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Author Topic: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid - Strategy SY108  (Read 50749 times)


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #105 on: November 23, 2017, 12:22:45 pm »

Quote from: It's a box! It has votes! It's a Vote Box!
Secondary Weapon System Generators (0):
"Helios" Fusion Reactor (7): Chiefwaffles, joha4270, Andrea, FallacyofUrist, Detoxicated, 3_14159, BBBence
Proud Juraki/Cannalan/Kasgyr/Ertexite/Karikhitan/Nogranian/Aratam Engineer.


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #106 on: November 23, 2017, 03:25:51 pm »

Targetting Aggregate to React to Galactic Enemy Threats T.A.R.G.E.T.[/b
This automated computer aids the human shooters with their targetting. Valid data is portrayed to the user and microadjustments to the aim. This aiming system is a first version of kany to come and is also created to gather valid data to investigate to further improve this machine. FUrthermore this datta can be used for military analyzations.]


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #107 on: November 23, 2017, 03:46:20 pm »

Revision: "Helios" Fusion Reactor
The Helios is the next iteration of our reactor, though its improvements aren't large enough to warrant anything near a design.

Helios utilizes Aneutronic Helium-3 reactions instead of Skylight's Deuterium-Tritium reaction that was picked for ease as we were trying to make the entire reactor in the first place. Aneutronic He3 reactions produce more power than D-T, and produce significantly less radiation. Less radiation means less shielding means less mass. Back on Earth, supplying He3 was difficult and it required higher temperatures. The effectiveness of Libum-265k and our spacefaring nature should solve both these problems.
More power and less mass. A general great improvement to our fusion reactors for little effort.

While on the topic of fusion reactors (namely, fitting it in the Cuttlefish design) we implement a simple-yet-effective mechanism to add water to the exhaust of the Helios reactor when used for plasma torch thrust. With some simple calculations, we add the right amount of water to massively increase thrust. It's at the cost of fuel efficiency, but we have way too much of that right now to ever be useful anyways. This should be perhaps the most trivial thing we've ever done.
The increased power output of the Helios and the adding of mass to its exhaust should greatly aid the Cuttlefish engine wise. (Hopefully allowing us to save some power for the rest of the ship as well.)

TL;DR: Switch the Skylight over to He3 Aneutronic reactions, decreasing shield mass and increasing power output; should be relatively simple. And add water to its exhaust when used as a Plasma Torch thruster in order to add mass and decrease isp, increasing thrust (while being super trivial even for a Revision).
This should have the hopeful immediate effect of making the Cuttlefish much faster and allowing it to still output useful amounts of power under thrust.
"Helios" Fusion Reactor (Normal): (3+2)=5: Average
So, let's get this out of the way: the Helios does not perform optimally. He3 fusion has the benefit of producing electrical currents directly, rather than merely producing heat which is then converted into electricity. The Skylight reactor was not designed to take advantage of this, meaning some potential gains are lost. Revamping the reactor entirely was not our goal here either- probably a good thing, because that would've been measurably harder.
He3-He3 fusion requires temperatures an order of magnitude higher than D-T fusion, but with Libum-265k and some deft engineering we were able to pull this off.
The Helios reactor produces about 50% more power than the Skylight, though the industrial gains are limited by the added difficulty of acquiring fuel (and besides, this wouldn't represent a paradigm shift of the sort that would cause a massive increase in production). It requires less radiation shielding, reducing its weight and bulk, which in turn makes the Cuttlefish lighter.

Injecting water into the plasma torch... was not our main focus here. We've done it, and it has indeed increased thrust (at the cost of fuel efficiency), though not perhaps as much as we would like- we just didn't have the time to do anything but the simplest, least risky modifications.

The Cuttlefish is now slightly less hobbled- work more focussed on fixing its flaws might've had better results, since we didn't really address the whole "Tokamak isn't designed for this" issue- it now at least requires less time to recharge capacitors (and has room for more capacitors, due to the reduced shielding), and is slightly faster when the thrusters are running (Kinda Slow as opposed to Slow).

We've finally started building our own ships. They may not be the most well put together ships ever, but they work (sort of).
Confidence is high in the D Mission. With all the advances of recent years, what could possibly go wrong?
Better safe than sorry, though. Carry on designing weapons! It is now the design phase of SY99.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 03:50:45 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #108 on: November 23, 2017, 03:50:28 pm »

Targetting Aggregate to React to Galactic Enemy Threats T.A.R.G.E.T.(1): Detoxicated



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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #109 on: November 23, 2017, 04:12:11 pm »

Design: Escher Laser Emitter
A new Escher-based version of the laser emitter, for use in both current uses of lasers - the Cuttlefish and Ranger.

By taking advantage of the Escher Layout's relative development and ability to finely manipulate electricity like no other recorded hing, we can store electrons at a specific energy level - equal for all electrions - then release them all to a lower energy level when pressing the trigger.
This eliminates most intermediate steps in laser generation, and should achieve far greater efficiency. Another advantage is that this allows for us to easily set the exact wavelength of the beam during production, choosing one most fit for the intended use. In-atmosphere lasers can use visible light wavelengths (which we assume they already do), and space-based laser weapons can use x-ray wavelengths (and we assume that the Cuttlefish uses visible light - which is the #1 reason for why its turrets are cheap water guns). The Escher emitter will not be capable of beam-fire without further development, but the extreme increase in power-per-pulse should make that up and we can simply keep fielding our non-Escher laser rifle in case we need a glorified quick-acting laser drill against armor in the field.

The Escher laser emitter should present tremendous improvement while being fairly easily (please) as it's largely just a refinement and application of the Escher layout. Not trivial, of course - we'll have to be a bit more careful with the manipulation. But that's what the entire design is for, after all.
Our lasers should be able to be much less bulky as the amount of parts needed is drastically reduced. Efficiency and power should go way up as well - improving "ammo", and while we can't use beams with the Escher emitter, the individual pulses should be far stronger than ever before - easily beating Kinetics.

TL;DR: Use the Escher layout to manipulate the energy level of electrons in the laser, storing them at specific e-levels and releasing them all at lower e-levels when pressing the trigger. A significant step forward making unique application of Escher. Should massively improve efficiency (by cutting out a ton of no-longer-needed intermediate laser bits - decreasing bulk and increasing "ammo" per NQ Cell) of our lasers and greatly increase power of the laser. Can only be used in pulses, but +++efficiency and +++effective power should more than make up for it - each pulse should be extraordinarily quick (since it's just releasing all electrons at once) but do a lot more damage. Has extra advantage of being able to easily set its wavelength during production.
TL;DR TL;DR: Escher layout manipulates electrons more directly, skipping ton of intermediate steps & parts. +++Efficiency (---bulkiness), ++power. Can set wavelengths of laser easily. Can only be used in pulses; should still drastically better than X1 Ranger.

Laser rifles with the Escher emitter should be called the EAF-X2 Raider and the X1 Ranger should be kept in limited service in case we encounter any armor that the X2 can't melt.
The Cuttlefish laser turrets should be set to x-ray wavelength to, in addition with the other improvements, not be useless.

Quote from: Voted Box
Targetting Aggregate to React to Galactic Enemy Threats T.A.R.G.E.T. (1): Detoxicated
Escher Laser Emitter (1): Chiefwaffles
The science behind this is 95% thanks to Andrea, and has been confirmed by NUKE to give us a "significantly better laser". Makes the Cuttlefish useful in battle and should give us a laser rifle useful for all infantry.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 08:14:51 pm by Chiefwaffles »
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #110 on: November 23, 2017, 05:06:18 pm »

Quote from: Voted Box
Targetting Aggregate to React to Galactic Enemy Threats T.A.R.G.E.T. (1): Detoxicated
Escher Laser Emitter (2): Chiefwaffles, Andrea

Being my creation, and liking the idea of specializing in lasers, I vote for this. I believe it would make truly powerful laser weapons widely available on all fronts and provide a much needed boost to our space borne laser turrets.

Mind you, turrets need more work on that and we could use a targeting system, but that is what the next revision is for.

Forward, Ertex, as fast as a photon beam!

by the way, we might have an extra turn to design after this.


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  • Urist McCarpenter
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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #111 on: November 23, 2017, 06:58:00 pm »

Meh it is time to add auxilliary systems to our itemlist. A targetting system, psychohistory, something that boost our entire army in a behind the curtain kind of way.
Though I must admit chiefwaffles always comes up with very good reason not to.


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #112 on: November 23, 2017, 07:10:28 pm »

Quote from: Voted Box
Targetting Aggregate to React to Galactic Enemy Threats T.A.R.G.E.T. (1): Detoxicated
Escher Laser Emitter (3): Chiefwaffles, Andrea, BBBence
If I understand it correctly this applies magic to electrons to cause a better laser. Doesn't that mean we could use this for Ion based weaponry? I remember every scifi ever using ion guns to disable enemy ships.

Meh it is time to add auxilliary systems to our itemlist. A targetting system, psychohistory, something that boost our entire army in a behind the curtain kind of way.
Though I must admit chiefwaffles always comes up with very good reason not to.
Guns tend to boost entire armies. And I'd rather have working lasers on our spaceship that have to be aimed by hand than confetti guns that agressively stare at the enemy ship.
Proud Juraki/Cannalan/Kasgyr/Ertexite/Karikhitan/Nogranian/Aratam Engineer.


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #113 on: November 23, 2017, 07:15:56 pm »

It's not time to add auxiliary systems when our primary systems don't work.

Like, I like the idea of things like T.A.R.G.E.T. and I even have some stored designs fairly similar to it, but we shouldn't be making targeting systems when our weapons don't work.
The X1 Ranger is a niche weapon, not suitable for widespread use. In order to do serious damage, even in pulse mode, anyone firing it has to keep it aimed at the target, making shooting moving targets really hard. Its actual damage compared to kinetics isn't great as well. Its bulkiness also prevents it from being practical. Right now it's only good for anti-vehicle (and they may not even have vehicles) and maybe sniping.

The Cuttlefish, our main combat corvette, has completely nonfunctional weapons. The lasers are so pathetically weak that they're actually just fancy laser pointers. We have two designs - our two most important designs - that aren't anywhere as useful as they need to be, and Escher Laser Emitters fix that.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #114 on: November 23, 2017, 08:28:26 pm »

Hehe, dont worry, if I came around as if I was salty then that is a bit true. You are right however, I just think we should broaden our horizon a bit...

Btw when will the colonization and battle phase begin?

Doesn't that mean we could use this for Ion based weaponry? I remember every scifi ever using ion guns to disable enemy ships.
I like this!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 08:30:45 pm by Detoxicated »


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #115 on: November 24, 2017, 06:50:22 am »

Quote from: Voted Box
Targetting Aggregate to React to Galactic Enemy Threats T.A.R.G.E.T. (1): Detoxicated
Escher Laser Emitter (4): Chiefwaffles, Andrea, BBBence, Happerry
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #116 on: November 24, 2017, 09:53:08 am »

Design: Escher Laser Emitter
A new Escher-based version of the laser emitter, for use in both current uses of lasers - the Cuttlefish and Ranger.

By taking advantage of the Escher Layout's relative development and ability to finely manipulate electricity like no other recorded hing, we can store electrons at a specific energy level - equal for all electrions - then release them all to a lower energy level when pressing the trigger.
This eliminates most intermediate steps in laser generation, and should achieve far greater efficiency. Another advantage is that this allows for us to easily set the exact wavelength of the beam during production, choosing one most fit for the intended use. In-atmosphere lasers can use visible light wavelengths (which we assume they already do), and space-based laser weapons can use x-ray wavelengths (and we assume that the Cuttlefish uses visible light - which is the #1 reason for why its turrets are cheap water guns). The Escher emitter will not be capable of beam-fire without further development, but the extreme increase in power-per-pulse should make that up and we can simply keep fielding our non-Escher laser rifle in case we need a glorified quick-acting laser drill against armor in the field.

The Escher laser emitter should present tremendous improvement while being fairly easily (please) as it's largely just a refinement and application of the Escher layout. Not trivial, of course - we'll have to be a bit more careful with the manipulation. But that's what the entire design is for, after all.
Our lasers should be able to be much less bulky as the amount of parts needed is drastically reduced. Efficiency and power should go way up as well - improving "ammo", and while we can't use beams with the Escher emitter, the individual pulses should be far stronger than ever before - easily beating Kinetics.

TL;DR: Use the Escher layout to manipulate the energy level of electrons in the laser, storing them at specific e-levels and releasing them all at lower e-levels when pressing the trigger. A significant step forward making unique application of Escher. Should massively improve efficiency (by cutting out a ton of no-longer-needed intermediate laser bits - decreasing bulk and increasing "ammo" per NQ Cell) of our lasers and greatly increase power of the laser. Can only be used in pulses, but +++efficiency and +++effective power should more than make up for it - each pulse should be extraordinarily quick (since it's just releasing all electrons at once) but do a lot more damage. Has extra advantage of being able to easily set its wavelength during production.
TL;DR TL;DR: Escher layout manipulates electrons more directly, skipping ton of intermediate steps & parts. +++Efficiency (---bulkiness), ++power. Can set wavelengths of laser easily. Can only be used in pulses; should still drastically better than X1 Ranger.

Laser rifles with the Escher emitter should be called the EAF-X2 Raider and the X1 Ranger should be kept in limited service in case we encounter any armor that the X2 can't melt.
The Cuttlefish laser turrets should be set to x-ray wavelength to, in addition with the other improvements, not be useless.
Escher Laser Emitter (Hard): (3+1)-1=3: Buggy Mess
Is there anything Escher can't do?
Well, generate lasers effectively, for one. I mean, the theory is sound. At least, it sounds sound if you don't think about it too much. After all, the Escher Pattern manipulates electrons, right? It makes them jump through hoops like a tiny little ringmaster.
Well, yes. In a way. However, not in the right way. Electrons are bumped from atom to atom, but not generally from one level to another- they don't get excited in the way we're looking for.
We did, eventually, after considerable hardship, manage to create a version of the Escher Pattern wherein a large number of electrons are excited, then all induced to emit photons at the same time. However, the power requirements outstrip those of more conventional lasers, and the mechanism takes up even more space.
We have come to the unfortunate conclusion that, without some major breakthrough, Escher Laser Emitters will not be a thing.
All is not lost, however. In seeing how the Escher Pattern fails to generate lasers, we have learnt a lot about how more conventional lasers do. Already there are a few sketches of potentially more efficient lasers being passed around- it may not be the paradigm shift we were hoping for, but with a little work, we should still be able to deploy more powerful/efficient lasers.

It is now the Revision Phase of SY99.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #117 on: November 24, 2017, 10:39:16 am »

I'm thinking we should've made an entire pattern specifically for the usage of lasers. As it is, I think we're stretching a pattern created for capacitors far too much. Either we crate a second generation more "general" patern or specialize patterns into individual purposes.
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #118 on: November 24, 2017, 06:07:01 pm »

Revision: "Picasso" Nanostructure Pattern
We've learned a lot about Escher in our attempts of using it as a laser emitter. And we believe with a few tweaks to Escher, we can create a pattern much more useful for the purposes we desire. "Picasso" is named after another artist famed for his abstract and somewhat "nonsensical" drawings while maintaining beauty. A perfect choice for the name of this pattern.

The problem with Escher when being used in laser emitters is that it can't manipulate electrons to the level of precision required; it can deftly move them around with complete precision, but not - without extreme power usage - manipulate any details finer than movement. So with our newfound extensive experience of how our nanostructures work to potentially manipulate energy levels and other details of electrons, we can revise a pattern specifically for that, and not try to hack a pattern originally designed for a capacitor into something it's not.
Essentially, Picasso manipulates the energy levels of electrons, whereas Escher manipulates the movement of electrons. We have plenty of experience about manipulating energy levels with nanostructures thanks to the ill-fated design, and just need to apply it to our extensive nanostructure knowledge.

This may not be as easy as simply refining our lasers, it'd definitely be worth it while remaining grounded. This should be replacing Escher in the nanostructure laser emitter, hopefully completing the original goal of the design.
TL;DR: We should have gotten a ton of experience in manipulating e-levels with nanostructures from that design. So use this experience + our super-experience regarding nanostructures to revise a nanostructure pattern specifically for E-level manipulation should let us accomplish the goals of Escher Laser Emitter without failing to hack patterns meant for capacitors.
TL;DR TL;DR: Last design said "Escher Laser Emitters will not be a thing." But instead of giving up on all the unique advantages and paradigm shifts from that design's goals, let's listen to the design and make a nanostructure pattern that's actually meant to be used for this - not Escher.
TL;DR TL;DR TL;DR: Revise Escher to manipulate e-levels instead of movement. Use it in our nanostructure laser emitter instead. Hopefully "fix" last design. Use experience in nanostructures from practically every design; use experience in manipulating e-levels using (the wrong type of) nanostructures from last design.

Quote from: Bote Vox
"Picasso" Nanostructure Pattern (1): Chiefwaffles
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 04:29:54 am by Chiefwaffles »
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Ertex Design Bureau - Battle for Aljadid (An Arms Race Game)
« Reply #119 on: November 24, 2017, 06:25:06 pm »

Quote from: botx voe
Picasso" Nanostructure Pattern (2): Chiefwaffles, khang
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