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Author Topic: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Fall 1965 - Final Design Phase)  (Read 82314 times)


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #705 on: March 25, 2019, 01:18:43 am »

Eh, sure, lets copy that silly anime nobody likes.
Quote from: Votebox
Combative Astral Projection: (3) FallacyofUrist, Happerry, Piratejoe
Brainwave: (1) Madman
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #706 on: March 25, 2019, 01:35:23 am »

Okay, so, for those voting for the CAP: sure, we could play along with their 'psychic' game. But wouldn't you rather say "Fuck your premise"? Don't you want to see the look on an Aratamite's face as he explains about this mystical, incorporeal Astral Realm and ow ow whyhow are you punching me?
My point is, I feel like HAUNTER is a much more Merethine way of punching people in the Astral Realm, whilst CAP is the Aratamite way.

Quote from: Votebox
Combative Astral Projection: (3) FallacyofUrist, Happerry, Piratejoe
Brainwave: (1) Madman
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #707 on: March 25, 2019, 02:19:37 am »

Nuke does raise points. Haunter feels more sylistically Merethine than CAP; and does draw on our cybernetics experience. Besides, Aratam is already doing this through mind drugs; let's compete with our advantages, and not follow their path too closely, for they're already a bit further down that exact path.

Besides, don't you all want to mind punch them with robots?

Quote from: Votebox
Combative Astral Projection: (3) FallacyofUrist, Happerry, Piratejoe
Brainwave: (1) Madman
HAUNTER: (2) NUKE9.13, Jilladilla

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #708 on: March 25, 2019, 02:58:21 am »

Fair enough points...
Quote from: Votebox
Combative Astral Projection: (2) FallacyofUrist, Happerry
Brainwave: (1) Madman
HAUNTER: (3) NUKE9.13, Jilladilla, Piratejoe
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #709 on: March 25, 2019, 09:40:22 am »

Brainwave counters their new symbols, coordinates our soldiers so the Aratamites can't just use their SEEM powers to dodge everything since we'll now have many coordinated guns and firing lines, and generally puts us in a position where we can win battles without relying on a few heavy armor units to do all the heavy lifting for us.

HAUNTER is cool and CAP is just too Aratamite (and no thank you to introducing drug addicts to our nation's fluff), but both ONLY counter their sorcerer things assuming they even work, as both are likely to be difficult, CAP is probably going to be flat-out worse than Aratam's abilities in the Astral Realm even with a good roll and HAUNTER may just be very difficult.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #710 on: March 25, 2019, 11:45:37 am »

Fair enough points...
Quote from: Votebox
Combative Astral Projection: (2) FallacyofUrist, Happerry
Brainwave: (1) Madman
HAUNTER: (4)  NUKE9.13, Jilladilla, Piratejoe, TL.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #711 on: May 22, 2019, 05:58:09 pm »

(Very Hard) (4+4)-2 = 6: Above Average

We've tried entering the laboratories to see what our scientists our up to, but the doors are always locked and we just hear what appears to be incoherent crying with the occasional sob-yell of "THIS HAS A LOGICAL EXPLANATION!!"
For now we're leaving them alone. We trust them, but the proposal to keep them away from anything explosive was deemed a prudent choice for now.

The GATE itself was, according to our engineers, a "cool challenge". They're taking this project better than the scientists. A ring-shaped large device, lined with Magmagel chambers around some scary technology on the inside. Something our scientists discovered before their fit was that Dimension N does not correlate to conventional space time. The nerve. Instead of respecting this entirely new set of rules like the Aratamite hippies, we've decided to tell our engineers to just go crazy in enforcing our own rules on Dimension N.
To that end, the GATE requires a large team of experienced technicians, direct connection to ORACLE-A for processing power, as well as a rare N-Tuned individual hooked up to the computer to provide a mental imprint. Dimension N is not conventional in any means, and appears to change based on the minds "nearby". So in order to stabilize the variables enough for our equipment to do its work, we need the mind of a trained N-Tuned volunteer. By hooking up their mind to the equipment, we can create a N-landscape just stable enough with enough known variables that it can be vaguely mapped through the power of ORACLE-A.

The next step is the placement. Even with this "map" the N-Scape is a very volatile and mercurial place that cares not for physics or euclidean geometry. We also need to figure out where this map is in our geography. The GATE is estimated to have a fairly decent range (more than a mile, but that's the extent of what we've been able to test to without incurring even more major potential risks). To exploit this range, it has to lock onto coordinates in our reality. To create a lock between R-Coordinates (for Real or Reality coordinates) and N-Coordinates, the gate has to continuously create mini-tears in spacetime in a coordinated matter until it stumbles across a section of N-Scape with properties consistent to our created local map. This "lock-on phase" manifests in seemingly random patches of Magmagel in the translucent chambers surrounding the GATE glowing and what look like "purple sparks" being created inside the ring along with the standard terrifying noises. Eventually a lock is found, the entire Magmagel chamber lights up as the rest of the machinery is put into play, and the purple sparks turn into a hole in reality.

No one is to look at the hole in reality. Whether through camera footage, pictures, or anything. And definitely not one's eyes. That tends to drive them very insane. We lost some good people testing this. So until/unless we can find a way to improve this aspect, we have no idea what the N-Dimension or the tear in the fabric of reality to get there looks like. The succesful activation of a GATE leads to the creation of the N/R-Locked coordinates. We theorize that normally the N-Dimension and Reality aren't "linked" geographically or statically like this, so by locking in these coordinates we're essentially forcing two planes of existence to become adjacent and linked with each other in very specific places for the duration of the activation.
In what's probably a smart move, we have not tested anything with humans in N-Scape yet. We've tried some testing with pigs and other animals, and that usually results in everyone near the GATE's locked N/R-Coordinates getting a strange headache and the animal never being seen again.

Any N-Sensitive individuals near the gate seem to become very very faintly aware of sapients near the N/R-Locked coordinates, and vice versa for anyone on the other side. Everyone gets a mild constant headache. We've also noticed large amounts of "trash" data being filtered by the computers managing the GATE. Some theorize that this data is relevant information from the N-Scape side of the lock. But for now, nothing can be done with it.

So we have a gate creating an insanity-inducing hole in reality to another dimension. Cool. How do we go inside?
Enter the HAUNTER. A vaguely humanoid drone based on the SERF. Once the lock is created, the Volunteer who helped in creating it is tasked with controlling the HAUNTER via a wired CAT connection and very large amounts of sensors on the HAUNTER in the hope of catching anything relevant to N-Dimension navigation.

The first tests were problematic. Test number one resulted in Control receiving multiple HAUNTER signals with identical IDs and protocols; the volunteer developed a strange variant of schizophrenia and was deemed unfit for service. Test number two immediately ended up in the sudden appearance of a mangled HAUNTER split in half near the locked coordinates in our dimension, and disappearance of the HAUNTER in the N-Dimension. Test number three ended up with us accidentally merging the personality of the volunteer (whose original body became braindead) into an unfortunate observer at the N/R-Locked coordinates, and the disappearance of the HAUNTER. Test four resulted in an accidental hijacking of a nearby SERF by the volunteer. The volunteer and SERF are still somehow merged wirelessly, and attempts to replicate this have failed. Tests five through fifteen all resulted in fairly mundane (relatively mundane, that is) failures. Test sixteen resulted in the volunteer "dying", and the HAUNTER appearing at the locked coordinates sans cable, with the personality and memories of the former volunteer. Attempts to replicate this too have failed.

Text seventeen finally gave us something to work with. A single HAUNTER signature with proper protocols, and a non-braindead volunteer. Telemetrics on the HAUNTER immediately went dark, but brain activity of the Volunteer suggested non-disastrous operations. After about an hour, ORACLE-A received unexpected usage and processing with its connection to the systems. The GATE's tear then closed severing the cable and the volunteer woke up. They were debriefed and ultimately deemed fit for continued service. The HAUNTER remains missing in action.

The volunteer told the debriefing officers that that the sensors employed in the HAUNTER just aren't fit for the otherworldly things one may need to sense that are present in the N-Dimension, so we can't get a good picture of it. The volunteer reportedly felt that she could have exploited some quirk of the CAT to offload their consciousness to the N-Dimension to get a better view. Correlating her description of this theoretical technique with some of the test logs suggests that this is what happened to some of the previous volunteers.
Eventually the volunteer managed to get something tangible from the sensors with some fairly ingenious (and confusing) mid-operation tweaks. Our engineers say that these tweaks shouldn't have been possible to do from the CAT and seem fairly annoyed when ordered to replicate the changes in future versions of HAUNTER.

Volunteer 17 reports that the N-Dimension is nothing like our own reality. It's a miracle that we were able to enter it with a robot and not just a mind like the Aratamites do.
Locomotion is possible, albeit difficult. The N-Scape shares a dream-like resemblance with the locked R-Coordinates -- "land" is more of a suggestion. Thrusters were required to move HAUNTER, and seemed to experience a form of inertia much stronger than she expected. Ranged weapons were nonfunctional. We hope this is fixable, but we cannot be sure without the diagnostic data that went missing with the HAUNTER. Volunteer 17 stated that she was able to use the sword just fine, encountering unpredictable patches of strange resistance. Almost like it was clearing a path through some unseen obstacle.

With formalizing of Seventeen's tweaks, the rest of the tests were successful and all debriefed similarly, though none of the volunteers seemed to be as skilled or knowledgeable as Volunteer 17.

Seventeen has somehow ended up as head of the Volunteer program, with their identity kept secret for security reasons. But in their limited time with her, the debriefers can't help but report that she seemed... different. Off. Seventeen's personality seemed to match her prior profiles, yet acted differently and maybe knew differently. The debriefers didn't have any concrete evidence for these claims, but did mention that she felt strangely familiar with them.

The GATE and HAUNTER program is considered a conditional success. The N-Dimension is nowhere near as immediately exploitable or predictable as we had originally hoped. HAUNTERs, while essential for useful operations, have yet to be succesfully recovered. It seems that re-emerging through the tear from the other end is impossible with our current equipment.
Time spent in the N-Dimension lasts from 15 minutes to 1 hour. After some time, the N-Dimension has naturally changed enough that the map is no longer accurate enough to keep the N-Scape and R-Scape locked, forcing the tear to close. Skilled Volunteers can subconsciously "update" the map, but the strain of doing both this and piloting the HAUNTER makes it only a way to buy time up to the 1 hour mark.
The N/R-Locked coordinates do not have to be at the gate. Once the HAUNTER enters the tear it emerges at the N/R-Locked coordinates, which can be up to a mile away from the gate in real-world distance.
It takes about 15 minutes to lock coordinates adjacent to the gates, and 2 hours to lock coordinates a mile away. We either need comprehensive ORACLE-A coverage of the area to lock, or the Volunteer needs to have been there within about 10 minutes of starting the locking process.
One GATE can only support one HAUNTER deployment at a time, as we need the same Volunteer to create the lock and to pilot the HAUNTER.

As for combat usage, we're not quite sure without testing this in actual live scenarios. Which we can't do without field testing (which we plan on doing this season). But with the help of Volunteer 17 we just barely managed to modify our sensors to the point where they can see "N-Stress", caused most notably by the presence of Aratamite astral users. The most effective thing to do now is "swing blindly as if you were hitting a pinata at any stress"; at the very least that should disrupt active Aratamite astral activity.
Telemetry for the technicians managing the gate is still broken, but Volunteers can terminate the connection at will (by forcing an early breaking of the Lock) allowing for reporting of Aratamite astral activity at their discretion.

GATEs have to be constructed and dismantled on site, but we can pre-make some of the essential parts. It's estimated to take 2 days to bring one up on the field. We believe that Aratamite SEEMs will easily recognize an active gate from a far greater distance compared to their sensing of our soldiers and assets, but until it's activated with a Volunteer and everything it shouldn't be any more noticeable to a SEEM than any other piece of machinery.

3 Ore, 2 Oil, and 4 Magmatite. It does require a large support staff but the fact that we don't need a GATE for every HAUNTER deployed and just don't need many in general, makes this a nonissue. However, the fact that every HAUNTER deployed is a HAUNTER lost makes the logistics and resource cost worthy of a Complex tag.
Overall, the GATE/HAUNTER is a National Effort.

Brass is excited for this one. Even if it isn't immediately insanely useful, it has huge potential.
Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)

The Revision Phase of Spring 1964 has begun.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #712 on: May 22, 2019, 07:00:38 pm »

Ursine Vision
The addition of a television system to Bear and Grizzly Armor suits allows them to be functionally invulnerable to Blackwell symbols. Bear Armor just has a pair of cameras mounted to the sides of the helmet in little steel blisters to protect them from shrapnel and blast damage, while the Grizzlies use four cameras buried in the "head" and torso to provide the operator with redundant sources of vision. Screens are placed in front of the periscope array in Grizzlies while the Bear Armor helmets are slightly modified so that the screen can be placed just in front of the user's eyes. The screens in both cases are movable so that the user can, if the television system is destroyed, still see.

The Grizzly's radio system is modified to broadcast the video data back to ORACLE. If the Bear Armor can do the same without much modification, then it does as well.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 09:46:24 am by Madman198237 »
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #713 on: May 22, 2019, 07:26:17 pm »

Quote from: ORACLE-B/C
Two sandboxed micro versions of ORACLE-A, designed to study the cause of N-dimension related insanity. And to design, optimize, and distribute a vaccine of sorts, mental health assistance to all soldiers on the frontlines, words spoken in their ears to keep them sane, even when staring into blackwell symbols summoned by enemy SEEM troopers.
To do this, one version is exposed to the visual data from the N-dimension, along with all data from MAGMA relating to people's psychology and any weird events, plus some of the "junk" data from GATE. The other is exposed to the same, minus the N-dimension tear visual data, and is the direct recipient of the data outputted by the first version, its designed to study why the other ORACLE reacted as it did to a given piece of data, and thus, how to prevent it, or if it doesn't go insane, how to utilize the data. Volunteer sixteen is also to be put on the project, and to have all data on them inputted into the system
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 07:49:57 pm by dgr11897 »
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
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hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #714 on: May 23, 2019, 01:18:50 am »

So, I think Ursine Vision could be useful, provided we combine it with data gathering- include a broadcaster on the Grizzly, which shares the video with ORACLE (and Merethine TV producers).

E: Actually, whilst the Blackwell technique obviously works on Bear Troopers as well, it's primarily mentioned as a problem for Grizzlies. It might actually be better to focus on adding cameras to the Grizzly. I mean, we're in the 60s- a TV screen is, um, a fairly bulk thing. To miniaturise one to the point that it would fit in a Bear Trooper's helmet would actually be somewhat of a challenge.

I've taken the liberty of rewriting the proposal, removing the Bear Armour element and adding antenna:

Ursine Vision (Nuke's Version)
The addition of a television system Grizzly Armor suits allows it to be much more resistant to Blackwell symbols. Four cameras are buried in the "head" and torso to provide the operator with redundant sources of vision. Screens are placed in front of the periscope array, but are movable so that the user can, if the television system is destroyed, still see.
In addition to this, an antenna array is added to the back of all Grizzlies, capable of transmitting a (grainy, jerky) copy of the camera feed back to field headquarters, which can then be converted into input for ORACLE-A, and/or used immediately to provide intel to local forces.
If possible, a variant Grizzly with more powerful cameras and antennas could be developed- better zoom and resolution cameras, better transmission quality antenna- to serve as a 'scout', though this is not a priority.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 02:37:43 am by NUKE9.13 »
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #715 on: May 23, 2019, 09:44:14 am »

This is also a mad arms race and we literally just ripped a hole in the fabric of reality so we could send robots after psychics. I think that a flatscreen TV may be within our grasp. That or our helmets are just going to look stupid. Weight isn't really a problem since it's already powered armor anyway.

I agree that we need to transmit data back to ORACLE, though. I'll edit that in.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #716 on: May 24, 2019, 08:23:36 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Ursine Vision:
Ursine Vision (Nuke’s Version): (1) NUKE9.13
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #717 on: May 24, 2019, 08:26:07 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Ursine Vision:
Ursine Vision (Nuke’s Version): (2) NUKE9.13, m1895


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #718 on: May 24, 2019, 08:30:52 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Ursine Vision:
Ursine Vision (Nuke’s Version): (3) NUKE9.13, m1895, DGR
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1964 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #719 on: May 25, 2019, 02:39:21 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Ursine Vision: (1) Happerry
Ursine Vision (Nuke’s Version): (4) NUKE9.13, m1895, DGR, Happerry
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