"Anyways I got some internal affairs to deal with, but your cute magical creatures or mortals, would be welcomed by the Annelid and Ishagi Coalition, and would be willing to accept."
Annelid Prophet (Anno) and Ishagi Prophet (Ighasi) Peace Summit: The Annelids and Ishagi will create a peace contract diplomatic deal, that the Annelids will have closed borders and war, and whatnot; with the Duros but in exchange the Ishagi provide support and protection to the Annelids with Duros combat engagements. Also a non-aggression pact is formed between them.
Minor Act 1:The Annelids and Ishagi seeing unwelcome guess to the party; will state they want to bring a "portion of the Annelid and Ishagi" population as missionaries, or more like "door-knocker mormons". These Annelids and Ishagi will form a coalition called the Troon Mormons, who will try to experience a new world called "the troon" and tell them of the greatness of Annelid and Ishagi culture, the planet and of its land, and the various religious on the Titan-World, all through knocking on their doors. Pangea Mormons unite!
Minor Act 2: Tauron will spread his influence to the Ishagi pioneers on the shrimp islands, and tells them that they will build great cities made of stone and obsidian for the Shrimpians for both the fourth and fifth island. The Ishagi will begin their diplomatic nature by helping the shrimpians with their advanced technologies, showing them better methods of agriculture, but more importantly building stone and obsidian cities for the Shrimpians the fourth and fifth island. Resulting in the Ishagi and Shrimpians diplomacy shall be increased because of their generosity and cooperation.