what a fun filled time that was
I have the columns sorted by role %, then based on attribute % (all other role dimension weights set to 0, i.e. disabled). The one that's 0% that's the role next to it's [raw] value reported as a %.
I suppose this was an issue with the older version as well, and is something that I think as a statistician should be able to solve (the way that analytical ability > agility in all %'s. In other words, unequal means/variances (ANOVA). Different co-efficients yet normalizing them the same. I'm not sure if there is an easy way around it. Maybe a tri-mean vs median? Maybe normalize each domain separately?
I don't like that idea, leave as is? I mean I see one agility score > .5.
I also think highlighting only the values that are either the top 10% or bottom 10% of the displayed roles (this is not the same as roles > 90% unless the screen is redrawn using recdf). It means what is drawn, from all those available squares, select the highest 10% of those squares regardless of their value (i.e. grab the top 10% ranked). In other words, a rank ecdf of the final drawing.
biggest mistake (on my part) was the need to be running from the
there is a shortcut under
start - 'msys2 - 64-bit' - 'MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit'
which maps to
C:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64
which is where the aforementioned commands need to be run under, it's not your standard cmd prompt. Easy to make considering that pacman commands work inside cmd.exe
once past that it compile (along with the relevant github commands to change forks).
here are my high level notes from that session
#git clone https://github.com/cvuchener/Dwarf-Therapist.git
#from cmd prompt from git[hub (desktop)] project
git remote add cvuchener https://github.com/cvuchener/Dwarf-Therapist.git
git fetch cvuchener
git checkout cvuchener/role-needs
git commit
#git apply
confirm branch with
git status
C:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64
pacman -Syu
cd /c/Users/user/Documents/dt/Dwarf-Therapist
target_link_libraries(${EXE_NAME} Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Qml Qt5::Concurrent Qt5::Core Qt5::Gui Qt5::Network ${LIBS})
cp -R ../share data
./DwarfTherapist.exe --trace
there was no need for me to even open it in qt creator. It built it from the ninja statement.
thank you clement for the support
updatealready confirmed the median is reported correct (1091) and at 50%!
I'm not sure how the other values are calculated. Eyeballing it it appears the edge cases are done correctly as well as the center, trying to confirm individual #s I find them to be within 5%, so I think there is some sort of post stretching being done.
Don't recall how to use --stats
Ex transform check