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Author Topic: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era (Epilogue)  (Read 24244 times)

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #135 on: October 31, 2017, 06:28:01 pm »

Lu, uh, would you mind donating a bit of your blood? It seems to make an excellent medium for creating life, and I don't want to exhaust the entire Parliament that way... actually, let me try something first.

As an extremely Minor Act (by which I really just mean flavourtext), Nefertem locates a particularly large ripe stardrop fruit, plucks it and carries it into the air, and finally strikes it hard on the top with a bolt of energy, causing it to fall apart into a diffuse cloud of the divine ichor from which its ancestors were wrought. Using part of this and 1 Power, Nefertem creates the deahweed, a strange grassy plant with sharp leaves that sprouts brilliantly-coloured flowers which, once pollinated and developing seed, fill with a paint-like nectar matching the colour of the flower. This nectar can easily be applied to surfaces as a primitive pigment after the flower is picked, and has a certain aura which encourages the growth and health of life touching it, and especially the germination of seeds; although it is most effective on plants, it also affects animals, and is somewhat protective and healthful when applied to skin. Furthermore, light that reflects off or shines through deahweed paint, when consumed by Andilauss, lends them an extra magical boost which can help improve their minds and hasten their development as a people. When a flower has been emptied of its nectar, it disgorges its own seeds into the last of it. Those that are not picked and used eventually fall from the plant and pour their nectar and seeds directly onto the ground. Nefertem personally seeds several of these plants among the Andilauss, and demonstrates their colourful properties to any who will watch, so that they may create their own works of beauty. The rest of the deahweed are scattered haphazardly around those areas of the Planet that are not barren.

Life sheet:
Species name: deahweed
Physical Description: Sharp-bladed grasses with brilliantly colourful bulb-shaped flowers that produce a kind of slightly magic paint.
 - Slightly pointy
 - Magic paint source
   - Growth induction
   - Reflected light makes Andilauss smarter and stronger

Next, Nefertem takes some more of the ichor and another 1 Power and creates sparkmoths, large (roughly sparrow-sized) bioluminescent moths that feed on nectar and pollinate flowers such as the deahweed and stardrops. Though naturally a pale whitish colour, when they feed in deahweed flowers they become slightly stained by the nectar and take on a tinge of that flower's colour; over many feedings this builds up into a unique painted pattern, lit from within, on every individual moth. Unlike our fireflies, which merely have a thin phosphorescent outer layer, the sparkmoths genuinely produce their light internally like a light bulb; this light shines out from every part of their bodies and has a calming effect on mortal minds - and it is especially potent on the Andilauss, who naturally feed on starlight, and find themselves greatly invigorated when the light of these creatures shines upon them. Sparkmoths are released into the wind of the Planet to fly about as they please, and the remaining portion of ichor is saved for later.

Life sheet:
Species name: sparkmoths
Physical Description: large bioluminescent whitish moths
  - pollinator
  - tranquil inner light
    - bonus for Andilauss
  - bodies to which deahweed paint adheres particularly well
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 10:49:58 pm by Maximum Spin »


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #136 on: October 31, 2017, 06:56:03 pm »

And so the Shal spent time potato farming. A lot of time on potato farming. More time than she intended to spend on potatoes. The irony of the Goddess of Time losing track of time isn't lost on her. And so she falls into a laughing fit as she inspects what has happened in the world; but then, she stops, wearing the look of someone who has had an epiphany. Brandishing her Hourglass, she hastens herself greatly, then shapes a minor aspect of power, but it was formed and enacted on the world so quickly, that only one who was paying attention to her that moment would get a hint of what it was for.

With that done, the laughing fit returns, greater than before.

Minor Act: Do.... Something... Whatever it is was probably a source of great amusement for Shal.

But then, as all things do, the laughter subsides and ends...
Heheha.... Right... Back to business... Things aren't going to great here huh?... Hmm... Well, nothing to it but to do it yeah?

And with that, her staff strikes the ground with Power, and in a great area (relative to the Keepers in the area) suddenly blooms into life, grass surges forth and the ground becomes more fertile than it was before... Obviously it doesn't spread into the Exclusion Zone, and the small border between these regions is a very clean line of grass and barren land.

1 Power: Create a Natural Small Region: The Blossoming Borderlands, this grassland is fairly mundane, really, the only things of note is the fertility of the land and its clean border with the Exclusion Zone.

There. That should be good for now.

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #137 on: November 01, 2017, 05:05:26 am »

*trumpet chorus* ooc here

ACT 1: The Genesis of the World


TURN 1.7: Welcoming New Gods

The Lungs

Mavnon crafts and spreads a hanful of various simple musical instruments around the Fanelian tribes. He repeats this with coffee plants, placing them in the territories of these tribes.

The Other One then selects a medium population of Carcavels, which he decides to uplift. Greatly modifying their minds and bodies, he names the new species Lungs.


Erin Quill decides to walk the lifeless lands, creating a few oases. He hopes that in time, these havens of life will spread and grow. On his travels, he comes across a great desert of sand.


The mimic Ha-Sath creates a great ruckus in a Smirilin community nest. It kills and consumes one of its members, and change into its form. For now, it decides to hide among them. He observes the world and its creatures. From the mighty Varween, to the mortal Fanelians, to the lesser creatures. He sees no threat capable of killing him, but knows that above, there are powerful beings...


Niké, one of the new gods, incarnates into the world after having crafted several Acts representing his powers. Apparently intent on forging good relationships with the current pantheon, he offers to them his Acts.


Lu starts by creating an army of Lesser Servants, the Kikaket. Playful and pacific, the grand majority of them follow their Creator in a large swarm of lights. With them, he travelled to the remaining Fanelian tribes.

Having never seen a Greater One before, all the tribes he visits are awed and fearful of such a mighty entity. There are even some to throw spears in panic at the god, which they quickly realize are useless against him. All of the tribes, whether out of fear or admiration, accepted the Bird God's gifts. He teaches them how to honor the Kikaket, and how to receive their boons.

He then leaves for the Tribe of Karos. These Fanelians recognized the Watcher from the stories, and welcomed his gift and teachings. As his words enforced their beliefs, they worked with even more diligence toward upholding their values.

Next is the Tribe of Harat, the Vorween riders. His gifts and teachings are instantly welcomed, as they mistakenly believe the Kikaket to be the spirits of their ancestors.

And finally, Lu went to the Tribes of Limikarrat. The Bringer of Demise was nowhere to be found, but the Great Destructor could feel its lasting presence. While they faked accepting the gift and listening to his words, Lu saw in their minds that the Fanelians helped by Limikarrat had no intention of following his teachings. They were great hunters, and prized their ferocity. They didn't like the Kikaket. Furthermore, Lu saw that these Fanelians had been told of the Genesis Battle, but that Limikarrat weaved his stories to make the Greater Ones and Ascended Ones as treacherous and greedy beings, while Akrathh was the only divine being who cared about mortals.

Then came the moment for Lu to demonstrate the power of the Jakorä. Aiming at a distant and visible mountain, he fired one shot of the Unliving Bow. A massive shockwave rippled through the air as the mountain vanished in a great explosion of light, leaving only the melted lower third of the mountain in a crescent.

Terrified and awed, these Fanelians started to doubt their beliefs. Many of them asked to be taught of the art of archery.


Staying close to the Andilauss, Nefertem picked up the largest Starfruit existing. Carrying far into the skies, he smashed it with a bolt of energy, creating a cloud of sparkling lights the color of the cosmos. From this cloud, he created a new plant, the Deahweed. A sharp grass whose radiations are beneficial to Andilauss growth. It also produces a nectar useable as paint. He then personally plants several Deahweeds in front of the Andilauss, telling and explaining to them the properties and uses of this plant.

Using some more of the remains of the largest Starfruit, Nefertem creates the Sparkmoths, nectarivore flying moths emitting a positive light for the Andilauss.


As she watched over the Keepers, Shal giggled as a curious thought crossed her divine mind. Returning shortly thereafter to her serious self, she then uses her power to create a small region of fertility, which she christened the Blossoming Borderlands. Grass surged forth from the ground, and the Fossil Potatoes and Stardrops sees a boost in their growth and yield.


Baal didn't seem to manifest after his birth, staying in his Realm. As for Limikarrat, his whereabouts were unknown but to his master...

It also seems that the dimensional barriers have returned to a normal level. It will be harder than before for outside beings to forcefully enter.

Cerediron and Lu recovered 1 Act through their Realm.
Nefertem received 2 Acts from Auðrauga.
The Soul Bind stored 1 Act.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #138 on: November 01, 2017, 05:05:47 am »


The Andilauss

As more life came to be brought by Nefertem, a great change in the religion of the Andilauss occur. While they already saw life as sacred and divine, they now started to believe all life was created for them. They awed at the Deahweed and the Sparkmoths.

Nefertem then showed them the applications of the Deahweed. The Andilauss were amazed by this new concept: now they could also make themselves beautiful! So the Andilauss started using the paint of the Deahweeds, intending to make themselves more and more beautiful. Such a gift ended up becoming a great blessing, and a great curse to the Andilauss.

With the realization that one could be made more beautiful with the Deahweed nectar, some Andilauss started leaving their sedentary ways, exploring new areas to find the best Deahweeds. Such drive also led to competition, and to envy. It was the first time Andilauss desired something material, and the first time they started feeling jealous of a more beautiful Andilauss.

And eventually, the first Andilauss murder happened. There were two very beautiful Andilauss, Deik and Laka. Deik was the most beautiful, until the day Laka found a rare Deahweed which made him as radiant as a star in the eyes of everyone. Deik became jealous, and furious. In his rage, he killed Laka. This event greatly shook the Andilauss society, for they known no crime. Despairing over this tragedy, they begged Nefertem to bring them an answer, or to punish Deik the Murderer.

[Event: the First Andilauss Murder]
[Andilauss are benefiting from Deahweed and Sparkmoths]

Nefertem earned 1 Act from Andilauss worship

Spoiler: Famous Andilauss (click to show/hide)

The Fanelians

Overall, the display of power from Lu isn't left unnoticed. Many Fanelians witness the act, and all hear of it. The legend of the Mountain that was slain by Lu becomes a common myth among Fanelians.

The curious items that appear around the Tribes are discovered by a few, and most of these are discarded or lost into nature.

Tribe of Harat
After much trial and errors, the Tribe of Harat comes to realize only the Vorweens born from the first domesticated Vorweens can be domesticated. Apart from this little event, the Tribe's population grows greatly in a short span of time. These Fanelians survival increase, and they start exploring and observing many elements of nature.

They take particular interest into the instrument they found. They come to love this musical discovery, and replicates it. They also welcome Lu in their religion, seeing him as a Great Spirit reigning over the ancestors.

[Additionally worship Lu]
[Worship building up]

Tribe of Karos
After the visit of Lu, the Tribe of Karos works on becoming more noble and honorable people. An individual with a great destiny rises among the Tribe: Hajval the Noble, blessed with great insight and fighting skills, he quickly becomes the chief of the Tribe of Karos. Through his words and deeds alone, he manages to peacefully absorb many smaller Tribes into the Tribe of Karos.

In a blindingly short span of time, the Tribe of Karos becomes the largest Tribe of Fanelians.

Lu earned 1 Act from the Tribe of Karos worship alone
[Tribe of Karos population is now Large]

Tribe of Alomet
Strange dreams afflict the Fanelians of this Tribe over the course of a few days. Following these confusing dreams, they come to believe the Fanelians were born from the mixed blood of Lu and the Great Father fighting.

Apart from these strange events, the Tribe of Alomet survives from a great calamity thanks to the 4th Horn. As they travelled back into a nearby mountain, an incredibly old and powerful Varween came across them. Wisened by the years, this Varween alone killed all the Fanelians who went out to hunt or gather resources.

Left with no choice, the Leader blew the Horn two times, and a mighty protector appeared, slaying the terrible Varween. This Varween would later be known as Ragfarang, the Deadliest Beast.

[Worship Building up]
[Faith in Lu increased]

Tribes of Limikarrat
Under the guidance of Limikarrat, these Fanelians thrived. And in an unexpected development, the Tribe of Limikarrat came to worship Akrathh with increased fervor, following the visit of Lu. After recovering from the awe and terror they felt upon seeing the power of the Jakorä, they reasoned that this destruction only further proved the words of Limikarrat: the gods were malevolent beings, and only Akrathh cared about life.

In an hypocritical twist, they still took up the bow, with Limikarrat further teaching them.

[Faith in Arkrathh increased]
Akrathh earned 1 Act from the Tribe of Akrathh worship

Following these changes, a great clash emerged between the Tribes of Limikarrat and the Other Tribes who came across Lu. Both sides are unable to accept the others beliefs, and conflicts erupt. With better fighters, weapons and the hidden support of Limikarrat, the Tribes of Limikarrat comes to destroy and assimilate any and all opposition. One particular Fanelian warrior rises from this conflicts: having never known defeat and winning impossible battles, Edera becomes the first Warlord.

Forming a great Tribe on par with the Tribe of Karos, they rename themselves as the Tribe of Akrathh.

[Tribe of Akrathh population is now Large-]

Other Tribes
Most of the Other Tribes end up assimilated in either the Tribe of Karos to the West or the Tribe of Akrathh in the South. The tribes that do survive struggle and continue to clash among themselves, slowly dooming the prosperity of their Tribes.

[Other Tribes population is now Small+++]

Spoiler: Famous Fanelians (click to show/hide)

The Keepers of the Pillar

Life becomes better for the Keepers of the Pillar thanks to Shal. The fertile land she created allows the Keepers to increase their population, and to start cultivating Fossil Potatoes and Stardrops. They start developping agriculture, but overall, their lives remain unchanging.

[Worship building up]


As the Lungs first make their path into the world of sapience, a disaster strikes their budding community. A powerful Carcavel manages to wipe out several groups of Lungs by itself, earning itself of Umlor the Savage Maw.

The Lungs groups that don't come across this Carcavel comes to develop competition that often escalates into conflicts with other groups. Each group believe to be more graceful and powerful, and doesn't hesitate to fight and kill to prove their power. As such, groups of different Lungs rarely interact with each others.

[Worship Mavnon]

Fauna and Flora

Umlor the Savage Maw grows into something more than a Carcavel. Having grown in size, strength, and cunning, this unique Carcavel is feared by all creatures of the sea.

The coffee plants are nearly wiped out by a new parasitic mushroom. This unnamed mushroom spreads across the forests, and has hidden powerful medicinal properties.



Spoiler: Major Landmarks (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Territories (click to show/hide)


On Land:
Spoiler: Vegetation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fauna (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Predators (click to show/hide)

In the Sea:
Spoiler: Vegetation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fauna (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Predators (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Andilauss (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fanelians (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Keepers of the Pillar (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Lungs (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Astral Bodies (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifacts (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Servants (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beasts (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 05:18:29 am by Nakéen »


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #139 on: November 01, 2017, 05:06:06 am »






« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 02:11:04 pm by Nakéen »


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #140 on: November 01, 2017, 05:55:47 am »

Travel among the many mortals, talking with them, learning what they know, seeing what they need. After one week at any given place, I will leave, having left a single mundane artifact of a variety that will assist with what they require.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #141 on: November 01, 2017, 06:15:10 am »

Magic A is
Magic B
Insert C
Into D

Hope it works
Perhaps it wont,
Best to wait,
it does seem

Minor Act: Explain to the Lung that the greatest Lungs are those that make the best use of their environment. If they can craft great art or other utilities, then truly, they are the best of the Lung.
Minor Act: Put Umlor the Savage Maw into a coma.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 08:10:59 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #142 on: November 01, 2017, 09:46:31 am »

After enjoying the reality of being alive in his realm Baal incarnates into the mortal realm. His figure was fear inspiring.

As he appears he speaks. " I  a living testament to the conflicts of the past, the present and the future. I am not a God of chaos though. But of order and justice." Besides, had other things aside war going for him.

5 Power for a big act

He then glows as brilliantly as the Sun as he shines a destructive light into space. Far from Titan moon, sacred Sun and the planet, carving a new constellation of a serpent into the Heavens. Then stops and takes a seat.

1 minor act

Now he decides to summon a metal object and begins to craft into it. The result?

Helios Shield: A shield that absorbs Sun light to release it latter.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #143 on: November 01, 2017, 09:58:35 am »

Well, that went about as well as expected... Now to make this place a little nicer... But what to do what to do... It is a little flat, so maybe some trees? Yes, that's an idea!

And with that, and a Minor bit of power, a small number of trees sprout forth in the Blossoming Borderlands. These trees end up in various stages of life, but one thing is obvious, especially among the younger members: They're bent, curved away from the Pillar and the Abyss beneath it as if they were cowed into a state of immense fear, but as they grow older they curve back, before growing straight up like a normal tree when the curve reaches the point it would be at if it merely grew straight in the first place. Once it begins to grow straight, these tree will begin to produce fruit which contains their seeds, fruit which is edible with the exception for a hard seed.
But the bend is not the oddest part, its wood is far lighter than it has any right to be, for while the density of it is normal for a tree, it doesn't have the weight to match. It's as if gravity does not have as strong a grip on it as it should. The blue colored fruit on the other hand, has the opposite effect, it's heavier than it should be, and won't spread far from the tree without being carried away by animal or mortal.

Minor Act: Create a handful of Magical Cowed Trees in the Blossoming Borderlands

Huff... Too much to do, not enough time... But I can change that!

And with this Minor surge of power, Time itself seems to twist and stutter, after a few moments it gains a purple glow and appears to come alive! This resulting Lesser Servant can best be described as a Time Elemental, or in Shal's words a Telugorath. She names it Steve.

Right! Steve! Your first order is to go and help the Keepers learn agriculture!

Minor Act: Create a lesser Servant; Steve, The First Telugorath. Have Steve attempt to assist the Keeper's agricultural efforts. As much as a single Time Elemental can anyway.

Looking up to the heavens, Shal regards Baal
Oh hey, you're awake! I was wondering when you would start doing things! Right, ground rules: Don't poke the 'Pillar' under the moon or the Abyss under it. Do not literally or metaphorically crack open the planet. That giant amalgamation of Acts over there that we call a prison? Don't touch.
And that's about it I think...

Spoiler: Cowed Trees (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 10:02:53 pm by Jilladilla »

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #144 on: November 01, 2017, 10:20:50 am »

Shal forgot the other rules. Do not attack your fellow gods, do not interfere with their creations and their choices. Do not steal or damage either of the prison devices, or face the combined wrath of every god. By interfering with those you provoke powers you do not understand. You are a youngling here, you did not fight the war to enter this place, we shall not tolerate upstarts and betrayals. Work well with your fellows, and reap the benefits.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #145 on: November 01, 2017, 11:36:52 am »

I Create an army of lesser servants upon the mortal plane from er a "distance".
Spoiler: New servants (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Imps (click to show/hide)
I then send them a rather basic order for them to construct temples dedicated to me and lu around the areas where The Fanelians dwell.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 11:39:36 am by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #146 on: November 01, 2017, 11:38:21 am »


The birds were interesting, and offered an opportunity to scout out the world. But there were other opportunities to take. If it didn't work out, Ha-Sath could always reuse his bird form.

Use bird form to find a Varween corpse, consume its blood to gain the ability to become a Varween, then spend some time as a Varween. Learn more about the sentient peoples of the earth and the other creatures.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #147 on: November 01, 2017, 12:09:12 pm »

Lu was horrified and angered by the revelations of what he had learned. The trickster Limikarrat had lied and twisted the children of the titan! He had corrupted these mortals, uncaring about their future and their personhood. Lu was saddened and angered that such an evil action had be expounded upon the mortals he had grown to love.

Akrathh! Answer for the crimes of your servant and return these mortals to the way they were before your servant tainted them against the gods. I cannot allow this dishonor to plague mortality so early in its infancy. Undo this harm, fully and completely, or prepare for war.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 12:45:20 pm by Roboson »

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #148 on: November 01, 2017, 01:06:47 pm »

Lu was horrified and angered by the revelations of what he had learned. The trickster Limikarrat had lied and twisted the children of the titan! He had corrupted these mortals, uncaring about their future and their personhood. Lu was saddened and angered that such an evil action had be expounded upon the mortals he had grown to love.

Akrathh! Answer for the crimes of your servant and return these mortals to the way they were before your servant tainted them against the gods. I cannot allow this dishonor to plague mortality so early in its infancy. Undo this harm, fully and completely, or prepare for war.

His eyes peek up as he spoke.

Need a hand? How about four?"

He was a God of War and had favorites. Preferred the more noble brethren to the Others, who seem so twisted, foul, and unearthly.


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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 1: Genesis of the World
« Reply #149 on: November 01, 2017, 01:41:15 pm »

"I Am not the bearer of mine servant's sins, he was sent to bear the news of mine god ship, Bear thou complaints to him if thou wishes because I will not take your words as any value."
Correction, my order to my new servants will be to construct fortifications in the lands of my followers.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 06:02:32 pm by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.
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