While armored support is all well and good... what if we neutralized vehicles entirely?
M.U.D:Our Merethean Underfoot Destabilizer is the latest creation of the Division of Unusual Chemistry. Basically, it's a chemical that seeps into the ground and makes it very, very bad for vehicles. It turns the earth into a pseudo-quicksand that reacts depending on weight. Bare or Bear infantry? Fine. Tanks? Trapped in the quicksand. Which is understandably bad for the enemy. Reacts with ICE to form freezing quicksand, which is just as bad as it sounds.
Anywhere we can use ICE, we can use MUD. Or that's what we hope, anyway. In order of priority, we implement MUD in our Penguin missiles, our Sarukh rockets, our Blizzard missiles, and as anti-vehicle mines.
After some discord discussion, we've come up with this:
Adamantine/Mithril:In the darkest, deepest, hottest depths of MAGMA, we've found a metal that laughs at what we know of the periodic table. It's element 140, and yet completely stable. Our physicists and chemists(those in the DUC) theorize something about an "island of stability". The rest just stare at our data and start hysterically laughing and crying.
It is, naturally, incredibly heavy. And, for some reason to do with the outer shell of electrons being so far from the nucleus, it forms incredibly strong bonds with other atoms. For the same reason, it is highly resistant to electrical currents. Using this element in its pure form would be obscenely expensive(until we dig MAGMA deeper, anyway), but an alloy made of Adamantine, steel, and a few other elements has excellent properties while only increasing cost by one ore as opposed to much more. We call this Mithril. While not as good as pure Adamantine, it greatly increases the toughness of any armor we make of it, and as an added bonus, is extremely(but not completely) non-conductive to electricity.
We can't exactly make everything using Mithril, so we've prioritized. Our first priority is our Bear Armor. Making our Bear Armor(and their shields) tougher and electricity resistant should really help out against Aratam's armor. Our second priority, if we have enough left over, is to use it on our Blizzards. Making them tougher and resistant to the enemy's storm missiles will help greatly in the air. Other than that, though... we have plans for Mithril and Adamantine. Big plans. Really big plans.
We've also found other unusual elements in the deepest depths of MAGMA. Not enough to use, unlike Adamantine, but enough that we're itching to dig deeper.
Grizzly take 2 (3): Andrea, NUKE9.13, Maximum Spin
M.U.D. (0):
Adamantine/Mithril (1): FallacyofUrist