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Author Topic: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era (Epilogue)  (Read 24245 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #180 on: November 02, 2017, 06:52:10 pm »

Slips Acter 1 power.
Thank you, Lu.
Now, let's make some mortals...

Create the Spruce in my Realm. They will, in simple terms, be human-sized ents in the shape of eaglemen; they are made of Cowed Trees, giving them antigravity properties that allow them to fly like any other bird. In addition, they are naturally inclined to improve themselves, using both science and magic to do so. They prefer to interact peaceably with others, though they will respond to hostility in kind.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #181 on: November 03, 2017, 01:17:32 am »

Lu crafts the Mantle of the Sun after splitting an act into two power. He then gives the mantle to Okal, the keeper of religion, telling him of Lu's benevolence and the beauty of Nefertem. Lu then gives a gift of 1 act to Shal, so Shal shall build themselves a realm.

Name: Mantle of the Sun
Description: A powerful cloak that radiates with the current intensity of the sun, shining bright at noon, but erupting into an array of colors during dawn and dusk. It cannot be removed or discarded, but can be transferred to another hero. If it is not directly transferred between heroes, it attaches itself onto the closest hero and cannot be removed, only transferred.
Range:Personal Heroic
Powers: Grants the wearer enhanced strength and charisma and the loyalty of nearby monstersS

Spend 1 act and two power on the above.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 01:25:50 am by Roboson »


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #182 on: November 12, 2017, 05:01:06 am »

As said, I've said no such things. Lie if you wish. I'll have no part in your schemes, Nefertem.

Come, Limikarrat, you have not answered me. If I am to learn from your truths and help you with your errors, I must first hear your objections.

"Cerediron, Great Creator. I will be brief and honest. All I said to the mortals were but the facts I myself witnessed. During the Genesis Battle, I was betrayed and cast aside by the Greater Ones. This is a fact. And so I told them my story, and they created their beliefs themselves. I never had any form of allegiance toward the Greater Ones, as such I never betrayed any of you, nor did I purposefully slander your names.

Before you accused me of spreading lies and betrayal, you were the Greater One toward which I had the less enmity. Your reaction gave me a reason to be wary of you. Saying more would be detrimental, and I wish not to pursue this dispute. If I truly am mistaken, you will easily earn my trust through your actions.

For now, you are neither an enemy nor an ally to me. That is all I will say, for I am weary of interacting with you Greater Ones. I apologize for my lack of courtesy, but Lu will have more to say if you wish to know what he saw."

((Turn in progress))
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 05:02:45 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #183 on: November 12, 2017, 10:09:00 pm »

it's only starting ooc here

ACT 2: The First Era


TURN 2.0: You are not alone in the Multiverse

Once the dispute between Limikarrat and the Greater Ones had settled, the Divine Beings returned to their various crafts.

Erin's Journey

First was Erin, who decided to walk the World in a quest to learn more about the mortals. Fanelians, Andilauss, Keepers and even Lungs. He would forget none.

Obviously, he first travelled among the Fanelians. He could not visit all the tribes, but made sure to meet both great and obscure tribes, so as to diversify his knowledge of their cultures. To all the Tribes except the small Tribe of Percaba, he left agricultural tools. To this tribe, he left hunting tools. He met in order the Tribe of Akrathh, the Tribe of Karos, the Tribe of Harat, the Tribe of Percaba, and the Tribe of Forut.

Then he visited the Andilauss, which caused quite a ruckus among them. The Andilauss had never seen another sentient form of life, and this meeting caused great turmoil inside their community despite the warning of Nefertem. To them, he left agricultural tools too.

Finally he visited the Keepers, to whom he also left agricultural tools.

When his wandering was done, he decided to settle in the land right between the Tribe of Karos and the Tribe of Akrathh, placing his realm in the center of the great Fanelian region at the cost of 5 Acts. The City of the Silver Skies, where all would be welcome, and all faith accepted.

The Spruces

His first action after setting up his Realm was to create a small population of mortals using 2 Power, which he named the Spruces. Human-sized ents in the shape of anthropomorphic eagles, they were made of the Cowed Trees created by Shal. In his mental image, he made them naturally inspired to seek improvement, and to interact peacefully with sapient beings.

The Arrival of Baal

The Great Destructor Baal emerged from the Divine Plane into the Mortal Plane in a blast of light. Once he had incarnated for 2 Acts, he used 5 Power to carve a constellation with multiple lines of fire. The constellation of the Great Serpent seared bright into the heavens, and once he was done, he just decided to craft a shield capable of reflecting light, which he dubbed the Helios Shield.

Shal's Garden

Lacking great power, Shal simply worked on bettering her garden. She first created a few Cowed Trees, which she placed in the Blossoming Borderlands. Then she created a lesser Servant, Steve the First Telograph, a Time Elemental. She instructed it to help the Keepers in their agricultural efforts.

Akrathh's Retainers

Using 2 Acts, Akrathh created an army of Lesser Servants, the Blessed Workers known as Imps. Obedient, impervious to boredom and smart, they would use their innate knowledge of construction to help Erin and erect temples for Lu and Itself.

They immediately started carfting various temples in the territories of the Fanelians worshipping Lu, Erin and Akrathh.

Ha-Sath's Adventures

The mimic Ha-Sath enjoyed the form of the Smilirin Bird, but he now wished for a stronger form. Searching the lands, he found himself the corpse of a Varween, who was slain by his kin in a territorial conflict. Consuming its blood, it then gained the ability to transform into a Varween. Using this powerful form, he travelled the land with more confidence, discovering many creatures that had passed under notice...

The only mortals he encountered were the Fanelians. But he could not approach, for they fled or attempted to drive him away. As such, he transformed into a Smilirin Bird. He studied them and their customs.

Mavnon's Tips

To the Lung, Mavnon explained in cryptic verbose the value of art and craftslungship. His words didn't fall into deaf ears, and the Lungs took the Other Ones words at heart.

The Smiting of Deik the Murderer

The Andilauss starts calling in unison for a holy smiting. Their voices rise with rage and fury as they ask for the blood of the sinner. Nefertem executes the Andilauss Murderer with a pillar of fire, reducing him to ashes.

The Rise of Umlor the Savage Maw

Nefertem suddenly decided to go out of his way to empower the growth of the emerging monster known as Umlor. Using 1 Power, he blessed Umlor with incredible strength, and an unnatural stealthing veil of light and shadow. He also made sure no god could put Umlor into a coma, and gave him the ability to produce ink.

The Codex of Niké

From a place above the world, Niké burnt 3 Cycle Acts, 1 Torpor Act and 1 Growth Act to weave into the Laws of the World a System. The Codex of Niké, which was composed of Three Main Laws in addition to many smaller ones to support them.

In his words, these laws were:

The Prime Law:
All will end. Even the greatest of beings will perish, someday, at some point. No matter how powerful, how indomitable, how grand and magnificent, from a worm to a Mortal to a Great Being to a God to a Titan, there is no escaping this Law. Remember you will die.
The Logarithmic Law:
Despite the Prime Law, after Death is Birth, and Growth. Even in the coldest of seasons, there will be warmth anew. Even though you die, you will rise again, despite the winter, and despite death.
The Elliptic Law:
All are circles. All may go as they wish in any direction, and, eventually, they will reach where they began. As all life will die, all death will live, go as they please, reach out and move, granted Bonds in Life but Freedom in Death.

Yet despite his words, the Divine Beings remained above the Codex, unbound by the Prime Law.

Not content on ending his project for the souls of the departed there, he then used 4 Power to give birth to two powerful Heroic Servants.
The Lord of the Realm of Winter and Summer, Nolei. Wielding powers over Ice, he would also be able to bring souls into Divine Realms. His power would be at its greatest in Niké's Realm.
The Augur of Ghosts and Seasons, wielding powers over Plants and Nature, and able to affect the climate using a special staff. Kuli was also able to send souls from the Mortal Plane to Niké's Realm.

Nolei was immediately sent to Niké's Realm, while Kuli remained above the Original World.

Both Servants asked their Creator what was their task.

The Mantle of the Sun

Splitting 1 Act into 2 Power, Lu crafted an Heroic Artifact, the Mantle of the Sun. He then offered the Mantle to Okal, the Andilauss keeper of religion. Blessed with the powers of the sun, this Mantle granted Okal great strength and charisma. If a monster were to cross his path, the Mantle would also ensure the loyalty of said monster, granted it wasn't strong enough to resist it.


Cerediron remains inactive for this turn.

Limikarrat returned to the Tribe of Akrathh, where he told of his meeting with Lu. There, he called for an end to hostilities. There was much turmoil with this sudden announcement, but Limikarrat managed to calm the agitated minds. Their trust in the Bringer of Demise was enough to quell the opposition.

Thus, the expansion of the Tribe of Akrathh stopped.

Shal recovered 1 Power.
Nefertem received 3 Acts from Auđrauga.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 10:14:03 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #184 on: November 12, 2017, 10:09:18 pm »


The Andilauss

Following the smiting of Deik the Murderer, the Andilauss returns to their peaceful and sinless lives. With Nefertem's new words in mind, they attempt to pursue new hobbies. Some Andilauss start planting the seeds of the Stardrop, but don't take good care of them. It is rare for a Stardrop grown by Andilauss to truly grow beautiful.

Then a group of abnormal Andilauss rises following the smiting of Deik. His death was the most beautiful thing they had been given to see, and with new knowledge of suffering, they start inflicting themselves harm, making sure not to break the Law by harming other than themselves.

One of these Andilauss is particularly inventive in finding new methods of self harm. He is known to his peers as Alor the Mad or Alor the Genius depending on who you are asking.

[Subgroup of Andilauss: Self-Harming for "Beauty"]

With the Mantle of the Sun, Okal's prestige grows even more among the Andilauss. They come to become even more fervous, hoping to one day be granted such beautiful artifact too. All the gratitude they have for Lu, they attribute to Nefertem.

Erin also comes to visit the Andilauss, and he leaves to them tools to better grow the Stardrops. But they are clumsy, and somewhat lazy. The tools didn't help them much, and as they were also ugly to them, they quickly discarded those.

[Worship toward Nefertem greatly increased]
[Andilauss population is now Medium+]

Nefertem earned 2 Acts from Andilauss worship

Spoiler: Famous Andilauss (click to show/hide)

The Fanelians

The meeting between Lu and Limikarrat wasn't without consequence, especially for the Tribe of Akrathh. Erin's passage among the various Tribes also had a lasting effect, varying depending on the tribe.

The appearance of the many temples to Lu, Erin and Akrathh in the right places left the worshippers overjoyed, increasing their fervor.

Tribe of Harat

A great surge of power is felt as Jete the Rider became an immortal being. He also comes in possession of the Breadstick, whose appearance on the Mortal Plane wasn't left unnoticed. Jete speaks to the Tribe of Harat, speaks of Mavnon, of Lu, of the Kikaket, and the origin of the Fanelians as told to him by the Ancestor Cenovet.

This revelation causes a schism in the beliefs of the Tribe. There are those who stop worshipping Lu for creating the Kikaket, and those who worship it even more for being the cause of their birth. Jete manages to calm the majority of the tribe, but some decides to leave the Tribe.

And a few days later, the whole Tribe of Harat starts migrating toward the sea, following a strange series of dreams.

[Worship for Lu decreased]
[Tribe of Harat population is now Small+++]
Mavnon earned 1 Act from the Tribe of Harat worship

Tribe of Karos

The tribe of Karos keeps developping undisturbed by the war, or its end. With Hajval as the leader, their prosperity keep growing. But there is a growing worry in the Tribe: who will succeed to Hajval? No Fanelian seems as incredible as the current leader, and the years are starting to catch up to him.

Lu earned 2 Acts from the Tribe of Karos worship alone
[Tribe of Karos population is now Large+]

Tribe of Alomet

Goert dies of old age, causing great sadness to the tribe of Alomet. Without their great chief, they decide to settle in a hilly area. The new chief is not as wise and insightful as Goert, but tries his best to protect the tribe.

[Worship Building up+]
[Trive of Alomet population is now Small-]

Tribe of Akrathh

Surprisingly, the Tribe of Akrathh stop their warmongering ways. But such sudden and forced peace is not met happily by the Tribe, especially those of the Warlord faction. They nonetheless listen to Limikarrat, but refuse to ever worship Lu or the other Gods. Many of the Tribe of Akrathh join the Warlord Faction. But for the newly assimilated tribes, living in fear of the might of the Akrathh Fanelians, the peace is initially happily welcomed. Their worship for Lu increases even more, and they start to revile Akrathh for being the deity of the conquerors.

With the end of the expansion, the population grow. And a new problem starts appearing: without war to control the population numbers, the food production can't keep up. Many people start dying of starvation, and a famine is brewing. The population starts blaming the end of the war for the famine...

On another note, a new value of high important appear in the Tribe of Akrathh: the value of forgiving and giving a second chance. Akrathh Fanelians also stop reviling the Greater Ones, but don't worship them either. Some also see the end of the war as a weakness from Limikarrat and Akrathh, and start preparing a coup to create another war.

[Event: Coup brewing]
[Event: Famine brewing]
[Faith in Lu slightly increased]
[Faith in Akrathh fractured]
Akrathh earned 1 Act from the Tribe of Akrathh worship

Sagale the Hunter is stricken by a terrible disease, and is going to die soon.

Other Tribes

The decline of the other Tribes increase even more. They are soon going to disappear or be assimilated into the bigger tribes.

Only the Tribe of Percaba and Forut escape this decline.

[Other Tribes population is now Small+]

Erin earned 1 Act from total Fanelian Worship

Spoiler: Famous Fanelians (click to show/hide)

Goert the Leader, the leader of the Tribe of Alomet, who held the Fourth Horn of Efanel. Without his guidance, the tribe would never have survived the journey to the Sea of Fire and Glass.

The Keepers of the Pillar

With the help of Steve, and the tools of Erin, the Keepers of the Pillar manage to develop a more efficient agriculture. Thanks to this, their population start growing, and they give their thanks to Shal.

Using the Cowed Trees, they started building proper lodgings and a fence around the Pillar. This task would take a long, very long time, but they were dedicated into it.

A particular Keeper rose from the masses. Sammie the Grower, known for mastering the tools left by Erin. Spreading her knowledge, her influence in the development of agricultural techniques was even more important than Steve.

[Keeper population is now Medium-]
Shal earned 1 Act from Keeper worship


Several groups of Lungs comes across a great coral formation, growing near a stream of geothermic waters. Extremely resilient and hard, this special coral captivates the Lungs. Carving their homes into this colossal reef, they made their homes. Using the coral, they start crafting trinkets and tools, mainly sharp ones to cut and carve more coral.

They start cultivating a variety of meaty spong growing on this reef, that they call Yao Sponge, when they are not out hunting for fish.

One Lung known as Shaloon the Craftsmaster created crafts unlike any others. All envied him, and respected his skill.

[Lung of the Coral Formation population is now Medium--]
[Other Lungs population is now Small--]
Mavnon earned 1 Act from Lung worship

The Spruces

The Spruces were placed in Erin's Realm. They marvelled at the City of the Silver Skies, and explored the surroundings a bit. Instantly some of them were killed by Varweens, which led to the Spruces fearing the outside. While the Varweens didn't eat the Spruces, they seemed to hunt them out of pure enjoyment.

They tried to create traps and weapons, but the Varweens of these lands were incredibly smart, avoiding the traps, and overpowering the crude weapons of the Spruces.

[Fear of Beasts]

Fauna and Flora

Umlor the Savage Maw:
With its newfound powers, Umlor mercilessly hunted every creatures of the sea. No Carcavel could match his strength, and the Lungs fled in terror before him. The more it ate, the more it grew. Umlor had become a Lesser Monster, and was going to become a true Monster in no time.

Deep Dwellers:
Unknown creatures appeared in the depths. Called Deep Dwellers by the Lungs, they looked like great tentacled creatures with a massive maw. They were not hostile, but their presence terrified the Lungs. Sighting were rare, as they mostly lived in the unknown depths.

In the unknown jungles far to the East, a species of giant mantis reign supreme. Capable of changing color, and gifted with incredible agility, they are the top predator of their environment. They have incredible sharp claws, with the consistence of crystals.

A small species of cute fluffy mammals, that would have been unnoticed if not for their strong sense of smell, and their friendliness. They are easily domesticated, and used as trackers or guards by the Fanelians.

A subspecies of Varween appear in the sand desert. Adapted to the harsh life of the sand desert, they have lost their fur and grew scales instead. They are faster and stronger than the common Varween, and hunt the beasts of the desert. They are few, but deadly.



Spoiler: Major Landmarks (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Territories (click to show/hide)


On Land:
Spoiler: Vegetation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fauna (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Predators (click to show/hide)

In the Sea:
Spoiler: Vegetation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fauna (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Predators (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Andilauss (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fanelians (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Keepers of the Pillar (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Lungs (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Spruces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Astral Bodies (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifacts (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Servants (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beasts (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 12:57:55 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #185 on: November 12, 2017, 10:09:35 pm »






« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 12:57:28 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #186 on: November 12, 2017, 10:36:56 pm »

Considering that Erin was low on Power at the moment, he spends his time creating equipment to allow the Spruce to defend themselves from the Varweens, as well as teaching them to use their ability to fly to their advantage.
Furthermore, with the power of the Starsight, warn any Spruce outside the City of any nearby Varweens.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 11:31:02 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #187 on: November 12, 2017, 10:46:36 pm »

I Spend a minor act to create Manna near "My" Tribe, Manna is a Simple white herb which grows low to the ground quickly, is edible, and has a bland taste.
Next, I use another minor act's worth of power to attempt to Speak directly to Sagale the hunter, and make him an offer if he is healthy enough to reply; I would restore his health to him so he may continue , but doing so would have him die after "thirty sleeps".
>Should he accept, I use a minor act to restore his Health under the prestated terms(Lasts one month, then causes his affliction's damage to return lethally)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #188 on: November 12, 2017, 11:05:26 pm »

Nefertem cracks open one Act to supply the two Power to create a small population of mortals cast after a new form: the Forenings, who possess physical traits of the Andilauss, Fanelians, and even the Keepers in a range of combinations. Hardy and with low metabolic needs due to a limited form of photosynthesis, they possess an internal organ of energy that can keep them alive with little sustenance for many years, and have a strong instinctive understanding of space and time. These original Forenings do not have a Sacred Task, nor do they have a memory of Efanel, and they require some air to breathe. However, most crucially, Forenings are interfertile with all three of the races they resemble, and the children of any such union will themselves be Forenings with a closer physical affiliation to the race of the other parent; these Forenings can inherit, and pass down, the unique traits of their non-Forening parent race. The original Forenings are also distinctive for their considerable wisdom and grace, being highly inventive and versatile, foresighted and skilled at planning, and excellent makers and users of tools; this is a particular blessing granted to the originals by Nefertem, and while their children will likely take after the parents naturally, nothing intrinsically stops them from churning out the occasional dullard in time. As an added bonus, Forenings who achieve great works of beauty (regarded so by at least one other mind) gain the ability to sprout flowers from their bodies; these flowers are styled after the individual's personality, and react to the individual's health and emotional state.

Life sheet:
Species name: Forenings
Physical Description: Slightly weasel-like hairless humanoids in shades of grey ranging from near-black to near-white, with a third eye, well-disguised when shut, embedded in the torso; they vary in size and muscularity.
 - Hardy; need no water, only food (earth will do in a pinch) and sunlight
 - Inner organ of energy
 - Understand space and time
 - Unusually wise and graceful

Nefertem distributes the most Andilauss-like Forenings among the Andilauss, the most Fanelian-like among the tribes of Kalos, Alomet, Percaba, and Forut, a few of the most Keeper-like in the Borderlands, a small group of miscellaneous Forenings to Erin Quill's City, and the remainder in one ore more groups (depending on how many are left) across whatever fertile areas between the two regions they can live in comfortably. Everywhere that Nefertem delivers Forenings to a people on whom they are modelled, he declares them a specially-made variety of the local race made as a blessing from him so that the people will never be without wisdom; he hints that any children they have with the ordinary locals will be destined for greatness.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 02:41:30 am by Maximum Spin »


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #189 on: November 12, 2017, 11:06:50 pm »

To Nolei; Sort out the souls of the dead, let them be sent to the divine plane they wish, and if they have no preference, let them stay in my realm. Seek out the lost souls and grant them travel also.

To Kuli; From place to place shall you fly, spreading the cycles of change and the truth of my Codex in equal measure. To the Spruce especially will you preach my Word, though to all else with ears to hear, let them hear the name of Niké.

Minor Act: Create mundane scrolls written on which is my Codex. Give them to Kuli.

1 Power: Create a population of blue-and-orange flowers, named the Sleepshade. To most, the leaves of this plant would merely create a minor drowsy effect, but to Varweens and similar predators, it is quite a deadly poison. Plant this around the City of Silver Skies.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #190 on: November 12, 2017, 11:34:02 pm »

I Spend an act to create "Whomuns" in small clumps around the world.
Whomuns are a type of non-sentient, Edible, green photosynthesizing Slime which tastes mildly of Limes and cooked meat, They tend to be Pyramid shaped and grow to large(Small building) sizes. They reproduce by splitting into four equally sized slimes when they reach "critical mass".
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 11:39:43 pm by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #191 on: November 12, 2017, 11:36:48 pm »

Akrath, I would rather you not name those things after my species.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #192 on: November 12, 2017, 11:37:42 pm »

Wait, you were a human? Weird.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #193 on: November 12, 2017, 11:39:11 pm »

I'm an Ascendent, Nefertem.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I didn't start the fire...Just added the gasoline!
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #194 on: November 12, 2017, 11:39:46 pm »

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.
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