The IC is posted. For right now, I'm keeping each kingdom in their own spoiler. If kingdoms choose to make their actions public, or any other information, that is there prerogative. Until that point, please do not view other players' spoilers.
The map, such as it is, should give relative ideas of where people are. If you have an issue with where you are placed for whatever reason, let me know. My artistic skill should be beyond, or more likely below, reproach.
If you choose to engage in covert diplomacy, please CC me on the pms. This is so that I can clarify questions as they arise, and also so that, if I choose to write up previous turns as a short synopsis, I can directly quote exchanges.
Please submit your turn within 2 days of a turn being posted, and I will attempt to have a post within 1 day of the last response. If I can't accomplish that, I'll let you know as far in advance as I can. If two days have passed without a post, your kingdom will simply be simulated for a turn. If your kingdom is run as an AI for more than three turns (one week of unexplained absence), it may either be given to a new player, or otherwise removed. If you do need to take an extended absence, let me know and I'll just simulate your empire for the intervening turns.
one question I do have to ask, Do you plan on one united magic system or similar?
Right now we have everything from eldritch horrors to immortal vampires. I'd rather leave the magic up to the players to flesh out for the moment, just so we don't end up constructing something that doesn't work for everyone. In general, if I don't have a set system when you want to do something, you can probably take some liberties with how it works. So, in short, not in particular, I don't plan to do a unified magic system.