I am stressed beyond belief, and I don't know why.
So, you know what, I'm going to dump here, and hope for some help. Maybe this will make me feel a little better; and maybe I can get some advice.
I'm a 13 year old in 8th grade, Male, diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger's syndrome (Thanks, it made writing this 10x harder), 9 classes a day (Study Hall, Math, History, Agriculture, Science, Physical Education, Advisory (Basically a second study hall, but with anti-bullying promotional material inbetween), Robotics, Reading) each one about 30~ minutes. I'm stuck under mountains of work due to my stress (leading to trouble thinking, wandering of mind to stressful topics, loss of materials, absentmindedness, etc.), and am struggling to keep up (Biggest contenders are History and Reading when it comes to workload). I enjoy programming, scrapping what little skeleton i have over and over again (again, likely thanks to Asperger's syndrome). At home, we recently went through a divorce (Luckily, not too stressful, my dad was a bigger cause of stress than the divorce itself!), and are taking care of 5 animals (3 large hunting dogs, 2 male, 1 female (their mother), and 2 cats that don't like eachother that much) at once. My mother is currently struggling to support the family of 5. I have 3 siblings, 1 brother, 2 sisters (one is absurdly rude, and listens to NOONE without throwing a fit first. Actively annoys everyone intentionally). In terms of peers, I am generally fairly silent in person, avoiding others when I can. Generally, people like to spread rumors about me due to my adeptness with a computer (I use Arch Linux mostly, and they always claim I'm a hacker at the sight of a terminal, and then never stop). Personally, I think I'm more mature than the other kids in my grade. Teachers seem to expect the absolute best out of me most of the time in terms of work, generally expecting 90s to 100s.
Sanitation is a bigger issue than it should be for me; there is rotting food in my bedroom, accompanied by fruitflies, that I have not cleaned up; I've vowed COUNTLESS times to be better about sanitation, but I can never manage it. I have a issue with chewing on plastic/rubber, and I've never been able to resist the temptation to not do it. Bay12, IRC, and Discord have become my only form of releasing stress, letting me just pretend nothing is wrong, and be seen as a average person.
I take medicine (daily) to help me focus, but it has the rather unfortunate side effect of annihilating my appetite. As such, I'm also worried about not eating enough, but simply trying to eat a sandwich makes me feel like I'm overeating.
Expect the rant to expand, but i DID predict right. I feel a bit better. Any and all help is not just appreciated, I will give free hugs for it.