Nefertem appears before the Tribe of Karos.
Your ideals are fine and honourable, but you shall no more impose them upon the unwilling. You have oppressed your own kind as well as the ones I gave to you; but as long as you obey this rule, you shall have plenty. So do I bless you, in the name of Nefertem and of Lu your patron.
Crack 2 acts into power and spend 2 power blessing the Karos, especially the Forenings there, with fertility and plenty surpassing their pre-famine state, which will hold for all who keep the words of Nefertem to heart, including their offspring.
Then spend another 1 power placing the Tribe of Allond under an equally dire famine.
Appearing before the Tribe of Allond, Nefertem says:
As you requested, the ideals of Karos have been broken. Now you will know the price. Return now to the people of Karos and beseech them in the name of Nefertem to let you return, and you can still be saved. Otherwise, you will suffer as they did.
And Nefertem appears also before the Forenings leaving the Andliauss people, and says:
That the Andilauss can be childish in their pursuit of beauty I cannot deny. But must you leave because of this? Would you not consider and I am asking and not demanding staying to help them grow? If not, I could guide you to several places where your kind also lives, or help you to settle somewhere nearby so that you may still visit those who have remained.
Here Nefertem waits for a response.
Yet in another time and place, Nefertem answers Dasho:
I am Nefertem the Long Deep, Lord of Light. Some of you, those once of Percaba, may remember me. Because you wish to oppose the so-called Peaceful, I have answered your call. Worship me and you will be protected.