Name: Pierre Homme ( Formerly Builder 387)
Sex: Biologically male, not that this impacts giants much
Species: Northern hill giant
Age: 33 years of age.
Height and weight: 15 ft tall, 600 pounds
Nationality: Grey Hills Dracondian/ Frecnh(a little confused about this bit)
Alligence: Nuetral Good, French Army, Any societies advocation on behalf of giants.
Background: Pier fled draconius around our worlds year of 1871 afterin living his first 25 years as a slave responsible for building the great stone fortresses of the Septicus Clan, a band of less then moral dragons after the conquered his people before his birth in the War Of The Gray Hills, a long drawn out out conflict that left innumerable casualties, his people the hill giants of the aformentioned grey hills were much abused and maligned after losing the war to defend their lands, he was in fact a farily lucky individual. When he saw a rift he jumped in without hesitation, landing strait into a battle of the Franco-Prussian War where he was saved from prussian fire by a french rifle platoon, he has owed alligence to france ever since, even if if his french Isn't quite the best out their.
During the war his abilty to pick up and use artillery peices as men woulod use rifles saved many french soldiers and earned him aclaim, since then he has focused his abilities towards mostly repairing the contries infarstructure, despite this he has faced at least occasional discrimination and has a somewhat pessemistic outlook on life. He frequently loges in the donjon whch he has helped renovate and restore to a fucntioing fortress.
Starting equipment: Large leather cloak, chainmail leggings, wartime medals, A metal containing a farily large hammer, chisel, and building plans. (1) Giant Sized Sleeping Bag, (1) Large container of preserved fruit.
Best skill: Stone masonry and architectural planning.
Worst Skill: Singing.
sorry for the double-post, but will this work?