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Author Topic: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 1 It is here.  (Read 1226 times)


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Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 1 It is here.
« on: October 30, 2017, 12:06:51 am »

Ooc Thread.

Ælfric The Wise

Ælfric the one who tasted of the grand elixir of the philosopher stone. The one who through his own ingenious and his alchemy managed to transcend mortality. It is here at this godhood that you "stand" now and ready power flowing through your "vein's" unstoppable almost and undefeatable.

You are one of the most powerful beings perhaps the most powerful being that has existed in your realm and your form has destroyed your lab in a manner of moments the endless wind expanding over your planet. Frost and snow flittering over thoughts enhanced and easily readable by yourself.

It is now. That it is all taken away mercilessly a loss of control following and you feel yourself be sucked away powerless to stop anything as your thrown through the cosmo's and with an almost boom when you reach your destination an empty void your power creating a barrier.

You Are The First And You Are You.

Nertox Nixni

Bastard. Such an ugly word wouldn't you agree and I bet that word has caused you so much trouble. But it also made you who you are today didn't it? You wouldn't be this person who incited this rebellion you wouldn't have trained under that spellcaster and you wouldn't be on the floor.

Bleeding your blood staining the floor and you feel weak weaker than you ever have. Yet can you truly let it end like this not after everything can you not? Are you such a coward to die now?

You and I both know the Answer was no. Faced with the choice of godhood whispered in your ear or death you choose the obvious answer and with it came power untold unwavering.

Fire streaked through the area magic boosted through the rebellion and as you were flung into the sky the obvious victor's of this conflict and of this war would be your rebellion moving through the cosmos you fly through a barrier with a boom your own power adding to it.

You Are The Second And You Are You.


Truley one can say your godhood is one of the more interesting ones and one of the purer among us you could be certainly said to be. Saving a small life netted one brilliant returns though certainly, that was not why you did it Vitae we can be assured of that. We can also be sure that your reward was what netted you this power.

Old and wrinkled you saw the once cub now a mighty spirit of the forest approach him. It's eye's holding gratitude one would say and with that gratitude, the power flowed and with it, every wrinkle disappeared youth flowing his your form. The Bear had given you its power and with its power, something changed.

Flung up by an all-powerful force you flew through the cosmo's and without restraint hit the bubble shattering into it and through it the power of the bear causing a roar to reverberate throughout the bubble.

You Are The Third and You Are You.

Astalina, Mistress of Shadows

Oh Fair Astelina. Oh, Fair Maiden cloaked in the purple even now you lay on the throne. Relaxed and in control the amulet and the circlet rested on your person. The treacherous advisor dead and everything has been worth it. The long war and the bloody intrigue.

Every god damned thing has been worth it for this moment. You are where you belong and have always belonged you are the god of your people and all bow before you. Your civilization Reign's high and mighty unsurmountable wealth enrapturing it and your darkness covering the world. It is your's and all yours and for a moment it seems you've won.

But alas tis was not meant to be. Your world quaked and you can say that you fought almost certainly but in the end the very roof of your palace was torn asunder and you were dragged into the cosmo's the planet being sundered of your darkness. Following trailing behind you as you with a sound like whispering and the jingling of coins.

Entered the new realm. Sealing it with the darkness behind you and trapping you all inside.

You Are The Fourth And You Are You.

You all stand here in the darkness surrounding each other. The strange wind like abberation. The Strange grey skinned warrior. The Kind Hunter who has been restored to his youth and The fair one who has been deprived of what was hers so suddenly all over again.

An intriguing cast won't you agree?.

Spoiler: The Universe (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ælfric The Wise (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Nertox Nixni (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Vitae (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Religion (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 08:23:09 pm by AbstractTraitorHero »
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2017, 12:59:27 am »

As a Lesser Edict, I instantiate a vector field continuously throughout the void, and call it Gravity. The vector field at any point will exert a force on any physical body that comes to inhabit it in the direction and with the magnitude of the vector at that point. The vector field is initialised such that all points except the exact centre of the bubble point directly away from the centre with a magnitude proportional to the distance, and the vector at the exact centre is 0; however, the vector at any point or set of points can be changed by any god at will.

[Or, put simply: "Gravity" (of a sort) now exists and tends to pull things toward the surface of the bubble; it gets weaker near the centre. You can change gravity whenever you need.]

"We'll need to build a system of physics if we expect to make anything out of this void. I'm setting up gravity now – well, a kind of gravity that should suit our needs. We should discuss where we'll go from here; depending on what we want to make, there are a lot of paths we could take."
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 01:25:19 am by Maximum Spin »

Happy Demon

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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2017, 04:38:00 am »

((Posting to watch.))
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.


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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2017, 08:32:05 am »



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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2017, 08:47:26 am »

"I suggest we each put forth one measure of power to create a world, from that point each of us can work their own way."
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2017, 10:08:08 am »

"We would all have to devote at least two thirds of our power; while someone would have to sacrifice their entire power so that their would be enough energy to create an entire planet. We could also spend all our entire edicts, for one glorious and magnificent planet; if it's that a thing everyone would want to do

Maximum Spin

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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2017, 12:11:40 pm »

"I would participate in a plan to build a planet if everyone agrees, but I think we might be better off creating something less intensive first."


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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2017, 04:57:48 pm »

I am more inclined to build a smaller world at first and then work towards creating a full fledged world in the future. Doing so would allow us to cultivate not only our skill at creation, but allow for life to begin in this new strange world as soon as possible. I would be more than happy to build such a world myself and allow others to build upon it further with life and mortals.


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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2017, 07:30:00 pm »

Seeing no responses from his fellows, Vitae set about bringing life to this world.

First Vitae reached out a great ways, linked his hands together, and drew into his chest, as if he was drawing in a pile of dirt for a hug. And so as he did so, earth and stone appeared from where there was nothing before, tilled from nothingness into this world by the will of vitae. This collection of dirt became a continent floating in the void, a mostly circular landmass with was flat and dislike near the edger, but mountainous and hilly near the center. Upon this land plants and small insects appeared, growing forth from seeds tilled into the earth from Vitae's embrace. Plains, forests, rivers, lakes, and mountains, these were the five foundations of the life that would come to live upon this world. Deep beneath the bedrock magma eternally churned, warming the land from beneath.

Yet the world was dark and cold above, so Vitae endeavored to bring light and warmth into this world. He cupped his two hands together and blew into them, as one does to fight off the cold. When he withdrew his hands a small sun was held between them. This sun was not as powerful and bright as a traditional sun, but was small and warm enough to keep the continent hot in the summer, but not so hot it would not allow winter to visit this place. Lu set it on an elliptical orbit slightly off kilter from the plane the planet was on. It was done in such a way that it does actually orbit the continent, but also so that it never rises high in the sky off the little planet. This caused the planet to have an eternally colorful horizon. Furthermore, the elliptical orbit of the sun was not on the same plane as the planet but instead angled slightly. This would cause there to be more light and heat during the summer months, and less during the winter. Vitae who had been gifted the sphere of season saw to this seasonal cycle.

Lastly Vitea felt lonely. He had spent most of his mortal life without the company of others, and while he did not regret it, something had changed inside Vitae. Something now drove him to fill his wilderness with people. Vitea created the first race of mortals, the Veats. The Veats were a herbivorous race of cervidae like mortals which would inhabit this land. They were lightly furred hooved mortals who grazed upon the grasses, leaves, vegetables, and fruits of this world. Their appearance varied widely across different individuals. Some would look more like moose, while other looked like deer or, chevrotains. Others appeared more like rams, or gazelles, or bongos. Truly each mortal was somewhat different, and in time, perhaps various tribes would as nature selected individuals best suited to their environment, but for now they were a very varied race.

When Vitae was finally finished, he sat down atop the highest mountain and watched his world from above.

Vitae uses 3 edicts to create his world.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2017, 09:26:31 pm »

Seeing no responses from his fellows, Vitae set about bringing life to this world.
Beg pardon? I only just got here. :P

"I would certainly enjoy partaking of your interesting continent. Allow me to expand your food chain."

Ælfric uses two Edicts to add the following:

Ælfric hovers high above the continent and motions as if throwing down sand or powder from one hand with the other. Snow appeared leaving his hand, and where it struck the continent below it congealed into first small and then larger furry white rabbit-cows, laden with fluffy wool like a sheepdog, the largest the size of a small but passable bear. These herbivores spread across to the very rim of the continent in winter, foraging under the snow for food, but retreat into the icy mountain peaks to hibernate when summer comes.

Next, Ælfric motions as if hurling something into the air with both hands, and icicles like daggers fly out, then unfurl wings and sprout long ice-blue feathers and sharp talons, expanding into huge birds of prey – sentient, ensouled birds of prey – that fly across the continent, sometimes not landing for days, often swooping to snatch and carry away food - which for them includes fruits and leaves like the Veats eat but also the snow-beasts and, rarely, Veats themselves.

Ælfric called the snow-beasts snawharan and the eagles Isearna.

And Ælfric saw that it was good.


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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 0 Thrown Into The Void
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2017, 10:29:56 pm »

"I have been too patient with my decision, I believe that some action should be placed. I also much prefer a continent engulfing a sun, a ring world would be have much more finesse, than just a random continent ;)."

Edict 1: The ever-lasting void would not do, it was quite fetching but still lacked in many departments. Mainly content. Astalina with an energized burst mold and exerted a power force of hardened earth and exerted dirt from the force and craft and molded with both pressure and depression. It was stretched into a donut-shape and would have this ring. It would sadly only be a floating and weird-looking continent. Of course this earthen and dirty continent required a special sun. With this ring-continent being distanced away from the other floating continent and mini-star.

Edict 2: A special and beautiful type of star had to be created that was uniquely graceful yet bad its own exertion of expression. The perfect star would of course be a mini-Neutron Star. This high-pressure mini-star however had to lack it some areas that it would create hostile life with. This remnant of a ancient star has a field of arcane energy that depresses its gravity it exerts that it truly only exerts a little amount of gravity on the continent it bears, or planets! Currently only a ring-world, sadly. But this depressurized mini-neutron star would gloriously be placed in the center of the stretched out earthen ring-continent.

"I really believe deserts and floodplains are quite beautiful and so versatile. Floodplains remind me of a distant past, and are dearly needed for this ring-world.

Edict 3: The ring-continent was missing something besides the energy from the neutron star, hmmm. How about a biome and especially a place that reminded of a distant past. The entire continent was surrounded with rocks and deserts galore, no river or oasises could be placed until the ring-continent had an atmosphere, sadly. But this sand, sandy hills, and rocks sure seemed interesting, but it needed more. With the last exertion of Astalina, a bunch of propagating microorganisms were placed, actually just prokaryotes that would use the star's energy to produce O2 into the atmosphere of the ring-continent. It nearing the edge of beauty.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 10:06:27 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 1 It is here.
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2017, 08:17:38 pm »

Ælfric the Wise.
Quietly power coalesced in one of your hand's forming wordlessly and slowly quietly releasing it into the void slowly and over time from your body. Energy leaving quietly and without much effort as it began to attempt to shape the laws of the universe. To create something known as vector's and in time it would perhaps be simply accepted but for now, it is only beginning to form and many could attempt to stop them.

As for his other ideas? It could be considered quite sagely how his eye's lit up. How the energy formed in his hands and how he lit up glowing with energy as the first blossom's of life surged forth from his hands. Atom's slowly forming and life slowly beginning to form simple bacteria beginning as the beings he had envisioned would slowly form and in the future with his energy and hopefully not being interrupted would be formed.


Truley they would be taking on one of the most momentous tasks. The creation of a planet and the creation of somewhere where Ælfric the Wises creations! Before the other god's eye's stone began to form and was entertaining with the results of the gravity vectors being formed. Seemingly forming in the air slowly just the stone quickly shifting before their eye's.

Giving a small snap of his fingers a tiny light what would be a sun formed in his hands. Being lifted above the continent one would suppose and give an ever so slight light to the almost bare stone. It would truly be what was needed to sustain life and help it flourish in time and would certainly be one of the first things life sees.

Now onto what he wished to create? His loneliness manifested itself clearly enough. The energy spreading as the small bacteria that clung to the stone and were fed by the small light began to appear. They would be here soon enough and they would grow and be what he had imagined as long as nothing interfered!

Astalina,Misstress of Shadows.

Going into her own mold the mistress of shadows appeared to did she not? Seemed like her certainly shadows and the void was welcoming her intrusion if one were, to be honest as small stones began to circle and form the ring-shaped continent she envisioned. It was not very far away in terms of each other at least to a god. However to a mortal...It might be quite a challenge to get here!

Placed in the middle of the continent was a small light. A neutron star messing with the vectors that aelfric devised perhaps slowly making them have to deal with the weight of such an object. The neutron star would be something that could possibly even be seen from both continents maybe on the other it would be seen as the brightest star in the sky illuminating this continent for the life there to see and wonder what could be in this land.

Quietly silently small very weak organisms were placed. Barely alive barely existent and one day it would provide oxygen and hopefully an atmosphere for the life that would develop. The first life on this planet if it could be called that. The mistresses energy was generating them and they were molding for their purpose they would be ready soon!

Spoiler: The Universe (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Wises creation's (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Vitae's creations (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ælfric The Wise (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nertox Nixni (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Vitae (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Religion (click to show/hide)
((tell me if I messed up))
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 08:57:07 pm by AbstractTraitorHero »
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Mortal Gods IC-Thread Turn 1 It is here.
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2017, 09:03:54 pm »

I create a volcanic region upon the world with one Edict, and Spend two more on the creation of an ecosystem around the region.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
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