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Author Topic: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era (Epilogue)  (Read 24234 times)

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #240 on: November 16, 2017, 02:31:46 am »

Creativity's not, as you claim,
found in spouting free verse without shame;
but with rigour and rules,
sets the wise from the fools:
and mere players from those who have Game.

As a Minor Act, Nefertem travels among all the peoples of the world, shaking off small piles of ordinary gold coins (decorated with geometric patterns) among each of them.

He also decides to call Baal's constellation "SNEKKY MCBIGGS" and demands that everyone else comply.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 06:31:49 pm by Maximum Spin »


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #241 on: November 16, 2017, 10:56:01 pm »

Mavnon, if it would not be troublesome to you, I would like to send Tian Shu the dream they have requested.

Free you are by divin-e-ty
But your request is a curios-e-ty
Yes,petty court-e-sy

Many thanks.

Quote from: Tian Shu, Lung
"Mavnon, I am at loss, since weeks I have been unable to craft. Please send me a dream of inspiration."
Hello, Tian Shu. My name is Erin Quill, god of science, magic, and improvement. I am here on Mavnon's behalf, as we agreed that I would be better suited toward bringing inspiration to those who work crafts.
You are a maker of amulets and trinkets, yes? I believe I know what to do.
Tian Shu, I first bless you with inspiration, as you desired. You will find it easier to come up with new designs, and you will find yourself creating your works more swiftly than before.
Furthermore, as you desired improvement in your work, I hereby bless you arcane craftsmanship. Your amulets will all carry magical effects, which will make them useful to everyone; the strength of their magic will be bound to their intricacy.
I wish you well, Tian Shu; 再见.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #242 on: November 16, 2017, 11:22:24 pm »

I must say, that's a little dry. Would you mind if I added a little something of my own to that? I won't ask for any of the credit.

Nefertem supplies the following dream immediately after Quill's communication, in such a way that each moment feels laden with an indefinable sense of symbolism:

Tian Shu gazes down from some intermediate height upon a landscape where rivers of silver and stone flow down from jade hills to a sea of soft sand. No sun but five blazing triangles hang in the sky, each bigger than those beside it but smaller than the other two. The rivers weave haphazardly across the plain, occasionally plunging right through one another with neither side apparently noticing the interruption. After a time, a troupe of great bees and ants walking on two legs wades along one of the rivers, each carrying a large many-sided crystal; when they have almost reached the sea, they stop, fan out, and begin to dance in a strange ritual. As they dance they slowly sink into the surface until they are no longer visible, whereupon a huge branching flash of ice-blue lightning rives the sky — then darkness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #243 on: November 16, 2017, 11:26:02 pm »

What can I say, I've never been one with a proclivity toward the dramatics. I prefer to do things more straightforwardly.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #244 on: November 16, 2017, 11:38:50 pm »

Yes, but if you want to inspire a creative you're going to have to present something inspirational. :P


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #245 on: November 17, 2017, 06:43:28 am »

The drive to create shall come and go in time, as will everything.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #246 on: November 22, 2017, 11:24:53 pm »

Lu spent more time among the mortals during this era. He split his 4 acts into power.

Beginning with the Rhacidae, Lu used another 1 power to bless the Rhacidea. He changed them slightly so that they had more humanlike faces, yet still somewhat avian, instead of toothed beaks. He also gave them wings so they may fly. Lastly as the final change to the race he gave them the power of Nature Sight. This allowed them to see and communicate with nature more directly than mortals normally can. In addition, it allows them to distinctly see the Sakarakt. Nature Sight sees the the true nature of living things. For trees and other flora this is a pale translucent green which darkens and becomes more opaque with the spiritual energy of a tree. However nonpredatory animals appear as yellow. Predators as red. Fish and amphibians as pink. Gods as a bright shining blue. Mortals appear as a light blue, however their soul is white like the gods. All other things appear as various shades of translucent grey, which do not obscure the vision. This allows the enhanced Rhacidea to see, when they so choose, in a very different way, it allows them to see through and into nature regardless of light or obstruction of vision. This was Lu's first gift to the Rhacidea. Next Lu used 5 power to create a continent sized landmark, the Great Tree. A towering tree in the center of the forest which would house the Rhacidae. Its branches bore many kinds of fruit, and water even flowed forth in many places, like great rivers pulled up through the tree to water its inhabitants to quench the thirst of those who live in its branches. Its branches grew wide over an immense area and had everything the bird people needed to thrive. Kikaket swarmed the tree, appearing in vast numbers across the branches of the holy tree. After many heartfelt goodbyes, Lu was forced to leave the rhacidea. He told them he did not want to leave, but a great imbalance required he journey out and undo a great evil.

Lu then traveled to the tribe of Harat. When he arrived, his form altered as his wings burned away in a purple fire which radiated a freezing cold which radiated out from the seething god. Lu was obviously angry at the infringement upon his undeath sphere, especially since the result was so poorly executed. There is a reason this sphere is my dominion. Lu grumbled. His form burned away in a blaze of purple fire which seemed not to radiate heat, but to suck it in from his surroundings. Frost and ice covered an area around the transforming god. When the pillar of flames and black smoke cleared, Lu's undeath form was revealed. Using 1 acts and the amulet he created in the previous era, Lu created a lantern capable of capturing souls. This lantern transformed with Lu and had two forms. In it's life form it appears as a floating whisp of glowing smoke inside a lantern created of vines. However, its undeath form is ominous and is composed of black metal and glass. It is adorned with spikes and is lit from within by a purple light and the souls of those trapped within. Lu went around the village and collected every Anteharat. When he was done he turned to the chief Listen well mortal. I rule over the dominion of life, undeath, and birds. Nike rules over rest and cycles. Nefertim over beauty and suffering. These spirits are restless for they were broken from their rest by a god who's nature is to ensure the rest of all. This unnatural act is what turned these souls sour. It is my duty to return the to the afterlife. Bear me no ill will in doing so. If you wish to hear the wisdom of your ancestors, returning from death is within my sphere, and my sphere alone. Otherwise, Nefertim's suffering will spread wherever the undead do.

Lu then left the village and returned to his life form. The transformation is obscured as foliage of all kinds closely surround's Lu, enclosing him in a cocoon of nature. Moments later owl Lu emerges. Lu then flies to the spruces and the Silver City. Lu met with the spruces and introduced himself as one of their creating gods. He was rather impressed with their advancement, though this was only natural under the guidance of Erin. Lu gave them the gift he gives to every race, the Kikaket. Teaching the spruces how to build houses and shrines for the little spirits so that they would help tend the fields, ensure the growth and bounty of the forest, and become friends with those who respected nature.

Afterwards Lu traveled to the Tribe of Akrathh. He arrived and was grave. For this tribe had grown fat and grotesque on its warlike ways. They stood upon the backs of others and brought other tribes under their banner, not because they wanted to join the tribe, but because they were given no choice. Lu arrived upon the edge of the village, walked into the center, and spoke for all to hear. I have come for I represent life and undeath. For everything you see that is not Akrathh, that is me. I am freedom from the shackles, I am the growth of the plants, I am the bird in the sky. I am here to offer freedom to any who so desire it. Any who attempt to prevent others from leaving will sorely regret it. I encourage all who who do not hold death in their hearts leave this place now, for death owns this place and I will surrender all who remain to him completely. Lu then leads any who wish to leave away from the tribe, using a minor act to turn any who attempt to stop peaceful segregationists from leaving into living wooden statues. Lu would then lead any who chose to leave to the Great Tree, where they would be given a home among the roots of the vast tree.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 12:26:08 am by Roboson »

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #247 on: November 22, 2017, 11:30:24 pm »

Nefertem bristles. These are clearly not undead. Are the reincarnated to be deemed undead? Such nonsense.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #248 on: November 23, 2017, 12:35:16 am »

Lu grumbles. These are clearly undead. They are the angry malevolent spirits of ancestors who have been torn from the afterlife and forsaken by the god of rest. Cursed so that they may never truly rest. They are not reincarnated, and if that was the intention, it clearly doesn't align with the result. Utter nonsense indeed.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #249 on: November 23, 2017, 06:10:41 am »

You see, Lu, I am not only the god of Rest but of Growth. These spirits of Nefertem's were chosen only by their wish to reincarnate. To be grown and flourish into a new type of your Life. If they wished Rest, gladly would I bring them back to the folds of my realm. But such malevolence stems from only their own hubris. And regardless, Nefertem and I will clean them back up in time.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #250 on: November 24, 2017, 09:13:37 pm »

Nefertem spends the rest of the era making his presence felt among all those mortals who know his name, granting such minor prayers as he felt like, paying particular attention to his own creations. Even among the tribe of Harat he lurked, playing the role of a mischievous spirit.

After all this, he reflected on the works he had done for the era, few though they were; and if some still further being, like a god to gods, perhaps even a Primordial One, had been watching, it could've picked the key moments from the threads of his mind: answers to prayers, further distribution of life, matters of incredible importance, and a vision to stoke creativity.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #251 on: November 28, 2017, 06:48:04 am »

such godly goodness ooc here

ACT 2: The First Era


TURN 2.2: Gods help us

Erin's Deeds

Erin created two Minor Blessings covering the region around his City of the Silver Skies. A blessing of Peace, and a blessing of Improvement. The former would facilitate peaceful interaction, while the latter would increase the development rate of individual's skills.

He then created a group of nameless Lesser Servants, which he instructed to guard the City.

Leaving the City, he created a Minor Global Law, which made Stone Pillars potential sources of magic. To further his goals, he then went around the world, erecting stone pillars in many places.

As there was no form of magic instated in the world, these pillars simply generated small amounts of passive energy.

Sometime during his pillar building, he sent a dream of inspiration to Tian Shu the Lung. Nefertem also added his "own touch" to the dream.

Niké's Robi

Niké instructed to Kuli to persevere in spreading his name, and gave him additional instructions to add to his modus operandi.

He then created a population of mortals, the Robi, using 1 Growth Act and 1 Rest Act. Tall-looking, reptilian humanoids. They were covered from head to foot with a thick layer of large scales, looking remarkably like petals. Infused with the specialized acts of Niké, they grew faster than most mortals, and would reach the highest height of all land dwelling mortals. They had also remarkable endurance, and didn't need much sleep to recover their forces.

Then Niké took on a proper humanoid form, turning into an anthropomorphized flower bouquet a majestic and tall Robus covered with petals of all four seasons. He personally instructed them of the Seasons, and guided them personally toward a nomadic lifestyle. He also instructed them to worship Nefertem too.

[Robi placed in a grassland South to the Rhacidae Jungle]

Nefertem's Antics

As always, Nefertem was very active. First, he answered Laak's prayer, telling him of the many mortals that existed beyond the horizon. Then he sent a dream to Jete the Rider, explaining that himself and Niké were not malicious, but agents of the afterlife.

Then he collected samples of all of his plants, and literally dumped them near Niké's Robi.

He also renamed on a whim the Great Serpent Constellation "SNEKY MCBIGGS". One would only wonder if that name would remain. He then travelled around the world, gifting small piles of decorated gold coins by making them fall from above.

He incidentally also tampered a little with Erin's dream to Tian Shu.

Reyginaga's Tardagradi and more

Reyginaga made her arrival into the world quite noticeable. Firstly, she offered 5 Acts to Elitholi, the Other One that wasn't allowed entry. Then using 1 Minor Act, she created a small population of two species of plants: the Crystaldrink bushes and the Void-Honey trees.

Finally with 1 Act, she created a handful of mortals, the Tardagradi. A species of six legged creatures, the Tardagradi walked on their four rear legs like centaurs, and used their upper limbs to manipulate their surroundings. They had a caste system, with the Queen at its top. In this small starting group, there was a single Queen, and at least one representant of each caste.

The Other One placed its creations on the Original World, in a random uninhabited area.

Shal's Point Zero

Shal started by splitting 1 Act into 2 Power. Once that was done, she raised the Hills of History, a region north to the Blossoming Borderlands. She manipulated the existing minerals of the earth to increase the ore concentration.

Then she spoke to the Forenings, giving them a choice. To join the Keepers in the Sacred Task, or keep living as outcasts.

After this matter was dealt with, she finally placed her Realm at the edge of the Exclusion Zone, using 5 Acts, which she named Point Zero. Several floating isles appeared across the limit of the Zone, interconnected through mystical portals only Shal had dominion over. Covering a wide area, this was the Ascended One's home.

Mavnon's Title and a little more

Unilaterally, on a spur, Mavnon declared itself Godfather of the Carcavel.

Then he converted 1 Act into 1 Change Act, and used a Minor Act to create a small population of creatures, the Scale Feet, which he scattered across the Lung Sea.

Lu's Acts

Before starting anything, Lu gazed upon his Rhacidae. He was proud of his mortals, winged humanoids with feathers covering their upper body and scales covering their lower body. They had an avian face, which was also somewhat similar in appearance to that of humanoid mortals.

Content, he then summoned 5 Power to raise a creation only a god could have crafted. Sprouting from the earth in a cataclysmic earthquake, the Great Tree rose and destroyed many regions of the great jungles. Many creatures died, yet not a single Rhacidae lost its life in this disaster. Water started gathering in some places of the Great Tree, flowing into streams. Furthermore, the Tree bore many fruits to sustain its inhabitants.

Then Lu appeared to the Tribe of Herat. Using 1 Act and the Amulet of Hajval which was returned to him, he crafted a Lantern. With both a Life and Undeath form, this artifact could capture mortal souls. Using it, he collected every Anteharat. Lu's act was seen in a great light by the Herati, who saw this as peace being brought back to the disturbed ancestors.

He also visited the Spruces, sharing upon them the knowledge of the Kikaket.

And finally he went to the Tribe of Akrathh, where he chastized the Fanelians for their ways. His arrival, and his proposition wouldn't be forgotten by the Tribe's history.

Elitholi's Arrival

Using the Acts supplied by Reyginaga, Elitholi violently breaks open the Dimensional Barrier, instating himself into this Universe's Other Plane.

With the weakened dimensional barrier, four meteors enter the universe and fall toward the Original World. One will fall in the Lung Sea, two ob empty regions, and one near the Exclusion Zone.

Nefertem, Shal and Niké recovered 1 Power.
Erin recovered 5 Power.
Nefertem received 3 Acts from Auđrauga.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #252 on: November 28, 2017, 06:48:40 am »


The Andilauss

Upon hearing Nefertem's answer, Laak fell to his knees in awe. He received every words from his god, and understood them: the Forenings were ugly, to teach and help the Andilauss get used to the ugliness of other mortals. He then told the answer of their god to his fellow Andilauss.

There was great praise among the Andilauss, for their God was truly wise. They accepted the Forenings a little more, trying their best to cure their ugliness. And with time, it seemed like generations of Forenings became prettier and prettier, in an Andilauss way.

The matter of mortals beyond the horizon was quickly forgotten. No Andilauss had a particular wish of exploration, and being adventurous was not really part of their personalities. Furthermore, they wondered why should they mingle with beings even uglier than the Forenings. Soon the facts became rumors, and rumors would in time become stories...

No particular Andilauss emerged this time, but a new form of expression appeared. Remembering the tragedy of Deik, the Andilauss created a way to compare and judge the beauty of individuals. During great weekly contests, Andilauss showed their beauty through face off, taking poses and using accessories.

These Beauty Contests were the drive of the Andilauss, who focused their lives on winning them.

Okal retired from the position of Great Priest, the new holder of the position being an Andilauss named Nald. Edel is now old and decrepit, and is close to the end of his life.

[Andilauss Population slightly increasing]
[Andilauss Forening Population now Very Small+]
[New: Beauty Contests]
Nefertem earned 2 Acts from Andilauss worship

Spoiler: Famous Andilauss (click to show/hide)

The Fanelians

Tribe of Herat

Strange events appeared in the Tribe of Herat.

First, Jete had not one, but two strange dreams. In both dreams, Cenovet appeared to tell him the truth about Nefertem and Niké. There was something really strange about Cenovet in both dreams, but he couldn't put his finger on what. Troubled, he went on to meditate for several weeks.

Then the Great Spirit Lu appeared to bring the Anteharat back to the Spirit World, where it was believed ancestors remained. The Herati's opinion of Lu greatly increased, and their cult toward him increased.

Some time after this event, Jete returned from his meditation. He had not found the truth he looked for, and was even more troubled than before. To him, there was something wrong about the nature of their ancestors, of the Great Spirits, and their own beliefs. He doubted, doubted everything he knew. What was true, false, right or wrong? He did not know.

Despite only sharing his worries to his close relatives, his unease spread to the Herati. They started to worship their ancestors and the Great Spirits less and less. Some even stopped. Quickly, a group of philosophers appeared in the Herati, naming themselves the Closed Eyes. In essence, they believed everything was false, and that doubt and thinking would lead them closer to the Truth. They didn't believe in anything, especially not ancestors, spirits, or gods.

The leader of the Closed Eyes was not Jete, but a blind Fanelian named Hejah the Blind.

[Global Worship greatly decreased]
[Tribe of Harat population is now Medium+]
[Worship Building up]

Spoiler: Famous Herati (click to show/hide)

Tribe of Karos

Givarn and Allond returned changed from their meeting with Erin and Lu. This change reverberated on the tribe as a whole, which saw unrest rise.

Especially as Allond exiled himself to the West, not saying a word, neither to his followers nor his sworn enemy. The followers of Allond didn't understand, and couldn't believe Givarn wasn't the culprit. Revolted, they started protesting and pressuring Givarn to abdicate the position of leader. Of course, Karos loyal to Givarn opposed them, which led to increasing trouble among the Tribe.

Turned harsher by his meeting with the Gods, Givarn mercilessly punished every single offender of the Code. To further the upholding of their Code, he created a special force formed only of the most lawful Karos: the Order of the Code. With an iron fist, Givarn brought order back to the Tribe of Karos.

This period brought a setback in their development, as many Fanelians decided to exile themselves, following Allond's example. Many critical minds were lost that way, as they also headed West.

The Forenings stayed in Karos, despite fearing the iron rule of Givarn. They hadn't assimilated the ideals of the Karos, and felt as such oppressed by these heavy ideals. But they were too scared of the outside world, which they did not know. They knew they couldn't survive alone.

An incredible Karos Fanelian appeared during these events. The leader of the Order, the Great Codeholder Daios. Compared to an immovable wall of ideals, he was what humans would call the embodiment of chivalry. He was an ideal warrior, a paragon of justice and honor. He was impartial, strong, and had an aura so strong his words pierced through the hearts of the Fanelians.

He respected Givarn the most for his strong and righteous stance over the dissent. In a way, he replaced Allond, and served as Givarn's sword and shield.

[Order of the Code created]
[No Technological progress done]
Lu earned 2 Acts from the Tribe of Karos worship alone
Shal earned 1 Act from the Tribe of Karos worship alone
Niké earned 1 Act from the Tribe of Karos worship alone
Nefertem worship building up

[Tribe of Karos population barely increased]
[Karos Forening population now Very Small+]

Spoiler: Famous Karos (click to show/hide)

Tribe of Alomet

Slowly, the Forenings of Alomet starts drifting away from their nature, becoming much closer to Fanelians. Their characteristic wisdom and gracefulness is disappearing in their children with these Fanelians, though no one knows nor wonder why. They are still Forenings, but are starting to lose everything that made them Forenings.

Their offspring cannot live without water, the only Forening trait remaining is their ability to sprout flowers upon achieving perceived works of beauty.

An incredible Fanelian appeared in the Tribe of Alomet. Fascinated from his youngest age by the 4th Horn, he wished to understand its secrets. Learning of the stories of the horn's creation, he decided to leave the Tribe once he became an adult to return to the Sea of Fire and Glass. There, he believed he would find something.

That Fanelian was Xergas the Adventurer. All by himself, he managed to reach his intended location in record time, living many adventures on the way. Wishing to reach the legendary island from which was carved the 4th Horn, he travelled the coast of the South-Western Sea of Fire and Glass. Eventually, he found the Tribe of Forut. With their knowledge, he started crafting a boat of Ebontree, a native tree of the area that could withstand the heat of the unnatural lava.

[Alomet Forenings assimilation]
Lu earned 1 Act from the Tribe of Alomet worship
[Trive of Alomet population is now Small+]

Spoiler: Famous Alomet (click to show/hide)

Tribe of Akrathh

Edera received an answer to his prayer. With his resolve renewed, he started a plan to restore the Tribe of Akrathh's order. First, he made a great speech about the Tribe's old ways, of their values, of their feats. After an outcry from the Peace Faction, he finally imposed an ultimatum on all Akrathhians. Those who didn't conform to the old ways of the Tribe will be exiled, and be given a month to prepare their departure. They would be helped by the Tribe, as long as they left before the time limit. After that, they wouldn't hesitate to use of force.

The majority of the Peace Faction utterly refused, and threatened Edera of the God's Wrath. Especially Ledel, who said the Gods would punish them for attempting to force them, the ones seeking Peace, to leave. The rest actually didn't leave, instead turning over to the Warlord Faction.

Soon after, Lu appeared to the Tribe. Ledel and its faction praised the God of Death, and laughed at Edera who would soon receive punishment. Upon hearing Lu's words, they understood that they were indeed right, chosen by the gods. They called altogether for Lu to smite the Warlord Faction once for all, to eradicate these evil beings from the face of the land. They desired Peace, but above all, desired the death of their enemies. No one wanted to leave, nor stop anyone from leaving.

Limikarrat appeared soon after. He stood inbetween the two factions, Bloodslayer imbedded into the ground. He called for calm and reason, but it only led to Ledel's faction to shout even more. He looked at Lu, waiting to see how he would uphold the peace he spoke off.

The Akrathhian Conflict

Suddenly, Akrathh himself appeared in front of the assembly. Projecting its divine form into the world, it spoke with a strong voice to Lu.

The Fanelians of the Warlord Faction fell to their knees in awe, rejoicing at the sight of their god. The Fanelians of the Peace Faction, on the other hand, were either terrified or in a state of denial. None of them actually believed Akrathh existed, and all their hopes started crumbling with its appearance.

There was a mighty debate between the Great Destructor and the Other One. No mortal dared utter a word, for fear of trampling on the domain of the divine. That scene would be forever carved into the memory of all those present.

And finally, the conflict came to a resolution. Akrathh left Lu to decide what to do, and the Bird God ordered the exile of all the followers of Akrathh. The Peace Faction rejoiced, saw they were in the right, and started a massive feast right afterward.

Limikarrat personally chose to lead the Akrathhians away from these lands. While some of them disapproved of leaving, their trust and faith brought them to accept the exile. And thus, a massive exodus occured as the true Akrathhians left for the rumored southern lands...

Tribe of Akrathh

Within the day, all the Fanelian Akrathhians had left their lands, bringing with them everything they owned. They travelled for days, weeks, and months. They left the forests, reaching great plains extending beyond the horizon. They settled there, quickly establishing their new homes.

Fortunately, these lands were fertile and they didn't have any problem cultivating the crops they brought with them. They had also brought Whomuns with them.

To preserve their ways, training in the ways of weapons and honing one's body was a daily activity for all Akrathhians. They even held tournaments and other form of battles in tailored arenas. Their culture slowly formed around the exaltation of martial arts and the way of the warrior.

Without the unrest caused by the scission, the intelligent Akrathhian minds could focus on research and discovery. Greatly improving the art of copper making, the Akrrathhians mined more ore. Julak and the other smiths even started experimenting with alloy making, creating what would be known as bronze.

[Metallurgy improved: alloy-making discovered]
[Art of the Warrior, Battle as entertainment, Arenas]
[Population increasing]
[Faith in Lu decreased]
[Faith in Akrathh increased]
[Lu worship building up]
[Shal worship building up]
[Erin worship building up]
Akrathh earned 2 Acts from the Tribe of Akrathh worship
Niké earned 1 Act from the Tribe of Akrathh Faction worship

The Peaceful

For a long week, the Fanelians who stayed renamed themselves the Peaceful. They feasted and rejoiced for that time, and instated the Sacred Week of Peace. Afterward, it was decided that they would be ruled by a council, with one representative per tribe. Ledel was appointed as the council leader, and his first edict was to spread peace to the Other Tribes.

With all the knowledge of the Akrathhians lost, they returned to the technological state they were in as small tribes. As a result, their population grew quite slowly and they suffered from a technological stagnation.

[Government: Council]
[Technological Stagnation]
[Population increasing slowly]
[Faith in Lu massively increased]
[Faith in all other gods decreased]
Lu earned 1 Act from the Peaceful worship
[Niké, Shal and Erin worship slowly building up]

Spoiler: Famous Akrathhians (click to show/hide)

Other Tribes

The other tribes managed to resume development, overall slowly increasing.

-Tribe of Percaba

As time passed, Fanelians numbers slowly but surely started to dwindle, being replaced by Forenings. The tribe started drifting away from their hunter ways, but it mattered not, for the Forenings didn't need as much sustenance as Fanelians. It only further led to Fanelians numbers being reduced by the lack of food, and soon after, the Forenings were the major people of the Tribe of Percaba.

[Percaba Fanelian population is now Very Small--]
[Percaba Forening population is now Small]

-Tribe of Forut

Xergas the Adventurer from Alomet arrived in the Tribe of Forut, greatly inspiring the Tribe with his stories and adventures. Many became "infected" by his adventurous drive, turning their efforts toward creating ships capable of sailing on the inner Sea of Fire. This led to them developping many new ship building techniques, indirectly boosting their fishing capabilities.

[Tech: Intermediate Lava-ship Building]
[Forut Fanelian population is now Small++]

-Unnamed Tribe

A new tribe started forming from the self-exiled Karos Fanelians.

Erin earned 2 Acts from total Fanelian Worship

Allond's Journey

In what could be called a miraculous journey, Allond managed to cross the Fanelian forests, cross the Western Mountain Ranges, and finally reach the Great Tree, as prophetized by Lu. There, it was told he would find his destiny.

Spoiler: Famous Fanelians (click to show/hide)

The Keepers of the Pillar

The Keeper Josh understands Shal's answer, and leaves satisfied.

All Forenings accepted Shal's offer, as they feared alienation. Infused with the Task, their perspective of the world changed completely. This drastic change was welcomed by the Keepers, as they know saw proper Keepers inside the Forenings. Now accepting these new brothers and sisters, the Keeper worked hand in hand with the Forenings.

A great Forening appeared. Upholding the Task even more than the Keepers, he was more Keeper than any of them. Named Yafar the Keeper, he was so charismatic he was chosen as new leader of the Keepers.

Then a tragedy happened. Sammie choked on a Fossil Potato, and suddenly died. This tragic accident greatly saddened all Keepers and Forenings, especially Steve the Telugorath who saw in Sammie his closest friend.

With the appearance of Point Zero, Keeper's worship increase.

[Keeper population slightly increasing]
[Forening Keeper population is now Small++]
Shal earned 2 Acts from Keeper worship
Lu and Nefertem worship building up


With Erin's blessing, Tian Shu became an incredible craftsman, creating neverseen crafts and amulets, depicting weird creatures and scenes. Somehow, everyone who held these crafts found great use in them, even if they had no apparent one. They used it for stress relief, inspiration, or even back scrubbing. It didn't matter what kind of use, everyone found all of Tian Shu's craft useful.

Tian Shu never told anyone what was his secret, keeping everything to himself. None could replicate his crafts, nor learn how to make them.

The Five Underfins influence started spreading. They also started becoming even more known for assassinating their targets in craftful ways, through the great use of Tian Shu's crafts. Quickly, they ruled over the Lungs of the Coral Formation from the shadows. None was foolish enough to stand up to them, and in a way, they maintained some form of peace that benefitted them.

A new Lung group stood out from the others. Priding strength over beauty, they were fearsome hunters.

[Other Lungs population is now Small]
[Coral Formation Lung population is now Small+]
Mavnon earned 1 Act from Lung worship

Spoiler: Famous Lungs (click to show/hide)

The Spruces

Erin's praises made the Spruces work twice harder. They were also visited by Lu, who showed them how to build shrines to the Kikaket. Not having to care much about food, they were able to focus on improving their wooden technology.

They came across Erin's Stone Pillars. They were initially fascinated by them, as they seemed to have an incredibly faint pulse. But that was it, apart from that oddity, they didn't find anything useful about them.

The Forenings lived easily among the Spruces, apart from the fact they couldn't fly.

[Forening population is now Very Small]
[Spruce population is now Small++]
Erin earned 1 Act from Spruces worship

[Fear of Beasts gone]
[Wooden Tech improving]

Spoiler: Famous Spruces (click to show/hide)

The Rhacidae

In this new environment, the Rhacidae split and start taking claim of various regions of the Great Tree. Many different Tribes rise as a result, and all Rhacidae manage to thrive thanks to the massive death of Sakarakt during the Great Tree growth. There was an abundance of food, so they never felt the need to fight.

They slowly started losing their hunting habits, as the fruits alone greatly sustained them.

[Rhacidae population is now Large+]
[Hunting ways disappearing slowly]
Lu earned 1 Act from Rhacidae worship

The Rifja

As the Rifja keeps developping, a special Rifja group appears. Born with a single polyp with an unusually powerful ego, he took over the polyps of his coral and managed to increase its telepathic powers. Controlling the whole body by himself, this Rifja naming itself I started "hunting" other Rifja to assimilate them and increase its powers and body size.

[Rifja population is now Medium++]

Spoiler: Famous Rifja (click to show/hide)

The Robi

The Robi takes Niké's teachings at heart, living a nomadic lifestyle in the great grasslands south to the Great Tree. Fortunately for them, A variety of Boffuns is thriving there, allowing them to nourrish their people.

[Robi population is now Medium+]
[Nomadic lifestyle]
[Concept of Seasons]
[Niké and Nefertem worship building up]

The Tardagradi

The small group of Tardagradi slowly develops in their starting area. With somewhat limited resources, their numbers grow slowly. One may notice that there are many eye shaped marks on their chitinous carapaces, and as one look at them for too long, they seem to blink and move.

[Tardagradi population is now Very Small-]


The Imps not supervised by Limikarrat keep working undisturbed, building more and more temples around. They don't seem to stop, raising temples even in uninhabited areas. Tireless and impervious to boredom, they keep on building and building.

Kuli flies across the world once more, bringing with him short seasons. The more mortals witness seasons, the more they become accustomed to what they felt as unnatural spur of climatic change. They still don't see it as quite normal, but link Niké's name to the phenomenon, increasing their knowledge of him.

Only the Tribe of Herat doesn't change, especially with the group of the Closed Eyes.

Nolei on the other hand, keeps working tirelessly. He has been acting strange recently.

A small group of abnormal Kikaket emerges around the City of the Silver Skies. As a group of Spruces cut an incredible amount of wood both for studying, and researching, a group of Kikaket becomes greatly infuriated with the Spruces. They start playing bad tricks on them, and even make their wooden tools rot using their powers in a different way.

Fauna and Flora

Umlor the Savage Maw:
Umlor suddenly stops any activity, curling into its lair. Falling into a deep slumber, great changes brew inside the creature.

The Ebontrees, curious trees capable of withstanding the lava of the Sea of Fire and Glass, comes into light as the Fanelians of Forut use them for their boats.


Among the many prayers of the mortals to the gods, a few stand out in particular.

The old Edel prays to Nefertem:
"Great Creator, I wish to return to this land you brought me to, before I die."

A Fanelian from the unnamed Tribe prays to the Gods:
"I curse the Tribe of Karos, may they receive just punishment from heavens."

Bai Cha prays to Mavnon:
"Mavnon, what is Tian Shu's secret? His talent is unnatural, unlike anything any Lung has ever done. This is not something a Lung could have earned by himself or through others... I pray that you show me an answer."

Keepers of the Pillar:
The Telugorath Steve asks to Shal:
"Shal, I feel lonely. Terribly lonely. I am the only one of my kind, and my closest friend died. This loneliness is a terrible plague to me, I turn to you for deliverance."

A Spruce named Lazet prays to Erin:
"O Great Improver, I scoured the lands, sought many materials, but couldn't find any among nature to improve our crafts. What should I do?"



Spoiler: Major Landmarks (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Territories (click to show/hide)


On Land:
Spoiler: Vegetation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fauna (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Predators (click to show/hide)

In the Sea:
Spoiler: Vegetation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fauna (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Predators (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Andilauss (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fanelians (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Keepers of the Pillar (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Lungs (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Spruces (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Forenings (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rhacidae (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rifja (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Robi (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tardagradi (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Astral Bodies (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifacts (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Servants (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beasts (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 10:48:23 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #253 on: November 28, 2017, 06:49:03 am »






« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 10:17:25 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #254 on: November 28, 2017, 07:49:51 am »

Perhaps the population of Robi would at times wonder about wise Victor. How the Robus knew so much about the world. How at times he disappeared, unable to be found, until he returned once again after 'taking care of business'. How, in one incident, the majestic Robus was charged down by a rampaging Boffun who simply keeled over and died afterwards.

To him, though, he did not overly care. Nike would reveal himself in time. For now, though...

He sat down in a peaceful and secluded spot beneath a tree. Nolei, he communed, What is the matter? Even from this great distance I can sense something is amiss. Speak to me, child.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu
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