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Author Topic: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM  (Read 147252 times)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1185 on: June 28, 2020, 04:30:23 pm »

((@Xvareon: The witch is already looking right at her, so I don't think she needs to worry about attracting the witch's attention. What she could do is try to stall for time and hope for reinforcements, but I don't know how she could do that.

@Chevaleresse: First of all, I think with duet with reality what *you* think about the song and what part of it you focus on matters a lot, as long as you can justify it. And I agree with your interpretation.

From what I understand your aim is to stop the witch from influencing you and as a bonus stop her from torturing these people. This might weaken the witch, since based on what Pumsy said torturing them gives her power. However it might also make her and her minions seek other ways to gain power from them which might be more deadly to the people. But with you and Alida there to keep the witch's attention it might be enough to occupy her full attention and keep her and her familiars from hurting them. There's also the problem of the mud slowing you down but there might be a way to counter that, maybe with mobility or some creative use of totem manipulation? There's also the fact that there are snipers everywhere. There's so many minions and they're quick. But maybe if she's trying to pretend she's honorable she'll face you one-on-one? Or maybe you could challenge her to a duel somehow?

I hope I was helpful.))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1186 on: June 28, 2020, 06:10:44 pm »

((I wouldn't worry too much about the mud with Mobility 3.  It might hamper you a bit, but since it allows for literal mid-air double jumps, Tooru should be able to manage.

The song looks excellent to me.  If it works, it'll be great.  If it doesn't work, we'll find out more solid information on the witch and can change up to something that does.  At the very least, I think it'll be another thing for the witch to fight with magic.  And yes, your interpretation of it matters.  I expect it should help.

As for drawing attention to Tooru specifically.. well, it might, or it might be treated like walk-up music and draw her to something else of Tooru's choice.  And if the witch is drawn to Tooru, well, that might mean a free bonk to the head.  Even if it does, it should certainly hinder her ability to torture these people, which is a good thing.. and yeah, could weaken the witch.

Dueling.. well, that's why Alida's running in.  I mean if the snipers intervene, they'll shoot up disposable bodies, and with Berzerker 3 and Painless 2, it should be survivable.  And it'd give you two justification to fire off big manabolts.))
« Last Edit: June 28, 2020, 06:12:56 pm by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1187 on: June 29, 2020, 02:44:28 am »

((. . . I do have an idea for a duet. I'm thinking White Night Fantasy. It's about a comforting night where one can be free, which might counter the whole "imprisoned searing sunlight" thing. It also has some werewolfy lyrics that might. . . I dunno, buff Alida somehow?

I do want to know if my logic makes any sense to anyone else before I commit, though.))

((This song would work decently, but do remember to specify the effects you want.  If you just want to counter the witch's spells, say so in the action.  If you want buffs, say so in the action.  Both are certainly options with that song.

Currently waiting on you, BTW.  Both Aleksandra and Alida's actions will be occurring at the same time as Tooru's.))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1188 on: June 29, 2020, 05:20:35 am »

((Going to try to post today. Several things at once blew up on my end last night, but hopefully things are dealt with now.))

<I'm okay for now, but I'm with the witch in the arena.> That was all she could manage to concentrate enough to send; all her spare focus was being devoted to solving the deadly puzzle before her. She had a feeling that, if she attacked now, things would descend into violence quickly, and that would go badly for everyone. For now, she would play the witch's game. Have to help these people somehow. . . The light was so blinding, it made it hard to think. If only it were night. . .

Almost unbidden, a song she'd heard once floated into her consciousness. She took a deep breath, imagining the opening bars in her head, then began to sing.

Duet with Reality at Moderate cost in an attempt to counteract the witch's torment and imprisonment.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2020, 05:53:52 pm by Chevaleresse »
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1189 on: July 14, 2020, 07:51:36 pm »

(( I just realized, that when I took Aleksandra I honestly saw her in my mind's eye as having blonde hair. Like Noumi Kudryavka from Little Busters. I read her profile that it's black, but it's harder for me to see her with it black. ))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1190 on: July 31, 2020, 05:49:56 pm »


And.. tasty.  Is that what bones taste like?  They're great.

That was a bit close, though.  Maybe I should be a liiitle bit more careful this time.  I might be pretty damn strong like this, but a halberd to my soulgem and I'll be just as dead.

..but Tooru needs me, so not too slow.

<Here I come, Tooru.  Gonna try and get its attention.>

End the DwR howling.  Use Effigy again to summon a third body.  Turn the one with the soulgem into a human, along with the new third body.  Mount a human body on the giant wolf and head in, with the human body wearing the soulgem hanging back.  Use Totem manipulation to have the main body pull out a club, and make it much longer so it'll be suitable for mounted combat.

Then, head in, with the mounted pair advancing to the arena floor, and the main body with the soulgem hanging back at the entrance.  Hand the lengthened club to the mounted pair there, like a squire to a knight, and have the pair enter the arena to take a good look at the witch.  If it doesn't notice, howl loudly as a challenge.

You let your howl trail off, releasing the magic you had been subtly infusing into the sound.  Then you turn both your bodies to look yourself in the eyes, sharing two toothy wolf grins.  Badass.

Your main body drops and rolls to the side, shifting into human form as it does so, then bounces back to its feet a moment later.  It then takes a step forward even as it steps backward, smoothly splitting into two identical bodies.  Your wolf body leans downward as your newly summoned third body hops onto its back, then you gracefully turn all three bodies and rush towards the exit ramp, eager to begin the next battle.

As you move, you summon another club into your main body's hands, then roughly pull at both ends, forcing it to stretch and grow longer.  It's a difficult, unintuitive process, your club almost seems to want to stay the same size, but you still manage to force the process.  By the time you reach the top of the ramp, light shining down on you, you have a suitably long, if blunt, lance.

...But what you see outside makes you pause.  Unlike the previous labyrinths, this one is well lit, a bright and hot summer day with no clouds in the sky... or any sun.  Just in front of you is a massive empty field ringed by a ancient brick ampitheater, with what must be thousands of unmoving humans sitting in the lower tiers.  In the center of it all is a shining golden platform, supporting a massive knight that's notably taller than you, even from your mounted perspective.  Unlike the knights you killed moments ago, this one is clearly armored in solid gray metal.  Judging from that, its central position, and the crown-like topping to its helm, this knight must be the witch.

She's facing you, but is positioned strangely, holding her right fist down at her side, while extending her open left hand out to your right, in an almost pleading gesture.  Her gaze follows her outstretched hand, and you follow it to spot Tooru--looking exhausted, embedded waist-deep into the ground, just in front of a tunnel that leads back down into the underbelly of the labyrinth.  You grimace and nod with all three of your faces, worried about Tooru, but hoping that you can take the witch by surprise.

Enough time spent analyzing the situation.  Your second human body leans down to the side, without looking back as you hand your newly-created club lance to it.  You smile as you heft it into a ready position; it's surprisingly wieldy, well balanced despite its awkward shape.  Your main body takes a step back into the shadows as your wolf form takes its first step onto the field... and immediately sinks into the ground, like it's made of thick, sticky mud.

You pull your paw back, just a moment before two massive javelins smash into the ground a few steps in front of you, embedding themselves in place.  Each is as thick as your arm, and probably as tall as you are in wolf form, though it's hard to tell with them partially buried in the deep mud.  They're crossed together in a perfect X shape, too precisely to have been accidental.  You look up and search for the source of the javelins, only now noticing that the top edge of the arena is ringed by even more bone knights, all armed with what appear to be massive greatbows.  There's at least eight of them in easy view, and probably more at angles you can't see.

You doubt they missed you by accident.

Of course, unlike normal telepathy you're not choosing who listens, which means other things can hear...))
(( Aleksandra wouldn't know that, though, 'cause she hasn't fought a Witch before. And there's really no other choice BUT to go in alone. ))

Okay, so it's not a straightforward path through to the arena. What she knows is Tooru is here somewhere, so her actions will be about that. Do the first telepathic message just as written. Leave out the second, that can wait until she actually hears from or sees Tooru/Alida so they can coordinate battle strategy. Aleksandra wants details, where enemies are, the witch's capabilities, so on -- but friends come first.

..... Can Totem Manipulation add like a flashlight to the underbarrel/side of the AK-47? It can add things like scopes, I read in the description. Do that if possible in addition to the scope, so I can see in the dark. Move towards the lit-up ramp, check behind every so often. Prioritize running if there's an encounter, shoot L3 manabolts w/ rifle to knock enemies off balance that get in my way.
EDIT: Actually, try using Teleport 1 to get past any enemies or hazards in my way until I can get outside. That's Cheap cost same as Manabolt 3. Aleksandra will just warp behind any knights and keep running. No need to waste ammo.

Get to Tooru ASAP, follow original plan if not interrupted (cover her, and if there's a fight focus enemies too close/ranged foes in that order).

((I'm gonna rule that you can't make flashlights at TM2, since that's getting into electronics and such, not just mechanical complexity.  Sure, maybe you could just make some kinda glowy material... but letting everyone with TM summon a good light whenever they like limits what I can do with dark labyrinths.))

You don't pause at all before you make your decision, quickly hurrying forward towards the obvious ramp out of this room.  As you move, two shapes shift in the darkness.  Two familiars that you missed in the shade, white armored knights that are flanking the exit.  They each lower a glaive in front of the exit, forming a cross obviously meant to bar your entrance, but that's no obstacle for you.  You blink, and in an instant you're on the other side of their crossed weapons.  You stumble at first, the mid-run teleport having ruined your footing, but it's only a momentary pause.  You continue on, rushing ahead and into the light.

You stop once you reach the top of the ramp, looking out into a wide open arena.  There's a field of empty grass in front of you, and in the center of that field is another heavily armored knight, though this one is extremely tall, and covered in gray metal.  It's looking away from you, at the exact opposite side of the arena, though you can't see what.  Tooru, maybe?  You hesitate for a second, looking around at what else is visible.  No other knights on the field.  Tiers of seats surrounding the field, with most of the lower seats filled with insensate people.  More white knights, a whole bunch of them, moving among the seated crowd, doing... something, you aren't sure.  And above it all, lining the top rim of the arena, are even more knights, wielding some variety of bows.

This is way more familiars than before.  Way more people trapped, too.  And you're all scattered  And you don't have Asha, or Mina anymore.  You freeze up, suddenly deeply uncertain of what you should do--you were going to just run over to Tooru or Alida, but in the face of all these enemies you're suddenly rethinking that plan.

You can hear heavy thumps echoing up the tunnel behind you.  The two guard familiars are chasing after you--you don't have long to think.  Open sight lanes, okay, your grandfather always talked about scopes being necessary for long range, summon up a scope... you rest your hand on the side of your AK, running your hand along the scope rail while trying to visualize the shape.  Just... glass and metal, carefully aligned.  The metal shifts and warps beneath your hand, growing into a tube, then curving over the receiver.  You look down at the newly-formed scope, wondering whether it actually works... but there's no time to think, those footsteps are getting closer!


You gulp, and start running into the arena... only to immediately tumble facefirst into the grass-covered muck, sinking under the surface immediately.  You struggle and flail for a couple seconds before surfacing, it feels almost like this mud is grabbing at you and trying to pull you under!

You freeze as two large javelins impact the mud in front of you, spraying you with even more grime.  Each is thicker than your arm, much longer than you are tall, and perfectly aimed to form a large X shape between you and the tall gray knight in the center of the field.  That's clearly a message.

The heavy footsteps from behind are getting closer, the two guardian knights have almost reached you.  They're fast, faster than any humans.

((Going to try to post today. Several things at once blew up on my end last night, but hopefully things are dealt with now.))

<I'm okay for now, but I'm with the witch in the arena.> That was all she could manage to concentrate enough to send; all her spare focus was being devoted to solving the deadly puzzle before her. She had a feeling that, if she attacked now, things would descend into violence quickly, and that would go badly for everyone. For now, she would play the witch's game. Have to help these people somehow. . . The light was so blinding, it made it hard to think. If only it were night. . .

Almost unbidden, a song she'd heard once floated into her consciousness. She took a deep breath, imagining the opening bars in her head, then began to sing.

Duet with Reality at Moderate cost in an attempt to counteract the witch's torment and imprisonment.

<Here I come, Tooru.  Gonna try and get its attention.>

<Tooru! Ran as fast as I could! Are you okay? What's going on?>

...They're almost here.  Finally.  You breath slightly easier, knowing you're not alone.  You just need to figure something out...

<I'm okay for now, but I'm with the witch in the arena.> you respond, concentrating more on figuring out what to do.  You stare up at the witch, taunting you with that faux-polite gesture.  Painfully bright, blinding you to everything else.

You grit your teeth and stand up straighter, defiant against the witch.  A song comes to you, half remembered, and you begin to sing, the words coming to you moments before they leave your mouth.  The power of the music begins to flow through your body, washing away your fear and exhaustion, even clearing your sight of the blinding light.  The witch looks almost... weak, now.  Thin and spindly, a starving ghost desperate to prove its power.  You manage a weak smile, and continue the song.


Tooru's voice carries smoothly across the field, clear and smooth, as if the whole labyrinth were a stage meant just for her.  With it, a thin shadow drifts across the arena, as if a cloud passed in front of the nonexistent sun.  Just underneath, groaning voices from thousands of trapped humans rise as the crowds begin to wake up from their stupor.  Occasional sharp screams pierce through the background murmur,
though even they don't distract from Tooru's song.

The witch drops her inviting pose, her open hand balling into a tight fist as it falls to her side.  She shifts to face Tooru directly, the movement fast and smooth, passing in the blink of an eye.  That's all she does, stand there and stare the red magical girl down, but her rage can be felt.  It's a sudden pressure, a coiled spring that can be felt in the air itself.  Shivering and unstable, barely restrained.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1191 on: July 31, 2020, 10:04:44 pm »

(( That seemed like an epic success for Tooru. But DAMN if javelins aren't about to hit her, or this witch has some strange priorities. I wanted to shoot something but I might have to Flash my way to her to get her out of the way. ))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1192 on: July 31, 2020, 10:31:47 pm »

(My interpretation of it is that the witch is trying to warn the others from interfering.)

(I'm considering doing so anyway.  But maybe not.  Will think about it.

Also, even weakened the witch seems really, really dangerous.)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1193 on: July 31, 2020, 10:36:11 pm »

(( If you want to draw her attention, you need to become a bigger problem. You have Duet with Reality too, don't you? And you ended the howling earlier. Try thinking of something you can use that for. ))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1194 on: July 31, 2020, 10:43:03 pm »

((Intervening physically might mean picking up one of the giant javelin-arrows and hurling it at her.))

((DwR is very useful, but I want to turn Painless on, as it takes a turn not using another primary.  Have some ideas on what to sing, but might be best to just join in with the current song and boost it up further.. it was a good pick.))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1195 on: August 01, 2020, 01:11:40 am »

One at a time?  That's not good.. but it might not be all bad.  The howling didn't help much, it just made my bodies work better together.  I don't think it'd help Tooru, fighting alone over there.

I'll try singing something else.  Something that'll hopefully help all of us, make us that much stronger, faster, tougher.. I don't know when it'll be my turn, so I should get it starting now.

Nah, that'll help, but only a little.  I'm strong enough already, I should just be ready to charge in as soon as possible.  The other knights might fire arrows at me, but I'm like super-fast.. I can dodge them.

Activate Painless to prepare for combat.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 12:39:08 pm by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1196 on: August 01, 2020, 11:38:24 am »

(( My options right now are to just bob and weave while shooting the witch, to go protect Tooru, or... maybe go in the stands and attack the snipers. None of these are really good options under the circumstances. She's trying to have this her way and kill anyone who breaks the 'rules'. I'll try to think of something. ))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1197 on: August 01, 2020, 12:37:23 pm »

((I've changed my mind and am going to activate painless.  A song will only help Tooru a little, and charging in will help a lot.  Painless should mean surviving an arrow or two will be possible.))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1198 on: August 01, 2020, 12:40:12 pm »

((I've changed my mind and am going to activate painless.  A song will only help Tooru a little, and charging in will help a lot.  Painless should mean surviving an arrow or two will be possible.))
(( I think you misread. These are not "arrows". These are javelins thicker than Sasha's arm and taller than her whole body. One direct hit would skewer you like a pig, and we know their aim is good enough to purposefully miss so close. And maneuvering on the mud to try and dodge is bound to be impossible. I was going to suggest last turn maybe Tooru could freeze the mud over or something, but what she did anyway turned out to be best. ))
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 12:41:51 pm by Xvareon »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1199 on: August 01, 2020, 12:50:28 pm »

((They're arrows.  The knights that shot them are just huge and use massive longbows, hence huge arrows.  I think syv has been comparing them to the silver bow knights in Dark Souls, although the arrows seem to move much faster than theirs.

Mobility 3 should help.  I've had it confirmed that it'll let you run on water, do midair jumps, run several hundred kph.. it's risky, but should be possible.  Plus close combat 4 can let you parry bullets, so stopping arrows should be possible to some extent.

Plus with berzerker, getting skewered like a pig will actually make her stronger, and probably give me two free cheaps per turn.

Plus if Alida's drawing fire, it might give you more freedom.))
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 02:42:52 pm by Devastator »
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