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Author Topic: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Fall 1965 - Final Design Phase)  (Read 82344 times)


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #495 on: July 07, 2018, 12:44:35 am »

Quote from: Let's make our own psychics!
The Duelist Initiative (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry

To use or not to use, that is the question:
Use Research Credit (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #496 on: July 07, 2018, 02:13:07 am »

Department of Automation's Very Intelligent Neural Computer Interface: You know interns, right? The people who actually deal with the finer details of designs, whilst we come up with the (obviously more important) overarching ideas? Turns out, they weren't very good at their jobs. We know this now, since we've replaced them with something much better at it. The technology could be called CAD- Computer Aided Design, but we prefer the name DA VINCI. Same difference, really.
DA VINCI builds on our experience building ORACLE, but diverges by integrating human minds directly into the machine through upgraded CATs (with more pins, and an improved Electrogel formula (which we are calling Neurogel) to enhance the connection). This enables people to not only communicate mentally with the computer, but also with others attached to the same machine. The combined brainpower of several humans, augmented with the lightning-fast calculations provided by the computer, results in 'designers' of exceptional talent and intelligence. Obviously they can't take over our jobs, but unaugmented interns/lesser designers can certainly be replaced.
DA VINCI will be responsible for implementing our designs. This means taking care of the fine details- the exact length of this part, the circumference of that part, the shape of this other part. It will also aid the DUC in finding optimal ways to synthesize their unusual concoctions, and suchlike and so forth.
One area where we are focusing DA VINCI's efforts is COMBAT Plating, and everything that uses it. First, we'll use DA VINCI to analyse COMBAT Plating, and figure out whether it needs to be as complex as it is, or whether it could be made simpler without significant performance losses. Next, we'll have it go over the manufacturing process, and see if there isn't some clever way of reducing the costs there. Then we'll have it analyse the construction of both Bear Armour and Grizzlies, and see if we can't cut down on Ore costs without impacting performance- such as by using a more intelligent structure which has a higher strength/weight ratio, or making parts that don't actually face such high stress out of cheaper metals. By combining all these efforts, we hope to reduce the cost of COMBAT-equipped units- even if it means DA VINCI can't be used for anything else this year.
However, if we have some spare time, we can also have it go over all our other designs to look for small flaws that can be fixed. We're not talking major increases in performance- obviously that would require our personal efforts-, but small changes like tweaking the shape of the Blizzard's wings, or adding/removing a beam from the Cataphract, should be possible, and result in minor performance boosts across the board.

We need to reduce the cost of COMBAT Plating. This is so important that I feel we should spend our design on it. The above proposal does so whilst also advancing our computer/cybernetics experience, and (slightly) improving other designs as well.

Quote from: Let's not!
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit): (1) NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #497 on: July 07, 2018, 02:21:20 am »

If you want to spend a design making COMBAT cheaper, maybe we could try getting the borehole to 2 ore production? Although I don't think we got that much supporting tech since last time.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #498 on: July 07, 2018, 02:49:44 am »

If you want to spend a design making COMBAT cheaper, maybe we could try getting the borehole to 2 ore production? Although I don't think we got that much supporting tech since last time.
I got the impression from CW that increasing our resource production again through a design would be extremely difficult.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #499 on: July 07, 2018, 04:10:50 am »

yes, we would need a lot of supporting tech to make it viable. Although, we do have a reseach credit, and very hard and ludicrous projects could be considered feasible.
I must admit, not a very big fan of it however. with a research credit, it  is probably best to expand technology. Still, I shall write it out with the things we have right now.

MAGMA extended
The lower levels of magma are nearly inaccessible due to the high temperatures . Simply put, it is too hot for humans and we need to burn too much coolant. A solution to this however, is placing the human element elsewhere. The pilot sists comfortably in a merely excruciatingly hot layer of MAGMA, while a network of cables (electrical and optical) links him to a Grizzly or escavator through a CAT interface. The use of rechargeable electrogel means that those deep machines don't need to ever be recovered except for repairs, as they can be recharged in place. With the human element gone, the only thing requiring cooling is electronics which are smaller, more compact and with better tolerance of higher temperatures, thus reducing coolant need greatly.

The Earth Ear MK4 is also installed all around magma to guide prospecting with an ever increasing accuracy, allowing to see smaller veins than before. However, in this department the greatest leap is the installation of an ORACLE node, dedicated to learning the local geology with historical and sensor information and prediction which areas would be most likely to yield good results.

(yes, we don't have much to go with. Probably best left for another turn)

Central Operations Main Merethian Army Navy Department, Electrobiological Reserve (COMMANDER)
Oracle is so far limited in how much it can be used. It is enormous and it uses bleeding edge electronics, and yet it can only rarely be applied to the battlefield despite its great usefulness.
Clearly the room for electronics improvement is limited : who could ever dream of a computer with more than 100 MB RAM? However, we have access to something much more refined, powerful, compact, efficient, versatile and most importantly cheap: the human brain. So far we only used the most basic motory and tactile input/output, but we can achieve much more.

Enter Brain: Brain Reaction Action Interface Neurogel. Currently we use an electrogel tailored for activating and powering motors; the brain is very flexible, but it is time to develope a proper alternative. Neurogel is a modified version of electrogel with significantly less power capacity but finer input discrimination and most importantly a high degree of biocompatibility. Neurogel is  attracted to the electrical activity generated by neurons and digs itself deeper in the brain where normal surgery would have trouble penetrating without causing damage; it can transmit higher quality input of more kinds; and it doesn't itch anymore. This new gel, combined with a couple new holes in the skull to access more parts of the brain, allows us theoretically to process any kind of input or output we desire.
Of course, cracking it all now would be preposterous and proper software and hardware would have to be done case by case, but we are starting with perhaps the most ambitious: linking multiple human minds to a computer, in order to pool their processing power together for better results.

COMMANDER is meant to be the highest entity in the chain of command below the commander in hcief of our armed forces. It consists of ORACLE-A and a chosen task force of our most brilliant and dedicated generals and intelligence officers linked together by BRAIN. This entity, with access to the processing powers of biological brains, the accurate algorithms and mathematical capabilities of ORACLE plus the best intelligence we can provide, is able to lead our troops with uncanny abilitypredicting enemy short and long term movement and taking the best decisions to disrupt their plans.
Predicting enemy movements from intelligence is not a task unknown to our generals, so they will probably adapt relatively easily to this new tool we are putting at their disposal.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 04:18:27 am by andrea »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #500 on: July 07, 2018, 10:27:21 am »

ME-DNI-63 'Brainwave'
First off, the DUC finally got tired of complaints and an intern refined the formula of Electrogel a bit in order to make rechargeable Bear Armor practical for every soldier, all the time, even if it doesn't have COMBAT plating. Reports of undocumented ORACLE time being borrowed for this simple task were largely exaggerated, as was the report that the intern in question was a recently-transferred member of the ORACLE team responsible for using or granting access to most of the undocumented ORACLE time were also largely exaggerated. Officially, anyway.

Next, Bear Armor was used to open an entirely new way of warfare. Neurogel, the most recent brainchild (heeheehee) of the DUC. It is based off of the primitive Electrogel "neurons", but the DUC has condensed them into a far more efficient volume by improving the structure of the chemical. It's useless for providing power, now, but retains just enough electric potential to act like a neuron when necessary, though it needs an external power source. Because of Neurogel's advanced capabilities, a segment of it can be "plugged" into a soldier's occipital lobe and translate the picture into extremely low-quality video. This is...less than useful. However, if you instead encode the signal from the Neurogel directly into a radio, and then reverse the process into another soldier's brain, it can produce a very good-quality image. Neurogel's advanced capabilities make the expanded area of coverage necessary to get motor and visual control only slightly more invasive (surgery-wise) than the basic CAT procedure. And it itches less.

We didn't stop there, though. A small and simple additional connection to a section of the occipital lobes allows the transmission of speech without needing the person to actually speak the words. Cutting out the muscle middleman in communication is both simple and improves squad-level reaction times beyond all reason.

Oh, and in order to facilitate this we attached a WALK-TALK to the Bear Armor (as well as a small battery system and modified it slightly so it operates in very-high frequency ranges over short distances only. VHF allows for faster data transmission, short-range is not a problem because the data is all from your own squad only. Grizzlies get the same system but a better radio capable of talking to other Grizzlies, ideally allowing for inter-unit communications. Finally, Blizzard units get the same system, allowing wingmen unprecedented coordination and visibility.

I...need a more dramatic name, but I'm posting it now for review, discussion, suggestions, complaints that I have failed the nation of Mereth as a whole, etc.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2018, 12:21:02 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #501 on: July 08, 2018, 11:18:59 am »

Grizzly Mk2
This new version of the grizzly refines our best weapon in a more modern form, in many ways.

The simplest improvement is the implementation of CAT in the design phase: it is no longer sized to allow a standing human to move freely in the piloting area, but rather it assumes that it can be piloted by brain activity only, and the pilot cavity is reduced to the size of a crouching human, with space for entering and exiting only.

Then electrogel is slightly modified to make it better suited for battery like operations , with fast-ish recharge not requiring standing perfectly still for the better part of a day. With this achieved, the conventional battery pack is removed and replaced with a denser and lighter electrogel reservoir allowing longer duration operations.

Both those changes significantly reduce the bulk of the grizzly, necessitating less metal for its contruction. But its function is also improved, especially in the controls.

A new brain interface is developed with the use of a modified electrogel called Neurogel, which doesn't generate power but has far larger compatibility with human biology and especially neurons, permitting greater data transfer with comparatively less surgery. With links to occipital and temporal lobes (because reducing surgery was never the goal), it can accept sensor data and transmit directly into the brain. Grizzly MK2 tehrefore comes with a full sensor suit, with wide angle cameras ranging from ultraviolet to infrared and microphones including a system based on the Earth ear to detect through the ground the sound of enemies moving.Tactile feedback is also improved with more electrogel pads located in the armour and finer damage reports are provided. Overall, situational awareness is unmatched.

To add to all this, a small computer is added performing ballistic calculations on the weapons mounted on the grizzly, be them autocannons, rockets or mortars. The results are displayed as an overlay on the screen, using earth ear holographic technology. With our experience with ORACLE-A it should not be hard to achieve.

Any spare time still left should be dedicated to refining the mech to achieve generally higher quality in its movement, response, strength.

Reducing cost from smaller size and lack of conventional batteries is a primary goal.

Now, as for voting, of the designs I proposed so far I am partial to the COMMANDER. We almost tied in the mountains thanks to it, and that is despite its scope being small and the frequency of use being limited. Expand it to full battlefield strategic scope, and give it the power to work full time or almost, and we can finally show Aratam what it feels like to be on the receiving end of precognition. Plus, it would give us the definitive man machine interface for future projects.

Quote from: Let's not!
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit): (1) NUKE9.13
COMMANDER (Using Research Credit): (1) Andrea


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #502 on: July 08, 2018, 12:27:32 pm »

Quote from: Let's not!
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit): (1) NUKE9.13
COMMANDER (Using Research Credit): (1) Andrea
Brainwave: (1) Madman

I think that directly buffing our actual troops is the way to go here. We have the strategy advantage, but it's proven that strategy alone can't beat soldiers that are superior in a straight fight, making COMMANDER of dubious usefulness. DA VINCI is neat, but probably not the way to go about things right now. The advantage provided by it also seems like it'll be hard to reach (i.e., hard to actually erase the cost of COMBAT plating even if the actual goal of the design [improved interns/capability] is met). DI is just....I don't even know. Please no. Let's not try to fight them on the mind-altering chemical battlefield. Mereth is more about metal (oh dear goodness the Pacific Rim theme pun was not intended) than drug-infested biological.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #503 on: July 08, 2018, 12:37:29 pm »

Quote from: Let's not!
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit):
COMMANDER (Using Research Credit): (1) Andrea
Brainwave: (1) Madman

I dunno, man. How does Brainwave let our troops kill psychics? Being able to see them dodge from multiple angles won't help. They have armour-piercing weapons. We need psychic-piercing weapons.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #504 on: July 08, 2018, 12:52:23 pm »

Because we know that those suckers dodge, and now we can have a group of people coordinate their fire AROUND the suckers?

I can't imagine why it WOULDN'T help. If you KNOW that they'll dodge the first shot, just make sure that anywhere they dodge to is ALSO full of screaming lead. Also, can't Bear Troopers use 20mm autocannon with explosive rounds? A couple of those would solve our problems, I suspect.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #505 on: July 09, 2018, 07:21:42 am »

So, here is my suggestion; an Air-to-Everything Missile (Okay, Air-to-Anything is probably more accurate, but Air-to-Air already has the AAM designation soooooo). Shoot down those annoying Torches, help bomb the enemies things, all using the power of our now much more advanced computers!

ME-AEM-63 'Shrike'
ORACLE-A's entrance to the computing scene has caused a number of possibilities that were previously discarded as 'too complex'. The ME-AEM-63 "Shrike" was one of those things. The Shrike is a GOFAST powered missile intended for use primarily by aerial combatants.

Paired with this missile is the 'Birdbrain' computing pod, which is based upon the ORACLE-A, but is much, much smaller and tasked with pattern recognition and IFF duties. This pod handles the work of a Holographic Heads Up Display for the pilot, although this is a very bare-bones one to prevent obstruction of said pilots vision. The Holo-HUD highlights known enemy vehicles and with just a touch, allows the Birdbrain to lock-on to that particular target.

The missile itself sports an impressive and very advanced optical sensor, capable of incredible magnification and resolution. This sensor is mounted at the very front of the missile and is capable of (limited) rotation, which should grant the Shrike a good field of vision. The missile weighs in at around 100 kg, with a 15 of those being for the warhead. The Shrike carries its own computer, responsible for guiding it to its target; which is supplied to it by the Birdbrain carried on its host aircraft when it's pilot selects a target. The Shrike will then chase that target when launched, and that target alone. In the off chance that the Shrike loses said target, it is capable of locking onto a similar target; although it won't exactly hunt one out.

Finally, the Shrike carries a 'WAR' (Warhead Adaptive Reconfiguration) System, allowing it to adjust the shape of its warhead to better suit its target. If it's targeting a Torch? It'll reconfigure to optimize for an airburst. A harder target such as a Hydra or pillbox? It'll reconfigure for a shaped charge to focus the blast more. This system also clues in the computer if a non-impact detonation is ideal or even helpful, meaning that it will gladly airburst against a Torch, and wait for a direct hit when used against a bunker.

Quote from: Let's not!
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit):
COMMANDER (Using Research Credit): (1) Andrea
Brainwave: (1) Madman
ME-AEM-63 'Shrike' (Using Research Credit): (1) Jilladilla
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 08:04:52 am by Jilladilla »

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #506 on: July 09, 2018, 07:52:33 am »

You know what, sure. A really good missile would bring back aerial dominance, and let us use said aerial dominance better.

Quote from: Let's not!
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit):
COMMANDER (Using Research Credit): (1) Andrea
Brainwave: (1) Madman
ME-AEM-63 'Shrike' (Using Research Credit): (2) Jilladilla, NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #507 on: July 09, 2018, 07:55:30 am »

I am open to this.
Quote from: Let's not!
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit):
COMMANDER (Using Research Credit): (1) Andrea
Brainwave: (1) Madman
ME-AEM-63 'Shrike' (Using Research Credit): (3) Jilladilla, NUKE9.13, Maximum Spin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #508 on: July 09, 2018, 01:42:16 pm »

Quote from: Let's not!
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit):
COMMANDER (Using Research Credit): (1) Andrea
Brainwave (With research credit): (1) Madman
ME-AEM-63 'Shrike' (Using Research Credit): (3) Jilladilla, NUKE9.13, Maximum Spin

I'm sticking with Brainwave for now, but I like Shrike far more than the other options.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Mereth Design Division (Spring 1963 - Design Phase)
« Reply #509 on: July 10, 2018, 05:16:28 pm »

DUC Subdivision: NEMESIS (Gravity Repulsion Panels)

NEMESIS: Negative Energy Material Engineering, Study, and Implementation Sector. A sub-division within the DUC dedicated to what happens when you get something really, really cold. So cold that it actually stops being cold, in point of fact.

ICE, and it's derivatives, are capable of dropping the temperature of a material to very near 0K. While this is 'cold' (for lack of a better word), the materials so cooled have some real numbered positive energy. NEMESIS was founded in the wake of an experiment that went beyond that point.

Iridosmine alloy was selected for its natural density, hardness, and convenient harmonic resonance that allowed our existing earth-ear system to be re-tooled in order to generate a Calabi-Yau functional standing wave, even after supercooling the Iridosmine using an ICE channel. Once in a superfrigid state, the earth-ear system's CY-wave was shift by one half-phase. Ordinarily, this shift would have resulted in destructive attenuation of the material's structure due to destructive interference of the wave-forms, but the ultra-low energy state of the Iridosmine instead caused the alloy to shift into an energy state from which it, physically, could only lose energy.

The physical repercussions of this state are unusual, and effectively result in what our technicians refer to as an 'opposite day' material. It cannot transfer heat normally, and so long as the the CY-wave is applied it will transfer energy uphill to surrounding matter. To put that in perspective, it's like if popping an ice cube in your scotch warmed the scotch and cooled the ice cube.

More useful to our war effort is the fact that the material reacts inversely to gravity- it is literally repelled by the planet itself. By integrating resonators and tapping the ICE reserves of our vehicles, we should be able to create repulsion panels that significantly reduce their effective weight. Bear armor is likely too small for initial implementation, but our aircraft and the Grizzly should be able to benefit significantly from these devices.

Sources for the science behind the madness:
Negative temperature. Possible, and weird.
Getting from Ultra-cold to impossibly cold.
Gravity and Negative Temperature States

Quote from: FOR SCIENCE
The Duelist Initiative (Using Research Credit) (2): FallacyofUrist, Happerry
DA VINCI (Using Research Credit):
COMMANDER (Using Research Credit): (1) Andrea
Brainwave (With research credit): (1) Madman
ME-AEM-63 'Shrike' (Using Research Credit): (4) Jilladilla, NUKE9.13, Maximum Spin, Draignean
« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 05:19:41 pm by Draignean »
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."
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