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Author Topic: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Fall 1965: Final Design Phase)  (Read 18770 times)


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Spring 1962)
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2018, 11:14:13 pm »

Combat Report Spring 1962

A small group of protestors make themselves apparent, in recent Merethan news. They claim that the Merethan government's handling of civilian and commercial usage of military technology is extremely irresponsible. Spokesmen point to the severe crime problems with Bear Armor as their prime example. When asked for comment, government officials state that all technology is assimilated into public hands to ensure continued Merethan prosperity; the dissenters, however, have a more cynical stance: that Mereth sold military technology to the public knowing that this would happen, aiming for a quick buck.
Either way, the protestors gain little to no ground. Civilians are far too happy with the booming sports industry in Mereth, watching such spectacles as "Bear Soccer" and "Bear Fights" (though the latter is a bit less legal).

In other news, an ICE pipeline suffering a number of unknown leaks finally malfunctioned and ceased pumping of ICE to a district in Lower MAGMA. Multiple casualties are reported and many injured as a result of the sudden increase in heat while the district lost all cooling capabilities.
There's a decent amount of outcry, but nothing happens for now; nearly all affected were of lower class due to their living in Lower MAGMA. A few start illegally stockpiling ICE in case future incidents happen.

A riot occurred in Aratam's capital recently when a protest against Necropoliticians turned south. Large parts of the city were devastated before the Bureau of Enhanced Operations was authorized to send in operatives and lethal orders to quell the rioting.

Immediately after the riot, a "popular" Necropolitician announced the halting of elections in Aratam. Soon after, that politician died after a very mysterious CryoStat tank malfunction. Their successor Necropolitican upheld the stoppage of elections, and claimed that normal government operations would continue after the war.
The B.E.O. was publicly praised in the coming weeks as they arrested a large number of individuals for endangering public safety and threatening to incite riots, and pre-emptively stopped burgeoning riots. The current B.E.O. Director thanks their Goldeneye operatives for their quick thinking and the Aratam government for maintaining trust (and funding) in the new bureau.

The Mountains

Private Martin trudges through the snow of the mountain pass, Tesla rifle hanging from one hand, as he accompanied a Goldeneye operative on their mission. Direct orders from the B.E.O., apparently. They would reach the end of a certain path and the Goldeneye would keep an "eye" out for moles - Merethan excavators.
In the distance, the constant (and distinctive) sound of ICE bombardment never stopped or grew quieter. Martin had been seeing more barrages than ever this fall, but he wasn't worried. He was lucky enough to be right next to a Goldeneye who could warn the squadron of impending barrages before they hit.

Martin's train of thought was interrupted when a sharp yell from the Goldeneye brought the entire squad to attention. Without thinking, he reflexively followed the Goldeneye to wherever he was headed.
His run slowed as ICE droplets sprayed the back of his body. Actual ice quickly enveloped his body as every part of him stopped in mid-stride. His thoughts quickly slowed to nothing as his eyes froze over. The Goldeneye operative wasn't anymore fortunate; in his advanced reflexes he still couldn't account for multiple rockets covering the entire region in ICE.

Miles away, a tired Merethan soldier loads more ICE missiles into the Sarukh with the assistance of a Bear Trooper hauling large loads of rockets at a time. He wasn't a big fan of being assigned to Sarukh-duty, but he guess he couldn't complain too much.


While the advancing Mereth forces now have to deal with increased tank presence and hotter terrain as they exit the mountains, Aratam can't stop them. In the air, the now-Expensive Blizzard recaptures aerial dominance. It's still not a terrific aerial advantage, but it means more rockets from the sky. Excavators now outnumber Goldeneye troopers to such a degree that Mereth can just drop as many soldiers as they want behind enemy lines without significant resistance. Aratam's tanks can't even contribute as much as they could in the plains due to the fact that the Mountains are still a site of numerous battles. The significantly increased number of Sarukhs leads to a Merethan tradition of "ICEing" entire battlefields before a single Mereth soldier moves forward. Aratam simply can't hope to compete.

On the bright side, the merely-Cheap Spearhead-B maintains its superiority in numbers over the now-expensive Blizzard. Aratam's efforts at air means the Merethan bombardments are better than they may be otherwise, and gives Aratam the ability to bombard their enemy.

The "Boys in Blue" just barely advance across frozen sands. But Merethan commanders can't help but worry about facing the full might of Aratam's armor as they leave the mountains behind.
Mereth advances in the Desert.
[M: 1/4; A: 3/4]

Mereth gains +1 Ore from holding the Mountains!

The Plains

Aratam's easy victory last season can't be replicated this time around.

The same factors that Aratam experienced in the mountains plague them here. Constant bombardments are simply reality for Aratamite soldiers. Every field commander is forced to always watch their backs just as much as their fronts. Hydras help a bit against Blizzards, but hitting jets going at such fast speeds with the Hydra's turret is a difficult task. The Spearhead-B keeps the skies clear of Mereth and helps soften up Aratam's enemies.

Still, though. Aratam may be at threat of constant bombardment and infiltration behind their front lines, but Mereth soldiers still find it difficult to go up against Aratamite armor; just like before. Whereas in the Desert/Mountains Mereth could expect a decent number of battles in the mountains without significant Aratam tank presence, they have no such luck here.

With Aratam forces experiencing constant bombardment, and Mereth forces left without armored vehicles, the battle here is at a standstill. In the end, Aratam's forces just barely manage to break through resistance thanks to the Spearhead-B that's now crowding the skies.
Next season, though, the Spearhead-B will no longer be Cheap; and Aratam's fate here hangs in the balance.

Aratam tanks roll across the plains. Barely.
Aratam advances in the Plains.
Plains: [M: 2/4; A: 2/4]

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!

Thanatos Russ

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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Spring 1962)
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2018, 04:05:02 am »

oh my god I didn't realize battle turns were shown here. Nice to know. Always enjoyable to read battle reports, the setting seems rather nifty and more imagination-allowing that the normal althistorything


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2018, 02:40:07 pm »

Combat Report: Summer 1962

Merethan Activity
Emerging from Mereth's Design Division is the brand new C.O.M.B.A.T. plating! Mereth's top acronymers are immensely proud of their accomplishment in their name. And the engineers are kinda proud of it too, Mereth's government guesses. Through a whole bunch of  various interactions between metals, it practically absorbs kinetic and electrical energy. It happens to turn this energy into heat, which tends to melt the armor and ever-so-rarely the occupant inside. But Mereth's military doesn't tell their troopers that last part; instead, they tell them that the new C.O.M.B.A.T. plating will greatly increase survivability against coilguns and Tesla blasts, even if it tends to melt in the process.
Mereth can afford to fit all new Bear Armor suits with the new plating, and does so accordingly.

For their revision, Mereth creates a form of rechargeable Electrogel. It takes large amounts of time and precise conditions to do so, but it's now possible. Bear Armor still uses regular 'ol replaceable gel, because the rechargeable Electrogel is juuuuust impractical enough to not be worth the benefits for something as simple as Bear Armor.

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)

Aratamite Activity
The Red Skies Multiple Missile Launcher is Aratam's retort to the aging Sarukh employed by Mereth's military. The adapted Storm missiles use inertial guidance effectively, and are already being deployed in mass quantities as they're Cheap. They largely use a SynthOil-based incendiary payload that acts something vaguely like a combination of napalm and thermite. It has a bit of stick to it, and burns through armor as well as flesh quite effectively, even if not immediately. Launchers have 10 launch rails, and use a radar-generated ""map"" to serve their 15 km range.

On the side, Aratam upgrades the Hydra to the Ettin. It now has armor plating covering the turret (sacrificing a decent amount of visibility), better turret motors, and 2 fewer guns on the turret for a new total of 2. Aratamites everywhere mourn the loss of dakka, but they eventually get over it when they realize that not dying nearly as much is marginally better.

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2018, 02:40:53 pm »

Combat Report Summer 1962

As Summer approaches and the frequency of poorly-maintained ICE-conduit malfunctions increases, Mereth's MAGMA faces a serious heat problem. Deaths from the heat are all too common, and it's now all but an open secret that the (literal and metaphorical) upper classes of MAGMA keep their own large-scale yet still illegal ICE tanks as insurance against conduit failure.
MAGMA government relief forces have begun using watered-down ICE throwers filled with STABIL-ICE to manage areas where the coolant network has failed. Consistently spraying STABIL-ICE can keep an area at a stable temperature while maintenance crews fix the pipelines, though casualties before STABIL-ICE is applied in time are still very high.

Despite this, MAGMA becomes the most populated city in Mereth this summer. The cheap real estate and escape from the Merethan cool is all too tempting for the citizens. The Merethan government begins publicly considering a grand-scale public works project that would facilitate transport across MAGMA, but this is quickly stalled politically due to the still-nonexistent tech and general high cost. Still, hopes remain high.

Goldeneye Operatives in Aratam report the successful elimination of the terrorist group responsible for several ICE-bombings across Aratam. The terrorists had claimed to fight for a return to democracy in Aratam, Mereth claims that the ICE was illegally obtained via unknown measures; but Aratam's government remains skeptical.
Again, the government gives all thanks to the B.E.O. for their successful operation. The terrorists are quickly sentenced to death, and are shipped off to the Refinery to be of use to Aratam.

Recognizing the immense success of the B.E.O., Aratam begins deploying plainclothes Goldeneyes in cities to "stop common crime just before it happens." An official poll of the citizenry reports happiness and safety is at an all time high, thanks to the Necrostate's innovative new policies and the protection of the B.E.O.!

The Desert

The Desert doesn't feel like a desert to anyone fighting there. Soldiers of both sides have become accustomed to the familiar frozen sand crunching under their feet. Trenchdiggers often carry pickaxes to break through the layer of ICEd-sand lying in their way.
But the heat remains. Especially during summer. Bear Armor sees a noticeable drop in deployment as heat stroke inside the insulated full-body metal armor sees extreme spikes. Aratamite vehicles also suffer from the heat and even occasionally overheat, but nothing like Mereth's Bear Armor.

Ettins are now a formidable opponent to Mereth's overly-enthuastically-named "Armored Division" comprised entirely of Bear Troopers. Bear Armor does have surprising toughness in the face of the new guns - soldiers occasionally survive direct hits, even if their armor is scrapped in the process. Near-misses do little to the COMBAT Plating-equipped troopers, as well.
But the Ettin's turret is armored, has two guns, is on a tank, and is automatic. Now that Bear Troopers can no longer just spray the turret with autocannon fire, they've lost an extremely important tool in dealing with Ettins. Autocannons can still occasionally pierce the armor (and RPGs can still do a number on the Ettin), but not before every individual Ettin leaves large amounts of destruction in its wake.
With the increasing usefulness of the Ettin and the continued lack of anti-personnel options, the Hydra is a much rarer sight.

In pure infantry-vs-infantry, Mereth does quite well. While their performance is significantly hampered by the temporary decreased deployment of Bear Armor, the Tesla Rifle is no longer as formidable as it once was. Before, its long load times and Expensive nature was compensated with substantial area of effect and a guaranteed kill against Bear Armor troopers. But now? Aratamite Tesla Troopers are reduced in significance. A single Bear Trooper is often disabled, but not killed by a Level-3 Tesla blast, but if they're near anything else with COMBAT plating that can share the load, they can get through with just damaged armor and continue fighting. So Tesla Troopers are forced to either target the rare lone Bear, or coordinate their fire to take advantage of the damaged armor. The Tesla Rifle is still very useful, just not as nearly as it once was.
The Osprey is also still not useless, but even shots that pass Bears' shields are no longer guaranteed kills -- instead, Osprey magnetic-assisted shots just melt a small portion of COMBAT plating. Multiple lucky powered shots are required to down a single Bear Trooper. Fury-enhanced Aratamites are, well, enraged by their further uselessness.

But Aratam learns quickly. Tesla Troopers are condensed into squadrons composed entirely of Tesla Rifle-wielding soldiers that spearhead advancements along with Ettins, with the other Osprey-equipped soldiers relegated to dealing with Bears that already had their armor melted by Tesla blasts or Ettin turret shots. Aratam is aided by the decreased commonness of Bear Armor for now, though.

COMBAT Plating also finds its weakness.
The Red Sky.

COMBAT plating is not prepared for a weapon that works based off of heat, and especially not one that works off of continuous heat. It's not useless against the incendiary payloads of Red Sky missiles, but it loses its characteristic advantage. The Sarukh is greatly reduced in advantage as it's beaten in nearly ever way by constant Red Sky bombardment.
Penguin missiles, however, increase in usefulness as they're used to tactically eliminate Red Sky launchers. Red Skies launchers find themselves the most common deployment spot of Goldeneyes, which at this point have been reduced to glorified canaries. Penguin missiles miss the launchers often enough, mostly thanks to Goldeneyes, but through volume Mereth makes sure to give every deployed launcher a relatively short lifetime.

Excavators aren't as useful either in the Desert, as the sand makes burrowing much more difficult, and near-surface burrowing is extremely obvious. Goldeneyes posted on patrol often find the rest trying to slip through unnoticed, but every now and again Mereth troops manage to surprise Aratam from behind.

In air, Mereth regains their dominance as the Spearhead-B goes back to Expensive. The Blizzards still have to spent a hefty amount of time intercepting Aratam's airforce, but still find opportunities to bombard wherever Penguin missiles can't reach.

Maybe if Mereth's Bear Troopers didn't rapidly overheat (especially in the Desert's summer), they'd have a better shot, but for now Aratamite Ettins rolling across frozen sand push Mereth back into the refreshing coldness of the mountains.
Aratam advances in the Desert.
[M: 0/4; A: 4/4]

The Plains

Mereth finds itself in a tough spot here, just like the deserts.

Aratam's Ettin still reigns supreme. The Red Skies still burn through Mereth's armor. Mereth can deploy more (still not 100%, as it is Summer, desert or not) Bear Troopers, and these Troopers make every Aratamite infantryman's life a frozen hell, but it's not enough to deal with Aratam's armor advantage and newfound artillery advantage.
Mereth just can't do enough damage to Aratam's armor at range. COMBAT Plating is a godsend when it comes to facing infantry, but at the scale of a Bear Trooper it doesn't do enough against Aratam's bigger guns. And without any serious weapons or armor, Mereth is nearly helpless against any Ettin sighted.

Excavators here are the most useful they've ever been. Completely resistant to artillery, and able to position ICE Thrower-equipped Bears where they can sneak up on and ICE Ettins, they serve as a very versatile ambush and transport tool. Aratam struggles to account for the Excavators with their Goldeneyes, but still edges out ahead.

Aratam marches across the plains, leaving melted metal behind. But not without facing significant resistance every step of the way.
Aratam advances in the Plains.
Plains: [M: 1/4; A: 3/4]

As the war continues and the impact is felt harder in the home cities of both Mereth and Aratam, both governments begin to worry that their citizenry may be growing critical of the war. In order to prevent this from affecting day-to-day military operations, they've tasked their R&D departments to handle this. After all, a more war-supporting populace means more funding can be allocated to R&D!

Whichever side that comes up with the best propaganda pieces (in any media form) will win a Research Credit, allowing that side to roll 3d4 for a design/revision and choose the best two dice. One submission per person, and they must all be posted in the Core Thread.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2018, 01:06:35 am »

Joining Aratam


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2018, 02:28:01 pm »

Propaganda: Secrets of Spice:
Let's talk about how Aratam created Spice, the drug that creates Goldeneyes. Thanks to the brave sacrifice of several Merethian agents, we have acquired secret information on the creation of Spice. We initially considered keeping this a war secret and using it for ourselves, in an attempt to reverse engineer the effects, but it isn't worth it. It just isn't worth it.

Spice was intended, originally, to tap into the hidden depths of the mind and unlock precognitive powers. A lofty goal, one with a proportionate price. No drug of that caliber could possibly be perfected without human testing. The classified reports we've gotten our hands on detail some of the experiments used in the development of Spice. Some of these are so horrifying that we opted to destroy them. Nobody should have to suffer through reading about such suffering. Some examples of the reports we have released follow below, and the remainder can all be accessed at your local library.

Quote from: Testlog, Subject Delta 22:
[REDACTED] 1, 19xx: Subject Delta 22, a homeless man, middle-aged, was abducted and placed in our custody. Witnesses were successfully administered Lethe.

[REDACTED] 2, 19xx: Subject administed Spice prototype via gruel. No immediate effects.

[REDACTED] 5, 19xx: Subject begins to hallucinate. Subject's physical health begins to deteriorate, despite sufficient nutrition from gruel and sufficient sleep.

[REDACTED] 10, 19xx: Physical health deterioration progresses. Subject displays bleeding, sores, and extreme rash. Hallucinations grow more pronounced.

[REDACTED] 13, 19xx: Subject experiences cardiac arrest, subject diseased. Autopsy reveals deposits of crystallized Spice in subject's brain and other vital organs.

Quote from: Testlog, Subject Alpha 19:
[REDACTED] 4, 19xx: Subject Alpha 19, noted anti-government activist, was abducted and placed into our custody. Witnesses successfully administered Lethe.

[REDACTED] 6, 19xx: Subject is administered improved Spice formula via injection. Injection is repeated daily.

[REDACTED] 11, 19xx: Subject loses ability to sleep. Subject complains of extreme pain in head and kidneys. Spice injections continued.

[REDACTED] 14, 19xx: Subject deceased. Autopsy reveals large crystallized deposits of Spice in brain, but not in other organs other than kidneys. Cause of death: brain hemorrhage.

Quote from: Testlog, Subject Beta 44
[REDACTED] 7, 19xx: Subject Beta 44, autistic child, was abducted from their parents and placed into our custody. Parents and other witnesses successfully administered Lethe.

[REDACTED] 8, 19xx: Subject begins receiving injections of Spice, improved formula. Injections repeated daily.

[REDACTED] 11, 19xx: Subject becomes non-responsive. Coma suspected and proved.

[REDACTED] 22, 19xx: Subject awakens with golden eyes. Subject demonstrates precognitive knowledge. Subject transported to [CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET].

[REDACTED] 23, 19xx: Subject deceased. Cause of death: [CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET]

Quote from: Testlog, Subject Omega 98:
[REDACTED] 12, 19xx: Subject Omega 98, retired secret agent, was abducted and placed into our custody. Witnesses successfully administered Lethe.

[REDACTED] 13, 19xx: Subject administered low dose of improved Spice formula via injection. Injection repeated daily.

[REDACTED] 18: 19xx: Subject escapes custody. Subject demonstrates enhanced senses.

[REDACTED] 20, 19xx: Subject returned to custody. Those in contact with Subject over the period of his escape successfully administered Lethe.

[REDACTED] 22, 19xx: Subject administered new Spice formula, containing addictive and hypnotic agents.

[REDACTED] 14, 19xx: Subject successfully conditioned as Goldeneye agent.

From these reports and others, we can see that Aratam holds no love for their civilian population, aside from the rich, the influential, and the political. They are willing to use their own people as test subjects in order to win this war. No doubt, if they won, those they considered inferior, you, our people, would be next in line for their experiments. If we give up this war, we will be subjugated by a government that doesn't care for its people or for their inherent rights. A government ruled by nepotism and dictators. A government that allows no political opposition.

The war is hard. We know that. We wish this wasn't necessary. But it is. It really is. If we don't fight, who will? Aratam's population, oppressed and brainwashed? Unlikely. So we must fight. We must fight on. We cannot lose, for our sakes, and for the sake of Aratam's people.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2018, 03:55:36 pm »

Spoiler: Poster (click to show/hide)

Edit: @FallacyofUrist: under no circumstances has our GoldenEye forces displayed apparent Precognition, please correct this in you're lies and slander.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 05:51:50 pm by Blood_Librarian »
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2018, 07:31:19 pm »

Then what do you call what they do?
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2018, 07:45:05 pm »

Not within my discretion to state.
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil

Maximum Spin

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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2018, 07:47:12 pm »

Then what do you call what they do?
As I recall being told previously, it's just really fast and hyperaware ordinary postcognition.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2018, 08:01:08 pm »

Exactly - Goldeneyes are just unnaturally aware of their surroundings. Stuff like microvibrations in the soil caused by an Excavator, or an extremely faint sound from an incoming Penguin missile, that regular people wouldn't notice, Goldeneyes do notice.
Their awareness helps them in plenty of situations and generally greatly increases their effectiveness (not enough to make them notably effective in direct combat at a VE level), but the ability to notice Excavators and incoming bombardments has been deemed the most useful value by Aratam command.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2018, 01:47:32 am »

Regardless, propaganda doesn't have to be accurate


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2018, 03:37:14 am »

Regardless, propaganda doesn't have to be accurate
At least lie only on the important parts
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2018, 08:01:11 pm »

if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil


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Re: Mad Arms Race - Core Thread (Summer 1962)
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2018, 04:35:57 pm »

A statement by the Merethine Organisation for Liberty and Equality
Brothers! Sisters! Hear my words, and tremble!
Whilst we enjoy our freedom here in Mereth- the freedom to do what you want, where you want, in the power armour that you want- there are others who suffer under the heavy burden of tyranny! And I speak not of some distant land ruled by some tinpot dictator, but of our swarthy neighbours to the south!
Yes, the sweltering lands of Aratam have in recent years been overtaken by a most heinous class of being, the so-called 'Necropoliticians'. These men and women fancy themselves the immortal rulers of all that they survey, having set aside all pretences of democracy, promising that they shall rule till the end of days! Their psychotic lackeys, hopped up on goofballs one and all, enforce their cruel whims on their citizenry with their precognitive powers!
This is the foe that our brave blue boys are holding at bay. Every day they fight to keep Mereth free of the scourge of an undead nobility, who would see us all in chains, take away our Bear armour, and ban the consumption of frozen treats!
Would I say that our government is perfect? No, of course not! But at least I have the right to say so! In Aratam, even thinking such things is a crime, let alone speaking them out loud! Indeed, we might bemoan a bit of lawlessness here, a little failing infrastructure there, but these are the costs of true FREEDOM.
Let us be united, brethren, in support for those men and women who stand firm in the face of Aratamite agression to protect that freedom!
Three cheers for ice, pits, and bears!
Three cheers for FREEDOM!
Three cheers for the Merethine Army!
Long Live United Forenia!
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