I wanted to do this for a very, very long time, but never could figure out a ruleset for the game which quite fit what i wanted to do.
Well no more, here goes:
Welcome to Arcology 1, the first Arcology created in human history and also the showcase of how humanity was supposed to live at some point. Several hundred years after its construction we still haven't managed to even get a miniscule amount of the total population of Earth to live in them. That ends now, The High Bureaucracy has to find new homes for refugees fleeing from the Far Marches since the beginning of the war and has decided to revive the Arcology project.
You people were unfortunate enough to be put in charge of keeping it running.Arcology 1 is currently what everyone ever hoped such a thing could be: an utterly autarkic paradise. Unfortunately it has only homes for ten-thousand people and those have been filled by hereditary families since the inception of this place. Well not much longer. The initial wave of refugees numbers well over one-hundred thousand destitute refugees fleeing from he far reaches of space. And you have to figure out how to house them.
Name of Arcology 1:The problem is that there isn't much space anymore to go into the width. Surrounding Arcology 1 is a clusterfuck of human civilization, local landscape features and an ocean, forcing you to build upwards.
What this means in practice is that you can build up to 5 blocks in width before having to build upwards. You might be able to build more in the width at a later date for now that is all you get.
Matters are getting vastly complicated however as you build upwards, for not only does the weight of buildings causse pressure and thus the danger of entire levels collapsing upon each other, but as you build exceedingly higher heat also becomes a problem. With million and billions of people in one place, with engines and power plants and gods now what else, all generating excess heat energy, you can imagine that it has to go somewhere. In our modern society it goes upwards...but here upwards means into other buildings. the Danger of fire becomes very, very real.
But your fortune is also tied to the goodwill of the more important inhabitants of the Arcology, The High Bureaucracies lackeys and more groups of interest which will become more important later.
To make matters more confusing and !!fun!!, you can only build 5 blocks per turn, but you have additional actions available to use upon non-building actions. These building and various other orders will be taken on the first come first serve basis, because each of you can only take one action. These actions have to be taken independently. And while you can plan amongst each other, you shouldn't blindly follow other players ideas and actions, because they might steal your credit (something that will become far more interesting later on).
For now this is what you are looking at:
Immigrants: 100k
High Bureaucracy: -
High Society: ensure that the Arcology is the highest place in the Hive
: -
: -
Your Spire Width Allowance is 5
Your Spire Build Allowance is 5
Your Reform (read Actions) Allowance is 3
Taxes: 0 Creds
Subsidies: 50 Creds
Hive Population
Total: 10k
Upper Class: 10k
Level 1
empty, empty, Arcology, empty, empty
Arcology - a completely autarkic almost utopian living-environment. Can sustain exactly 10k people Cost: 10 Creds, Maintenance: Pays itself, Food: Pays itself, Taxes: 0
Hab Block - a stable block for habitation of the middle-classes. Can sustain 10k people Cost: 1 Cred, Maintenance: 1 Cred, Food: -10, Taxes: 10 Creds
Slum - jury-rigged constructions by the lower-classes to live somewhere. Can sustain 10 k people, appear automatically. Food: -10, Taxes: 10 Creds
Agri Block - an agricultural plot. needs sunlight or access to 10 heat. Cost: 10 Creds, Maintenance: 10 Creds, Food: 100 Taxes: 0
More Buildings can be discovered through the use of Reforms (aka your Free Actions)