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Author Topic: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM  (Read 147453 times)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #855 on: February 16, 2019, 09:50:40 pm »

Asha tried to envision the scene of Alida hitting the small manabolts from a great distance by batting bricks at them. Wasn't that some kind of incredible task? She could hardly imagine anyone but an athlete performing such a feat, but Alida seemed quite confident. She didn't know much of this girl's physicial capabilities, but maybe she was that amazing an athlete? Or maybe she was just winging it?

Asha couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, wondering which one was it.
<Oh erm- Yes of course. I- I will throw you some bricks.>


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #856 on: February 16, 2019, 09:57:59 pm »

<Thanks!  Right about here, please.>

Asha then holds her hand about the right height for a good hit, around waist high and a foot or so away.

This might work better.  Last time I tried to just dodge, I got blown up.  This way I can blow it up safely far away.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #857 on: February 22, 2019, 06:00:14 am »

<I'm getting a bit more used to this multiple bodies thing.. I'll try to provide some cover.>

Activate CC.  Have the main body collect a few bricks for defensive purposes.  The plan is that body uses her baseball bat club to bat brick bits into incoming fire from the witch, hopefully detonating the manabolt before it hits Mina or anyone else.  The CC reflexes, and with the other body spotting, should make this more practical.  If, somehow, nobody is attacked, bat a brick at the witch.

The other body moves a bit westwards, jumps the creek, and if in range, jumps to the witch, bat first, trying to slam through the witch for serious damage.

As soon as you've gotten Asha to agree to your plan, you send your second body running out of cover, counter-clockwise around the lake, while keeping an eye on the angry witch.  She seems too absorbed in her enraged flailing to notice you, repeatedly smashing her enormous clawed hands into the ice instead.  You focus on your main body, looking around for loose bricks--problematically, there aren't any that you can see; there's probably some buried in the ash, and the wall you're hiding behind is made of brick, but you tug on some of the blackened stones, and they're rooted firmly in the wall.  You turn back to look at Asha, now leaning over a sitting Tooru, and sigh, before taking a step back from the end of the wall.  You ready your lengthened club, take a deep breath, and focus.

You slam your club into the wall with all the force you can bring to bear, the impact rattling your bones and causing a veritable explosion and sending both bricks and dust flying.  You cough and wave your hand in front of your face briefly, comforted by the fact that your other body can tell that the witch didn't notice, until the dust clears and you realize that you essentially shortened the solid brick wall by about five feet.  You smile and chuckle lightly, impressed with yourself, before walking a little farther out into the open, and readying your club like a bat, watching the witch and waiting for her to notice you.

...She doesn't.  When she lifts her head, she's staring past the hill, back towards the mansion.  There's a couple of Mina's illusions over there, one which looks like you, one like Tooru, waving their arms and making rude gestures at the witch.  With another scream, the witch draws one of her clawed arms back, high above her head, before it appears to merge with a wing as it passes behind the shape.  Then, lightning fast, her arm whips forward and launches a glowing projectile forward.  It crosses the distance in an instant, almost too fast to track, and hits the Tooru-illusion directly, detonating as it impacts the ground behind the insubstantial image, a massive flash of light swallowing the two girls and shaking the ground.  A couple seconds pass with the witch and you both watching intently, and when the dust clears, revealing the two flickering illusions continuing their motions while hovering above the newly-created crater, the witch wails again, both of her clawed hands clutching her face as she leans back.  Just then, your other body slows to a stop in front of an intact door, Mina flying overhead, clearly in view, not even attempting to hide!  Both your bodies look back at the witch, still tantruming, and you decide you need to attract her attention before she notices Mina.

You look over at Asha, standing ready with a brick, and telepathically tell her to throw it.  She underhands it weakly, but throws it accurately enough, and you easily smack your bat-like club into it as hard as you can, the brittle stone shattering into a small explosion of shards, only a few of which are even directed towards the witch--but even so, she turns in your direction, and you can feel when she looks at you, an intangible weight settling onto you.  She rears away from the hill, turning quickly in place to face your main body, your two perspectives allowing you to appreciate even more just how massive she is, and how distressingly fast she moves; each step she takes covers a distance that would take you seconds to cross.  You prepare your club again and tell Asha to be ready to throw another brick, feeling increasingly as you and the witch watch each other.

[Joy] & [Joy]

She pulls one of her arms back, preparing to throw another manabolt, but Asha is faster, throwing the brick far too early.  You spare a glance to the side to spot it coming and grab the brick out of midair yourself, mentally cursing as you look back at the witch, frantically trying to decide when exactly you need to toss the brick.  The witch brings her arm forward with a scream, the glowing light of another manabolt visible at the tip, and you release the brick, not even tossing it.  It seems to hang in midair as you jerk your club back and bring it forward instantly, hitting the brick more softly this time, trying not to shatter it.  You succeed, and watch as the bit of rock sails through the air for a brief few moments, before the witch's bolt impacts it and detonates in a brilliant flash of light.

You wince away from the flash, then look back up at the witch, unable to stop yourself from grinning as you release a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.  She almost seems dumbfounded by the fact that you're still standing here, entirely unharmed.

..."Asha, I need you to do that thing where you hit me to give me more magic again. I think I could blow up the witch in one shot, but I need the magic to do it, and I don't know if I can actually get a bomb into her chest. You really can't wait, though, we need to do this now."...

Asha nodded at Tooru, and took a deep inspiration.
"Grit your teeth Tooru, this is not going to be pleasant..."

<Asha, could you please help me with this.. batting practice?  I could use someone to throw the bricks up so I can just concentrate on hitting them where they need to go.>
<Battling practice? Is that really the moment?>

Asha failed to understand the intent of Alida. Wasn't it a bit too late to train your aim? And right now, she was more focused on Tooru's protection.

Ash uses Flagellation on Tooru, and stays close to her. If Alida needed some bricks and rubbles to bat, Asha gently threw some at her.
Tooru focused for a moment, calling another one of her talismans into existence. This one was different, though; it was a little bigger, and it had the symbol for. . . ruins? She wasn't really sure, and the situation made it a tad difficult to wrack her brain for some obscure kanji she never used anyway.

Use Outburst with the controllable detonation variant after Asha uses her Flagellation. Hand the bomb over to Mina so she can drop it when the opportunity seems right. If she's going to lose the bomb before it reaches its destination, try to catch it myself. Only toss it if it seems to have good odds of landing in the witch's center.


While Alida's two bodies run off in opposite directions, Tooru sits back against the brick wall, resting her tired body.  Asha leans over her, and after hesitating for a moment at the sight of how injured her friend already is, she rests one of her hands against the redhead's right temple, before closing her eyes and focusing her magic.  The girl's soul opens up in front of her immediately, and she sets to work rearranging and repairing what she can, while trying to avoid doing any physical damage to her.  Unfortunately, Asha doesn't seem to be very successful; the moment she finishes, Tooru shrieks in pain, and pushes Asha away before clutching at her temple with both hands.  She doesn't quite manage to cover the new wound, though, as it takes the form of severe inflammation, the upper-right third of her face now colored a grotesque red and swollen so badly that her right eye can't open.

Asha starts to try and tend to her freshly-injured friend, but she's interrupted by Alida's smashing the wall only a few feet away from them.  With an unhappy whimper, she abandons Tooru and grabs one of the now-loose bricks, and stands ready as Alida asks her to throw one of the bricks, which she does before quickly scrambling to grab another, while peeking around the now much shorter wall at the witch.

Meanwhile, Tooru sits by herself, trying to ignore the fresh source of pain Asha gave her, and instead focus on creating another talisman.  She's done it before, practically by accident, but it feels harder this time.  Beyond the pain, and the stress that she needs to do this right to save everyone, she just feels tired.  Like she's been fighting through this labyrinth for the better part of a year rather than just an hour or two.  It takes her three attempts before she can focus well enough to create something tangible, all the while hearing explosions from the witch's attacks.  Still, she does manage to create the talisman, and unlike before, it's not so volatile that it will explode in moments--only just volatile enough that she's sure she could set it off at will.  With that done, she waits for Mina to arrive, hoping the girl doesn't get shot down on her way.

Mina hadn't been sure how it would turn out, after that first horrifying go at her ability. But she had to try, something, anything, to help. And it worked! She could fly! Kinda!

Once she got over that and spared a glance at the witch, she saw the witch, saw the shockwave the scream produced. Remembering what had happened earlier, she braced herself as best as she could and seemed to make it out only a little worse for wear. But that didn't mean the others were fine. She had to get back to them.

<Tooru, right! I'll get over there as quickly as I can! Until then I'll make sure the Witch keeps off you!> she relayed to Tooru as she got to her feet and brushed herself off. Then, Alida's message came through. <I'll try, I'm on my way to Tooru now!>

First up, keep the illusions going - try to distract the Witch from where Tooru really is. Then, fly over to Tooru, quick as possible without drawing too much of the Witch's attention herself. Maybe try and get some kind of change to stabilize the flight before taking off, like Alida suggested.

((Going with this for now - suggestion welcome))


Sure that you're not too injured, you roll back onto your feet quickly, and with a couple confident flaps of your new wings, you're airborne again.  It's somewhat difficult to control your flight, but simply avoiding the ground is simple enough to manage without further modifications to your body.  You still try to keep relatively low, only about ten feet above the ruined buildings--high enough to easily stay above them, but low enough to avoid most of the skeletal unicorn-angels--and you take a clockwise path around the ice lake, hoping that the witch won't see you as long as you stay behind her.  A part of you feels that's nonsensical, since she doesn't even seem to have eyes, but you don't have the time to spare thinking about such things.

You hear a couple explosions during your flight, but stay focused on watching the ground below you, navigating mostly by following the shoreline, and hoping that someone will warn you if you're spotted.  Nobody does, but you spot the other girls--minus Aleksandra, worryingly--clustered around a particular piece of cover soon enough, and you swoop down to meet up with them.  Unfortunately, you don't have any idea how to land, and you only gain speed during your dive.  You crash into the ground near Tooru, landing face-first in an ash pile which doesn't prevent you from digging a short trough through the loose material.  You groan and sit up, wiping the junk off your face, and using your magical senses to confirm that you've once again managed to avoid actually breaking anything, though you feel like you ran headfirst into a brick wall all the same.

...Worryingly, looking over at the others, only Tooru seems to have taken note of you, and even she's leaning back against the wall, seemingly exhausted.

Spoiler: Asha Tia (Nakéen) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mina Ross (TwinWolf) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #858 on: February 22, 2019, 09:38:21 pm »


<I think it might not like that.  We'd better scatter.>

Keep CC active.  Help Tooru get away, unless Asha already has that covered.  If that occurs, help Mina get into the air instead, after she gets the bomb from Tooru.  Flee roughly rightwards, over/through the familiar, to the far side of the building Sasha's hiding behind, trying to get behind cover again.

If I have to attack the familiar, try to smash that tie and knock it a good few feet away.  Or smash all the torso, really.

Second body moves in to attack this turn, as it should be within jumping range now.  Aim to get high and do some smashes.  If the bomb is coming in, let go and drop down to try and hopefully avoid most of the blast.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2019, 03:35:10 am by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #859 on: February 23, 2019, 02:52:55 am »

Tooru panted, in both equal parts exhaustion and pain at this point. She nodded dully, heaving herself into motion again at Alida's words; her telepathic response was a formless, tired-sounding (feeling?) affirmative. She handed the talisman to Mina, hoping the girl was mobile enough to get the bomb onto the witch. The redhead very nearly slapped herself in an effort to regain focus; she had to pay attention, had to make sure the bomb went off on time. Pressing the talisman into Mina's hands, she spoke breathily. "It should stay like it is until I tell it to blow up. Just make sure it goes towards the center of the witch and I'll set it off. I believe in you, Mina!" And with that, she dashed off, with Alida's assistance and waving at Asha to get moving too.

Tooru hands the bomb over and gets ready to set it off when it seems to be around center "mass" on the witch. She tries to set a path that splits from the others, but meets up at the next patch of cover, and suggests Asha do the same.
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #860 on: February 24, 2019, 04:15:55 pm »

Mina took a few deep breaths. She was in pain, but she still functioned. It would have to be good enough. She took the talisman from Tooru and nodded. "Everything's sore, but I can still fly! Right right. I can do this. I can do this!" she said, preparing to take off.

<Try and keep it's attention off me! I'm going for it!> she said over telepathic link, and took off into the air. She could do this. She had to do this, there wasn't a choice in the matter.

Take the bomb. Try and bring it to the witch - maybe a roundabout path once it's attention is focused on the others, to keep it from aiming at me? Have whatever illusions I have left be as distracting as possible. Let's hope that I've got this flying thing down (although if it ends up needed, a change for stabilization... all the marbles and all). Once I manage to get the bomb going to the center of the witch, bolt because I do not want to be near it when it goes off.

(Other suggestions? This is basically all I can think of.)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2019, 09:14:38 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #861 on: February 24, 2019, 04:42:52 pm »

<If you have to, don't be afraid to give yourself that tail!  This one's for all the marbles.  Good luck!>

(Or use a illusiory flash of light to try and blind the witch, maybe.  Or not and conserve soul.)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #862 on: February 25, 2019, 12:40:12 am »

Have whatever illusions I have left be as distracting as possible.

((Just FYI, this won't significantly change what the illusions are doing.  They'll still just be a bunch of fake magical girls running around and waving their arms.  If you want something like them sprouting wings and flying around with you, or erupting into massive flashbangs like Dev said, you'll have to say it--and it'll cost extra, since both of those are more like casting a new illusion than maintaining the old.))[/b[


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #863 on: February 27, 2019, 12:04:48 pm »

((I'm sorry for not posting during the last month, I was sick. I'm trying to read what I've missed so I can start posting afgin, but I don't really understand where Aleksandra currently is. Also, is everyone currently fine? Has anything bad happened recently that could affect Sasha's mood? I know we're apparently fighting the witch, but I haven't had time to read in detail yet.))
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #864 on: February 27, 2019, 09:12:57 pm »

((Aleksandra is currently hiding behind some ruins, not doing anything.  The "Map" spoiler at the bottom of the last update shows her position: the red X at the upper right portion of the map.  Everyone is still alive, and I don't think she'd even know about their injuries for the most part--Alida was blown in half, but was healed before Aleksandra saw--but it is very clear that the witch is a far more dangerous monster than everything else Aleksandra has seen, and it's clear that her AK-47 isn't a very effective weapon against it.))

((...Oh, update coming tonight. Damn it, this is hard. >:( ))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #865 on: February 28, 2019, 09:34:03 pm »

In her hiding spot, Aleksandra takes a moment to try to collect her thougths and grasp the current situation.

So this was the so-called "witch". More than the evil magician in a broom she had imagined, this abominable monster seemed to be beyond comprehension. The shock of seeing Alida die had temporally desensitized her, but she could feel herself close to panicking again.

She considered checking how many bullets did she have left, but almost immediately dismissed the idea. Whatever that thing was, it was clear that shooting wouldn't help. Worse, she might hit another of the girls again.

All she could do to help was to stay out of the way and hope that the girls manage to defeat the witch. She felt useless, but at least the others wouldn't have to risk themselves to protect her yet again.

Asha... Everyone... Please don't die.

Peek out of cover and try to see what's currently going on. What can I see from my hiding spot?
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #866 on: March 12, 2019, 03:31:25 pm »

And here we go again. Not the first time, hopefully not the last.  :P


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #867 on: March 14, 2019, 08:40:07 pm »

Yeaaaaah this is a bad habit.  I definitely haven't forgotten about the game, I just accidentally let myself get out of the flow again, and that makes it really, really hard to write.  Seriously, there's been only like four days that I didn't specifically plan to write it out, but then ended up procrastinating until I was exhausted instead. ._.

Since the most effective way to break these hiatuses is to post a deadline, guess I'm doing that.  Mar 17th.  Sorry for the absurd and random delay, right at the climax of the boss fight.  :\

Edit: *sigh*.  Hate making excuses, and hate missing deadlines, even arbitrary ones, but I just couldn't get it done before work.  Been on a shifting schedule that's screwed with when I can sleep, and now I'm just too exhaustef to do anything creative.  Or much that isn't.  Update after I can actually sleep until I stop being tired, which will presumably be either late the 18th or sometime the 19th.  Will see.  -.-


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #868 on: March 19, 2019, 10:16:36 pm »


<I think it might not like that.  We'd better scatter.>

Keep CC active.  Help Tooru get away, unless Asha already has that covered.  If that occurs, help Mina get into the air instead, after she gets the bomb from Tooru.  Flee roughly rightwards, over/through the familiar, to the far side of the building Sasha's hiding behind, trying to get behind cover again.

If I have to attack the familiar, try to smash that tie and knock it a good few feet away.  Or smash all the torso, really.

Second body moves in to attack this turn, as it should be within jumping range now.  Aim to get high and do some smashes.  If the bomb is coming in, let go and drop down to try and hopefully avoid most of the blast.

You waste no more time watching the witch, and turn back to the others, still safe behind the wall.  Mina's arrived, and takes Tooru's bomb, the redhead still sitting against the wall, clearly exhausted.  You rush over, looking over the girl worriedly; part of her face is grotesquely swollen, and she's grimacing in clear pain.  She starts to get up on her own, but you don't have much time; you reach forward and bodily pick her up, throwing her over your shoulder before turning on your heel and sprinting off at top speed.  Tooru squawks in indignation at first, but quickly stops struggling, and yells at Asha to take a different path.


Meanwhile, your other body charges out onto the frozen lake, stumbling on the slick surface and falling to your hands for a moment before recovering and making a beeline directly towards the witch.  She doesn't seem to notice you, her outline looking like she's facing back towards the other girls, and you spare a glance in the same direction.  A moment later you see Mina rising above the ruins, her large colorful wings painfully obvious among her drab surroundings.  You look back to the witch, and lean harder into your run, lowering your body in preparation of leaping--and then she takes a step forward, moving the leg you were targeting.  You curse under your breath and turn, nearly losing your balance and falling down as you try and adjust to her movement.  You could feel it shake the ice when she stepped forward, and can see cracks start to form.

The witch continues to walk forward, her movements relatively ponderous but still covering a massive distance with each step.  Each one reverberates through the ice, making you stumble, but you're still gaining on her.  In the corner of your vision you catch a glimpse of Mina again, flying directly towards the witch, who starts to crouch down--in preparation to lunge forward, you realize moments before she does exactly that, flapping her enormous wings once to launch herself forward, head splitting open to reveal a massive maw ringed with jagged edges.  In the blink of an eye, Mina disappears between the witch's jaws.  You watch as the witch lands heavily, falling onto all fours, her arms punching through the surface of the ice near the shoreline, sending twin plumes of water shooting skywards around them.  Within seconds, you're within range, and you leap high into the air, club raised above your head and gripped in both hands.


You aim just below the witch's left hip, screaming and smashing your club into it as hard as you can as you pass just under.  You're immediately rewarded with a veritable explosion of glass shards as the powerful strike connects with her body, though the impact sends you spinning head-over-heels through the air.  You hit the ice hard, rolling a few times before you've regained enough of your sense of direction to return to your feet and get a chance to observe your handiwork.  There's a huge semicircular hole in her left hip, almost enough to sever her leg, and much of the ice under her and around you is now covered with glittering rainbow dust--but you can already see the shifting mosaic of glass segments starting to close the hole, undoing the damage you did.

You look towards the witch's front, her arms are still embedded into the frozen lake, two glowing pillars rising out of the water to support her body.  You can't see her head from where you're standing, though, and you can't see Mina anywhere.  You don't know if she could have survived being eaten, or if it's even possible to rescue her if she did.  But you can hurt the witch, that much is clear.

Tooru panted, in both equal parts exhaustion and pain at this point. She nodded dully, heaving herself into motion again at Alida's words; her telepathic response was a formless, tired-sounding (feeling?) affirmative. She handed the talisman to Mina, hoping the girl was mobile enough to get the bomb onto the witch. The redhead very nearly slapped herself in an effort to regain focus; she had to pay attention, had to make sure the bomb went off on time. Pressing the talisman into Mina's hands, she spoke breathily. "It should stay like it is until I tell it to blow up. Just make sure it goes towards the center of the witch and I'll set it off. I believe in you, Mina!" And with that, she dashed off, with Alida's assistance and waving at Asha to get moving too.

Tooru hands the bomb over and gets ready to set it off when it seems to be around center "mass" on the witch. She tries to set a path that splits from the others, but meets up at the next patch of cover, and suggests Asha do the same.

She just gets carried along with Alida, over the girl's shoulder.  Yells at Asha, and Asha takes a different path.  They probably don't make it all the way to Aleksandra's cover, since the witch stuff is happening first.

You hand the bomb off to Mina, trying to reassure her that she can do this, before you start to get to your feet.  As you do, you feel Alida suddenly lift you up into the air and throw you over her shoulder, the rough motion aggravating your injuries and making let out a pained cry.  You want to respond to her aggressive treatment, but hold yourself back as she carries you off.  Instead you shout at Asha to follow, but with a different path, and then turn your attention to the witch, expecting to have to tell Alida when to dodge any attacks.  But no attacks come; instead, the witch seems to focus on Mina as she takes to the air, flying in the opposite direction from you.  You look to your right, seeing Asha running parallel to you and Alida, a safe distance away.  She's actually overtaking you both, probably because she's not being weighed down.  To your right, there's more of Mina's illusions, jumping up and down and waving their arms in a blatant attempt to attract attention to themselves.

When you look back at Mina, she's flapping hard, gaining altitude as she flies directly towards the witch.  You prepare to detonate the bomb, hoping that you can see when she drops it from this distance.  She starts to dive, and you watch carefully for any motion of her arms that might indicate when she drops it--and then the witch suddenly surges forward and, just, she's gone, just like that.  You freeze in place, utterly stunned as you watch the witch fall back down, landing heavily on all fours, her arms punching straight through the frozen surface of the lake.  You still have some sense of a connection to the bomb, you can tell that it's intact and that you can blow it up, but it occurs to you that if the bomb is intact, Mina might be too.

And if she is alive, but didn't drop it, the bomb will kill her too.

Mina took a few deep breaths. She was in pain, but she still functioned. It would have to be good enough. She took the talisman from Tooru and nodded. "Everything's sore, but I can still fly! Right right. I can do this. I can do this!" she said, preparing to take off.

<Try and keep it's attention off me! I'm going for it!> she said over telepathic link, and took off into the air. She could do this. She had to do this, there wasn't a choice in the matter.

Take the bomb. Try and bring it to the witch - maybe a roundabout path once it's attention is focused on the others, to keep it from aiming at me? Have whatever illusions I have left be as distracting as possible. Let's hope that I've got this flying thing down (although if it ends up needed, a change for stabilization... all the marbles and all). Once I manage to get the bomb going to the center of the witch, bolt because I do not want to be near it when it goes off.

(Other suggestions? This is basically all I can think of.)

You gingerly take Tooru's talisman from her, carefully holding it close to you with one hand.  The redheaded girl looks terrible, her face swollen and grimacing, but you can still hear determination in her tired voice.  You nod and reassure her that you can do it, just before Alida hauls her away.  You take a deep breath and gulp nervously, before crouching down and then launching youself directly into the air, spreading your wings wide and flapping twice before transitioning into an awkward glide.


The witch looms in front of you, enormous even at a distance, clearly focused on you and the other girls.  You bank hard to the right, flying low over the river moments later, focusing on the illsions you've left all around, trying to make them attract the witch's attention however they can.  You start to panic when you realize that it's not working--though it's hard to tell where the witch is looking, you see her take a couple steps to turn and stay facing you, and you're flying in a different direction than the other girls are running.  You grit your teeth and start to turn back towards her, flapping hard to gain altitude.  If you can't come up from behind her, then maybe you can drop it from above.

The witch takes another step towards you, her apparent size increasing even as she crouches low.  You're a little above her now, and you start to level off, still clutching Tooru's talisman close to your chest, your halberd held close to your other side, ready to be thrust or thrown forward if necessary.  You pass over the lake, moments away from flying above the monster, fingers tight around the bomb, and then the witch beats her colossal wings once, and you can't react in time to dodge.

It happens too fast to process what even happened; one moment you were preparing to drop the talisman, the next her head is just entering your sensory range, your eyes telling you that she's a solid wall an infinite distance away, while your senses tell you the truth: her jaws are open, and her mouth is two parallel walls made of unending glass shards.  You scream in fear, reflexively curling into a ball, your wings protectively wrapped around you as the world on all sides becomes a mosaic of glowing stained glass.  Then she bites, and there's only a brief moment of pain as tens of jagged blades instantly tear your body to pieces, mercifully killing you in the same stroke.  You're still conscious, your ring-shaped soul gem undamaged, your right hand still mostly whole and gripping your halberd, and you can sense that Tooru's bomb is similarly intact.  But you can't escape, you can actually sense the witch's body now, but you're too far inside her, you can't even sense where her exterior surface is.  Just... a whirling storm of faux-solid glass, shifting and flowing like a liquid around you.  Your body, major parts still intact, is acting as an anchor for several large pieces, which themselves are partially shielding you from the veritable blender around you, but your body is dead meat; you can't move it to escape, even if you knew which direction to fight towards.

Your thoughts suddenly return to the talisman, less than a foot away from your soul gem, from you.  If Tooru detonates it now, you will die.

In her hiding spot, Aleksandra takes a moment to try to collect her thougths and grasp the current situation.

So this was the so-called "witch". More than the evil magician in a broom she had imagined, this abominable monster seemed to be beyond comprehension. The shock of seeing Alida die had temporally desensitized her, but she could feel herself close to panicking again.

She considered checking how many bullets did she have left, but almost immediately dismissed the idea. Whatever that thing was, it was clear that shooting wouldn't help. Worse, she might hit another of the girls again.

All she could do to help was to stay out of the way and hope that the girls manage to defeat the witch. She felt useless, but at least the others wouldn't have to risk themselves to protect her yet again.

Asha... Everyone... Please don't die.

Peek out of cover and try to see what's currently going on. What can I see from my hiding spot?

You sit with your back against the brick wall, hugging your grandfather's rifle to you tightly, shivering in the cold air.  Not far ahead of you, a wall of green flowers rises out of the ash, promising a better hiding place, but you'd still have to run through the open to get to it.  And above that open space, two more skeletal unicorn-angel-things are slowly dancing to music which stopped long ago.  To your left, there's a door, but you saw even more of the skeleton familiars above the building when you ran here, and you don't want to attract their attention.  That's assuming the door doesn't lead back into the flooded tunnels, but there's probably even more monsters down there, and the other girls definitely wouldn't know where you are if you went back down there.  You shouldn't have separated from Alida and Asha, even with your gun you're defenseless.  Especially against the witch herself.  You're not even sure if the magical girls can defeat that monster.

You take a shuddering breath, trying to calm yourself.  Just sitting here and hoping to survive isn't going to get you anywhere.  You have to be brave.  You start edging closer to the edge of the wall, and peek around just barely when you're close enough.  You immediately spot the witch, still standing on the frozen lake, now next to the giant ice hill and looking down at some buildings near the shoreline.  A few seconds later you spot Alida running towards you with Tooru slung over her shoulder, apparently wounded.  Both of them are still a fair distance away, and you don't see Mina, or Asha.  You try not to think about that.  You try very, very hard, but your mind doesn't listen to you, and you keep watching, desperately hoping to catch a glimpse of the other girls.  After a moment, you do spot one: Mina, you think, now with angelic bird wings that are allowing her to fly... towards the witch, in the distance.

A moment later, you shriek as you're pulled back away from the edge, and spin around to see--Asha.  Asha pulled you away from the edge, and she's okay.  Everyone's still okay.  You let out a deep breath, relieved, and let go of the rifle with one arm so you can hug her.  She returns it warmly, then pulls away and holds both your shoulders, looking over you with a worried expression.  After a quick inspection, she gives a confident nod, then tells you to stay hidden, at least until Asha and Tooru get here.

((Next update Saturday 23rd.))

Spoiler: Asha Tia (Nakéen) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mina Ross (TwinWolf) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

((Edit: I realized Alida was still getting the benefit of berserker, and the penalty of maintaining painless, despite no longer being injured.  I've fixed her sheet to reflect the fact that she's healthy and neither ability is active.  I'm not retconning anything that actually happened, like the damage she did to the witch this turn, but it'll apply to any future combat.  Also, due to painless upkeep and berserker canceling out, this doesn't affect her soul total in any way.))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #869 on: March 19, 2019, 11:42:38 pm »

((That's... oof. I think the witch has sorted out who we are, so Mina might want to cancel that out and save soul for being rebuilt. Maybe not rebuilt now, unless you can figure out a way to not immediately get blended again.

The only thing I can think to do is try to blow open the witch's "stomach," possibly using Mina's enhanced senses to help target the shot, and try to get the gem out. Alternatively we have Mina use her spare body to do more or less the same; she could also try to bait the witch into eating her and try to smash through that way, but I highly doubt that even with CC 4 she can survive going down the gullet.

Alida and Tooru are both on the edge of their capacity already. Tooru can probably eat the cost for a couple more shots, but we should get a Flagellation on Alida's other body this turn, probably.

In the absolute worst case scenario, we cut our losses and sacrifice Mina. I really don't want to do this, and we can afford to wait a bit longer, but dragging this fight out is not at all favorable to us.

As an aside, there could be something we could do with the familiars. I don't really know what, but there's the off chance her regeneration could be anchored by them, or we could just throw them at her. They don't serve to defend the labyrinth, so they have to do something of significance, no?))
GM of Trespassers V2.
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