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Which secret containing book should we steal first?

Creatures Uncovered (Concerns the secrets of the beast warrior)
- 5 (6.5%)
Misconceptions About The Dragonlord (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 10 (13%)
Foundations of Blizzards (Concerns the secrets of wind and air as magical weapons)
- 6 (7.8%)
The Meaning of Dragonfire (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 4 (5.2%)
Book of Coagulation (Concerns the secrets of legendary cheese making)
- 42 (54.5%)
Look for more books, I want a different secret
- 1 (1.3%)
Let's just steal a slab and hope for the best
- 9 (11.7%)

Total Members Voted: 77

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Author Topic: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)  (Read 291105 times)


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Has this even started yet?
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Unfortunately it has not. It was stopped by a culmination of little errors that just made the game not work. Now I'm trying to iron out these errors slowly as I add mods back in. Along with that, we're just having a good time making this game even more hectic and unforgiving.


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I would also like to inform everyone that I have inspired the Teh Lol mod to create a civ made entirely of sentient guns. Yes, the guns can shoot. This should make things even better for the fort.


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So, I have enough time to get things done for the first time this week. To make sure I don't squander this, I have made a list of the things that currently need to be done, for both my convenience and yours. When I inevitably miss something important that needs to be done tell me about it and I'll add it to the list.

To Do list:
1. Update Caverns of peace: DONE (tested, seems to work fine)
2. Update Fantastic Races: DONE (tested, seems to work fine)
3. Add Dwarfsday winter holiday: DONE (untested)
4. Update Teh Lol Mod: DONE (untested)
5. Shit post: In progress
6. Make a list of reactions and workshops to give to desired civs: in progress
7. Re add black powder firearms, mostly mythical monsters, saur fortress, dwarven bread: not done
8. Test to make sure these last things don't destroy the game: not done
9. Figure out what the fuck to do with Stal's Armory: not done
10. Update Scourge's stuff: DONE (untested)
11. Try to fix Teh Lol mod buildings: possibly done (no clue if it really works or not yet, testing required)
12. Re add meat buildings: not done
13. Make a quote section: no fucking idea when I'm going to get to this
14. Sig that thing Derpy Dev said about life only ending when the meat tower falls: not done
15. Add spellcrafts: not done
16. Make sure I didn't break everything: not done
17. Add [SUPERNATURAL] to mega beasts, just to fuck things up even further: not done
18. REALLY make sure I didn't break it: not done
19. Git Gud at games: probably never going to happen
20. Become passable at games: in progress
21. Attempt to re add the communism and capitalism secrets: couldn't get it to work in the last version, so no idea how this will go
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 08:28:49 pm by MottledPetrel »


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Cant wait to see what comes out of all this ngl. Best of luck! Make sure to message us here when issues pop up - maybe post progress updates too along with the files if issues come up so myself and others could take a look at it and try to fix stuff.


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Hopefully a mostly working game comes out of all of this. I'll keep you guys informed as it happens, and tell you what's broken. I'd also like to report that I've thought up most of my intro to this story when we actually start, and it's definitely something. You all better be ready for a lot of obscure references and a koopa named Mottled Petrel desperately trying to impress all the hip, young koopalings with his attempts to be RAD.

So, things are going pretty well. The error log is significantly smaller, most of it being made up of errors from the fantastic races mod and the dwarfmas mod I added. Not sure what to do about those, but I'm probably going to bring it up with the mod creators. The only thing that stood out as needing a potential fix was this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Not sure what caused it, but it might have to do with pirate taunt being defined as pirate_ds instead of pirate_taunt, and such. There's also some problems with certain creatures, like QUAGGA_SCOR:FEMALE and MUMMY:MALE, but I don't know what mods these are from. Anyone know?

Wow, I'm not sure what I did, but this is incredibly stable. Unsettlingly stable. I can also say with pride that there is still a fuck ton of towers everywhere. I'm just going to be running a fort for a very little while to see if those random crashes that were in some of the other tests forts come up. I'll tell you guys if anything interesting happens. But for now, here's the starting area.

It's up to you guys to determine what some of these civs are, because I myself don't know what some of these are.

Oh, it crashed while it was saving. WELP, there goes everything I said about stability. I'm going to try to see if this is a fluke, but if it isn't we're probably screwed.

Crashes are consistent, let me try another world.

It keeps crashing during the saving at "saving world information". I don't know what's causing it, but here is the current error log if any thinks they can discern what could be causing it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I just realized I didn't see the duplication problem, but I'll fix it tomorrow.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 11:36:28 pm by MottledPetrel »


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pirate_ds is from TehLOLmod. The HP_PIRATE is from a completely different mod. ZM5 should be able to give you the correct .txt files.
It appears that the joghadai don't have body parts to connect neck and throat to.
There apparently needs to be a BLOND color.
The various quaggas need a HOOF tissue. It appears the mummy doesn't have any materials.
I'll have to see the FLASH, and SHONE interactions to see what is wrong with them.
The duplication errors are simple. Just search for one of the duplicated things, then note the mods which have it. If the duplication is in the same mod, then there was a copy/paste error. If it is in two different mods, then people have named something the same thing. In that case, name each case something different.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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The text files are taunts for the pirates, skeletons and clowns - they're in data/speech in the download file.


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The duplication errors are the fantastic races mod using some of ZM5's bodies, but they have their own file for it. With me having other ZM5 mods in it that causes a problem. I fixed it one, but updating the mod over wrote it. I thought I added the text files for the taunts, but I'll double check on that. None of the guy's I've asked has been able to tell me where the quaggas came from, but I'll try to fix them. I'll post the FLASH and SHONE interactions if I get a chance, but I'm probably just going to get rid of them entirely. Figuring out the BLOND color isn't worth the effort. I'm sure what I'm going to do about the joghadai, the mod author said it still works with the error and isn't that much of a problem. But progress is going pretty well, the error log has gotten small enough that we can actually touch upon each problem individually. I've got an idea on how to fix the crash during save, but if it doesn't work I have no idea what the problem is because none of these errors really seem to be game breaking.

There was also a lot of errors with the dwarfsday winter mod, to the point where I just removed it. I'll add it back if the author fixes the errors I pointed out to them. Apparently the taunt files never made it in, so they have been added.

FLASH and SHONE interactions for those who want to fix it:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh wait a second, the QUAGGA_SCOR is one of scourge's things. He had this same problem for some of his dinosaurs, so he knows what to do about it. But for now, because it is literally just a subspecies of zebra, I'm going to remove it to save time.

Alright, I seem to have fixed it enough so that I can save. I fixed most of the stuff that I said I was going to fix, but now I'm going to play the game out a little to see if it's stable. Wish me luck, here's our neighbors.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 03:37:06 pm by MottledPetrel »

Enemy post

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Can I have any dinosaur for a pet, when we get a chance? The specific kind isn't important.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


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Damn, you got all 5 of the halloween invaders as neighbors. Can't wait to see what happens when the sieges pop up, hee hee.


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For clarification, this is just a test fort. Dinosaur pet has been noted. Knowing my luck I'm going to get a theater troupe from the holloween invaders, and they're all going to stay and deny military service. Put I'll keep the invasions posted, right now there's a fuck ton of water pokemon in the river killing each other. I don't know what sparked it, but there's water type moves flying every where.

Okay, this is actually getting pretty funny. A crawdaunt became enrage for some reason and decided to attack a politoed. The crawdaunt uses its most powerful move and was unable to do anything more than bruise the fat. This caught the politoed's attention, getting it to use double slap on the crawdaunt. This usually is a pretty lack luster move, but for some reason it was enough to reduce the crawdaunt's arm to a lump of gore. The politoed did this for the other arm and then walked away, leaving the crawdaunt basically helpless. But, through sheer force of will, the crawdaunt picked himself up from the puddle of his own blood and continues to pursue the politoed. The politoed is then like "dude, what the hell, just leave me alone" and keeps walking. The crawdaunt catches up and attempt to push the politoed, causing the politoed to double slap all but one of his feet into lumps of gore. This doesn't stop the crawdaunt, for he has a smoldering fury hotter than dragon fire. After a long "chase" the politoed finally gets out of range, and now the crawdaunt is just there with so much built up rage that he doesn't know what to do.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 04:01:32 pm by MottledPetrel »


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It's funny, I can't remember if I knew of the hoof issue and forgot to fix it, or if I broke it fixing other things.....


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I only pointed out the issue with the dinosaurs, so it's likely that it was just never found. Also, I think we have the title for best government name.

I'm also naming forumites, because I feel like it.

Dude, what the fuck, it's only slate. Is this a new feature, do people just show up whenever they feel like it? Well, I guess you can come sleep in the farms, because that's about the only thing we have mined out so far.

This place is REALLY popular, and I'm struggling to accomidate the visitors when I literally have nothing more than a hole in the ground to work with. Now that I think about it, the popularity kinda makes sense. I founded the fort on a narrow isthmus that connects the two main continents, so if anyone wants to go anywhere they have to go by us.

WHAT THE FUCK, I JUST OPENED A TAVERN AND HALF THE CONTINENT DECIDES TO COME OVER FOR A PARTY. It's only malachite and I have no industry to speak of, and now I have to feed an additional ten people who don't work

uhhhh... I'm not sure what to do about that, that and the stream of visitors hasn't stopped.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 05:38:09 pm by MottledPetrel »

Enemy post

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I suspect the visitors are mostly if not all spies. It's a bug with the current version. I guess I let Thrash Doves have too high a population on Teh LOLmod.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!
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