About time for our NaNoWriMo2017 thread, come to think of it
the hour approaches, ready your sword!
I wonder who will make the thread this year.
What's National Novel Writing Month?Very simple really -
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) can be described in just 5 words: November. 50k words. Write.
The goal is to put down 50,000 words in just a month. Daunting, yes. Crazy, yes. Fun, also yes. Just write whatever, no plot no problem just have ninjas jump at your character (you should be able to get a page or two out of the characters wondering "why ninjas" at least!), as long as it gets on the page. This isn't about writing a perfect novel. This is about writing 50k words of a first draft that's probably going to go under heavy revision before it sees the light of day. Or you could do more than 50k. It's mostly for your own satisfaction after all.
Why put the thread up now?Very simple really. Preparation is helpful for many! Or you can just throw out ideas, or talk about it, or set up a discord server (I might. There is one already but it's super chaotic so just a bay12 one might be nice.)
Winnings?Well, there's a "winner goodies" section at the end on the official site, if you win, with a bunch of promotional offers from the sponsors, but the primary prize is the satisfaction and the knowledge you
can put words to the page.
Other linksNaNo Countdown:
http://nanocountdown.com/Older Threads:
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012