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Author Topic: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]  (Read 7228 times)

Smoke Mirrors

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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #90 on: April 25, 2018, 03:20:19 pm »

Chapter 2: Paragraph 6: Return of the Generic Street Thugs.

Dis [7] v. Chance [9]
Dis [10] v. Chance [8]

Annabelle Winston[10]: You keep watching. Dis places on of the die down next to him, but keeps the other two in his palm. The one he placed down has a red, green, and brown camouflage pattern, and appears to be a ten sided die. Dis rolls another die, this one different shades of brown, and frantically watches as it falls. It lands on the ground and he looks worried. He taps his temples and begins to speak "Dexter send out a decal to-" but cuts off with a sigh of relief at something in the bowl. "Never mind," he says, "the boy was able to handle it." He visibly relaxes and rolls the other die, black and grey, and mutters to himself something that sounds like, "good job boy, and thank you for running, I don't want to put your mother through any more heartbreak," as he watches the third die land. "Ah good," he says as he picks it up, "that was a close one." He taps his temple again. "Dexter, send out a decal to the back entrance, the one with that arrow trap that has been firing randomly. Someone tried to break in and it hit him.  Bring him in and get him bandaged up, not to mention giving him the antidote, then bring him to me."

Jason/Octavian Grey[8]+1: You run off and duck to the nearest source of cover you can find, the doorframe of a nearby building. You find a position in the doorframe were a hole lets you look out at the house you were just at, but you're completely covered. Looking out, you see Carter, laying on the ground, clutching his side, still in the doorway. You scan the rooftops to try to find who shot him, but you don't see anyone.

Carter Graham[3]: You try to move, but the moment you do, the pain explodes into your legs. It hurts so much, you fall right there, unable to move out of the doorway. The moment you stop trying to move, the pain returns to normal. The burning feeling in your side isn't growing, but it's not going away. You rub your hand over the wound, and look at it. There is some blood, but surprisingly little for an arrow shot.

Russel "Fish" Fischer[8]-2 [9]+2: You allow magic to rush into your legs, allowing them to brace for impact. You land hard, causing a cloud of dust to fly up around you. Thanks to your magic, the impact leaves you with no da,ages, besides the bottoms of your feet being a bit sore, and you take off running. You run as far as you can away from this crazy house, creepy mom stalkers be damned, and you end up in a poorer part of town. You run into an alley way, and barrel into something hard. You look up to see three snarling men dressed in leather. "Well," the man you barreled into says in a heavy Brooklyn accent, "wha'da we have here?"

MM, temporary decrease your strength and dexterity by 1, you got hit with a poison that works to prevent movement, and no, this isn't an ass pull, I had it planned last turn but the poison hasn't spread enough yet to make it detectable.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 07:31:57 pm by Smoke Mirrors »
Don't worry too much about the one mistake, Smoke Mirrors. Your character was memorable for all the demonology and story writing.

I’m running a game/mechanics test called Fate/Mechanics Test. Feel free to check it out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #91 on: April 25, 2018, 03:26:54 pm »

I pull out my hand crossbow and get ready for anyone who seems like they’re associated with this location.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Sir Elventide

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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #92 on: April 26, 2018, 08:01:16 pm »

Annabelle raised an eyebrow. From Dis' actions and mutterings, he didn't appeared to just be attempting to manipulate fate; he seemed to be actively controlling events happening to something or someone he was viewing through the bowl of water. When he mentioned something about 'not wanting to put someone's mother through more heartbreak, Annabelle begin to became a bit nervous. However, when Dis also ordered 'Sinister", presumably the other guard, to attend to another person's wounds due to a trap that shoots poisoned arrows, she felt relief. Dis seems to be both courteous and compassionate.

Leaving Dis to his devices, Annabelle decides to:

Leave the room and do some more exploring.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #93 on: April 28, 2018, 02:04:23 pm »


Russel takes a half step back, sizing up the three new strangers that don't seem nearly as friendly as he had hoped. Man, today isn't my day. he thinks to himself, and weighs his options. Option 1: Talk it out. Might work, might get my ass kicked. Hm. Okay, option 2: Kick their asses- Noting that one of them is about twice his size, he crosses that off his list. Nnnope. Option 3: Run. He checks behind him, noting any exits or conspicuously open windows. I'll take those odds.

Russel gives the three strangers a smile and, coming up blank on any one liners, says "Sorry dude, don't have time to chat. Your girlfriend's waiting for me back home." before turning tail and making a run for any nearby exits.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #94 on: April 28, 2018, 02:09:07 pm »

"Sorry dude, don't have time to chat. Your girlfriend's waiting for me back home."
On a scale of one to ten, are you suicidal?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
  • The sword cuts with finality when guided by wisdom
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #95 on: April 28, 2018, 07:06:59 pm »

"Sorry dude, don't have time to chat. Your girlfriend's waiting for me back home."
On a scale of one to ten, are you suicidal?

Being suicidal implies that he know that he's going to die and want it to happen. Being stupid implies that he's have no clue what he just done.  :P

Smoke Mirrors

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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #96 on: April 28, 2018, 08:22:47 pm »

Generic goon squad leader is going to have a "snappy" comeback to that.
Don't worry too much about the one mistake, Smoke Mirrors. Your character was memorable for all the demonology and story writing.

I’m running a game/mechanics test called Fate/Mechanics Test. Feel free to check it out.


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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #97 on: April 28, 2018, 11:46:30 pm »

((I think it might be late enough at night that I can actually make an action without being annoyed at suddenly poison...and annoyed that I can detect traps without also thinking to get out of the way of said traps))

Do...something? I guess? Apparently I can't move, sooooooo.....Try getting out of the doorway again, with more success.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Smoke Mirrors

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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #98 on: June 07, 2018, 09:07:34 am »

Chapter 2: Paragraph 7: The same event from multiple perspectives, I think I'll call this Pulp Fantasy.

Annabelle Winston[6]: You sneak away from Dis's room and get back to exploring. Being as it's the only landmark in the house that you've seen, you head back to the fountain. The cat you saw earlier is still there, now sitting up, watching the koi. As you watch it, Dexter, or maybe Sinister, walks over. "Fisher," he tells the cat, "stop trying to catch the koi, you have fish prepared for you in the kitchen." He lifts up the car, Fisher, and moves him off the fountain. Dexter, your pretty sure it's him, nods at you in recognition as he walks over to a door and opens it. You can't see what's outside from your angle, but you here Dexter say "Hello there, you don't appear to be the young man I was told to escort inside. You wouldn't have happened to see a man with an arrow in his side, would you?" followed by "you look rather familiar," a little later.

Jason/Octavian Grey[6]: You manage to load your crossbow and get ready for anyone that seems like a member of the mansion's staff. Your position gives you a great place to watch from, and watch is what you do. Unfortunately it's rather boring. It takes a while for anything to go on. Eventually, the guy who was watching you earlier runs back over, and you can pretty much see him mentally cursing his luck as the door you were just by opens, and a muscular black man steps out. He definitely looks like a bodyguard.

Carter Graham[9]-1: Despite the pain in your lower body, you roll out of the doorway. Rolling in the direction you saw you friend disappear to earlier, you move close to a door frame, where you are fairly well hidden from the area you were just at. You glance around, and notice Jason hiding in the doorframe, with his crossbow locked and loaded. After a bit, the weird kid from earlier runs over to the doorframe you where just lying in, and you suddenly feel a lot better about having gotten out in time, as a burly black man steps out and asks about you.

Russel "Fish" Fischer[3]+2 vs Goon leader[10]-1, Goon 1[1]-3, Goon 2[4]-4
Russel [7]+2 vs Goon leader[8]+5 vs Goon 1[6]+2 and Goon leader[6]-1 vs Goon 2[9]+3 Russel[2]+1: You dash off after your "witty" insult, which doesn't even seem to phase the big ugly guy, his two companions though... "Boss, you've got a girlfriend?" questioned goon 1, "your boyfriend ain't gonna be happy about this." "He's lying you dimwit!" yelled the boss, trying to elbow his way past his lackeys, and succeeding. "But boss!" argued the other goon, "what if your boyfriend doesn't know he's joking?" "Damn it, you're right!" Goon leader roars, turning back to you, "I'm so going to track you down and beat you up if this messes with my sex life!" The goons run off in a different direction as you run. Unfortunately, as you run, you don't pay attention to where you are going, and you end up back at Dis's mansion. The door right next to you opens, and a big black guy in a suit and black eyeliner that looks like tribal makeup walks out. "Hello there," he greets you pleasantly, "you don't appear to be the young man I was told to escort inside. You wouldn't have happened to see a man with an arrow in his side, would you?" As you debate telling him the truth, he gives you a closer look and adds, "you look rather familiar."
Don't worry too much about the one mistake, Smoke Mirrors. Your character was memorable for all the demonology and story writing.

I’m running a game/mechanics test called Fate/Mechanics Test. Feel free to check it out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #99 on: June 07, 2018, 12:32:45 pm »

Screw Dis, I'm going back to camp.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #100 on: June 08, 2018, 12:09:23 pm »


No really, try to leave with Octavian, this isn't worth the trouble. Also, I'm going to need something for the dart wound of railroading poisoned torment.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #101 on: June 08, 2018, 01:24:51 pm »

((Not much to do at this point except exploring.))

'He must is referring to that injured man,' Annabelle thought as she continued to listen to Dexter speak with someone on the other side of the door.

Continue exploring.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 02:01:49 pm by Sir Elventide »

Smoke Mirrors

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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #102 on: June 08, 2018, 01:25:22 pm »

Railroading implies I made an arrow trap out of no where just to shoot you. There was an arrow trap there already and whoever tried to open the door would trigger it. You got a 1 against a 10, you should be happy it's only a -1 to physical actions.

((Not much to do at this point except exploring.))

'He must is referring to that injured man,' Annabelle thought as she continued to listen to Sinister speak with someone on the other side of the door.

Continue exploring.
The guy at the door is Dexter, not Sinister.
Don't worry too much about the one mistake, Smoke Mirrors. Your character was memorable for all the demonology and story writing.

I’m running a game/mechanics test called Fate/Mechanics Test. Feel free to check it out.

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
  • The sword cuts with finality when guided by wisdom
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #103 on: June 08, 2018, 02:01:24 pm »

Railroading implies I made an arrow trap out of no where just to shoot you. There was an arrow trap there already and whoever tried to open the door would trigger it. You got a 1 against a 10, you should be happy it's only a -1 to physical actions.

((Not much to do at this point except exploring.))

'He must is referring to that injured man,' Annabelle thought as she continued to listen to Sinister speak with someone on the other side of the door.

Continue exploring.
The guy at the door is Dexter, not Sinister.

Oops, editing now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sacrilege IC thread [4/6]
« Reply #104 on: June 11, 2018, 12:33:07 pm »

Russel makes a mental note to use 'significant other' the next time he tries to insult a group of goons in a random alleyway and promptly nearly runs into another stranger.

Damn, he thinks, I've gotta stop meeting people like this.

After hearing what the man had to say, and his additional comment, he came to an impasse. Okay, the guy at the door probably isn't Dis, unless he's trying to play some ultimate switcheroo by shooting himself, buuut that doesn't seem like his style. Besides, this guy just said he's getting orders from some other guy to 'escort' the guy trying to break into Dis's house. Twenty bucks says the guy giving the orders is Dis. He takes a moment to get another look at the stranger, noting his general appearance and distinguishing marks. And if that's the case, the guy trying to break in probably isn't a friend of Dis, which means he could be a friend of mine. Assuming he didn't see me following him around. Then he probably just thinks I'm a freak. He looks up at the well dressed man again. Oh jeez, butler dude's staring at me now. C'mon, Fish. Say something.

"Yeah, I've got one of those faces." Russel replies, finally. "Haven't seen any guys with arrows in them though."
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