to XCOM's primitive weaponry. It's psionic powers provide a powerful multiplier, while it's pistol is an effective and dangerous side arm.

All in all, the battle could have been won, but even in that case the UFO was likely to be shot down on take-off.

Mission Type: Harvest
Craft(s): 1 Small Scout , 1 Light fighter (2VP)
Unit loadout: 1 Sectoid (Plasma Pistols, Meld container) (1UP, 1EP)
1 Scout Drone (1UP)
Destination: Brazil

There's no resistance to our operation in Brazil, allowing our Sectoids and Scout drones free reign to capture as many humans as they require. The small scout returns with a hold full of humans, and several fully loaded Meld Containers.

Mission Success : Gain 1 UP Token, 1 DNA Token, + 1 Panic

Explanation : DNA Tokens can be used to grant during design and revision actions to provide a bonus to the strength of the roll, provided it is relevant. For example, the revision you just did would have greatly benefited from this.


The light UFO is the primary restriction in the amount of resources gathered here.

Spoiler: Equipment (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: PANIC METER (click to show/hide)

You have now entered the Design phase of Turn 3

Special Challenge: You have recieved 1 free design to make a new tactic.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 09:10:07 am by 10ebbor10 »


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #116 on: December 24, 2017, 09:15:48 am »

Special Challenge: You have recieved 1 free design to make a new tactic.
New tactic = new mission type?
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #117 on: December 24, 2017, 09:21:02 am »

Welp, I do believe we should spend a design or revision credit on improving our fighter so its actually better then their own. I also feel as if air superiority could be useful for a new tactic. We also should try and get more Equipment points, as I'm sure if we had grenades and such we might have been able to succeed in that ground combat. Upgrading our drones might also be a good idea.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #118 on: December 24, 2017, 09:24:46 am »

Special Challenge: You have recieved 1 free design to make a new tactic.
New tactic = new mission type?


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Re: Ethereals : XCOM Arms Race
« Reply #119 on: December 24, 2017, 09:33:15 am »

Alright then. I suggest we revise some armour onto the fighter, and give it better propulsion. Bonus design: Recruit Collaborators, regular design: Thin Men.
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