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Author Topic: Gods of Creation III (IC)  (Read 30512 times)


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #45 on: October 10, 2017, 10:51:24 am »

The angel Rycial appears. Powerful gods, many of your mortals know not of the light and of the glory it holds. I offer a powerful artifact, a weapon composed entirely of light. It's power to slay evil is unmatched, while it passes through the innocent without harm. The holy weapon appears as the most common weapon of the time, changing to best fit its wielder. I offer this artifact to whichever god can prove they are more righteous than all the rest.
Tauron listened to the Angel's offer, and provided his argument to the Angel
"Well Met Rycial, I shall plead to you why I am the most blessed to keep artifacts of such divine power . The caverns I created lacked light until I gave them the proper ecosystem to have bioluminescent mushrooms, I was the first to spark the light into the mortals on this planet, I am the being who leads mortal from away of darkness into safety. I am the most righteous as I do not only focus on the law of good, but what is right. I am the embodiment of mother earth, and whenever a harm comes to this planet, my claims, or attacks against my allies. I unleash retribution and provide them the punishment they have earned, as no wrong should ever be forgotten. Remember that a artifact of that power will be greatly needed to have protection for this planet from foreign influence, and as the god of the earth, I am sworn to protect the land that all life inhabits, and to make sure vileness and chaos never defile it."
A monster of wind attempts to enter your world! It is a terrifying beast, composed of tornadoes and it screams with fury. It seeks the destruction of all things, and will stop at nothing until the world has been blown to bits. It's power is mighty, but no match for the gods. A total of three acts will prevent its entry into your world. [/i]
"A beast of destruction, such power used for a primitive purpose. A true shame. Fellow gods, I have an idea. To turn this beast of destruction into a beast of protection. If you lend me your powers, I can tame this monster and have it become a protector of the world. As this monster wouldn't have been sired by my powers, I would abstain myself from using its might for my own purposes alone."

Proposal to other gods: lend me 6 Acts to tame the Wind Monster and turn it into a protector of the world.
This plan you believe would work but you don't account for resources, most gods have either one or two acts to draw upon, they much more worry about their survivability rather than the world. They much rather try to gather worshippers to follow them, rather than trying to protect their own assets. This plan is fruitless because of these conflicted interest.

Tauron looked at the War God's creations and his intent of creating two mortal races. One would be his beloved child while the other a bastard, a resource only to him. He created the Boroi to embody conflict, so that their was a ethical enemy for the short-ears. It was a disgrace to practically and morality, and Tauron was upset that such a affair could of happen. He looked to the Boroi, these warmongering bunny mortals, were to never receive their proper treatment and the righteous knowledge that they should known. Even beings that were made as a resource, deserve their own purpose.

1 Act: Go to one of the strongest Boroi's "war camps" in the top of the Verdance continent, and than look for the most-promising and strongest looking Boroi warlord. Gift him the knowledge of the God of Earth, that the very land and ground they touch is a claimed property to Tauron. Teach him about the gravity that exist to allow the Boroi to stand on the ground and even exist. Teach this prophet that the blood they spill over combat is to "soil" the ground with new fertility, they don't fight for no reason, they fight because the ground needs blood to spill. This new Boroi, shall be a new Prophet Hero for Tauron, and with this new found insight, his primary task is to become the most reclusive and reserved of all of the tribes of the Boroi, through method of distancing and only taking those that are worthy for the tribe, and some exploitation of their method to have new worthy worshippers through death. This Prophet Hero shall be called, Iorob.
1 Minor Act,: A minor rupture and shake of the ground emits on the time that Iorob talks to the other members of his tribe about the existence of a God of the Earth, convinced all who question its existence to silence
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 09:43:36 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2017, 05:14:44 pm »

Although I do not have much to lend, I support this plan. Should others be able to provide the other Acts you may need, I would be willing to provide my one non-spherical Act.
Note: should we fail to gather the power necessary to at the least turn away the windbeast, this Act will instead be used to protect the Troon from its destructive force.

"I appreciate your act of trust Acter, and it goes without saying that if I were to fail to gather the required power, I would instead prevent that beast passage."


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2017, 07:47:41 pm »

I add one act to the "Keep monster out" pool.
Spend one minor act to create "Apple flys" and place 1/3 in the jungles of pangea, 1/3 towards the south end of Verdanc, and 1/3 on the moon.
> Apple Flys are plants with rotating leaf blades on their ends that grow on the ends of long vines, during the day they fly up into the sky, above other plants, and during the night they sit on the ground.  They grow tasty, seed filled, apple like fruit towards the tops of their vines.  Once every few months the vines will snap towards the ends and the fruit will be carried off to other places.  the vines they grow can reach between 100 and 150 meters in length.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2017, 08:28:59 pm by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #48 on: October 11, 2017, 07:07:40 am »

*Is thinking*
*Oh shit*
Tauron! I need a Gravity Act, I promise I will give you an Improvement or Application Act in return, but I need the Act right now or there's going to be problems going forward.
Proposed trade: Tauron gives Acter 1 Gravity Act, and Acter gives Tauron 1 Improvement Acto or 1 Application Act, which one is to be chosen by Tauron.
If this trade goes through, Acter will use the Gravity Act to alter gravity on the Troon. While it will still be 1/10 normal gravity for practical purposes, people's bodies will not deteriorate under the lowered gravity the way they would in real life, meaning that the only difficulty that one may have going from the Troon to the main world would be the brief adjustment period while they get used to things being heavier, rather than any permanent bone damage or similar afflictions.

*Upon further review, Tauren does not, in fact, possess any more Gravity Acts*
Damnit. Ok, um... let's hope this works...
Use my Improvement Act to give the Troon an aura of improvement that counters the natural deterioration that organisms would otherwise fall victim to due to the low gravity, allowing people to go from the Troon to the main world without long-lasting negative effects.
Currently, this aura covers the city that Soolien made and all but the further most reaches of the Sciro's inhabited regions. Xikla will be informed of these facts, and told that staying outside of these regions for extended periods of time can and will cause permanent health issues. This is not a threat, but a fact, and one that I cannot change.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 02:20:58 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #49 on: October 11, 2017, 07:18:27 am »

"Thanks to the help of Acter and Rexilium, we stand at a total of 2 Acts and 1 Minor Act to use against the monster. One more Minor Act will be required to prevent it from entering the universe."

"Allow me to remind you all that using
6 Acts to tame the monster would let us better defend the universe from future unwanted invaders. Only repelling a beast is but a temporary solution, which will sooner or later incur a price to pay."

Current Anti Wind Monster Act Pool:
1 from Rexilium
1 from Acter
0.5 from Typheus ((Realized you can't convert minor Acts into normal Acts))

1 needed to repel the monster
4 needed to tame the monster
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 07:45:54 pm by Nakéen »


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #50 on: October 11, 2017, 04:32:59 pm »

"I am afraid that I'm nearly sapped of energy, and cannot offer much to help you in your repelling of the beast. I give you my best wishes, but I cannot offer you much."

"Rexilium? Do you plan to put any mortals on your... land? I would wish you not. I understand that life has certain parts to it that may be disgusting, or distateful, but Carociber... do these... creatures have senses? If you absolutely must let it remain, I request of you to not create any creatures more intelligent than a dog.



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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #51 on: October 11, 2017, 07:48:40 pm »

"Acter, Rexilium. I am giving the Acts you lent me back, as I have failed in my task of gathering enough Acts to ward off the monster of wind. You have my gratitude for your support."

"We now should all prepare for the coming of this beast..."

Give Acter (Glass) and Rexilium (crazyabe) their Act back.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 08:04:11 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2017, 07:52:34 pm »

"Acter, Rexilium. I am giving the Acts you lent me back, as I have failed in my task of gathering enough Acts to ward off the monster of wind. You have my gratitude for your support."

"We now should all prepare for the coming of this beast..."

Give Acter (Glass) and Rexilium (crazyabe) their Act back.

Analysis Act. Contributed to the pool. That's 3 Acts. Time to fight off a deranged omnicidal windbeast with the power of science, and maybe a little bit of chaos.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 08:03:40 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2017, 08:05:45 pm »


Analysis Act. Contributed to the pool. That's 3 Acts. Time to fight off a deranged omnicidal windbeast with the power of science, and maybe a little bit of chaos.

"We can all agree that Acter will be the one to drive off the beast, having poured the most power in the protection pool. Him and Rexilium should get shared credit for handling the monster, with obviously Acter getting the most "exposure" if no one disagrees."

Then, completely unrelated to the matter of this angry wind monster, Typheus went on to have a chat with his monstrous offspring.

"Calyvaro, Eurythia, you have been doing great and are filling me with pride. I know the missions I gave you is a hard and complex one, but I have full faith in your abilities. These missions should remain your only bindings, as for the rest, you shall be free to act as your own desires dictate you to."

He then told them of a new matter, which involved the divine.
"A foreign god was invited into this plane by other gods. This foreign god, who you shall know as Soolien, raised a castle on the celestial body known as the Troon. This castle hold many doors, which will appear to mortals across the world.

Where these doors concern you, is that mortals foreign to Pangea may arrive through these unnatural passages. One such race is currently closer to monsters than mortals, and you will know the very moment you meet them. I leave the sword of their judgement in your care. If you deem them a threat to the stability of Pangea, eradicate them all."

Before he left, he made sure to tell the two monsters:
"If you meet moments of doubt during your existence, call to me. I will hear and listen to your words, and answer when the time come."
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 08:25:55 pm by Nakéen »


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2017, 09:12:10 pm »

Kyazir engrossed with the Boroi and the Tasatha, ignoring the Angel as he saw Tauron create a prophet out of a Boroi warlord. "Hrmm. Best to sort that little problem before it gets out of hand." he muttered as he spoke to no-one in particular.

First, Kyazir summons a load of steel weapons emblazoned with his sigil and gifts them to the Boroi all around the planet as a definite sign that there is a god, and that he wants them to fight. The only exception to this is the Boroi that Tauron has influenced; Kyazir instead provides the weapons to the rival(s) of said tribe (And leaves Tauron's tribe weaponless) and essentially lets Boroi nature take it's course. (1 Minor Act)

Then, Kyazir continues his streak of working towards the whims and ideas of mortals by providing the Tasatha with bits of enchanted silken cloth; which seems to be absurdly resilient and yet endlessly workable without ever seeming to rip, tear or fade. The pattern on the silk resembles the night sky in astonishing detail, and shimmers and glows as if it were the night sky itself. Kyazir also works his sigil into the cloth as embroidery, elegantly weaving in as a small but distinguishing part of the design. (1 Minor Act)

Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #55 on: October 11, 2017, 09:49:50 pm »

"You question why you call this problem, but you don't see a inherit problem, no mortal god should have access to two mortals to have them in worship, instead you should of diversified and went to other mortals to create pantheons, not conflict as you are insisting. You would eventually of gotten both of your mortals to fully worship you, and be the most powerful god, and that attacks balance. No mortal should have two fully dedicated mortals worshipping them, I was only wise enough before you tried to establish this before it was too late"

1 Minor Act,: Seeing that Kyazir is trying to interfere and indirectly trying to remove the prophet Iorob, by giving the other Boroi tribes a wider spread of weapons. Tauron, goes across this primary tribe and gives weapons made out of hardened stone, with a sharpened blade of obsidian. Obsidian is made from the earth and is one of the most sharpest stones, even sharper than metal, but it is less durable. The current amplitude of weapons given to this tribe, means against their competitors who will have less weapons, being easy targets for the most powerful of tribes. This is the only practical route due to attempts at interference.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 09:53:13 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #56 on: October 12, 2017, 08:16:04 pm »

Julius decides to see how the Incilatro will function upon the Troon (Tree-Moon), and directs a warp-door toward the path of one of the many wandering Incilatro.
1 Minor Act, direct Warpdoor to an Incilatro



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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #57 on: October 13, 2017, 10:55:52 pm »

"During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man."

The First City appeared upon the moon, the creation of Soolien. It was a fantastical city composed of crystal. Its shape and architecture changed to meet the needs of its inhabitants. A gift to the gods, two keys, one for Acter and one for Rexilium. The keys could shape the city to the will of the gods. Yet the city itself breathed and changed for its mortal residents. Three doors were to allow mortals to populate the reclusive city. The first mortals to walk through the door are the Incilatro. The fruitbirds were surprised and amazed by the city. Lumps of crystal stones grew into trees before their very eyes. A crystal forest for the Incilatro to inhabit. One took a step forward and found themselves incredibly light. One tripped and brought their wings up, but found themselves not upon the ground at all. They found that they could fly in the low gravity. Upon this discovery the Incilatro took to the skies, flying to the crystal tree tops. They gave great praise to Soolien, the spirit of the city which gave them this wondrous ability.  Sciro came later, by foot they arrived at the gates of the city, their prophet hypothesizing its existence. They too were enchanted by the wonderous city, and the crystal buildings mimicked the architecture of their homeworld. Low laying domes, raised gazebos, and intricate underground systems grew themselves from the rock. All were amazed, many gave worship to the city's guardian. The city and many of the other populated areas are covered in an improvement field, this prevents damage from low gravity and increases the productivity of those within it slightly.

New life sprung up upon the moon of this worlds moon. Clouds of grass begin to form around the moon, giving constant shade and only plummeting to the earth long after their death. Still, the floatsam gives shelter to another creature, the ducklike silverwing. These birds live and nest among the floatsam, from there they eat whatever they can find, normally bottle fruit. A rushed purchase is made and the reverse trees appear all across the moon. The Sciro have mixed feelings about these trees and heated debate divides the population. Many of the followers of acter wish to understand the trees and think hard about their biology. Yet others who believe more in the great tree of salvation think these trees to be an abomination. They are unholy plants, and their appearance is a sign that the new land of the moon which holds them is also unholy. Some sciro begin developing stone axes, and use them to cut down these trees. They then burn the unholy wood, as it is unsuitable for mortal use and corruptive to the soul! Much conflict and discussion erupts among the Sciro.

Fly-apples appear on the moon as well as Verdance and Pangaea. These fruits have rotating leaf blades on their ends that allow them to rise up into the air. This is much more effective on the moon than on the planet itself. The apple flys vines grow to great lengths and their fruit is delicious. Incilatro begin collecting the vines and using them as ropes. Many however see them as unnatural and refuse to eat the fruit, thinking it poisonous. The disappearance of some Incilatro (likely to a distant city) emboldens this rumor and the tasty fruit are discarded. Some go so far as to smash or burn the fruit or cut the vines so they fly away and no longer loom above their simple lives like unholy angels of death.

Great events begin unfolding upon the continent of Verdance. Iorob, prophet of Tauron, gathers a following of the Boroi. He preaches the holy word of the earth and tells them to move away from the other Boroi. This angers the god of war Kyazir who gifts many Boroi with divine weapons. Notably, Iorob's tribe receives no weapons. Many of Boroi receive weapons, most do not. The bloodshed is incredible. Bodies fall left and right, up and down, inside and out. In hours the entire social structure of the Boroi is changed. More than 90% of the population dies. Yet not all reproduce and there is a significant drop in Boroi population. The old warlords are dead, yet no new ones arise. The Boroi have entered a state of nature that far surpasses any Hobbsian philosophies. Every boroi fights for themselves against every other boroi. Was is everywhere, in everyone. The war god is quite invigorated by these events.  Iorob's village is, at first, total war, though it is not without heavy losses. The true danger to this village was not from Kyzars wild boroi which have taken upon themselves a future of total rights and freedoms. It comes from within. The weapons of hardened stones are gifted to this tribe, and the power structure is horribly disrupted. Many are slain as opportunistic and ambitious boroi suddenly have weapons. While the prophet survives, their tribe does not. It too falls into chaos. Yet there are those who still kill in the name of Tauron, and their blood wets the earth. Boroi civilization has fallen! Each boroi now fights every other boroi. Life for them is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

This is not limited to the Boroi. In the south of Verdance some boroi gain weapons, and since they are so few and far between, they were already living solidary lives. Yet when the weapons came to them, they believed it a sign of god, and founded themselves kingdoms. Some tastha were enslaved by these new warlords and small fiefdoms arose. Similar small kingdoms sprung up on Pangaea among the Icanthi as boroi warlords armed with steel gained followers and power. While the boroi on Verdance descended into the state of nature, others claimed themselves chosen by the gods and ascended to become small kings.

The majority of the Tasatha are unaffected by these events, and they too gained a gift. The Skycloth shows the layout of the sky reguardless of the clouds or sun, through it, the stars always shine. The Tasatha rejoice and are quite excited by the new cloth. They notice the sigil upon it, and take it as their own. It begins the first written language, the first word ever written, "Sky". Many tasatha begin willingly following a few Boroi warlords, for their swords are divine proof that the sky sent them to rule.

The intense bloodshed on Verdance attracts the Minotaur to the continent. It begins its long swim across the ocean.

The spider queen however introduces new life to the world. Giant millipedes now wander across the continent hunting beast and mortal alike.

A great storm begins to rage across the world, the arrival of the typhoon monster, stirring the air and clouds. However, the combined force of the gods drives the beast away from this universe and prevents its entry through the heavens. Intense calculations were made by acter, and the apt use of chaos caused their entry into this world to become incredibly difficult. In the end, the beast abandoned their pursuit.

The angel Rycial remains silent, but does not depart. Eventually it speaks, No god has proven themselves better than the rest. Many have claimed righteousness, some have shown it, others have whispered it in my ears.
 Yet none have proven themselves better than all the rest. I shall remain a while longer and see if one can truly demonstrate or argue they are unequivocally superior.

The mythos of mortals has changed slightly.

Most boroi now give thanks to the deliverer of the swords. Proof of a divine power is now obvious to them. To those who live near or have begun to rule over small groups of Tasatha, this god is synonymous with sky.

The prophet of Tauron has lost his following, but his word is not lost. While the tribe has splintered and descended into chaos, the weapons granted gave weight to the words of the prophet, and they let the blood of the slain sink deep into the earth.

The Sciro and Incilatro incorporate Soolien into their mythos. The spirit of the city is seen as a bringer of wonders and a source of wisdom and guidance. Many look to it as a true god and some abandon their previous religions in light of the power the spirit wields. Most believe that the improvement field is the work of the spirit.

The Incilatro think the appleflys are evil and refuse to eat them. Though some begin to use their vines like rope. Religious fever begins to spread as the fruits are rumored to be poisonous and devilish. Some come to worship Julius, and their prophet, though this number is few.

Three offers are made during this era.

The first is from a lessor aberration Aedanusuirillystiphosidarap. It doesn't speak the language of the gods, and just rambles in incomprehensible tongues and moving its tentacles in ways that defy the laws of physics. The strange creature then furnishes several eldritch acts and holds them out to the gods. There are three in all, and it seems to be requesting something in exchange for them. However it seems the universe is unhappy with this creature here, and it would take the support of a majority of the gods to even consider dealing with this thing. You believe a minor use of power could assist in translating it's language into something that can fit within the laws of physics.

The second request is from a bounty hunter. The demigod Faceslayer. I come to this world to slay mighty beasts and collect their power for myself. No beast can defy me,
 nor escape me. I will slay all monsters who pose a challenge to my mighty strength. For two acts, I will slay any beast which plagues you, my lords.

The third offer is one from an independent race of mortals, the Ishagi. The Ishagi are a race of mortals with a foreign patron, they are a slow growing and wise race of constructs who form themselves from elements. Its likely that their race began as elementals of some sort, or descendants of elemental spirits, but has evolved away from that path. Each Ishagi is built from bits of the world, some are earth or water, others metal or wood. Their composition changing to become more like the area they find themselves in as new members are constructed. It seems that the last iteration of this particular tribe found themselves on a planet of machination and poison, likely why they left. For two acts one could give them passage into this world. They are an advanced race, capable of construction, writing, architecture, and many of the technologies that your mortals have yet to discover.

Done writing for now. Will edit in act inventories. Like always, I missed something. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm sure you'll tell me when you come across it.

Crazyabe gains a chaos act from the Great War.
Taricus gains a war act from the Great War.
Taricus gains an act from the tasatha.
Acter gains an act from the Sciro.
D7 gains an act from the fruitbirds with an impossible to spell correctly name.
SC777 gains an act from the Annelids.
SC777 gains an act from the boroi.
Nakeen gains a minor act from the Duro.
NRDL gains an act from various city worshipers.


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #58 on: October 13, 2017, 11:16:07 pm »

I Spend my minor act to make the... thing's speech more understandable to us.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #59 on: October 13, 2017, 11:23:23 pm »

Well Met, Ishagi, you wish passage to the world and I as the God of Earth would help you seek the ground to lay your settlements. Beings made out of the earth, whatever you are, will greatly please the Earth and ground

Spent 2 Acts on letting the Ishagi inside the world, place the entire inhabitants near the central area of where the temperate and jungle of Pangea connect. In a place, that is distant from the Boroi and their kingdoms, but near the Incilatro for an attempt of racial cooperation
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