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Author Topic: Cyberdwarf: Concession and Cancellation in a Far-Future Fortress  (Read 14766 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #90 on: October 23, 2017, 09:49:25 pm »

That's a much more interesting position.
Glide on the wind, seeking to land beyond the police barricades (but close to them) and near a marketplace where I could find a construction crew and a good fence.
Uh... You do know that HB said that you're probably gonna get shot to pieces by snipers within the next ten or so seconds if your remain airborne, right?
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #91 on: October 24, 2017, 07:01:56 am »

I'll take the chance, I still got three of them left.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #92 on: October 24, 2017, 11:58:16 am »

Oh. Okay.

Run. Run home. Just don't stop running.

You recall your college days as you tuck the module under your arm and sprint for the nearest hole in the apartment wall.

[Cannonball Run: 5]

Fortunately there's no shortage of holes to take advantage of - diving straight out of one, you tumble out onto the smashed ruins of the tenement, and briefly consult your sense of depth by looking up for the ceiling - looks like you've sunk into the ground. So you sprint up the remains of some stairs - a demon dives out of some rubble and smacks into your shield like an impenetrable glass pane, crawling off deeply shamed as you peel out of the building by diving through what used to be a third story window but now appears to have come to terms with being at ground level - sliding out onto the street, you look outward - a few demons here and there, none of them at all likely to bother you, and off in the distance there's the security cordon. You take a deep breath and resume sprinting wildly toward them, and briefly slow down when you spot a snake demon chasing what is very obviously some kind of vampire necromancer along the street toward the barricades.

As you very kindly let them go first while still keeping your hands on the module (damn thing sure is heavy though, sure wish you could strap it on like a backpack, but oh well), you see the snake get shot through the head by the helpful guards out front with the help of what looks to be a stationary railgun - there's precious little left of the top of the thing's skull, that's for certain. There's also an explosion up top - you see something that must have got hit by sniper fire, which seems weird because she also still looks to be in one piece, which is not at all consistent with what you know about things hit by the kind of snipers Commercial security employ for heavy-duty work.

[Goon Speech: 1+1]

The vampire stops for a second, then resumes his approach at a slightly more sedate pace as he tries to decipher what the guards are saying to each other, but seemingly to little effect. A few of the guards look to you as well, their fingers going to their helmets as they find an appropriate vision mode to appreciate the beauty of a fine vehicle-grade energy shield, comparing its energy signatures thoughtfully with the phase on their own laser weapons.

If you're timing this right, and you know you are, you've got eight minutes of juice left in your shield module. Which is good, because you don't need to be a genius to figure out things are only gonna get dicier from here.

Cast Fortify Undead on Enir so that she won't be insta-gibbed by sniper fire that hits her (just maybe horribly wounded or something).

Then head towards the police encampment (preferably with Enir, if possible) while looking as innocent as possible (which probably means dismissing my Protection from Holy Weapons spell.

[Darkness In The Bones: 4+1]

You look at the shape of Enir up above and figure you ought to give her at least one more helpful enchantment - you've got a ton of these damn things in your spellbooks and you hardly ever find a vampire you've failed to hate sufficiently to use this on. A streak of invisible animating force launches from your fingertips and you see Enir suddenly loom larger in the sky, not because of growing in any physical sense but rather because the light itself appears to shun her, her shadow and her self becoming momentarily and horrifically one...

... damn you're good. Now to dodge right out of Hell as quickly as possible and not get blown up by the next salvo! Now the important thing here is to look innocent, you think. What would be the best way to do that?

[Wounded Vampire Gambit: 6]

You look at one of the demons crawling serpentine out of the rubble, slightly twisted but otherwise seemingly in good spirits. You point at it and screech in the abyssal three-tongued way - you, yeah, you! Your mother loves you very much!

The demon looks up at you, breathing steam through its mouth as its snake head hisses, six scorpion claws protruding from its back starting to clack one by one. He would like to inform you that, despite widespread cultural misconceptions, demons do not actually think that evil is good, they merely find that destroying things they don't understand is generally easier than studying them. Besides, the demon says, he hatched from an egg. He doesn't even know what his mother is, they could be like a three-headed bull or, really, anything as far as he knows. He just broke out of a shell and then mercilessly ate the rest of the weaker and softer hatchlings to become the chosen of his clutch. Then he got large enough to come to parties like this one and, well, that's about where he got all the education he's had or needed in life.

Okay, you say. Since you're being level with each other, does he feel like chasing after you and vomiting death every which way for dramatic effect while you try and dodge him and escape to safety?

You know, you could have just asked for that right away, the snake demon shakes his head, getting a good chemosensory bead on you. He loves chasing dudes around ruins! Here, he'll even give you a two second head start.

You nod thankfully and start sprinting along the street, screaming wildly as in two seconds exactly the snake demon hisses about how he's not had a fun chase in years and tears after you, his wings unfolding like leathery tesseracts as he follows eel-like after you, covering many a spot you were just in with caustic and likely horrendously diseased snot, the beast's eyes filling with rising naked bloodlust as well as mild fascination at several ex-landmarks you pass along the way as you run toward the barricade, arms flapping in the air. You see black visors with a faint blue gleam to them, heavily armored Commercial security leveling weapons at the best behind you.

This is so much fun, you hear the beast roar right before one of them levels a gun emplacement at him and puts three half-pound slugs through his skull, chunks of fiendish brain flying backward as the snake slumps to the ground, wings deflating and a faint line of sticky, lethal drool running out of its happily smiling demon mouth. You hear the tinny, near-unintelligible sound of two officer-looking security guys arguing about something while indicating you.

[Goon Speech: 2]

You feel exposed right now as you cautiously start walking to the barricade. Several security goons are eying you. Some appear to be laughing. Nobody seems to have a blanket handy for a poor refugee from a disaster area, that's for sure. The cordon doesn't look like it's parting either.

Noticing some of them looking very much behind you, you look as well and spot a dwarf, middle-aged and seemingly unremarkable, real accountant type if you've ever seen one, jogging in your direction with an incredibly thoughtful expression, accompanied only by some kind of box in his hands and an overpowering smell of ozone.


[Tunneler's Delight: 6+1]

Suddenly reminded for the one thousandth time today about all the shit (metaphorical, you've built up an immunity to the actual stuff from living here) that can kill you around these parts, you scurry for your life into the dank depths of Hell's lovely sewer. For instance, this particular sewage solution is a lot older than most - you're not far from the original descent into Hell (now long decommissioned for safety and expense reasons) and, for that matter, the Hotel d'Hell. And if there's one thing about the Hotel d'Hell that you love, it's the way the sewers become incredibly byzantine around there, a relic from an incredibly troubled original construction coupled with inconsistent building standards and, naturally, considerable demonic interference. It's like an onion of bad decisions, with nine separate unfinished or abandoned iterations of hotel built on one of Hell's less favorable plateaus, overlapping and intertwining with each other to create what would surely be a horrid deathtrap to anyone not familiar with its workings or at the very least accustomed to working in a goblin-run mine.

On account of its dereliction the place has become something of a cesspool, a drain that the nearby sewage systems gleefully dump everything into on account of it going much deeper and much greedier than any successor installation, in a time before they figured out how to make their plumbing non-toxic and before you could synthesize booze just about anywhere with a push of a button. You've familiarized yourself pretty well with the tunnels around here whenever you need to lay low, so you've got several hiding spots off the top of your head already, so you head to the first - the boiler (which used to double as a colossal still in a bygone age of dwarven ingenuity) on the seventh hotel layer, right above the charming bed & breakfast near the core (which in turn is above the old military barracks) but beneath the elaborate murder dungeon disguised as a mere hell hotel.

As you draw near the cistern, however, you sense several curious things. Firstly, there's light coming out of the hole that you usually used to get in there. Secondly, the light is accompanied by some seriously terrible music. Puzzled yet cautious, you draw closer to the hole and briefly peek into it.

Within you see... hey, it's the dwarf from the bar. The one who was on the stage. You were a bit too drunk then to remember his name, but he doesn't necessarily strike you as a person to shoot a fellow sewer refugee in the face if approached in a friendly enough manner. Then again that's not really something you get to be wrong about twice in your life, is it?

That's a much more interesting position.
Glide on the wind, seeking to land beyond the police barricades (but close to them) and near a marketplace where I could find a construction crew and a good fence.

[Over The Cops And Far Away: 2]

You feel dark power surge into you as Jal gives you one last heads-up before the two of you split for now. You know, it's pretty cool having a dwarf around who can shoot pure dark magic into you to give you even more superpowers now and again, you think as you glide toward the barricade. Like this thing you just got hit with - feels like being a vampire, but somehow more so, like if you drank the soul of a billionaire or something (you know a dwarf who did that once, she hasn't shut up about the power high she got for three decades at this point). The strange feeling of perfection puts you in a reflective mood, gliding away on the drafts of the fires and explosions in your cape, weird boots with roller skates tied onto them, underwear and mask, missing only some spandex for the complete look.

... until you are hit in the side with a smart slug, of course, which feels strangely like a rubber bullet (those you have more experience with than smart slugs, the benchmark for which is putting down a bronze colossus from a mile away) as it explodes against your flesh and seemingly washes over you. You lose your composure for a moment as your arms flail and you disrupt your aerodynamic stability, starting to plummet perhaps about a block away from the barricade.

Of course, when there's one sniper round at play, there usually tend to be others, and that's the way it is here - a full salvo hits you next after that first testing shot, the smart ammo unerringly managing to strike you from everywhere at once. There is a sudden and terrible sense of pressure as Jal's enchantment is strained to the limit, and then with an explosion of dark power it ablates off you, leaving just regular old you, slightly charred and in a tailspin about eighty feet above the police cordon and about to hit the ground, which in the near vicinity is populated noticeably by a veritable legion of Commercial security, including several artillery detachments and, now that you think about it, probably a wizard as well.

You also think you see Jal in your peripheral vision somewhere, but it's hard to tell with the spinning, unlike with the security forces which, indeed, it'd take a lot more than mere angular momentum to miss with how goddamn many there seem to be out here.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #93 on: October 24, 2017, 01:43:48 pm »

Continue running past the security forces. If they try to block me, it's full-body-tackling season. Once I get past, just keep running away from the region of danger. I'd like to put some distance between me and then.

Failing that for whatever reason, just duck into a building to evade death.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #94 on: October 25, 2017, 01:21:15 am »

Continue running past the security forces. If they try to block me, it's full-body-tackling season. Once I get past, just keep running away from the region of danger. I'd like to put some distance between me and then.

Failing that for whatever reason, just duck into a building to evade death.

Follow this guy through the barricade.

After getting past the barricade, head towards where Enir's falling (but don't get involved except as a bystander), because I have a feeling that she'll be needing a necromantic patching up or two quite soon.

We get killed when we reach Too Close: 5, right?
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 01:25:11 am by ATHATH »
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #95 on: October 25, 2017, 07:55:52 am »

We get killed when we reach Too Close: 5, right?

Right you are! Might wanna get some blood in ya before things get unmanageable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #96 on: October 25, 2017, 09:22:18 am »

"Ow, fuck! Hey, look at me, snipers!" waves at prospective snipers "You like having eyes, right? Well, FUCK YOU!
Throw Good Luck Flashbang to blind snipers, turn into bat to fly down and avoid effects of flashbang (I mean, bats are blind, or something? I got flunked out of biology after dissecting the teacher)

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #97 on: October 26, 2017, 04:24:43 am »

Continue running past the security forces. If they try to block me, it's full-body-tackling season. Once I get past, just keep running away from the region of danger. I'd like to put some distance between me and then.

Failing that for whatever reason, just duck into a building to evade death.

[Coming Through: 1]

You hear the garbled shouting of the security forces as they make a token effort to ask you to politely stop and in the same breath open a shitton of fire in your direction, the combined firepower washing over your shield as you slam into the barricade and tumble over it into the larger mass of gun emplacements and reserve forces, all of which seem determined to stop you in your tracks. You shield module screams into overdrive, its power dropping very rapidly to the point where you suspect you have three minutes left at best on it, the opening salvo seemingly having taxed it nearly to the very limit.

Nevertheless you're on the other side, and...

[Good Luck: 2]

A flashbang goes off out of goddamn nowhere and blinds you on the spot, your sense of balance thrown off as the bang gives a good kick to your inner ear and you stumble forward disoriented and surrounded by extremely angry Commercial security.

Follow this guy through the barricade.

After getting past the barricade, head towards where Enir's falling (but don't get involved except as a bystander), because I have a feeling that she'll be needing a necromantic patching up or two quite soon.

[Brilliant Distraction: 4]

There's a hell of a commotion as the accountant-looking dwarf rams into the barricade, parting the sea of goons as he draws a veritable avalanche of heavy weapons fire and his energy shield begins to glow white, the module in his hands working overtime as most of the security present concentrates fire into him which rather fortunately gives you quite a nice opening to dive in through, keeping low and out of the way of anyone who might suspect you don't belong. You weave through the crowd and try not to get stepped on quite successfully!

[The Guards Must Be Crazy: 3]

You don't see Enir anywhere - she seems to have turned into a bat, flashbanged herself and then fallen into the throng somewhere, but with the commotion you can neither hear nor see her - but you do see something else. A shot barely misses your head, seemingly ricocheted off the shielding by some terrible twist of fate, and lands squarely in the chest of a guard right next to you - she falls backward with a collapsed lung as the armor is peeled back by the gauss round, a generous enough amount of blood spurting from the wound that your eyes are momentarily caught by the sight of her on the ground.

You don't have much time here. They'll definitely spot you in short order if (when?) they take the accountant-dwarf down. They might even spot you if you linger here for more than maybe a second. But maybe, just maybe you have enough time to get some blood? Just a little? Just enough to take the edge off?

"Ow, fuck! Hey, look at me, snipers!" waves at prospective snipers "You like having eyes, right? Well, FUCK YOU!
Throw Good Luck Flashbang to blind snipers, turn into bat to fly down and avoid effects of flashbang (I mean, bats are blind, or something? I got flunked out of biology after dissecting the teacher)

[Hit 'Em In The Nest: 1]

Using the strange inertial fuckery of an animal transformation you course correct and toss a flashbang in one and the same motion at what you in a spur of the moment judgment suspect to be where those heavy gauss rounds might have come from, and in a fairly desperate way flap your new leathery wings as you pull out from a dive and slowly realize that your own flashbang, which you seem to have thrown at a closed and shuttered window, is bouncing back at you. That's okay, you suspect, bats work by echolocation or some shit. It's not like you're gonna be blinded by the flash or something.

You are of course correct. It's more the bang that nearly blows out your batty eardrums and sends you flopping to the ground, screeching and flailing about as the world suddenly becomes screaming, and not the kind you use to find your way either. Power-armored boots thump all around you, seemingly having bigger concerns than a thunderstruck bat or, for that matter, that some kind of flashbang appears to have detonated and created a harmless notification ping on the eye and ear protection devices included in their helmets.

Of course, you realize as you scurry out of the way of a heavy boot, being trampled to death is still a very real possibility. One of the worst ways for a vampire to die, you hear.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #98 on: October 26, 2017, 05:22:53 am »

Cazin, not one to be stopped by excessive force, recovers his footing and simply continues running forward. He doesn't need to see.

He tries to use his nose a little bit, however; if the smell of brimstone was getting stronger, that's a pretty bad thing.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #99 on: October 26, 2017, 06:34:19 pm »

Flap away from the boots trying to find higher ground to lick my wounds. Attract Jal's attention if I see him.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #100 on: October 28, 2017, 04:36:24 am »

Cazin, not one to be stopped by excessive force, recovers his footing and simply continues running forward. He doesn't need to see.

He tries to use his nose a little bit, however; if the smell of brimstone was getting stronger, that's a pretty bad thing.

[Blindly On: 1]

Your sight returns far too slowly, your sense of direction is completely thrown off, all you smell is blood and carnage, you have not the barest notion of anything but the persistent, massive heating of the shield module in your hands as it fast approaches overload under the focused fire of the security teams.

And then you notice something else through the painful burnout in your eyes: five horned shadows silhouetted clearly above, unnoticed by all save you as they gesture and susurrate, and then suddenly point their gnarled, unnatural hands at you and other things you couldn't make out even if you could see or easily stand.

It starts small. A gun explodes in the hands of an enforcer, showering her and bystanders with plasma. A grenade spontaneously detonates and no less than six enforcers die horrible deaths as a patch of street is completely glassed. One of the gun emplacements locks up briefly, then discharges into a massive explosion that covers the entire area in dust, and you hear very suddenly the sound of demons emerging - not from the sides, but from below as the earth seems to open and horrors untold emerge from ambush, falling upon the barricade's forces with utterly merciless efficiency.

And in the middle of it you feel the shield module in your hands, making a sound you know to be indicative of a catastrophic imminent malfunction. The kind of malfunction that'd be lucky to leave ash behind, you realize.

Up top, the five figures appear to be grinning, unseen by all save you as they begin to fan out over the area.

Flap away from the boots trying to find higher ground to lick my wounds. Attract Jal's attention if I see him.

[Good Ground: 4]

You manage to get your bearings quick enough to flap your way to a nearby wall, which you then start quickly climbing up as you begin to hear screams amid the gunfire. You are halfway up when the explosions start, and you've managed to only just get atop the nearby building and turn around when your echolocation turns up the definite annihilation of one of the larger artillery pieces present, the entire street filling up with debris and dust as some kind of disastrous cascade starts to unfold. You perch on the rooftop for a second longer before you pick up the quaking vibration that you have learned to recognize as the sound of the ground opening, sewer passages bursting open as a massed ambush force of fiends falls upon the Commercial enforcers, wild and disorganized fire mixing freely with the comparatively strangely calming sound of demons doing what they do best.

You look away from the rising cloud of dust and violence out into the rest of the non-leveled portions of Hell - the way out looks to be mostly clear beyond here, just a scattered security presence that you'd likely fool by just walking past. You're almost free and done with this fucking night of nights. You could go right now, even. Jal can take care of himself... right?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #101 on: October 28, 2017, 08:08:01 am »

Cazin saw the weird, unique demons starting to spread out, and he knew what he must do. Without another thought, he lobbed the shield module at these new, far more threatening demons with all the strength he had obtained from countless years of hard hauling, sending the module flying like a missile. He then immediately tried to dash into a nearby building, hoping things were far less hellish within.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #102 on: October 29, 2017, 09:34:10 pm »

Turn into a bat and GTFO (go home). Considering the state of everything around me, I don't really have enough time to drink that bleeding person's blood. A real shame, that.

Sorry for missing last turn.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
  • I didn't start the fire...Just added the gasoline!
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #103 on: October 30, 2017, 07:26:39 am »

Stumble in, Mr whats his name probably won't try to kill me?
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #104 on: October 30, 2017, 09:20:33 am »

(Apologies for the delay)
"I could just go, but... Eh. Jal seems like a good luck charm for me. I mean, he doesn't have much else going for him, so I won't derive him of that."
Turn back into human and walk through the security presence. However, if Jal runs into trouble, leap up and stuff his bat form into my pocket (don't ask), then proceed through security like nothing happened.
Oh, and if theres any dying folks on the ground, drain them sneakily.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 10:53:11 am by Fniff »
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