Faznie is coincidentally close to Tor on the plane, in the sense that everything she says is well within his range of hearing, whether he likes it or not.
"Sharknado 17 is a complete disservice to the franchise. 14 was undeniably the high point of the series, since it provided closure on the Antarctic Science Base in 9 as well as bringing back Katrina Morningglaive the Wretched from 11, so that she wasn't just another one-off antagonist, but a major character that saw development and the realization of potential when she finally mastered KodoaKara VIII and could summon the Great Mastadon from the Cretaceous Age. 15 and 16 were trying to stay on the right path and all 17 did was throw away everything that made 14 a work of art. All the sudden, Morningglaive is a bad person again just because of her business ties to the Kazhakistanian mining industries? We have three whole movies where Morningglaive changes her worldview from being a ruthless corporate capitalist into an avid pacifist, and all it takes to win her back is forty million worth of stock options?
Give me a break. And to replace her we have this Riley Stanton kid, who is supposed to be all cool and edgy with his freakshow gimmick? Fuck that, Marilyn Manson did that what, a hundred years ago and even back then people were ripping him off? Riley is a douchebag and his thirty minutes on screen is way too much, and the idea that he's going to have a bigger role in future installments makes me want to piss on Micheal's Bay gray....yes, follow my blog please."
Faznie is apparently arguing with another passenger of the flight, although her voice completely dominates his, preventing any eavesdropping from getting anything more than her side of the debate.