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Author Topic: Gods of Creation III (IC)  (Read 30496 times)


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2017, 03:23:16 pm »

"Of course, my good fellow. It shall scarcely be a moment."

Julius looks upon the caverns, and thinks of fungi. Plants would be unsuitable of course, so the spores of mushrooms are nestled in the dank corners of the caves, feeding upon the rotting bodies of their own kind, and that of the soon to be others that will fill the caves. Next, to fill the underdark's rivers, amphibians and small fish. Then, creeping lichens, followed by those which shall reign dominant over beasts- the insects. Burrowing worms tunnel into the thin layers of loam that cover the rocky floor, and pillbugs, insects, and roaches of every kind find their niche. Then, the larger ones come. Beetles the size of dogs, moths that stretch to fill a foot, and other such bugs arrive. Spiders and their webs then spin between stalagtites, and a host of larger species dangle from the ceilings. The largest crown jewel of the ecosystem is the striderbeetle, docile and herbivorous, yet the size of a pony, they are supposed to keep in line the giant mushrooms, and act as valuable food to the Annelidians. Finally, several sorts of microbe are created to perform various useful functions in the sealed environs.
Spend two normal acts and one Life act to kickstart the cavern ecosystem.

"It is done."

Then, as Julius gazes upon the forming planet, and his own soon-to-be creations, he is startled.

"Oh dear. I am incredibly glad I remembered that. Secondly, Tauron, I believe that you made an oversight."

Julius uses one standard act to give the planet (including the caverns) a breathable atmosphere.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 05:54:08 pm by Doubloon-Seven »



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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2017, 12:44:04 am »

And so the earth was struck and the first steps towards a flourishing world were made. Many gods decided to take their own path, others found common ground in the events around them. Only time will tell the alliances and intrigue that will guide this new universe to the heights of creation, or to its own downfall.

The chaos god Rexilium immediately jumped on the opportunity to introduce chaos into the universe in its first instances. The flaming ball of metal, magma, and ice would serve as a wonderful basis to build the world upon. It is massive, and extremely dense. Perhaps too dense. There is less magma and fire than one would expect. Upon closer investigation, it appears that the icy prison was perfect, far too perfect. The terrifying icy construct weakened the titan incredibly, sapping its power until almost nothing was left. The massive body of the great monstrosity lays dead and lifeless, while its soul retreated deep into its core, burning hot and bright against the impending cold. A massive shard of ice pierces the body and entraps the soul. The massive corpse protrudes into some of the solid outer core. Bits of metal, flesh, and sinew are embedded in the rocks, ripe for the plundering of far distant mortals. Even pockets of titan magics lay in wait for the foolhardy to exploit. Though the dangers of the titan itself are lessened, its leaky corpse provide boons and enterprises abound for those temerarious enough to pursue them

Shortly after a large pangea is built upon the exterior of the core. Tauron creates a great deal of earth and uses his power over gravity to spread the earth over an immense area. A decidedly vast and barren world capable of supporting dozens of species and thousands of mortals. It is a blank canvas, awaiting mountains and rivers and acts of gods to shape it.

And so the gods set about their work. Tauron, the great earthbringer, carves out an intricate and complex systems of large tunnels and caverns. They cover half the area underneath the massive Pangaea. The massive vibrations used in process leave their impact on the massive caverns and tunnels. Earthquakes are common, but these are no mundane shakes. Minor tunnels occasionally twist and reroute themselves, creating the Twisting Tunnels. Small sections off the beaten path that reroute themselves occasionally.

With the world complete, Tauron blessed the world with the first race the: Annelidians. The subterranean mortals were part worm and part ape. They stood the size of an average human, and had increased musculature that gave them great strength and agility over short distances, but their physicality quickly fades to exhaustion when endurance is involved. A special organ in their throats can them to vibrate the air as it leaves their lungs, allowing them communication and a very minor sense of echolocation.. 

Only moments latter air floods the tunnels a gift from the life god Julius. The air is so plentiful that it expands outward and engulfs the entire world. The Annelidians take their first breaths and find themselves in a dark empty underworld. Yet only moments later sounds of all sorts began appearing, life had taken root.

The life god Julius invested their power in starting an ecosystem in the vast Underlands. A massive array of creatures comes into existence, dozens of species appear and die in only a few moments. Only those which were capable of surviving remained, the rest served as food for the survivors. The basis for the ecosystem is a particular kind of lichen. Lichens are symbiotes, a algae and fungi living together in harmony. Normally lichens cannot live in caves because they are light dependent. However, this particular lichen has a luminescent blue fungi, which provides enough light for the algae. This encrusting lichen grows everywhere, and gives the caverns an incredibly dim glow. Larger mushrooms also take root, spreading their mycelium across and living off this tough lichen. Grazing beetles the size of horses roam the tunnels, constantly on the move searching out grazing locations. A couple of smaller insects, spiders, beetles moths, manage to survive. Yet none of these are dangerous. There is a predator lurking however, the Triolotick. A dog sized prehistoric looking arthropod, this creature boasts dozens of legs and a hard carapace. Yet it is its powerful jaws, advanced sense of smell, and tenancy to hunt in packs that makes them a danger to the striderbeetle and the Annelidians. Two species of cave corals also come into existence, the result of a life act being. The first is a species similar to acropora, which forms shelves and branching structures. The second is a soft coral, aptly named the mushroom coral. They grow in patches throughout the cave. The coral polyps feed on microbes and tiny insects.

Immediately the Annelidians  begin telling stories of their creation and of the life around them. They tell stories of how they grew from the mushroom fields. The story most commonly states that the god of the earth and darkness impregnated "The Largest Mushroom" and the Annelidians grew like mushrooms until a powerful spirit brought to life stones in the shape of beetles. Those beetles ate "The Largest Mushroom"
 and now the Annelidians are forced to wander among those beasts, eating them to sustain themselves, for they contain bits of "The Largest Mushroom" in their bellies and by eating them, the Annelidians are sustained by the Largest Mushroom.

Other gods looked to the sky instead of to the ground for their mortals. Acter caught a meteor using his powers of analysis to calculate trajectories and interception paths. Using even more math, Acter placed the meteor in orbit around the sun. Shortly thereafter Acter and Rexilium placed a giant tree atop the meteorite. A dense atmosphere radiates out from the tree's leaves and envelopes the rock with a soupy atmosphere. The air is thick and dense, as if there was enough for a planet, but it was wrapping around a rock the size of Massachusetts. A species of mortals was trapped inside the rock, but was released by the roots of the massive tree, which cover almost the entire surface of the meteorite. They are strange species of humanoid pseudoscorpions. They have bulbous bodies atop modified legs to support their bipedal nature. They have three sets of small short arms ending in dexterous handlike appendages, and lastly have the muscular pincher arms near the head. They call themselves the Sciro.

They immediately begin telling stories of the cataclysm of their world caused by a titan of Disaster. However they were saved by the guiding hand of a powerful guardian spirit: The Tree of Salvation. The tree saw, with its many invisible eyes, that the Sciro needed salvation and thus it saved them. This is normally followed by a joke about how trees aren't very creative. They also believe that the Tree of Salvation tamed a chaotic wind spirit and used it to save them, but now it sulks around the island and thats why the air is so thick.

One god turns not to the sky or to the ground, but to the outside worlds for their mortals. Typheus purchases the unnamed mortals which survived their self-inflicted apocalypse for 1 act and a minor act. Now they wait, still in stasis, fearing the death of their world which they were saved from, but frozen since. To them, no time has passed, and the end is nigh.  [

Several offers (will be given fluff tomorrow, but feel free to begin considering them) were made during this era.

1) A god of creation, Tunican appears with an offer. Your world is woefully incomplete, and I fear you will not have enough strength to finish it. I offer your  pantheon 10 creation acts to finish your world. However, your pantheon must agree completely on how those acts can be spend. Furthermore, these acts are not meant to be spent upon mortals, and doing so will have terrible consequences.
2) (May be played by a player).
3) The terrifying rat monster Fiverus approaches. It's fur is matted and and grimy, and its visage reeks of filth and disease. Yet it is adorned with gold and jewels atop its disgusting body, swathed in wealth and treasure. Your world is new and filled with the juices of creation. Creativity and power flow without hesitation. If one of you will create for me a wonderous gift to add to my collection, I will pay for it with an ocean and a water act. The greatest gift will receive this this reward.
4) A botanist mage approaches the council. They offer no name, but simply begin to pitch their products. The universe is vast, and its many plant species are wondrous. I offer you several of the most interesting plants from the learby universes. The first is the Bottlefruit tree. It is a spindly tree which grows in windy patterns. It's fruit are encased in a tough outer shell, with a twist off cap. Inside the fruit is a delicious liquid with tiny seeds suspended inside. The fruits have been likened to bottles in that mortals can store liquids in them for weeks after they've been plucked from the tree. My second item for sale is the couch bush. It is a soft dense bush which is incredibly comfortable to sit or lay upon. Mortals love these things because apparently sleeping on the ground prevents their minds from fully activating. A mortal race with these bushes nearby are clinically proven to develop faster and die less often. The third item is an oddity, the reverse tree. These trees are about a foot wide and grow to immense heights. They have their roots on top so that they can suck moisture from the clouds, while their leaves radiate out on low laying branches near the ground. Truly a marvel of natural selection, mortals will think long and hard about how these trees evolved. Lastly, and this one is for you less savory gods out there, the giant slime mold. These plants are large colonial structures that behave like animals! They spread themselves around looking for food and engulfing slow moving prey. I've seen these things used in sewers, in dungeons, and anywhere else you tend to have a lot of edible waste laying around. Plus, they're incredibly fun at parties. The going price for these is 1 act for 2 plants. Though, I could be persuaded to haggle.

Its too late for the bookkeeping bit. Glass, D7, SC777, and Crazyabe all earned 1 minor act this turn. Will finish this up in the morning, but the main bit is done, so I'm going to go ahead and post it.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 12:05:59 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2017, 09:11:06 am »

"It appears we've been given a pool of power so that we may finish off this worlds creation. I'd like to propose a plan. Kyazir, I realize that you aren't appreciative of the core, but perhaps you'd like to contribute something. My plan is simply a seuggestion, mind you."

  • Two Acts for a World Ocean. This will be slightly shallower than normal, as it will expand when new continents are created.
  • Four Acts to create a "Second Pangea" on the opposite side of the world.
  • Three acts for a generic temperate-adapted ecosystem starter. This includes deciduous trees, other green plant life, grass and the like, as well as small insects (Like Ants, Bees, & Worms), small-to-medium sized mammals including deer, rabbits, goats, and cows, small reptiles such as snakes, and finally, songbirds.

"Ideas? Opinions?"



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2017, 10:37:24 am »

"We'll need more acts for the ecosystem at the very least, and we shouldn't neglect the ocean having it's own life as well, nor should we skimp on ensuring there's plenty of water."
Quote from: evictedSaint
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2017, 11:04:04 am »

"Ah, but, whatever water there already is will be pushed upward by the arrival of the anticontinent. Furthermore, I was going to create the ecology for the oceans out of my own power. Perhaps the final power well should be used to create an archipelago? Though, Tauron, I must ask- did you imbue the earth with any minerals?"
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 11:05:38 am by Doubloon-Seven »



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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2017, 12:48:47 pm »

"Fair point, though I do intend to make my own continent regardless of said second continent being made. But as there is an ocean on offer and two acts is still somewhat insufficient to provide all the water we'd likely need, the acts there may be better spent elsewhere."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2017, 12:53:34 pm »

"That is a predicament. How about we invest an extra act power well to truly fill the seas?"



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2017, 01:08:52 pm »

"That would be a good idea. But, again, there is one on offer so we should wait and see how that turns out before we consider whether or not to make our own water or not. We'll need more ecosystems due to the varied climates however."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2017, 01:20:31 pm »

"Trade? With a demon? That is most assuredly a bad idea. However, the plant offer seem quite appealing, though they would not support an ecosystem on their own. Further, now that I think about it, the position of the continent would be much more suited to a jungle. Perhaps the anticontinent could become crowned with mountains, and become a savannah and a desert?"

Julius turns to the botanist mage.

"How long will you remain here to sell your products. I would appreciate them, but I cannot buy them this instant, if I wish to follow my plans."



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2017, 01:23:52 pm »

"I de not care whit we spend the creation axe on, and will support ony and ell uses for the damned thangs.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2017, 02:17:16 pm »

"Your proposal sounds reasonable Julius, but I beg to push a different direction. The Pangea built by Taurus is already massive enough to support variety, and a second hyper continent shouldn't be our priority with our limited power pool. I believe we should focus on the current Continent, and take advantage of its established and growing ecosystem. How about:"

  • Three Acts for a World Ocean. I fear Two Acts won't be enough to create an impactful ocean.
  • Three Acts to create satellites archipelago and great islands around the Continent.
  • Three acts for the many lesser species of the Surface. The presence of the Underground ecosystem will be a boon to this new life, which I won't doubt will turn out mutual.

"I am not interested by the mage's products. It seems too early to introduce such artificial life form into the new world."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2017, 02:25:02 pm »

I create a Two act continent to the north east of the first one. (payment: One normal, one Chaos)
I Place a Ecosystem starter on it. (Two chaos, one normal)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2017, 02:33:43 pm »

Kyazir turns to address his fellow gods after some muted discussion with Julius. "Alright, Julius and I have been discussing how to use the acts provided by the god of creation and we've come up with a plan. Three acts for a Temperate Forest ecosystem, three acts for a Jungle ecosystem, three acts for the Ocean & other water, and 1 act for Algae & Seaweed as a base for an ocean life. This is the life that mortals would need to survive on the surface of this new world.

While I would say that one continent is not sufficient for the mortals we wish to place upon it, I'm more than willing to use my own power to that end, rather than use the shared pool towards it."

Kyazir spends two normal acts, a beauty act and an engineering act raising a continent northwest of Tauron's Pangea. Named Verdance, the continent is in a predominantly temperate climate with the northern reaches being taiga and the southernmost being subtropical/mediterranean. it's rivers flow (or, would flow, if there was water in them) across the continent, with three major rivers; two terminating in the south and a third ending in the east. With the odd cluster of mountains and a few lone mountains springing forth from the landscape surrounded by hill-land, river valleys & plains
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 06:25:03 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2017, 02:37:46 pm »

"Yes, after discussion with Kyazir, we've worked out a deal that benefits, essentially, everyone. I'm in approval with his suggestion. The archipelago seems unnecessary, as there is plenty of space on the preexisting continents."
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 02:52:09 pm by Doubloon-Seven »



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Re: Gods of Creation III (IC)
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2017, 02:56:31 pm »

"My mortals have finally found sustainment upon my work, I am grateful that we all could all have our own mortals. To the global completion of the 10 acts, I shall not reject the terms unless they try to contradict or attack my claims."

Now Tauron, saw the mortal Annelidians surviving, but not thriving in the caverns, creating their myths of the underdark and of the mushrooms. They eat their beetles, lichen, and whatever else. And were threatened by dog-sized spiders, but never gave praise to the dirt, rock, or earth they stood upon. They must give praise to the Earth and Vibrations that they use, and of the Twisting Tunnels

Spend my last 1 Normal Act, on creating a Prophet Hero that looks like a slightly larger, aged, and respected version of a Annelidan. This Prophet Hero, Anno, shall be sent to the Twisting Tunnels and preach to the Annelidans, about giving thanks and praise to the God of Earth, about how the tunnels they delve and thrive in was because of this God, and that the created vibrations, that allowed them to hear, allowed them to communicate, allowed them to exist was because of this God. This God of Earth deserves their worship and praise as their protector and creator
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