An emissary is sent from Manufaktur in secret to accept King Ômedinae's terms. He gifts two wagons containing leather armors, javelins, leather caps, and decorative pottery. The emissary agrees to purchase one of Cacameburg's manpower in exchange for one wealth.
An emissary is sent from Manufaktur to King Günteight's Kingdom of Aarg, requesting an exemption from trade tariffs on timber and ores. He gifts the King with high quality spices and salt.
A party of traders travels from Manufaktur to Bramblant, requesting to purchase a lease agreement for the placement of merchant stalls in various town squares in Bramblant and Kelpenberg.
An emissary offers a peace treaty to the Kingdom of Donuth, in exchange for 3% of the Manufaktur's annual tax-revenue and 5% government-subsidies on mercenary payments for Donuth guardsmen, to incentivize Manufaktur caravans to hire Donuth mercenaries.
Archbishop Bernhard Abfell of Waifenberg is petitioned to open three churches in rural Manufaktur & Florien, to teach God's word and literacy to the unwashed masses. In return for not taxing Waifenberg religious institutions, while taxing religious institutions from other states. So long as the untaxed institutions over education to believers. The lobbyist sweetens the offer with lustrous sculptures and encrusted pottery.
An emissary from Manufaktur offers a peace treaty with Zetten, offering King Zetten a wagon full of spices and worthless trinkets.
Guildmaster Phenoca Maple spends 1 wealth on emissaries, 1 wealth on roads, 1 wealth on economic subsidies, 1 wealth on needy peasants, 1 wealth on economic subsidies, 1 wealth on administration & law enforcement, and 1 wealth purchasing manpower from Cacameburg. Leaving 0 wealth in reserve.
Manufaktur emissaries spend 4 prestige on diplomacy, 1 prestige gaining influence with Emperor August II Hehlollen of Drakenberg, and 1 prestige to safely escort diplomats. Leaving 0 prestige.
Manufaktur spends 1 manpower defending merchant caravans, 1 manpower escorting diplomats, 1 manpower harvesting extra wood, 1 manpower growing extra food, and 2 manpower constructing new unpaved roads. Manufaktur imports 1 manpower from Cacameburg, resulting in 1 manpower left in reserve.