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Which secret containing book should we steal first?

Creatures Uncovered (Concerns the secrets of the beast warrior)
- 5 (6.5%)
Misconceptions About The Dragonlord (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 10 (13%)
Foundations of Blizzards (Concerns the secrets of wind and air as magical weapons)
- 6 (7.8%)
The Meaning of Dragonfire (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 4 (5.2%)
Book of Coagulation (Concerns the secrets of legendary cheese making)
- 42 (54.5%)
Look for more books, I want a different secret
- 1 (1.3%)
Let's just steal a slab and hope for the best
- 9 (11.7%)

Total Members Voted: 77

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Author Topic: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)  (Read 291071 times)


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #810 on: January 27, 2018, 05:36:53 am »

I'm looking through the legends file and hooo boy.
First off, some of the names of the civs.

The Cannibal civ is called the "Whirling Butcher" which is metal as fuck; meanwhile a Bloodsucker civ is called the "Nations of Liberty". I suppose they're right - considering they're highly decadent, degenerate mutant nobles that kill people and drink blood for fun they are liberated from any norms of civilized behavior.

Oh, we also have around 115 Nosferatus in the world. Considering they function a tad like werebeasts, we may get regular attacks from them after a certain point (I gave them semimega attack triggers). A notable one is this guy:

He knows the secrets of causing nightmares, according to legends.
There's also Annhyr, another Nosferatu.

She's been conducting raids on a Witch civ since her early years - total of forty-eight notable kills, and 50 unnotable ones.
There's very few megabeasts in the world, admittedly - the most deadly one does appear to be the living dice.

I'm gonna look through the history of our civ later but man, the world seems really insane.

EDIT: Ahhh, also another thing - I'm getting a very large errorlog starting up the world, a lot of it is missing text files from the data/speech folder - mind uploading those as well, MottledPetrel?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 12:23:50 pm by ZM5 »


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #811 on: January 27, 2018, 12:05:43 pm »

All right, I updated the download to have the speech file, hopefully this will solve the crashes:
If you guys find anything else I might need let me know.

Those are actually some really fitting names, but I'm a little surprised that the iscodecohedrons are the only one surviving, usually there are at least a few godzillas wandering around.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #812 on: January 28, 2018, 11:37:40 am »

I *might* do a small update today, but I promised to tell who had pets, so here it is:

I'm hoping to hear of some great adventures soon, or at least some confirmation that adventure mode even works.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #813 on: January 28, 2018, 11:49:27 am »

what pets or pokemon are available?


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #814 on: January 28, 2018, 04:17:05 pm »

We don't really have anything more than the future war animals and the food animals (almost all of them are babies currently), if you had been about 1 update faster I could have saved the blitzle I butchered for you.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #815 on: January 28, 2018, 04:56:50 pm »

ah....well thats fine i hope that when theres another update ill get a pokemon .....or 6 according to league rules......maybe a combination of six various creatures would be fine to although maybe everyone could have at least 6 various creatures to make it interesting


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #816 on: January 28, 2018, 05:11:49 pm »

Having a bit of an issue with the save. Trying to go into adventure mode but it crashes each time I get to the "updating world" part. Doesn't even properly start it - it reads the raws, then crashes right as its about to get into the updating world bit.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #817 on: January 28, 2018, 06:11:22 pm »

I'm trying it myself and I'm getting the same problem. I moved it to the most recent version of the save and it's still giving me that problem. Anyone have any idea why this might be happening and how we can fix it?


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #818 on: January 28, 2018, 06:46:25 pm »

A short one today, but hopefully a full one next weekend or during the week.
In a shallow koopa fort two miners chip away at the last bits of stone jutting out from an otherwise smooth wall. About ten other koopas stand in this room in front of another koopa with a piece of paper in his hand.
     Mottled Petrel addressed the crowd in front of him "Welcome to Modded Hell! There really isn't much to tell you guys about, all of us were sent here for one reason or another. Before I start doling out work, does anyone have any questions?" MrLurkety raised his hand "Uh, why are there three koopas and a ninji passed out in the food pile?". EPM was sitting on top of them, either completely oblivious or just because he was a jerk. Urlance Woolsbane was next to him, apparently diagnosing "Dream ale overdose, they'll be out for well over a year. There's nothing we can do about it.". Wags had just been beginning the motion of pouring himself some dream ale, upon hearing this he immediately stopped in his tracks.

     "I'm not sure what we're going to do about them." Mottled Petrel confessed "Any more questions?" almost all of the koopas attending raised one of their hands "None? Got it. All right, now that the main room has been almost cleared out I want workshops to be set up. I want three mason workshops, three carpenter's workshops, three craftskoopa's workshops, three mechanic's benches, a jeweler's bench, three smelters, and a forge. Anything that can be made out of wood should be made out of wood. Now, off to it!" the crowd dispersed to assemble the various workshops.

     "Sir, we've finished clearing out the main room." Derpy Dev reported to Mottled Petrel. "Good, now, the deepest soil layer, I want you to dig out an area for underground farming and animal taming.".

     After this order Mottled Petrel notices EPM claim a nestbox, and then lay four koopa eggs. 'With her husband here there's a pretty good chance that those eggs are fertilized', Mottled Petrel yells "Congratulations" over to EMP, who just blushes and gets back to work.

     Some giant sparrows now circle above, Enemy Post seems convinced that he can hunt them too. Mottled Petrel doesn't try to stop him this time. Instead, he tells his squire to order the carving of some bone AK-47's and some bone bullets. In addition, he orders the production of some shell shells "It's been too long since I've been able to curl up into a shell for a nice rest, if we've got any shell somewhere have someone try to make them into a shell." "Understood" said Silverlocke as he scampered away to relay orders. No shells could be found 'I'll order some bone shells if Enemy Post ever manages to kill anything'.

    KoopaUnknown suddenly yells "FROM NOW ON NO ONE IS TO ZELL ANY LARGE ZERRATED DIZKZ, WE NEED THEM TO PROTECT COMMUNIZM!". Mottled Petrel happened to be on break and was having a drink with the oracle when this happened, the oracle shook his head "Keep an eye on that one, we threw him out of the mountain homes because of how much of a political zealot he is. As you know, the mountain home is communist, but its a very moderate communism. We're rather accepting of other political ideas, as long as they don't directly challenge the koopa beliefs. But this guy, he almost killed a few koopalings who happened to be discussing democracy in the eastern dining hall." the oracle took another sip of his drink "Just... play the facade and he probably won't notice that this isn't as communistic of a fort as he thinks it is.". Mottled Petrel nodded slowly, before he yelled out to the rest of the koopas in the main room "You heard him, no selling any large serrated disks".

     Silverlocke runs up to Mottled Petrel "Sir, the miners have struck stone in the proposed underground farm, should they continue as planned?" "Yeah, just keep going, we'll put the stockpiles and farmer's workshops over the stone. Oh, and have someone make an armor stand, I want the militia training as soon as possible. And have someone start cutting gems".

     The still has still not been built yet, but the furnaces have been "I want 10 bars of charcoal made, and then I want someone on constant iron and coal smelting. Then, I want this next furnace to be only steel and pig iron smelting. There's no time for lesser metals, we need to be ready to defend ourselves NOW. I also want some tables and chairs.". Satisfied with another fine round of orders, Mottled Petrel walks back to the surface to plant more seeds. Upon doing so he trips over the nipper plants that have become piranha buds at the entrance. He call back "Can somebody carefully dig these guys up and place them at the tunnel intersections?".

     Autumn has come, and the still still hasn't been built, Mottled Petrel grows impatient. He lays out the blueprints for the proposed barracks and puts them at a lower priority than the miners are currently working at.

     After the making of a office for the bookkeeper Silverlocke reports to Mottled Petrel "Sir, a ruxian caravan is on the horizon." Mottled Petrel looked confused "What the hell is a ruxian?" Silverlocke looked a little surprised by this "What do you mean 'what the hell is a Ruxian'? You had a ruxian partner for last year's national three legged race in the mountain home. I've even got an engraving of you coming in dead last with him if you don't believe me." Silverlocke fished a small, flat rock out of his pocket "Wait, why do you have an engraving of me at all?". Mottled Petrel took the rock, and saw that there was indeed an -engraving- of him losing last year's three legged race. In the engraving Mottled Petrel was on his hands and knees pounding the ground with a facial expression that told him that he was screaming while he was doing so. Tied to one of his legs was what looked like a bird person with both wings and arms, the bird person looked like he resented his partner. The engraving showed that all of the other racers had already finished the race while Mottled Petrel and his partner weren't even half way.

     The memory was vaguely recognized by Mottled Petrel "Yeah... I remember something like this happening. I don't think I even bothered to look at my partner though. Would you mind if I kept this?" Mottled Petrel still had no idea why he had it in the first place "Sure, you can have it, I've got about nine other copies with me.". An even more questioning look from Mottled Petrel "Whhyyyyyy?", "You don't understand how funny it was to see you break down and scream in the middle of the race, they sell these things as traveler's souvenirs now. I couldn't resist picking up a few for keep sakes.". Mottled Petrel reluctantly slipped the stone into his pocket, as if just having it on him would cause another embarrassing event.

     'We don't really have much to trade, but mayb- Wait, why did one of them just fly off from their pack animal?'. One of the ruxes flew up into the air, leaving its pack skiddo on the ground, confused. That rux then flies up over the rest of the traders and directly into the depot. 'Our broker is still asleep, so I'm not sure if we'll even do much trading.'.

     A ratooey caravan appears from the same direction 'fuck it, anyone who wants to trade can go trade for us'. One of the trolls has apparently also given birth 'I'll deal with these traders later, it's going to be about a year and a half before those pack animals they left behind wander here on their own anyway'.

'We don't have enough trade goods for one caravan, much less three!'


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #819 on: January 28, 2018, 07:00:18 pm »

Can't wait for the wagons to smack into each other, this'll be a riot.

Man, I get busy for a couple days and suddenly I'm farting out future residents. I wonder how that situation will work, if clutches of eggs can be laid at a time and then hatch. No idea how [LAYS_EGGS] would work with child tracking or population caps, etc. Might lead to something silly like 20 something future residents being hatched, might not...

As for the sleeproot booze, I'm not so sure about weaponizing it, but it seems like the perfect solution for any [CURIOUSBEAST_GUZZLER] wildlife around. If we treat it like a pesticide and spread some forbidden barrels of it around, it'd make an unorthodox but simple trap.



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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #820 on: January 28, 2018, 07:32:51 pm »

Multiple caravans can pull into a single trade depot just fine, even if you make multiple trade depots they'll only pull into one. I believe eggs automatically become unfertilized when they exceed the population cap. I'm seriously considering setting out dream ale in the fields for any unwanted visitors, I'd also like to say that at least one of the caravans brought more sleeproots...


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #821 on: January 28, 2018, 09:25:53 pm »

Unless these are new eggs, the eggs in the save were infertile (dfhack is best


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #822 on: January 29, 2018, 09:22:35 am »

how did you get the mods to work? my friendship is magic and starwars mod keeps crashing

Enemy post

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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #823 on: January 29, 2018, 03:39:35 pm »

how did you get the mods to work? my friendship is magic and starwars mod keeps crashing

Did you try to combine them? There are probably conflicting raws in Jawa Fortress and Friendship is Magic. I made Jawa Fortress, if you tell me which pony mod you want I can probably merge them for you.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #824 on: January 29, 2018, 03:55:22 pm »

The instillation of mods is a lot harder to do than you'd think it would be. Some of them are simple enough to just copy into the raws, but often times you need to put some serious effort into getting them to work.

Also, in response to adventure mode not working in the save, I'm thinking about simply genning a new world with the raws and putting that up for adventuring instead. What do you guys think about that?
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