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Which secret containing book should we steal first?

Creatures Uncovered (Concerns the secrets of the beast warrior)
- 5 (6.5%)
Misconceptions About The Dragonlord (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 10 (13%)
Foundations of Blizzards (Concerns the secrets of wind and air as magical weapons)
- 6 (7.8%)
The Meaning of Dragonfire (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 4 (5.2%)
Book of Coagulation (Concerns the secrets of legendary cheese making)
- 42 (54.5%)
Look for more books, I want a different secret
- 1 (1.3%)
Let's just steal a slab and hope for the best
- 9 (11.7%)

Total Members Voted: 77

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Author Topic: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)  (Read 290682 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
« Reply #1095 on: May 07, 2018, 05:09:09 am »

Oh, um, yeah you died because you couldn't defend yourself. It got to the point where just being in the proximity of the hellecopter burned your clothes off of you. You sure you don't want to be rekoopa'd? You could always try a different character instead of just having a clone of your existing one. Also, I'll post the update tonight so you guys can see what we're up against, despite there being a massive cliff hanger.


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Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
« Reply #1096 on: May 07, 2018, 02:00:07 pm »

Don't fight the hellacopters. They are intended to be hid from, especially the gunners.
If it's too much though, I give you permission to remove their fixed temperature and give your koopas a fighting chance with the non-gunner hellacopters. Do not even bother trying to fight the gunners in any way other than cave-ins.
You know what, can the gunners melt wooden supports?
Then you could just place 2X2 flooring on top of a support, remove anything else holding up the floors, and voilą, hellacopter trap.

Too bad DF no longer has dungeon masters.
???????????? what? are you saying I would be the PUNgeon master?
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
« Reply #1097 on: May 07, 2018, 02:28:34 pm »

Yeah, I'm usually okay with stacked odds, but I draw the line where an enemy can't even be defined as a valid target. I'll see if changing the fixed temperatures does us any good, but as far as I know it will only affect those hellacopters that are off map, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm also going to post what I have of the update to far, because me trying to fix the hellacopter problem made this update pretty long and I want the exact details of my struggle to be known.


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Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
« Reply #1098 on: May 07, 2018, 02:29:53 pm »

Sorry, Petrel. Can ranged koopas do anything?

Also, I think fixed temperature changes immoderately affect everyone.
If we have any visitors whose kind we wouldn't mind killing, give them a boiling fixed temperature and see if the current ones melt, then remove their fixed temp again.
You are changing the save's raw, right, not the regular raw?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 02:33:47 pm by pikachu17 »
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

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Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
« Reply #1099 on: May 07, 2018, 02:34:14 pm »

Ranged koopas will only fire if they're walking by, and its more of a spook reflex than anything else because they walk away more as if its an annoyance than as if it was an attack. Unfortunately, most attacks only dent the metal, and lacking any vital organs no one was able to really do more than break both of his rotors and both of his arms. Unfortunately, him pushing his body against anyone who walked by was still enough to kill.


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Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
« Reply #1100 on: May 07, 2018, 02:42:03 pm »

Sorry for not balancing properly.

If the above experiment on a random visitor's kind's fixed temp doesn't work out, maybe try making the material they are made of, which I think is copper, melt at any temperature, which I know works. Killed my Zombie elves invaders pretty well.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
« Reply #1101 on: May 07, 2018, 03:10:39 pm »

In a decently smoothed room deep within a fledgling koopa fortress sleeps a single koopa. Down the hall from his is probably the wildest party ever to be seen by a koopa fort.
     Mottled Petrel was sleeping soundly in his room after a hard day of planting, but as he lay there a muffled sound began to pervade his ears. " the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the *ting, ting* FLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Mottled Petrel's bloodshot eyes almost exploded open, the music coming from the tavern was apparently loud enough to come through several rooms and even more layers of solid rock. Needless to say, as the sound tore through the thin veil of sleep that had been enshrouding Mottled Petrel's mind he promptly tried to sit up in his bed so fast that he fell off the side. After a minute or two of trying to flip himself off of his back, Mottled Petrel was up and heading towards the tavern. When he got there, there was a piece of paper taped to the door, on it was scrawled in big letters "NO GURLS OVURSEEERS ALLOWUD". Mottled Petrel rubbed his chin for a few seconds, and then shrugged 'This isn't exactly regulation standard, but I'll abide by it'. Mottled Petrel then walked off for his morning breakfast of helmet snake eggs.

     In front of one of the barrels was a small crab who appeared to be holding a small cow bell and the mallet for which to strike it. He was doing so vigorously, and was making a small clinking noise as he said in a small sailor like voice "GIVE IT UP FOR UPDATE 23! WOOHOO! UPDATE 23!-". Scourge's alolan persian then pounced on the small crab, eating it alive. Under the crunches of shell as the persian ate its chitinous meal the agonizing screams of the dying crab could be heard. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make of it, but having to deal with unexplainable events on almost a daily basis he was kind of used to it.

     He proceeded to pick out a barrel, when he noticed some of the metalworkers were collapsed on top of the shell workshop. The mostly burned candles and empty mugs of delfino coffee strewn about suggested they had stayed up all night working on something. As Mottled Petrel approached he looked over one of their shoulders to see a large blue print. Judging by the diagrams drawn all over the paper, it would appear that they had stayed up all night trying to devise some kind of chainmail shell to solve the problem of the military's unprotected upper arms. Unfortunately, the large amount of question marks and different models on the blueprint hinted towards the fact that they probably weren't successful. At the center of the workshop was a small cloth doll of a koopa wearing a miniature version of one of the more promising of the prototype mail shells. The small metal spear that was impaling it also denoted the fact that the trials were not yet successful. Mottled Petrel smiled and shook his head, then walked off to start his day for real.

     But before he could he was stopped by Darkening Kaos and bloop_bleep, they both approached him with blueprints of their own. "Mottled Petrel, due to the most recent attacks I have devised a trap that I believe will help protect us." Darkening Kaos said as she practically shoved her blueprint in Mottled Petrel's face. Mottled Petrel squinted and could make out very little from the overwhelming mess of measurements, calculations, diagrams, and hidden details. What he could make out was the general shape of the trap, it looked like a very long room with a bunch of stuff going on in it, but then he saw the Z level measure next to it and realized it was more like a 30-something deep pit with all manners of suspended catwalks covered in weapons that would have taken the mountainhome years to assemble. "Uhhh..." Mottled Petrel floundered as he simultaneously tried to politely say no and try to figure out what the hell he was actually looking at, but bloop_bleep cut him off "No sir, I have a much better trap that I want you to see!".

     Mottled Petrel flinched as he expected another paper to be shoved in his face, after a few moments he said "Well, aren't you going to show it to me?". Bloop_bleep held his paper defensively close to him "No, it's going to be a surprise!", Mottled Petrel looked confused "But didn't you just say you wanted to show-" "Will you let me make it or not?! If not, I've gotten like 5 other concerned citizen submissions for other traps that could work, I could make those too.". Darkening Kaos pulled a few scraps of paper out of her shell "I've got some too". They both looked expectantly at Mottled Petrel for an answer, and after a few moments he delivered one "Alright, if you two want to make some big trap outside to protect us, then go for it. But, we are making ONE, no more. I want you two to get along and turn whatever crazy ideas you're holding in your hands into one big crazy idea, and then show it to me before you make it. But before that, I want you both to line that hallway that leads to the cavern entrance with cage traps, and then chain up a capnap or something in that little room so we can know when something's trying to sneak in. After that, go crazy.".

     The two mechanics glared at each other, it would appear that they were both competing to be the head mechanic, just generally didn't like each other, or were about to start a dance battle to prove who's ideas were superior. They both walked back to their respective mechanic's workshop, bristling. As Mottled Petrel watched them go he noticed that each of them had a number of other blueprints strewn all over their respective workshops. 'Guess I should expect them to pitch me more ideas sometime soon' Mottled Petrel thought, as he took a big bite out of one of the helmet snake eggs he had on him.

     After his breakfast, Mottled Petrel walked outside to check on the fire, only to step into a giant white pool that was now covering the entrance.

     "WHAT THE FUCK! WHERE DID THIS COME FROM!?" Mottled Petrel asked as he tried to wipe off his feet in the grass. Mugamok was also on the surface, he just shrugged and said "I don't fucking know" as he handed his analysis papers to Mottled Petrel.

     "What the fuck is sleep sauce?" Mottled Petrel asked, knowing that the frogog venom was what was causing the swelling feet but not knowing what sleep sauce was. Mugamok shrugged again "I would assume it makes you sleep.". Mottled Petrel frowned, and then used the analysis papers to scrap the white goo off of his feet, before going back to his checking of the fire.

     The fire was still roaring on the other side of the brook, and was spreading through the trees just as rapidly. Any koopa knows that when a tree is on fire it is bound to fall in just the way you don't want it to, spreading the fire across a usually protective barrier. Because of this Mottled Petrel ordered some of the more precarious trees cut down, and mandated the construction of another fire break.

     Almost as if the fire was specifically trying to spite him, a tree collapsed over the brook. Luckily, it collapsed onto the already burned section, but it was enough to show that the brook was no protection from the fire. To further the predicimate, both Gwolfski and Scourge were conveniently nowhere to be found, and they were the only two Mottled Petrel could remember giving wood cutting duty to. If things really got out of hand, Mottled Petrel could always have the drawbridge raised, but as a koopa who took the basic 'Smokey the Lawnmower's Fire Safety Course' he knew that there was a good chance that the fire could squeeze under the door if there was grass growing under it.

     Too late, the fire was across the brook. 'God damn it, there's no way the fire break is going to be done in time. And why the hell is Darkening Kaos over there shaking his fist at the hellacopter thief?' The fire was indeed spreading fast, and Darkening Kaos was indeed trying to attack the thief despite the fact that he was flying at least 4 Z-Urists above him. And as if things were just going too well, a small family of kangaskhan had wandered into the area after being flushed out of their homes by the fire. It was quite obvious that they were not happy about that, and the honedge above them was anxiously slashing its blade around, seemingly thirsting for blood.

     It didn't take long for it to slake its thirst, within seconds of being in the area the honedge practically bisected two giant white storks that had been lazily drifting on the thermal updrafts. Now splattered in blood, the honedge only looked more crazed. 'I need a fucking vacation' Mottled Petrel thought, as he watched the fire carelessly pass over the unfinished fire break. "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE BACK INSIDE!" Mottled Petrel called as the animals began to cautiously back up from the advancing fire.

Asin was stuck in another tree, but at this point Mottled Petrel didn't care enough to fish him out.

     Turns out the animals weren't smart enough to get out of the way of the fire, because their dying cries could be heard from the surface as the koopas hid underground.

     Before the fire had even reached the fort's entrance another hellacopter could be heard arriving, probably to fist bump its buddy and join in on the attack.

     And just like that, the fire swept past the fort's entrance, leaving only ash. During the fire all of the snow leapords, 12 fuzzy, 5 thrash doves, 5 orintholestes, 2 helmet snakes, and one of the lazer-compies had been burned alive. The surface was now littered with their charred skeletons as the koopas emerged to clean up their front yard.

     It only took about five seconds of the koopas being on the surface for the hellacopter wrestler to punch Silverlock's skull in without so much as breaking a sweat. 'WHAT THE FUCK!' "KOOPAUNKNOWN, I HAVE A PEST PROBLEM I NEED YOU AND YOUR MEN TO TAKE CARE OF!" Mottled Petrel called. And at just the worst time, a group of migrants arrive, on the other side of the wall of fire that was still advancing towards the east.

     The hellacopter was now right in front of the fort entrance, using the broken tusk of a now mangled troll child as a toothpick. Derpy Dev was the first to attempt to save the troll child, but was caught in a cloud of boiling blood coming off of the hellacopter's incredibly hot body. After wringing out the troll child like a wet napkin, the hellacopter began attacking one of the ninjis. The ninji admittedly did an incredibly good job dodging, managing to go a while to only obtain skin bruises. But after a few minutes one solid punch to the head was enough to put him down. And by put him down I mean turn him into a gore glove that was now plastered onto the hellacopter's hand.

     Next the hellacopter grabbed one of the capnaps and began gouging its eyes out mercilessly. He then punted the small creature halfway across the plain, the end of its flight was accented with a sickening crunch that was probably caused by every bone and vital organ in the poor thing's body flattening to the thickness of a coin. Seemingly enjoying it, the hellacopter began mauling another capnap, and with the military nowhere to be found it seemed likely that it was going to keep doing so. From his viewing position on top of the tower Mottled Petrel cried down to the migrants who were now getting close enough to be in reasonable danger. "LIST YOUR NAMES AND KEEP IT QUICK, WE CAN DO INTRODUCTIONS LATER-" Mottled Petrel called, but then stopped in his tracks as he saw who was leading the migrant wave.

     One of the king's sons was here, and if anything happened to him at Modded Hell the king would likely have the head of whoever was responsible. Despite the fact that he would probably one day inherit the koopa empire, Nokomek was thankfully one of the more laid back demon koopas, and despite the fact that he was walking on hot ashes towards a family of kangiskhan and a genocidal hellacopter he had a smile on his face "Hey, uh..." even in a casual greeting, he had the booming voice of a warlord " dad said that this might be a pretty rad place to try to test out my leading skills before I take on serious governmental responsibility or whatever. So I'm here with these guys to live here. I'm Nokomek, I'm a great carpenter. That's TheRedWolfII, an adequate siege operator. That's Dionysus, a great siege engineer and quite the flatterer that one. That's SetII, a great furnace operator. That's SilverlockeII, a great glazer. That's Lunar, The Dog, a novice in a bunch of things. And we've still got more coming." "We're kinda in a pit of a pickle right now so I'm just going to assign you to what we need. Nokomek, carpenter as well as other wood related jobs. TheRedWolfII, you're taking the spot of a koopa who had a name that was almost yours. Dionysus, military. SetII, Furnace operating and mechanics. SilverlockII, military as well as my squire. Lunar, general craftskoopa. I'll deal with the rest of the group after we deal with the intruder at the front gates.".

     Mottled Petrel turned to see the hellacopter, who was still enjoying massacring the capnaps. At this point Lord_lemonpie and rainbowdashfanboi84 arrived on the surface and fire lightning at the hellacopter, managing to only dent it. Upon actually engaging in combat, the three begin a deadly dance of who can land the first successful shot. The hellacopter is the first to do so, punching Lord_lemonpie so hard that his steel shell was shattered along with his ribs. Despite this, Lord_lemonpie managed to counter attack, only to learn that his steel mini-chomps are nigh useless against his target. After another attack that breaks one of Lord_lemonpies arms, he thunder punched the hellacopter, messing up some of the internal gears. Then he striked the gears connected to one of the rotors allowing the hellacopter to fly, impairing it. Now laying impotent on the ground, the hellacopter was only able to push against Lord_lemonpie, but this is still enough to do damage through steel armor.

     Now on the ground, one of the nearby laser ceratosauruses fired a laser that hit the hellacopter square in the head, shattering the metal. Still in a dance of dodging, Lord_lemonpie was unable to deal damage or receive damage for quite some time. Mottled Petrel took advantage of the reprieve to check up on the rest of the migrants. Nokomek noticed this, and rattled off some more names "Mugam, novice ranger and animal caretaker. Nokok, great metal crafter. Nokomek, adequate wound dresser, bone doctor, and writer. Nokoopi, competent dyer. And I think we still have more coming along with the parashellcreeper, crayzee dayzee, and the alolan persian." "Mugam, miner and stone detailer. Nokok, all metalworking besides furnace operator. Nokomek, all doctoring skills. Nokoopi, swordkoopa.".

     Despite the groans from the koopas who were obviously hoping for different jobs, Mottled Petrel turned back towards the battle. There was still an extreme amount of dodging happening in the fight, and it didn't seem like the rest of the military was too hot about coming out to help Lord_lemonpie with the crippled hellacopter. A stream of lightning passes over Lord_lemonpie's shoulder and strikes the hellacopter, Lord_lemonpie looks over his shoulder to see which of his squadmates had come to help him, and was bewildered to see that stingpie of all people was rushing in to fight. The hellacopter turned to begin savagely pushing stingpie, and Lord_lemonpie takes the opportunity to fill his waterskin in the nearby brook. After filling his waterskin, Lord_lemonpie then left stingpie to die while he got his broken arm looked at. "FUCK YOU!" stingpie bellowed back to Lord_lemonpie as the vicious pile of broken metal before him continues to push at him. Now without backup, stingpie climbed a crumbling, burned tree to save himself. Not being able to fly anymore, the hellacopter lost interest and crawled back towards the fort entrance.

     Being incredibly slow with no foreseeable opposition in the way, the hellacopter takes its time. Mottled Petrel turns to call back Nokomek, and is spooked when he finds him towering over him on the catwalk. Nokomek smiles, and waves with his right hand. For whatever reason (And not because Mottled Petrel completely forgot to change the raws for the demon koopa caste) demon koopas had only two arms. "That's Nokooka, novice dyer. That's Nokoku, novice metal crafter and talented fish cleaner. Nokog, novice weaponsmith, talented bone carver, and talented fisherkoopa. Maknoko, talented glassmaker. Kogamok, novice woodcutter. Nokon, adequate spinner. Lonokom, administrator. And I think that's it." "Alright, Nokooka, all farming skills. Nokoku, all metalcrafting. Nokog, all metalcrafting. Maknoko, chainsawkoopa. Kogamok, swordkoopa. And Wags you're going to have to be the subordinate brute who takes the last two people into a squad, got it?". From deep in the fort echoed an "Oh fuck me... GOT IT SIR!".

     Mottled Petrel then turned back towards the still crawling hellacopter to see that it had made substantial progress. At this point the laser-ceratosaur that fired its laser a while ago charged the hellacopter and stomped on its hand so hard that it snaped completely off. Behind Mottled Petrel, as if to impress his new commander, Kogamok started fighting with one of the kangaskhan, kicking its ear clean off on the first strike. Back at the hellacopter, Mugam and Scarlet_Avenger jumped into the fray. They soon run away again as the hellacopter begins attacking stingpie who is still caught in the tree. Stingpie was horribly maimed before KoopaUnknown finally arrived. At this point, stingpie fell out of his tree and was even more horribly maimed by the hellacopter, and for whatever reason KoopaUnknonw kept his distance.

     Eventually, stingpie bled to death and the hellacopter turned to attack KoopaUnknown. Even though the hellacopter was seriously damaged, KoopaUnknown took a serious beating. Instead of attacking, KoopaUnknown adopted a campaign of poor dodging for a while. At one point after nearly days of dodging and blocking, KoopaUnknown opted to stand on top of the hellacopter while it wailed on him.

After a few more days of this, KoopaUnknown got off of him and continued dodging.

     After a few more days of dodging, KoopaUnknown out of nowhere kicked the hellacopters right lower arm clean off, before going back to dodging. Later the left rotor is kicked off, but the struggle still dragged on.

     After days more of dodging, KoopaUnknown climbed into a tree and waited for the hellacopter to leave. But as soon as he noticed Kogamok had come to help him, unarmed, he jumped down from the tree and continued his fight.

     Within seconds, the hellacopter pushed straight through Kogamok's body, mangling his insides. Taking his chance, KoopaUnknown leaves to get some rest as Nokoopi runs in to try his luck.

Most of his limbs are broken in a matter of minutes, and Mottled Petrel had to look away. While he did so, he noticed that the Kangiskhan that had been attacked had been successfully killed, and its mate had been caught in a cage trap. Having nowhere else to look, Mottled Petrel did a quick Slav Squat to regain his senses.
Any thoughts on courses of action?


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Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
« Reply #1102 on: May 07, 2018, 03:47:58 pm »

get rid of the helicopters or at leas make it so they get one hit in the engine and they are now dead (also smite them first)
everything is fine
 everything is on fire
I see no difference between these two phrases.
only at modded hell does this make sense


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Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
« Reply #1103 on: May 07, 2018, 04:07:20 pm »

Well. Damn. I sure as Modded Hell didn't intend for regular hellacopters to be this powerful.
Look in the raws, and tell me what the hellacopters are made out of. If we can sacrifice everything made of that, we can set them to boil at 1 urists, and remove them all.
Have you tried removing their fixed temp, at least?

Oh, and warning, they cannot be caught by traps. Ever. Nor by webs. And they can't be stunned.
Oh, how about we change the raws to give them material weakness to everything. I forget how to do that, but that would probably help if we are not going to auto-boil them.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
« Reply #1104 on: May 07, 2018, 04:11:52 pm »

NOO THE SNOW LEOPARDS :( we were gonna breed them, and it was gonna be cool.... as for the copter, build something above it, and then collapse it's supports


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Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
« Reply #1105 on: May 07, 2018, 06:49:59 pm »

Hope my little sociopath is still alive (though I bet the rest of the world disagrees).
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
« Reply #1106 on: May 07, 2018, 09:27:51 pm »

If I ever come back as a ghost, you shouldn't put my body in a coffin, just let my ghost be part of the story.
(by the way, you can set a hellacopter's body to some unique material, and make that material boil is 1° Urist to kill all of them on the map)
The dwarven atom is made of !!TURKEY GOBLER!! remains

                         no one can deny this


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Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
« Reply #1107 on: May 08, 2018, 06:18:50 am »

If I ever come back as a ghost, you shouldn't put my body in a coffin, just let my ghost be part of the story.
(by the way, you can set a hellacopter's body to some unique material, and make that material boil is 1° Urist to kill all of them on the map)
Unless it's murderous.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
« Reply #1108 on: May 08, 2018, 03:18:18 pm »

So... How exactly is the fort going? I have heard that everything is on fire, is this true?
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
« Reply #1109 on: May 09, 2018, 05:31:58 am »

I think the correct course of action is to just auto-boil them, because it will prevent this from becoming a problem again. I have yet to test it out, but I will do so before I start working on the next update.

I was kinda bummed out that EVERY snow leopard died, but I'll be sure to buy/request some from the next caravan.

Auze is doing fine right now. He's busy noble-ing it up inside, refusing to do work and continuing to request that I make figurines. Its actually getting pretty annoying, but hey, once he starts teaching himself some koopa magic he's going to act as a support caster for the military  ;) .

How about this, I'll let stingpie come back as a ghost and then put him to rest a little after that. But story-wise he will continue to exist as a ghost. I just don't really think that we can afford the distraction of a ghost at the moment.

The fort was actually doing surprisingly well, but then the fire nation came. We're in reasonable shape, with a small but well trained and well armed military, a tavern, a library with a writer, a temple, and a number of other accommodations to keep people happy. It's also incredibly convenient that most of the koopas in the fort are completely okay with their people dying, as noted by Eris burying her husband Set without so much as a "She felt nothing after seeing a loved one die". But yes, the surface is on fire and most of the land has been reduced to ash. There is also a nigh unkillable, blood thirst attack hellacopter who has killed several koopas and even more capnaps that is now busy burning the clothes off of one of the migrants with just his body heat. So at the moment, things could be better, but we're doing much better than I thought  we were going to be doing at this point.
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