Thought I'd share medium region, 3x3 waterfall+volcano embark I just stumbled apon.
2 Biomes rich in metals(according to embark, I've only scouted lots of gold and copper from the cliffs of the river) Woodland and shrubland.
Unfortunately No flux per embark screen.
But Deep soil, clay, aquifer(all 9 tiles),multiple shallow and deep metals.(in both biomes)
Palette and tileset are Taffer's.
Plateau surface
1z down
I'm still tailoring my Medium Region - 127x127. Its an attempt to give a balanced world with boosted glacier squares and extra small and medium evil zones for a good shot at evil glaciers (with volcanoes) while maintaining a world capable of many neutral zones. It is extremely biome diverse set to allow the cap of 5000. (15-60 temp ) instead of 25-75 ann higher drainage for glaciers and less ocean (40-400 elevation) using some 2x2 meshes. (will usually give between 0-4 failures due to too many biomes)
it has 192 volcanoes. Don't ask me why but i like powers of two and sexy binary numbers in worldgen params. Savagery leans toward savage.
Map Generated by Params (abovementioned embark is a volcano on a river bend in southeast corner, just barely northwest of the good mountain range (goldpinkishcolor)
Fyi -If you keep the seeds but randomize creature i think it is. You'll randomize where the evil zones are, in case you want this with Terrifying biome. History might give you different civs. and diff necro tower placements. I think you can't change any world params though or you get another map(not even history length if memory serves).
Created in DF v0.44.07.
edited wrong post lol.