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Which secret containing book should we steal first?

Creatures Uncovered (Concerns the secrets of the beast warrior)
- 5 (6.5%)
Misconceptions About The Dragonlord (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 10 (13%)
Foundations of Blizzards (Concerns the secrets of wind and air as magical weapons)
- 6 (7.8%)
The Meaning of Dragonfire (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 4 (5.2%)
Book of Coagulation (Concerns the secrets of legendary cheese making)
- 42 (54.5%)
Look for more books, I want a different secret
- 1 (1.3%)
Let's just steal a slab and hope for the best
- 9 (11.7%)

Total Members Voted: 77

Pages: 1 ... 60 61 [62] 63 64 ... 100

Author Topic: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)  (Read 291073 times)


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
« Reply #915 on: March 13, 2018, 06:14:46 pm »

Guess I'll just update the game again. Huzzah for further potential instabilities.

I'm also going to warn everyone, we've achieved the most dwarvenly koopanly thing ever. We now have a blood and alcohol moat in front of the entrance for some reason.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2018, 06:55:02 pm by MottledPetrel »


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
« Reply #916 on: March 14, 2018, 02:15:40 pm »

At the entrance of a fledgling koopa a koopa tries his best to step over a festering cesspool in front of the fort's entrance. In the end he is unable to, and he slips and falls into the pool.
     'GAAAHHHH! Where did this giant puddle come from?' Mottled Petrel wondered as he wiped the mixture of spoiling alcohol, moldering blood, and old venom off of himself.

     For whatever reason, an absurdly large number of similar puddles containing who knows what had been popping up all over the fort, but right in front of the ramp a blood and alcohol moat had formed for no conceivable reason.

     'You know, if this puddle didn't obstruct the entrance so much, and smell god awful, it would actually be pretty cool' Mottled Petrel thought as he made a second attempt at stepping over the puddle. When he did so, he planted his outstretched foot firmly into a big pile of pianta pollen.

     Mottled Petrel looked down 'Don't tell me I'm going to get pregnant now'. He looked around, before trying to nonchalantly rub off the pollen onto a nearby wall. As he did so, he noticed that the piranha plants stationed at either side of the entrance had extended their roots into the alcohol pool in front of them. The effects of the blood and alcohol they had been consuming was evident, as they were both drunkenly slathering with expressions that said they were just dying to sink their teeth into something. Mottled Petrel picked up a dead rat that was next to him, and threw it towards one of them. The piranha plant instantly tore it to shreds before eating it whole. Mottled Petrel considered saying something witty, but then continued walking inside.

     Bloop_bleep approached Mottled Petrel on his way in "Sir, we've encountered demons in the caverns. Not, you know, real demons, just those demon wanna-be's, like imps and stuff. We've walled off the entrance, so it's not really that big of a problem." "Well, I'm not starting our invasion of the caverns with only four fighters, so just keep it locked up for now. But now, it's time to start our conquering of the surface. I want you and all available mechanics to set up as many god damn cage traps up there as physically possible so we can catch and tame all the blood thirsty things that live on our front lawn." bloop_bleep looked a little taken aback, but still very excited "Do you want them anywhere specific, or in a certain orientation or-" "Just put them anywhere that makes sense". Bloop_bleep eagerly saluted, and then ran off to grab some mechanisms.

     Mottled Petrel walked up behind a koopa busily working at the forge "Four pairs of greaves please, Nuku. Wait, you aren't Nuku." EPM turned around from the steel mini-chomp she was working on to greet her boss "Oh, hey sir, just finishing up those weapons you asked me to make. I can make those greaves to, no need to go get Nuku to tell me like all the last orders.". Mottled Petrel blinked "I told Nuku specifically to do those jobs, and he's been pawning them off to you?" EPM looked a little confused "Has he? He told me that you told me to do them. I don't mind though, because now I'm actually an armorsmith AND a weaponsmith! I'm still a novice, but this is still the highest skill level anyone in my family has had for generations! If only my Ma' could see me now, she'd be so proud that her little freeloader has finally grown up and gotten a skilled job."

     EPM said as she let the hot steel in her hand relax as she reminisced. Thankfully, she snapped out of it before the steel fell out of her hand and melted her foot. Nuku was busily working at the smelter next to the forge, trying his best not to draw any attention. Finally, Mottled Petrel made his decision on the matter "As long as someone does it, I don't really care who it is, as long as it works as intended.", Nuku let out a sigh of relief from his position behind his smelter "But you better be on your best behavior Nuku, or you're going to be live bait when someone finally decides to attack us".

     Farther down the line it seemed that SQman had finally gotten his act together and learned how to operate a furnace. He wasn't good at it, and it was pretty obvious that the great furnace operators around him were far outpacing him, but he had reach the territory of being 'okay' at his job.

     However, as he was working he was busily trying to sell the silver he would soon have to Urlance Woolsbane, who was half smelting, half animal dissecting behind him. A small dead creature with splayed tentacles was pinned to a board next to Urlance's smelter, and it seemed that he was busily filling the corpse with little gears and sprockets. Before Mottled Petrel could ask what he was doing, Urlance answered without looking up "It crawled out of the caverns and attempted to lay eggs in the warm ashes of my smelter when I wasn't using it. I'm thinking about turning it into a little statue for the trophy room Enemy Post is setting up in the lever room", SQman piped up from behind Urlance "And that's what I'm trying to tell you! A silver base would increase the value of such a statue ten-fold! Think about it, it'd be the best investment you've ever made!" SQman then noticed that it was Mottled Petrel who Urlance was talking to "Oh, uh, hi sir. I was just, uh, trying to increase the fort's value through the implementation of statues! Yeah, think about it, traders from across the world will be flocking to us if we've got silver statues outside to advertise.".

     Mottled Petrel looked at the two for a moment "Enemy Post has set up a trophy room in the lever room?" "Yeah, he's got the ralts head mounted to the wall, and he actually set up a pretty nice diorama with the two dead cottonees that everyone else left to rot outside, and now he's working on something with all the struthomimuses. He wanted to mount the head of the giant tick as well, but KoopaUnknown insisted that it should be mounted in the barracks because it was their kill. His intellect is lacking, but that koopa has the makings of a legendary taxidermist to-be." Urlance answered, still not looking up."I'll allow it" Mottled Petrel finally answered "That was an awfully big room for one lever anyways. Just as long as he doesn't touch the bodies of anything sentient, I don't want the morals of this fort going down the drain.", Urlance lazily poked around in his smelter with a metal rod before pushing his glasses farther up his beak and going back to the corpse in front of him "I'm not his dad, if you want him to actually listen go tell him yourself." Mottled Petrel shrugged "fair enough".

     ZM5 ran by the smelter area, carrying the corpse of a similar looking small creature with tentacles and an open journal "Hey ZM5!" Mottled Petrel called. ZM5 immediately slammed his journal shut, and crammed both it and the corpse into his shell, then he turned with an expression that blatantly said that he was trying to hide something "Yes sir?". Mottled Petrel walked up to him and handed him some blue prints "KoopaUnknown has been threatening to put my head on a pike if he didn't get quarters 'needed for adequate strategic planning' for a while. So here, dig this out when you get a chance.". ZM5 looked relieved that he wasn't being asked about the stuff he was carrying "Alright, I'll get on in a few days" he said, and then scurried off down the stairway.

     It is now summer, sometimes known as the most violent season of the year. The first successful spring crops have been harvested and the more sustaining crops that grow all summer will provide enough for an army on the march. This often causes summer to be the season where a greedy ruler starts eying the land of his neighbor, and finally decides that his forces are ready for a successful conquest. It was only a matter of time before one of the many civilizations nearby decided that Modded Hell was easy pickings. Mottled Petrel never really considered this, he was too busy shaking his fist at the ever cawing flock of birdemic birds that was still circling the fort and interrupting the sleep of its inhabitants. And even if he had considered this fact, he was already putting a lot of the fort's effort into arming and armoring the army as quickly as possible. As he thought about that, he told EPM to make 4 pairs of steel high boots, just so they could stay on schedule. Once down in the fort he noticed that the stoneworkers were carrying stone all the way from the crypt to the masonry workbenches, to remedy this he decided to have the vestigial hallway he had had started next to the barracks extended up to connect to the main room. "You know what, just make that whole section another room, I'll just have it be made into a statue room or something. Nuku, that means I want you, and you specifically, to make us some silver statues. You're our only metalsmith, and a great one at that, and I want these statues to be quality. Just, surprise me with them.", Nuku didn't look happy that he was being called upon, but he nodded anyways.

ZM5 didn't start the excavation, as he had been in the tavern talking with the visitors and listening to their stories.

Bloop_bleep got on the job instead.

     'Guess it's that time of the year again, merchant overload. Lets see if they offer anything of value this year. Wait, are those snails?' Mottled Petrel wondered as he looked at the approaching caravan of snail people cresting one of the nearby hills.

     The horses they were riding looked REALLY uncomfortable with the fact that they were completely drenched in the thick mucous seeping onto them from the feet of the snails riding them. It also appeared that a number of the traders were actively doing drugs as they rode into the trade depot, leaving them seeming very relaxed. They didn't even bring guards with them, so clearly they were very comfortable in putting their faith in the good nature of all the bandits of the area.

     Across the field the more tightly run koopa caravan came into view, bristling with weapons. In complete contrast to the snail caravan, the koopa caravan brought an obscene amount of seasoned guards to ensure that they could carve a bloody path to Modded Hell if they needed to. A troll walked by Mottled Petrel "Could you bring up the spiked wooden balls bin? It looks like we're going to get a lot of traders this year.". As the troll walked away to pick up the requested bin the Oracle from the mountainhome walked up to Mottled Petrel "Hello Mottled Petrel, we've brought you the... goods, you asked for, and I'm here for the yearly inspection." the Oracle looked over Mottled Petrel's shoulder at the entrance covered in blood and alcohol "and I can see that Modded Hell still isn't a center of art and literature.". Mottled Petrel looked back as well "Yeah, there's some idiots here who keep spilling anything liquid everywhere. Unfortunately, that also includes a barrel of venom we bought for some reason, so if you've got some exposed cuts on your feet or something try not to step in it. Don't worry, it's just the entrance that's like that, the inside's pretty clean and we've actually got decent tavern now.".

     The Oracle looked back towards the entrance to see the drunk piranha plants angrily snapping at the troll Mottled Petrel had asked to pick up the bin "Well, it checks out in the intimidation factor at least. But before I go, I have some world news for you and I need to mark down what you request from the mountianhome for next year" the Oracle said as he handed Mottled Petrel a piece of paper and pulled out a clipboard and paper to mark down the requests. Mottled Petrel still didn't really care to ask for anything, but he thought he might as well humor the mountainhome "Alright, it's been a pain making shells for everyone so I'd like some shell shells, one of the ninji claims that he knows how to play the guitar so some electric guitars if you have any, and some paper if it's convenient, I write a lot more notes than I should. And... that's probably it.". The Oracle jotted down the meager request "This isn't a trading fort, so I don't expect you to actually fulfill these requests, but I'm required to give you what the mountain home wants most" the Oracle said as he handed Mottled Petrel another piece of paper. Mottled Petrel didn't even look at it before tucking it into his shell. "I didn't think so," the Oracle said "the goods are being unloaded now, so I'm going to take a look inside to see your progress.".

     The Oracle then walked inside, taking deliberate care not to step in the blood and alcohol moat in front of the entrance. Mottled Petrel looked towards the trade depot where the snails and the koopas were trying to squeeze into the trade depot, and saw that the koopas had brought a laser-spino and a magnemite with them for trade. Right behind the koopa caravan was a smaller group of koopas, presumably migrants. 'Guess I better get some drawing paper, this looks like it's going to be a big one.'.
If there are any lurkers who would like to be koopa'd, now's your chance. There aren't a whole lot of people left to be koopa'd so we're probably going to have some high master millers ripe for the taking.


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #917 on: March 14, 2018, 05:00:05 pm »

If we don't get any more requests, I vote we name the various migrants after random Greek myth figures.....


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #918 on: March 15, 2018, 05:45:32 am »

If we don't get any more requests, I vote we name the various migrants after random Greek myth figures.....
Let's make sure we name two Eris and Set, after the Greek and Egyptian god of chaos and discord.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #919 on: March 15, 2018, 04:35:33 pm »

I actually like the idea that some of the lesser gods are picking up on all the bad stuff about to go down in Modded Hell, and that they decided to come and experience it first hand because of it. If no one else comes forth by tomorrow I'm probably just going to name some of the new guys after the various gods of chaos the world had known, plus some of the funnier or more useless gods.

Darkening Kaos

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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #921 on: March 15, 2018, 08:52:19 pm »

Koopa me as a mechanic and churn out mechanisms for trade.  All except for the masterwork ones, stockpile them somewhere.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #922 on: March 15, 2018, 10:11:26 pm »

Koopa me as a mechanic and churn out mechanisms for trade.  All except for the masterwork ones, stockpile them somewhere.
>bloop_bleep is not amused at your attempt to usurp him.

JK, we can always use more slave laborers helping hands.  :P
Quote from: KittyTac
The closest thing Bay12 has to a flamewar is an argument over philosophy that slowly transitioned to an argument about quantum mechanics.
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The trick is to only make predictions semi-seriously.  That way, I don't have a 98% failure rate. I have a 98% sarcasm rate.

Darkening Kaos

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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #923 on: March 15, 2018, 11:03:00 pm »

     > Darkening Kaos is not amused that you are not amused at his plan attempt to usurp you

     JK(maybe) I'm just here for my bacon and egg sandwich house.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #924 on: March 16, 2018, 05:27:23 am »

Always glad to have more on board, especially mechanics because so far not a single mechanic has even attempted to build the cage traps I ordered. That also reminds me, it's probably about time we start constructing the meat tower, our lasting legacy to the world.
(Also, do you mind if I make a petty competition start between you two maybe with some issue between you two that carried over from the mountainhome? I think it would be pretty funny.)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 05:29:55 am by MottledPetrel »

Darkening Kaos

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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #925 on: March 16, 2018, 07:24:11 pm »

     @MottledPetrel: sent you a PM.

     Looking forward to seeing my koopa's details, try to find someone who likes a specific metal, (like copper or silver), even if that happens to be an unskilled peasant.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #926 on: March 17, 2018, 11:30:21 am »

It's that time of the week again, time for me to fork around a bunch of unskilled turtles. Chances are there will be an update today, depends on how many migrants there are and how many backstories I have to intertwine.

Quick question, how do you tell what kind of weapons a special weapon maker can make?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2018, 11:39:59 am by MottledPetrel »


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #927 on: March 17, 2018, 01:03:44 pm »

It's been a while, but if I remember correctly "Special Weapon Maker" is just the name for Koopa crossbow makers, since their projectile weapons include things like cannons.


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #928 on: March 17, 2018, 01:33:22 pm »

Uh, I think I gave koopas access to crossbows, but I would agree that in my experience it is usually wooden ranged weapons.


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Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
« Reply #929 on: March 17, 2018, 04:41:30 pm »

     A koopa stands at the entrance of a fledgling koopa fort, a stream of koopa migrants is heading towards him and a group of snail merchants is actively doing drugs in the trade depot next to him. The koopa at the entrance seriously considers doing drugs with the snails instead of dealing with the migrants.
     'I guess it's that time again, time for me to be 'responsible' or whatever' Mottled Petrel thinks as he pulls out a clean sheet of paper. The first koopa approaches, seeming innocent enough to Mottled Petrel, but the greater being inside of him recognized a fellow greater being. "Welcome to Modded Hell, home of The Amber Brunch, probably one of the most successful koopa taverns in the empire. What's your name ma'am?" "Eris" "Skills" "Novice wood cutter, novice carpenter, great thresher, novice cheese maker, novice herbalist, and novice special weaponmaker" "Really? What kind of weapons do you make?" Eris giggled, with a surprisingly deadly glint to her eye "Oh, you'll see".

     Mottled Petrel frowned "Whatever, do you have a specific profession name you'd like?" the being inside of Mottled Petrel already knew the answer, because it had already acquainted itself with the lesser god of chaos before it "God of Discord and Strife" Eris replied with another maniacal look. Mottled Petrel nearly snapped the charcoal pencil in his hand when he heard that "Uh, as much as we support the freedom of individual decision here, I'd like to ask you to not promote discord and strife in our fort. You can just keep doing what you know how to do, and make us some of those 'special weapons' you were talking about if you get the chance.".

     Eris did a small curtsy "Very well sir, it's a pleasure to be a part of Modded Hell. Oh, and my husband, Set, is back there with his pet stegosaurus, Nokook Castlebrand. He's been a bit down since he had to leave his bob-omb apprentice, Swoben Bombumbombub, behind by order of the king." "Oh, what was he teaching him?" Eris slowly grinned, a grin more sinister than Mottled Petrel thought was possible with a beak "The art of disorder and violence". Mottled Petrel blinked a few times 'I don't think I need to ask why these two got sent here' "I'm, uh, happy that he was able to experience the joys of mentoring. He taught quite a, uh, fitting profession for a bob-omb. We've got some stray bob-ombs inside if you think that will cheer him up." "You can tell him that yourself, because here he comes.".

     Eris walked inside, and a koopa walked up to Mottled Petrel with a young stegosaurus, this was presumably Set. "Welcome to Modded Hell Set, your wife told me a little about you, but I still need to ask some more. Skills?" Set finished petting his stegosaur so he could reply "Novice organizer, adept record keeper, great glazier, proficient writer, expert reader, and a great geographer." "I'm guessing you want a special profession name similar to your wife?" "Yeah, how about, God of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners? Actually, I don't care to write that down on all my papers, how about just God of disorder and violence?". Mottled Petrel sighed, and the greater being inside of him thought something along the lines of 'this guy is as much of a tool as I remember him being' "Alright sir, you can have that title, but the chances of us ever needed a glazier are minimal. How does macekoopa sound?" Set ran his tongue along the edges of his beak in a slow, deliberate, and incredibly unsettling manner "Perfect".

     'A match made in heaven' was all Mottled Petrel could think as he shook his head and marked down 4 steel mini-chomps to be made "Alright, head on in sir, bottom of the ramp, hallway to the left, first room on the right. The bob-ombs are in the second room to the right if you care to train any.". Eris walked inside, eying up the place as if it were his new hunting grounds. A stray hunting manectric trundled in behind him, stopping before the entrance to take a few sips out of the alcohol moat. The next koopa was a far more mundane one, but still had the air of incompetence around him that told Mottled Petrel that he was sent here for lack of skills, and not psychopathy "Name" "Sanctume" "Skills" "Novice engraver, novice mason, novice weaponsmith, novice armorsmith, novice metal crafter, and adequate shearer. I know, I know what you're thinking, 'this guy has taken on too many professions, and that's why the stoneworker's guild, metalworker's guild, and the farmer's association all voted to send him to Modded Hell', but I'll tell you this: I am more than capable of mastering not only these professions that I've started, but as many as I set my mind to" Mottled Petrel looked up from his notes "No, that wasn't at all what I was thinking, I'd much rather have an unskilled worker with ambition than a worker who refuses to work. That was also a very specific thing for me to think of, is that why you're here at Modded Hell?" "Well, that might have been the final push to get me here, but mostly I'm here to live with family. My aunt EPM, my uncle Stingpie, and my other uncle Urlance Woolsbane already live here, and I manage to convince one of my cousins, Imic, to move here with me. I also love steel and dolomite, and I heard that Modded Hell is mostly comprised of dolomite and you allow low skill workers to work with steel." "Steel and dolomite are about all we really have right now, so you're in luck. Continue with your current professions and we'll talk later, and maybe you can teach a thing or two to your aunt, because she's our most skilled metalworker right now." "I'll get to it, and you'll have more mastercraft tridents than you know what to do with before you know it".

     The next koopa was one that Mottled Petrel recognized from the royal pasture that he, uh, destroyed. He couldn't remember her name "Hello ma'am, you're that lawnmower technician from the mountainhome, right? What are you doing here? It seemed to me that you were the only one I knew who actually had a stable job." Scarlet_Avenger looked down and idly kicked a stone by her feet "Yeaaaaahh... My skill set was actually just directing people to the different lawnmower models. Once the animal handlers had to get to work rebuilding and retraining the animals after that horrible accident everyone found out that I didn't really have any applicable skills for my position. I got fired, and before I could find a new job I got a notice saying that I was being 'reassigned' to Modded Hell. But now that I'm here I'd like to finally learn the trades of animal trainer and mechanic." Mottled Petrel nodded "Alright, well what are your skills now?" Scarlet_Avenger took a long inhale as if she greatly regretted what the answer was "Adequate beekeeper, I kept a hive a combees in my room in my off-hours, so I could probably set up similar hives if you want me to." "Don't worry about it, most of the people here come with no experience. From now on you are on animal training, animal care, and mechanics. Our lawnmowers are fine as of so far, so you're probably going to be on cage trap duty.".

     Scarlet_Avenger nodded thoughtfully a few times, before looking back at the koopas still coming behind her "You might have a bit of trouble getting any information out of my husband, Asin, so I'm just going to tell you his skills now. He's a parakoopa, a novice markskoopa, a novice animal trainer, caretaker, and dissector, and he just has such a way with words..." a smile grew across her face as she presumably remembered good times with her husband "... but unfortunately, I think you would only be able to characterize him as a novice wordsmith, poet, and speaker. He also says a lot of... odd things. so try to not let it get to you, he's really sweet once you get to know him.". Mottled Petrel remembered the name of Asin, and knew that he had his work cut out for him, he gestured for Scarlet_Avenger to go inside as he watched the koopa with dark sunglasses walk up to him. "Na-" "-I'm here to kick ass and chew gum, and I'm all out of gum!" Mottled Petrel stared at the winged koopa in front of him for a few seconds "I know that you're a ranger, so for now you're going to be a hunter until we can get an archery range. I'll have a steel cannon made fo-" "-Double the guns, double the fun!". Mottled Petrel rested his head on one of his hands in agitation "Just please, go inside" "Well, I'm here now. We'll settle this once and for all." Asin exclaimed to no one in particular as he walked inside.

     'And this migrant wave was showing so much potential' Mottled Petrel thought, as an incredibly muscular koopa bore down on him 'Oh geez' "Hello sir, welcome to Modded Hell, name?" the koopa in front of him looked at Mottled Petrel like he was a puzzle box ready to be taken apart, and then begrudgingly took out a small letter with the king's symbol written on it with wax. Many who saw the king's unorthodox method of marking his letters often said 'it would be so much simpler and more efficient if you made a stamp so you can seal your letters with wax instead of just drawing a symbol with wax and then sealing it separately', the king's usual response was something along the lines of 'fuck you' or 'I'm the king, I make the decisions'. This letter was no different, but a letter from the king at all was a rare occurrence. Mottled Petrel opened the letter as the larger koopa stared down at him.

     'To whom this letter may concern, I have sent the holder of this letter as far away from me as possible for a number of reasons. This koopa happens to be a great gem setter, but one day he came to me and DEMANDED that I give him a chance to try to make some of his trap ideas. Despite having no skill in mechanics or guidance from some of the available, more accomplished mechanics, he showed me some pretty convincing diagrams that made it look like he was at least creative, so I allowed him to set up his supposed trap in an old exploratory mining shaft. I went to check on his progress a few days later before he was done, and the hallway was coated in blood with half-dead animals caught in the midst of restricting, bladed chains. Normally, I would have patted him on the back and sent him to the trap maker's guild, but farther down was the sentient creature testing and the insanely brutal traps he had neglected to show me diagrams of. It was at this point that I lost the contents of my stomach, and I promptly signed the forceful relocation form. Let him near your mechanisms at your own risk, but if there is any damage done to the caravan by anything trap related there will be consequences. Other than that, I have included the first installment of your government pension in this letter.' Mottled Petrel fished into the envelope to pull out a single copper coin, minted with the king's face 'Good luck, Sincerely, the king of the koopa empire.'.

     Mottled Petrel looked at the muscular koopa still standing next to him, who had pulled out a large, almost plank sized, notebook from his shell and was now busily drawing deliberate lines in it. Mottled Petrel folded the letter and gingerly held it for a few minutes, thinking. "The mechanisms are in a stockpile at the bottom of the ramp, have at it." Darkening Kaos flipped through the pages of his notebook, and then walked inside. 'All we've got for trap components are spiked wooden balls and cages, so have at it'.

     Only two more koopas were left in the migrant wave, and they both walked up to Mottled Petrel hand in hand "Hello, I'm Imic, and this is my wife rainbowdashfanboi84. My cousin Sanctume has asked me to come live with him with our aunts and uncles at Modded Hell. These are also my wife's aunts and uncles, but she also has a letter from the king and her own reason for coming here, which she has decided to withhold from me."  Rainbowdashfanboi84 then handed Mottled Petrel a letter signed by the king, similar to the one he received only moments before. Mottled Petrel opened the new letter, and this one was much simpler and to the point.

     'We caught this one dressing up horses and role playing with them, and I didn't care to actually come up with a punishment for a peasant with 0 redeemable skills, so she's your problem now. Signed, the king.'.

     After a few moments Mottled Petrel continued with the usual questions "Skills?" "I'm a novice fish dissector, fish cleaner, and fisherkoopa. And my wife is an adequate poet, a competent dancer, a competent singer, and an adequate stringed musician.". Mottled Petrel didn't want to continue with the questions, because he had really had enough with the migrants, but he did anyway "Preferences" "I'd like to be a meat architect in our new home, and I'd like the title of fortressier. My wife would like to be a guard, she hasn't said anything about a weapon preference, but she'd like any horse-like pets if you have any.". Mottled Petrel cringed a little, not wanting to repeat the issue that got her thrown out of the mountainhome in the first place "Imic, you are now all stone working professions except mining as well as architecture. Rainbowdashfanboi84, you're now a sword koopa, I'll have your long swords made as soon as I can.". Imic looked at his wife, who nodded "Alright, come on Nokopoc" Imic said, and a small kea chick landed on his wife's shoulder. The final member of the migrant wave was a stray war Pa'u style oricorio, who walked inside looking like it had no idea where it was. Mottled Petrel looked up from his notes 'Is that it? Thank god, it's going to be a nightmare trying to pretend to care about all these new people.'.
Everyone has now been koopa'd except MoonyTheHuman (Sorry, still waiting for some kind of doctor), and we now have more unskilled fighters. I'm kinda confused as to how most of the people now in the fort are related, and some of the marriages are between concerningly close relatives, but other than that things are going well, until they inevitably don't, but oh well.
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