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Author Topic: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era (Epilogue)  (Read 24247 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #150 on: November 01, 2017, 02:06:44 pm »

If you do not bear the sins of those under your command, you are a cowardly general indeed. I would have hoped that we could come to share this tribe of mortals, but with an irresponsible god and a uncontrolled servant spreading lies to the mortals makes that seem impossible. I have no choice but uphold justice.

The mortals who act under your banner do so in the name of dishonor and death. They share equally in the crimes of your servant, crimes you are absolved of for you claim you influenced this outcome not, and will not take responsibility for those under your command. It appears you and I have no further quarrel, and the conflict is between me and your servant alone. If you truly have nothing to do with this, you'd swear on your own power that was the case and you'll not interfere in this conflict.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #151 on: November 01, 2017, 02:23:11 pm »

Limikarrat, the Bringer of Demise appeared before Lu. Pointing Bloodslayer at Lu, he shouted with a mighty voice. He wasn't speaking only at Lu, but to all the gods.

Here, I stand before you to answer to the crimes you afflict me! How is helping and nurturing these mortals a felony? I told them of what I saw during the Battle of the Genesis: betrayal, greed and mistrust. How is spreading truth a crime?!

The mortals under "my banner" acting on the name of dishonor or death? You are mistaken, I have lived with them, held their hand and saw them cry. I know them better than any of you would, and they do not fight in the name of such concepts. They fight for themselves, for their children and their lands. I never planned this conflict, it was born from the mortals alone.

Now what will you do, Lu, O Greater Ones? Will you attempt to destroy me like you fell the Titanic Ones, or demonstrate yourself better than the way the mortals of Akrathh see you?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #152 on: November 01, 2017, 03:15:45 pm »

You and I both know that your version of the events are twisted. They are a one sided representation of the gods which is not reflective of the true events that occurred. We fought, for it was war.
 I fought for honor, for a right to live on this world, and so that I may become the Herald of the End. These are my motives, clear and without falsehood. Betrayal occurred, it was not the first of this world, and it won't be the last. I espouse no love of it, nor of the fate of the titans. Do not muddle my actions with the actions of my kin, we are each different, beholden to our own nature and our own actions, but not to those of eachother.

I have come to live and walk among the Fanelians. I came to bring goodwill and good fortune to all the tribes. I went forth and honored Efanel, for he was honorable in both life, in death, and beyond his death.
 Yet when I arrived here, I found mortals who hated the gods as you so do. Mortals which would kill their fellow kin and raise warlords to dominate the other tribes. This is the banner of death I speak of. Efanel would have been outraged to know his children, born from his blood spilt in honor and sacrifice, would lay waste to their fellow men in such dishonorable slaughter.

I have no wish to destroy you if it can be avoided, as I had no wish to fell the titans if it could be avoided. The time of great battles of the divines are over.

I offer you this compromise. We shall guide the mortals together, through peace and diplomacy into a time of unity and prosperity, as the gods so try to do now in spite of the recent war between them and the titans, but also the quarreling within themselves. 
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 03:17:44 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #153 on: November 01, 2017, 03:31:21 pm »

What is this, Limikarrat? Accusing the Greater Ones of lying and betraying, yet spreading lies and fomenting betrayal among the mortals? In the battle, you have seen Lu take from others, for certain, yet you lie to the mortals, telling them that all gods are such.

Is this what you would have the gods' legacy be? A history of lies spread by those without the wit to see what truly occurred? You are blinded by your hatred, your nature, and your experience. It is perhaps not your fault, but you must take a wider view, Limikarrat. Continuing as you have will have consequences for all.

Your mortals march to war, and whether you would claim responsibility or not it is yours to bear. You set them on the paths that led here, do not attempt to absolve yourself of blame."
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #154 on: November 01, 2017, 03:38:07 pm »

Honour; a dressing of cruelty
Death; a relapse of birth
Greed; a heart's desire
Ideal; a mind's contraption.

Respect; something given
Shame; something taken
Love; something shared
Remorse; something thrusted.

Lu: you hide your greed,
and your desire,
in a quiver of honour
and a cup of love.

Far more prudent
Far more true
Far less trouble
Far less mess.

Limikarrat: you wear death
on your sleeves and lead your beloved
unto the slaughter
and yet,
there is love in your arms
and ideal in your chest.

Far more prudent
Far more true
Far less trouble
Far less mess.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 03:42:35 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #155 on: November 01, 2017, 03:47:58 pm »

Limikarrat lowered the Bloodslayer... but then pointed it skyward, toward Cerediron.

See, Lu. See this blind One. Who is the one with a narrow eye, who sees only what it wants to see? I cannot forgive such a cowardly being, insulting my master through the acts of my own will. Hahaha... yet I laugh at this fool. He knows nothing of the Supreme One, he knows nothing of his wisdom.

Be my witness, God of Life and Undeath. My actions were mine and mine alone, and I have come to face you to resolve our bad blood. Before I answer to your proposition of a compromise, I beseech you to see for yourself in the minds of the Tribe of Akrathh, and tell me if I fomented such despicable acts as lies and betrayal. Tell me, O Great Destructor.

Who is the liar between the One above and the One before you?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #156 on: November 01, 2017, 03:55:10 pm »

Tell me then, Servant. Tell me precisely the flaws you see. Prove your points, lest they waste as lies and slander, and no lessons be learned.

Tell me how I insult your master by calling your actions into question.

Tell me how I am blind.

Tell me how I lie, and tell me how you tell the truth.

Tell me, and be judged, for you have drawn the attention of all.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #157 on: November 01, 2017, 04:10:12 pm »

I am not without reason, and will accept your request. If the mortals do so consent, the truth, regardless of what it is, will be revealed. Though, in return, I ask the same of you. There is a Fanelian I would like you to so meet, Goert the Leader. I ask you, if you truly care as much as you do, to seek him and hear his tales.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #158 on: November 01, 2017, 04:27:53 pm »

I accept your proposition, I will go meet Goert.


After meeting Goert, Limikarrat returns. Lu then asks the Servant to speak first.

The heart of Goert told no lies, I... was mistaken. About you, Great One of Life and Undeath. You helped them fulfill the hidden dream of their souls, and you gifted them a light of hope. I felt no alteration of their minds, no false truths weaved in their hearts.

I apologize, Lu, for misjudging you. My view of you stands changed for the better. And I pray that what you saw will also change your view of my actions.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 04:40:55 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #159 on: November 01, 2017, 04:49:26 pm »

I do indeed see too why you acted in such you did, and how you see the way you have. I cannot begrudge you this, for I may feel the same if I were you. The mortals were corrupted not, perhaps misguided in violence, but it appears that stems not from you, but from within one of them. You and I have no quarrel, as far as I am concerned. I apologize for misjudging you as well.

Still oh powerful servant, you must realize that these mortals fight to expand their power, and that brings war and death to all around them. Can we both agree that progression without war is the best outcome for all of the mortals?

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #160 on: November 01, 2017, 05:27:03 pm »

Before dealing with the matters of other gods, Nefertem approaches his people, the Andilauss.

Beauty and suffering have long been intertwined. If you wish me to smite this murderer instantly, reduce him to ash, I will. However, I ask you to recall that you already have the means of punishing him yourselves, and I will grant you more at your request. You may deal as harshly as you desire with this Deik, for he has destroyed beauty, and therefore must suffer for it. Take the sharp blades of the Deahweed, if you like, weave them together into long ropes, and bind him in their prickly embrace. Deny him earth on which to feed, cover him even from the stars above, let him see no beauty. Even the stardrops can aid you here: if you take their fruit and break it open, you will find two things: that its flesh is nourishing and delicious as the earth it grew from, and that it contains many spiky seeds that prick and stab and would cause Deik great trouble to lie in or be fed. Once you have regarded these sharp things, know this too: even rocks can be made sharp, if you break them against one another.

However, with this new knowledge of suffering I must leave you also with a law. Do not go to war amongst yourselves. Do not harm another Andilauss, or indeed any of my creations, unless he should first break this law, in which case deal as harshly with him as you will. And too, the time will come when you shall meet other thinking creatures, and, while you are to defend yourself as needed, do not act aggressively toward them unless they are my enemies - which you will know them to be if they come to bring harm upon you, or if I personally tell you so.

There are other things than suffering, though. There is still beauty. The fruit of the stardrops and the spent flowers of the deahweed both contain seeds, as you have been told and as you have doubtless seen. You could put those seeds into the ground, I should let you know, and care for the plants that grow from them, and you will have bounty beyond what careless nature provides alone.

With this message dispatched and a minor localised blessing to foster peace and growth of all life bestowed, Nefertem travels to the point of Lu's and Limikarrat's conversation, and flies in circles around them.

Limikarrat! Honoured servant of our honoured ally! I regret to know that my own creation no doubt contributed to your mistrust. I made Auðrauga a harsh thing because we were dealt harshly with, and because we knew that more problems would surely arise afterward, like these upstart gods, for which we would need to replenish our power as soon as possible. You were ensnared within its harshness, and for this I apologise again. Yet now you are free, and it is the time for the gods, as far as we can, to work as equals. Though we have all made mistakes – I myself failed to realise how badly the Andilauss would be affected by the battle above even though they were protected from it physically, and we've all seen what happened to poor Shal – we also, I believe all hope the best for our creations. Here, take this gift, spare though it is, and please spread it to the Fanelians that they may see beauty and have hope in their worship.

As another minor act, a rain of intricately-carven stone flowers falls around Limikarrat.
Name: Flowers of Holy Names
Description: Intricate stone flowers of various shapes, all somewhat clasped; on each outer petal is carved a symbol containing the names "Nefertem", "Lu", and "Limikarrat" in a triangle, with "Erin Quill" and "Shal" written in a wider V-shape directly underneath, "Akrathh" vertically downward on the right side, and, a bit farther from the rest, "Cerediron" also vertically downward on the left.
Range: Mundane

Nefertem continues: As for Cerediron, I have nothing in particular to say about him. He seems benevolent enough, but keeps his own counsel and is not much for sharing. Say of him what you will.

After all this, Nefertem expends one Power on a Major Blessing upon the monster growing under the sea, Umlor. Umlor will be able to resist Mavnon's attempt to put him into a coma, and he will grow bigger, stronger, and most importantly, stealthier, with a new veil of shadow and light twisting around him at all times and the newly-discovered ability to produce ink.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 02:44:23 am by Maximum Spin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #161 on: November 01, 2017, 07:01:28 pm »

Death is part of life, I see no wrong in the mortals bringing death to each others. I cannot agree that progression without war is the best way to lead the mortals, but I am not prideful enough to say I know the best way to lead them.

Let us cooperate, Lu, I will accept to shepherd the Tribe of Akrathh through a warless path. On one condition: the minds of the Fanelian people are not to be altered as a whole. This is my only request.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #162 on: November 01, 2017, 07:12:33 pm »

Ahem... sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to begin accomplishing things myself. I'm going to need a Realm to do that, though, so if you could all just help me find a place where we're all ok with me setting up, that'd be peachy.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Tyrant Leviathan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #163 on: November 01, 2017, 07:19:40 pm »

Hmmmm... society must have war to go and laws to be made. Maybe, can they be without blood?

Hear me my fellows I have a idea! We can have war, as a sport! Champions of people representing their tribe and interests. Under honorable non lethal contests they play, winner gets it their way. If one kills another, that one must pay for their family's lost.

: He is a war god. So needs it to function. Aside other domains.

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #164 on: November 01, 2017, 07:25:08 pm »

Quill, as long as you bring no harm to them, you are welcome to set yourself up among my Andilauss. I will tell them that you are a God and my ally, and that you will be helpful to them. Please don't try to wrest away their devotion, however, until their population has grown enough that they can sustain us both.

Now, Limikarrat. It is entirely true that death is part of life, just as suffering is – and yet this world is young and it is not yet time for death or suffering to overwhelm it. We must build before we destroy; war and death are part of life, but there must be enough life first that war and death will not snuff it out entirely.

I should also state. The Heartwriter is not a form of mind control as you've implied, or, if you insist that it is, it is not merely a form of mind control. It is my atonement. Mortals' eyes are clouded, and necessarily so; it is not meet that they should see far, and it damages them. I allowed the Andilauss to see too much, and brought them pain; the Heartwriter's purpose is to heal them and unite them. Indeed, it has served this purpose well, and they will soon be able to thrive without it, I hope.
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