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Author Topic: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Fall 1965 - Final Design Phase)  (Read 60718 times)


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Combat Phase)
« Reply #525 on: March 24, 2019, 03:30:33 am »

Combat Phase: Spring 1964

Who knew exploiting a mysterious dimension connected to the minds of every human and capable of relating reality would make a great anti-armor weapon?

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)

The Design Phase of Spring 1964 has begun.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #526 on: March 24, 2019, 07:03:44 am »

Evidently BL did.
Proud Juraki/Cannalan/Kasgyr/Ertexite/Karikhitan/Nogranian/Aratam Engineer.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #527 on: March 26, 2019, 12:05:50 pm »

OK OK OK, let's get some blood flowing.

'Behemoth' Megatank

Big freaking tank. It's got a wide, low profile, but still surfs head and shoulders above our other tanks. It features a massive coilgun cannon and redundant GBMP reactors to power everything. It has two mounted coilguns machine gun types on each side (four total) that give it sweeping anti infantry arcs, designed to fire fast and hard against enemy infantry. It also features two new chaff charge launchers that will deploy to give the beast a smokescreen and help decrease the effectiveness of enemy laserfire. The cannon is powerful enough to pose a direct threat to enemy Grizzlies and even act as long range artillery support if needed. Armor is thick layered recombinated metals

'Old Smokey' Transport Truck

Old Smokey is a beast. It's a variable eight wheeled off road truck - it can raise or lower two pairs of wheels for better maneuverability or grip or whatever it may need to traverse our varied battlefields. It has a long, wide bed that can carry crates of cargo or squads of infantry into battle. It has an armored frame with modular gun ports for onboard infantry to shoot out of if the truck comes under attack. It has radio support, radar, and space for a small crew to help it stay coordinated and avoid enemy ambush. It is also deceptively quiet, being powered by a GMBP reactor. Intended to replace our venerable and borrowed Privateers, and harden our logistical trains against enemy ambush somewhat.

A few more ideas I had but can't articulate - maybe we could use our paranormal stuff to disrupt ORACLE-A somehow? Like, anomaly people that make calculation difficult merely by being in the field. We need something to deal with their Skyrangers too. Something that can predict them, or shoot them down, or both?

Safer Spice

An effort to reduce the negative effects of our old drug Spice, allowing it to be produced and distributed to a larger segment of the military. It once was said that Spice was in a crude form - its time to refine it. We've learned a lot about how we can use chemicals to affect the brain, so it's time to apply that in making it safe for normal consumption. If this can be achieved the total dosage available to Goldeneyes will vastly increase, allowing us to finally see the upper limits of their abilities before SEEM.

Hm. Doesn't actually seem TOO useful now that I'm done typing it, unless we could make it more common (like every other soldier a Goldeneye) when we have SEEMs running around. Perhaps! Perhaps!

Super Spice - Frozeneyes

Ever remember health class where they're like "Dude don't mix different drugs because like that'll be wacky and horrible,"? We neither! So basically we're trying to use all our past expertise in useful chemicals to make a new superduperdrug. It cuts reaction time like Fury, increases situational awareness and thinking speed like Spice, and suppresses the chemicals that induce pain, rage, or fear. This is combined with a standard Cryostat treatment to increase both resistance to any negative effects and to raise the highest dosage. The result is the Frozeneye, a new breed of soldier that is cool, calm, and collected. Their treatments mean they'll be able to remain calm and in control even when wounded, doing whatever it takes to finish the mission.

Fist Spikes

A new Astral technique. Basically, they enlarge their Astral presence and manipulate their form towards a foe in equivalent realspace. Their Astral form briefly emerges as an anomalous blur that obliterates the target, splattering them across the battlefield.

'Watch The Skies' Interception Platform

The Watch The Skies Interception Platform is a lumbering beast of a weapons platform, dotted with sensory and targeting equipment and bristling with menacing coiled artillery cannons and missile launchers. Mounted on treads and captained by an experienced and specialized SEEM crew along with numerous mundane subordinates, it serves primarily to blow any Merethan scum who think they're slick right out of the sky. The SEEMs use their natural awareness along with the sensory data provided the radar and co built into the thing to predict Skyranger launches and drops, Merethan bombing runs, and anything else they might pull, and snipe them out of the sky with a superpowered miracle coilgun shot (SEEM assisted) or a missile barrage. They could also serve to aid ground forces directly by shooting at infantry and vehicles but that should come secondary to keeping the skies clear. Powered by a large GBMP reactor and armored in recombinated metals.

Boost - Supermetabolic Steroids for Long Term Excellence

Boost is the latest addition to our cool drugs lineup. In normal use, it would have horrible awful side effects that would lead to anyone who takes it quickly becoming a broken, bloated cancerous lump with an incredibly irregular cell growth cycle. However, due to the wonders of Crysostat treatment, it can be used in conjunction with intensive exercise to create truly superhuman soldiers. The procedure strengthens nearly every part of the body. Bones thicken and harden, muscle becomes supertight and explosive, and organs grow larger and more powerful to shoulder the increased load. A Boosted soldier is notably taller and more muscular than a normal man, though not impractically so. The muscle generated through the treatment/regimen is simultaneously abundant and agile, allowing them to carry more and hit harder while still jumping around and doing soldier stuff as normal or better. Their metabolism is heightened, requiring them to consume more energy over time, but this also means they heal faster than a normal man ever could. Boost can even be consumed nearly immediately post injury to supercharge the healing process and get a soldier back into shaky working condition (might wanna remove that shrapnel you just scarred over) in hours or even minutes. The most important long term effect of this treatment, however, above all this, is that the new bodies formed with this procedure are much more susceptible to recombination and other forms of modification - surgery, implantation, etc.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 11:10:05 am by SamSpeeds »


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #528 on: March 26, 2019, 02:00:57 pm »

I'm technically still in Aratam, may I suggest pushing further into seem? If we can take out their armor but the current issue is that it takes concentration time, some extension to have multiple marks/being able to use blackwell faster would make it devastatingly effective. The issue right now seems to be that blackwell slows the operatives down too much to be able to evade when receiving fire.
Quote from: AoshimaMichio
Oh no, you won't laser my death star.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating

Man of Paper

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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #529 on: March 26, 2019, 11:31:29 pm »

Black Chamber R.I.T.U.A.L (Recombination and Individual Training Using Astral Links)

We have had many successes and admittedly a few failures. All are useful however, as we've learned from every step we've taken and now attempt to create a soldier the likes of which has never been seen.

The first step is candidate screening. Only those at peak physical fitness may apply, and even then only those with the strongest links to the Astral Realm are accepted.

By attaining scientific nirvana through accessing the Astral Realm, one is able to separate body and mind. Up until now test subjects for recombination enhancements have snapped back screaming before dying midprocedure or drifted off into a permanent comatose state.

Introducing a chemical cocktail of adrenaline and a modified, weaker "Fury" mixture into the CryoStat should result in the subjects being able to maintain focus on their Astral link for the duration of the recombination process. While exploring the Astral Realm the subjects are to learn from the many military sources offered within.

The recombination process includes reinforcing the skeletal structure with titanium as well as strengthening muscle fibers.

RITUAL Marines are a force independent of the rest of the armed forces, acting as individuals or small squads.
In no way do I expect this to be cheap. I do however think that since it's really just a (re)combination of everything we've done until now it shouldn't be too difficult. I'm up for discussing changes. There's a few other proposals but I'm on my phone and therefore fuck that it can wait a couple hours.

The Ensorceler

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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #530 on: March 27, 2019, 01:00:57 am »

'Meteor' Air Frigate

Making almost no use of aerodynamic principles to stay aloft, the Meteor is based on the failure of the original Torch prototypes. Unable to fly in the conventional sense, those Torches nevertheless achieved vertical takeoff through vectored thrust and the sheer power of the Gel-Matrix Bio-Paste Reactor.

The Meteor is far larger than a prototype Torch, of course, but it's engines also *work*, operating by the magnetic expulsion of a plasma formed by electrocombustion of SynthOil (the same plasma harvested for power by a GM-BP reactor). Even with this powerful lifting force, six engine pods along the underside are needed for redundancy, with an additional pair at the rear providing most of the forwards thrust. All engine pods are vectored, so maneuverability is reasonable and balance can be maintained while damaged.

Lessons learned from the Lantern include heavier use of recombinated armor, but also the need for significant weaponry. The primary weapon of the Meteor is a set of manually operated anti-air Tesla Cannon turrets with better range, power, and rate of fire than handheld models. Secondary armament is a pair of coilcannons able to shell ground positions smaller than a Nightwind and largely mechanized rather than crew-served, and a set of Storm missile launch rails.

The crown jewel of the Meteor is a full radar set, able to provide accurate reads of enemy plane and dropship movement through the air, and a radio officer to communicate this information.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 05:28:49 am by The Ensorceler »


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #531 on: March 27, 2019, 06:04:48 pm »

Animus Technique - Animus Manipulation / Summoning

The Black Chambers has produced another offensive technique to be added to the roster of skills of SEEM operators. Based of captured cult personnel and resources, the technique allows an individual to create a projection of their Astral self (some believe that it is instead a sort of extra-planar entity with the ability to manipulate the local astral presence around it to pretend to be a extension). This is a direct manipulation of a new found fascinating material referred to in recovered texts and operators as “Animus”. However, the possibility that the entity is both an extension and an independent force is not discounted.

This projection/entity is  intrinsically connected to the operator, and the nature of the connection entails both a level of control and feedback to the active operator. The Entity has a force shadow into the prime existence and it manifests in a number of different ways, depending on the operators intent and sacrifice in terms of Animus.

In its simplest form, Animus is used to create and project astral-forms, and manipulate the primary reality through the astral, as Animus is the power of Humankind.

In its simplest form, the form created is designated “wraith”. Its registers unequivocally as a apparition with grotesque caricatures of the SEEM operator that materializes the wraith. In its grip will be some sort of weapon, commonly used to beat or stab a enemy to death, bloodily and messily. Ballistic weapons are less effective, while hand to hand combat is more effective against them. When idle, they will torture wounded and mangle corpses, garnering Animus for the SEEM. they commonly hold an excellent pedigree in stealth, hunting, and hand-to-hand combat.

The other universally taught entity summonation is designated “Chameleon” in that it takes the perfect mimicking of whatever the operator wishes, and can shift it’s form or become non incorporeal at will. This effectively creates a mimicry of anything aSEEM operator wishes as long as it is done so through audio visual manipulation and , be it a distraction, disorientating physical effect or any other type of item. The expected use of Chameleons is to attract bullets and bait for traps manned by Wraiths.

A theoretical use of Animus is in the actual possession and reanimation of corpses most typically Merethian casualties, although they are expected to lose some of the skills and capabilities of the materials used, but they are remarkably predatorial for what they are, often utilizing camouflage or atrocious scenes to sneak up closer to enemy forces to engage, nevermind the possibility of re-animated vehicular pilots.

Another theoretical use is the on-site of animation of specially created empty sets of armor. Theoretically, a frame of specialized metal, typically made out of copper/tin  and then is layered upon with purified silicates and the blood of the slain. This allows the creation of a automation/ Animus fueled Creation. They are theorized to be very simple intelligence wise, as we are not sure if the concept can be brought to fabrication by the end of the month. Regardless, they should be unwholly durable, able to wear the armor of men and wield the rifles just as well or better then any other, if a little dull on the command and conquer side.

The method of creation the SEEM utilize is not without a cost, however as mentioned earlier, Animus is consumed or utilized or borrowed from the dead, living, or the self respectively for these summonings. Animus can be expunged from the freshly dead, allowing the creation to operate for an extended period of time before it requires refueling. It can be leached or siphoned from non SEEM individuals, manifesting as systematic effects of weakness and in severe cases mass cellular die off similar to that of radiation poisoning, only without the ongoing effects. In a pinch, a SEEM can temporarily give off some of their Animus (whose reserves are vastly superior then others) and utilize it to create simple and temporary creations, most likely wraiths. It is expected for the animus to partially fill back into the SEEM operator.


The mechnologists of Aratam have finally replicated the extreme effectiveness of BEAR mechs. They have solved the cooling and power issues through the usage of an installed Cryostate system for the pilot to reside in and cool the surrounding systems as well as a thorax extension containing a Gel-Matrix Bio-Paste Reactor. Partially inspired by Cerebral Action Translators off of the enemy walking armor divisions, we have fabricated a albeit crude and far more invasive  facsimile of Direct Neural interface that utilizes Astral Electrokinesis, which requires the lobotomization and compartmentalization of a POW for its operation, in addition to creating a weak astral presence.

The suit stands at half a meter taller then the BEAR Mech, at 4.5 meters. It is modeled after a humanoid physique, with the addition of a thorax like compartment that is behind and beneath the main section, which spaces the reactor away from the organic components while lowering it’s center of mass. The entire machine is heavily armored by a thick mesh of recombinant thermally dampening kevlar cloth sheathed by recombinant ceramo-metallic plates. It’s joints, servos and motors are all up-scaled and wired for the fast movements required for its weak pre-cognitive abilities to function at its best, in addition to the handling of the high-yield specially designed weaponry it is issued.

It’s primary weapon is a flak cannon directly stripped down from decommissioned EMFT-61-B’s, in addition to a secondary 120mm coil gun referred to affectionally by the lugs in engineering as the “Lug Gun”. Mainly however, it’s versatility comes in the fact that it’s hands are its own, and typically candidates of the Monster were once BEAR drivers, and are easily capable of fielding enemy munitions. To aid in this, the Bear’s  legs are equipped with hydraulics geared towards fast maneuvers and leaps,  it’s arms ready to rip and tear with “Ripper” Piston driven brutality to win hand-to-hand combat against a Bear and win.

The Pilot compartment consists of a small cryotank, personalized towards the pilot, whose limbs were replaced with neural connection points to the system, as well as back up power and coolant systems should the primary systems fail.

The pilot/organic piece themselves is astro psychologically implanted with the memories of a brilliant escape followed by a hijacking and rewiring of the craft it is in so as to be able to shoot enemies of the merthian state.  In practice, Three separate surgical operations are required for a pilot to be eligible for the Monster while still being guided by this non-consensual hallucination. The first of which causes the compartmentalization of the areas surrounding the part of the brain that identifies friends and foe, allowing the mech’s computer systems to utilize it to identify Merethian and Aratamite forces. The second dulls down emotional capacity, creating a person who only feels a hot or cold sort of rage, and intense patriotic glee at mowing down enemy forces. The third surgery is a specific modification to install a cortex-bomb, which can be triggered by the computer on the signal of a authorized handler. The explosion is just large enough to paralyze the organic part. This, combined with a basic recall system means that the organic part can be switched at will, as it is essentially disposable.

The pilot’s drastic surgeries is also appended with a spice treatment, allowing it weak psycho telepathic abilities, almost to the level of a golden-eye.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 07:16:50 pm by Blood_Librarian »
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil

The Ensorceler

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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #532 on: March 28, 2019, 05:26:58 am »

Quote from: Votebox
'Behemoth' Megatank (1): The Ensorceler
'Old Smokey' Transport Truck (1): The Ensorceler
Safer Spice (0):
Super Spice - Frozeneyes (0):
Fist Spikes Astral Technique (0):
WTS Interception Platform (0):
'Boost' Supermetabolic Steroid (1): The Ensorceler
RITUAL Marines (0):
'Meteor' Air Frigate (1): The Ensorceler
Animus Summoning Astral Technique (1): The Ensorceler
Seems like a good time for multivoting so we don't get a seven way tie.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #533 on: March 28, 2019, 08:10:46 am »

Quote from: Votebox
'Behemoth' Megatank (1): The Ensorceler
'Old Smokey' Transport Truck (1): The Ensorceler
Safer Spice (0):
Super Spice - Frozeneyes (0):
Fist Spikes Astral Technique (0):
WTS Interception Platform (0):
'Boost' Supermetabolic Steroid (1): The Ensorceler
RITUAL Marines (0):
'Meteor' Air Frigate (1): The Ensorceler
Animus Summoning Astral Technique (2): The Ensorceler, Blood_librarian
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #534 on: March 28, 2019, 09:20:14 am »

Quote from: Votebox
'Behemoth' Megatank (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
'Old Smokey' Transport Truck (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
Safer Spice (0):
Super Spice - Frozeneyes (0):
Fist Spikes Astral Technique (0):
WTS Interception Platform (1): Rockeater
'Boost' Supermetabolic Steroid (1): The Ensorceler
RITUAL Marines (0):
'Meteor' Air Frigate (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
Animus Summoning Astral Technique (2): The Ensorceler, Blood_librarian
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #535 on: March 28, 2019, 10:30:25 am »

Quote from: Votebox
'Behemoth' Megatank (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
'Old Smokey' Transport Truck (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
Safer Spice (0):
Super Spice - Frozeneyes (1): Talion
Fist Spikes Astral Technique (0):
WTS Interception Platform (1): Rockeater
'Boost' Supermetabolic Steroid (2): The Ensorceler, Talion
RITUAL Marines (0):
'Meteor' Air Frigate (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
Animus Summoning Astral Technique (2): The Ensorceler, Blood_librarian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #536 on: March 28, 2019, 11:28:12 am »

Quote from: Votebox
'Behemoth' Megatank (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
'Old Smokey' Transport Truck (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
Safer Spice (0):
Super Spice - Frozeneyes (1): Talion
Fist Spikes Astral Technique (0):
WTS Interception Platform (1): Rockeater
'Boost' Supermetabolic Steroid (2): The Ensorceler, Talion
RITUAL Marines (0):
'Meteor' Air Frigate (3): The Ensorceler, Rockeater, SamSpeeds
Animus Summoning Astral Technique (2): The Ensorceler, Blood_librarian

Tough choices, really. I kinda realized just now (after thinking about this game for many hours) that not many of these really help us negate their chief advantages that let them keep winning. ORACLE-A and the Skyrangers. Well actually, the Meteor and Old Smokey do, so I'll vote for them. The Meteor could help us bombard Skyranger drops and Old Smokey would harden our supply trains. I think we should definitely look into some sort of psychic tomfoolery or cyber tomfoolery to match or diffuse their ORACLE win calculations and stuff. Because that has consistently stunk. Not saying that we should only try to counter them or whatever but we have some pretty bad shortcomings we can only overcome with our Stormcaller (so only one arena per turn).

EDIT: Voted for the Meteor alone on merit of solving more problems.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 01:27:55 pm by SamSpeeds »


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #537 on: March 28, 2019, 05:36:08 pm »

I am willing to change my vote to the Meteor frigate by the stipulation that it is piloted by the same pilots as the torch.
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #538 on: March 28, 2019, 06:45:11 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
'Behemoth' Megatank (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
'Old Smokey' Transport Truck (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
Safer Spice (0):
Super Spice - Frozeneyes (1): Talion
Fist Spikes Astral Technique (0):
WTS Interception Platform (1): Rockeater
'Boost' Supermetabolic Steroid (2): The Ensorceler, Talion
RITUAL Marines (0):
'Meteor' Air Frigate (4): The Ensorceler, Rockeater, SamSpeeds, BBB
Animus Summoning Astral Technique (2): The Ensorceler, Blood_librarian
Proud Juraki/Cannalan/Kasgyr/Ertexite/Karikhitan/Nogranian/Aratam Engineer.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Spring 1964 - Design Phase)
« Reply #539 on: March 28, 2019, 07:17:47 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
'Behemoth' Megatank (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
'Old Smokey' Transport Truck (2): The Ensorceler, Rockeater
Safer Spice (0):
Super Spice - Frozeneyes (1): Talion
Fist Spikes Astral Technique (0):
WTS Interception Platform (1): Rockeater
'Boost' Supermetabolic Steroid (2): The Ensorceler, Talion
RITUAL Marines (0):
'Meteor' Air Frigate (4): The Ensorceler, Rockeater, SamSpeeds, BBB, Blood_Librarian
Animus Summoning Astral Technique (2): The Ensorceler
Project MONSTER (1): Blood_Librarian
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil
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