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Author Topic: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM  (Read 147498 times)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #780 on: January 18, 2019, 11:26:12 pm »

(I got stupid and didn't read her char sheet before saying that.)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #781 on: January 21, 2019, 03:48:41 am »

<Thank you, everyone, keep it up, we're going to make it!>

<Mina, you can do illusions, yes?  Try to keep them off us.  Hide us, confuse them, whatever.  They're coming for us!>

<I'm going for the kill.>

<And make sure that song continues!>  (Assist actions, pls?)

Tie my bat to my wrist using the normal ribbon from Asha, and tie the rubber one around my left ankle, picking up the other end for free movement.  Then burn rubber for the top of the stairs, and the witch.  Activate Painless if there is nothing that requires facebashing, CC otherwise.

Sing along with Tooru, if possible while running.


You rush over to Asha, not stopping to say anything as you tear the rubbery ribbon out of her grip, then leaning down to tie it around your left ankle.  While doing that, you try and join in with Tooru's singing, but you don't really know the song, and you're distracted, so you end up just mumbling along with her.  You still keep trying to sing, and as soon as you're done tying the rubber ribbon you stand up and turn around, rushing towards the ice staircase as fast as possible.  As you get close, the sheer size becomes apparent--the stairway is very steep, and the hill still growing in height as Tooru sings her song.  It's enough to block sight of the witch, and much of the sky.  You continue up the staircase without stopping to consider that, taking the steps four at a time while you focus on using your magic to toughen you.  The staircase levels out as you near the top, the hill flatter up here, and you regain sight of the witch, who's much closer now, judging from her size.  You continue forward, Tooru following just behind, her magic causing the steps to form almost as fast as you can climb them.


The witch's form shifts strangely in the distance, and a moment later, you see a second light separate from her form, rapidly coming closer.  You have only a split second to react, and blindly leap to the right in an effort to dodge.  An instant later, you feel an impact in your legs, and a massive shock.  You're sent flying back through the air, spinning chaotically through the air, too fast to keep track of what's happening.  You collide with a skeleton in midair, its body crumbling in an instant, the ribbons tangling around you as you continue spinning through the air.  Seconds later you collide with the ground, faceplanting hard into the ash.  You lay there disoriented, your mind still spinning from the sudden trip.  You can't feel your legs, or your backpack, but you can feel your hands.  There's... damage, most of your skin is burned or something, but you can still get up.

But when you try to push yourself up, your body pivots at the bottom of your ribcage.  Your legs are gone.  So's your stomach.  Shit.  You're bleeding out, too, you can feel the blood leaking, slowly but surely.  Shit shit.  You can still see, the mansion is over to your right, but it's a long distance away, and there's a lot of skeletons circling above it, now.  There's some buildings to your left, a little closer, but still too far, and there's skeletons there too.  Shitshitshit.  The flowers are ahead, close, but you don't have your legs so you still can't get over there.

Your vision is going black, your body is weakening by the second.  Your magic is slowing down your death, and preventing you from experiencing the pain, but you don't have long at all before your body dies.  You've never died before.  Not without a clone body.  You're scared.

<Okay.> Tooru didn't send anything much more complex; it was hard to sing and "talk" at the same time, much less with the screeching and being thrown around. She was worried, her back still hurt and her gem was still dark; she was going to run out of magic soon. Still, if they didn't get this witch down, they were all going to die here. . .

Follow everyone in, keep singing. Only attack if I see a perfect opportunity, or I need to do so to save someone. Do my best to evade.

You wait for Alida as she ties a ribbon around her ankle, your eyes constantly flicking between her and the witch in the distance.  At any moment she could attack again.  Thankfully, Alida finishes quickly, and starts sprinting straight towards the ice hill that your music is creating.  You focus on maintaining your song as you follow her up the stairs, though it's not difficult.  You don't even watch where you're stepping as you run up the stairs, your feet seeming to know exactly where to step naturally.  Instead, you look all around, at the many, many skeletons flying around, gradually rising into the air.  None of them seem to have even noticed you, it would be trivial to shoot them down, but there's so many.  You still hold a talisman in each hand, ready to throw at a moment's notice.  As you climb higher, the witch returns to view, and you lock your eyes on her, watching for any attack.  She's still too far away to throw talismans at her, but your music is causing the staircase to grow continually, and you're pretty sure she's coming closer, too.


The witch shifts, and you instantly recognize it as an attack.  You drop to all fours, instantly halting your forward momentum, then you watch the projectile coming closer, waiting to figure out which direction to go in.  A half second before it hits, you dodge left and flatten yourself against the ice, your momentum causing you to slide further.  You hear an explosion as the ice changes shape below you, steps cutting into the ice and giving you traction.  You get back up to your feet and look around.  Alida's gone, probably down on the other side of the hill, and the witch is even closer, though still too far away to throw any attacks at her.  You feel very exposed; if you just stay on the staircase, you'll probably have to dodge another attack or two before the witch is within range.

(I wonder who rolled a 1?)

<G-Guys? What happened? I can only, uh... what do you call this magic sense thing? I can only use that...> Mina said through the telepathic link. She couldn't see, feel, hear... nothing with her body. No pain either, though. That was good? Right? Had she... had she-

Then Alida's voice cut in, and she heard Asha too... ok, she was still here. She wasn't... dead then. Right. At least not all dead? <R-Right! Right... I'll try!> She couldn't think about what had happened. If there was any... damage, Asha could heal her, or she could magic everything back in place! S-She had those pictures, after all... she hoped that those had gone to a cloud save or something... b-but it wouldn't be needed. Probably. Alright, that was enough of that.

She might not be able to see with her eyes, but her soul had a respectable range of perception. Could she still help, even like this? She could try...

The obvious answer is Projection. She could... she could hide them, make it so there was rubble where the group was. Maybe she could make some other illusions to confuse the oncoming monsters as to where specifically they were, too... she had to try. And maybe it'd be easier once Asha healed her.

You try and stay calm, focusing on your magic.  You can sense Asha and Aleksandra nearby, but Alida and Tooru rush out of your range before you can gather yourself enough to cast anything.  So you don't think you could make effective illusions of rubble; you don't even know where to place the illusion.  So you decide to make illusions of people, you've done that before.  The area is mostly flat, so you visualize the shapes of Alida and Tooru far away in several directions, all at about the same height as you.  The illusions quickly take shape, and you can sense them in the distance, blind puppets running through the darkness.  You continually fiddle with them, touching up their forms as they animate, adjusting their height, hoping they're close enough to the gorund to look real.

While you work, Asha comes close and kneels next to you, putting her hands on your head and going still.  Like always, when her healing magic starts working on your body, your senses go haywire, making your body seem fuzzy and indistinct.  It's extremely discomforting, not being able to sense your body, but after a couple seconds the effect fades, and your body is whole once again, your vision returned.  You immediately start looking around for your illusions, and quickly adjust them all to be closer to the ground--you screwed up and made them too high.  One apparently just ran through a wall, and another is behind a wall, so you adjust their positions so that they're more visible to the witch, hoping they draw fire.

An explosion at the top of the ice hill breaks your concentration, and you look up to see Alida's body--without legs--go flying into the air, to your right.  She collides with one of the flying skeletons, then lands somewhere out of sight, to the north of the mansion.  That area is open, she's a sitting duck... you quickly relocate one of your Alida illusions near her, having it jump up in the air and wave its arms, hoping that it's too far away from her to get Alida caught in the blast if the witch targets that one.

Asha turned livid. "M-Mina! It can't be!" She rushed to the lifeless body of the girl, gasping for air.

She took Mina's body in her arms, staring at the gruesome wound.  <Mina! Mina! Keep speaking to me! I... I will do something!> Will... will that even work? It worked on a cat, but... but it was still alive. Oh my god, is she breathing? No- She... her body is dead... But she is still here right? It should work- it has to-

Asha used Soothe on Mina.

You get up and rush to Mina's side immediately, dropping to your knees next to her.  Her eyes are vacant, and her head... you gingerly take her head in both hands, and pull it away from the wall to inspect how bad she's hurt.  You immediately regret that action upon seeing the bloody dent in the back of her skull, and avert your eyes.  You take a couple deep breaths, trying not to vomit, and then quickly call on your magic.  You relax a little engulfs you as Mina's soul unfolds in front of you; it's in a little better shape than the others' souls, and reminds you that her true self is relatively unharmed.  You scan through the network of strands in an instant, quickly recognizing her physical form's head wound as a minor break in a specific strand, and relax further at the reminder about how minor her injury truly is.  It's simple to let some of your own magic flow in, blue strands reinforcing the small weakness in her green soul.  You stop and take a quick look around as your magic leaves her soul, making sure there's nothing else you can do.  Worryingly, some of her soul actually seems to be unwinding even as you watch, the strands disappearing off into the distance, as if something is draining her away.  But... you don't think you could fix that, or at least not without causing more damage to her body, and she needs to move somewhere safer, ASAP.  You release your magic.

When you open your eyes, Mina looks perfectly healthy again, clean and fresh.  Her eyes are darting around rapidly, looking at her surroundings, concentration evident on her face, but she's not getting up.  You look around at your surroundings, and immediately realize why; Mina's creating illusions of Alida and Tooru to distract the witch!  You breath a sigh of relief, feeling much safer, but then you jump and nearly fall over when the top of the icehill--now so tall that it obscures the witch--explodes, a body going flying to the north, hitting and destroying a skeleton in midair before landing somewhere out of sight.  You look back up at the top of the hill, spotting Tooru--easily identified by her stark red clothes and hair--but not Alida.  Oh no.

You're about to rush over to rescue Alida, where ever she fell, when you notice Aleksandra, standing frozen in fear and staring at the hill.  She's hugging the gun to her chest as if it's a comfort pillow or something, clearly terrified.  She can't handle this.

((Next update on the 22nd or 23rd.  Character locations are below:))

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Asha Tia (Nakéen) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mina Ross (TwinWolf) (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #782 on: January 21, 2019, 04:50:16 am »

...  I tried, didn't I?  I wanted to help people..  I wanted to help save lives.  I wanted to be a good person, like my father.

  But.. I can't do it.  I worked for it.  I'm not strong enough, fast enough, good enough.. I failed.  I made some mistakes too.

..  Why should I live?  Nobody likes me.  My friends just put up with me.  The other girls.. they won't help me, they fight me at every turn.  Because I'm a bad person.

Why bother with it?  Why bother with them.  I should just give up.. I fought so hard and got so little.

But I won't go witch.  I'll just go away.

Hold on for now.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 05:03:58 am by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #783 on: January 21, 2019, 05:32:06 am »

That's it? That's your line in the sand? Will you give up before you've even begun?
This won't fix your mistakes. This won't help anyone. It's not what's best for you, just what's easy.

((Bravery means determination in the face of death! It means staring down the despair, gritting your teeth and putting aside your pain until the day is won! Bravery is pushing forwards even when no hope remains!
When a Brave is consumed, it is more often by her zeal than by her hopelessness.))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #784 on: January 21, 2019, 07:17:37 pm »

((I'm thinking of trying to wait out another turn and focus exclusively on singing and dodging again. An assist would be nice, there. I can probably put a dent in the witch (or if i'm being VERY optimistic, kill her outright) with the talismans I have, and pray that I don't run dry before that point.))
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #785 on: January 21, 2019, 07:53:44 pm »

Asha let out a sigh of relief. She couldn't believe it worked, magical powers didn't stop impressing her everyday. "Mina! Oh thank god it worked... How are you feeling?" There was no immediate answer, and Asha quickly understood why upon looking at her surroundings. Even in that state, she was fighting.

Then before she knew it, an explosion struck the top of the icehill. And- "Alida!"

Asha messily started running toward the direction she thought Alida fell, trying to sense her presence. Then she noticed Aleksandra's abnormal state. She hesitated, pausing a second. <Aleksandra?>

Alida. I must hurry. I can talk to Aleksandra while I look for Alida. Asha resumed her search for Alida's body, simultaneously trying to get an answer from Aleksandra via telepathy. Their link was likely clear thanks to the Memento, and maybe she could use that link to help Aleksandra in some way. <Aleksandra snap out of it! I- I know you are scared, no, terrified, but you are not alone! Listen to my voice, I know you can do it. What happened was an accident! There is something only you can do! Aim true, and shoot that witch!>

Asha said to the other girls via telepathy:
<I asked Aleksandra to provide support fire, I'm now on my way to help Alida! Mina, Tooru, be careful!>

Send encouragements/orders to Aleksandra: use your gun to shoot at the Witch!
Search for Alida, and hopefully get there in time. Use Soothe if I can reach her body...

Where? Where?... Alida, where are you?...


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #786 on: January 21, 2019, 08:33:08 pm »

(I'm sure you can do damage, but maybe you can also find cover?  Dodging's a lot worse if you fail, after all.  May as well shoot, though, you're already being shot at.)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 11:08:33 pm by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #787 on: January 22, 2019, 09:20:23 am »

(Any suggestions for Mina? As it is, the idea will be activate close combat and basically defend Aleksandra and Asha while they go off to help Alida. Or maybe rush over to Tooru and try to help her instead (illusions to confuse attackers maybe?)? I'm honestly not sure...)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 09:23:54 am by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #788 on: January 22, 2019, 11:47:56 am »

(Those are some pretty heavy-duty illusions.  Use them to draw fire away from yourself and the real people. that'll do better to keep everyone off.  Just make sure they drop when they get hit, to save you the soul cost.  As for what you yourself do, you might want to try and help Asha find Alida, or coordinate things through telepathy, or find your own path to attack.  Linking up with Sasha is reasonable too, but you should keep moving and keep in cover, so the familiars have a harder time catching you.  I'd be dearly grateful if someone found a safer route to the witch to attack her.)

(In general there's a lot of priorities you could do, depending on what you want to do first, but I think the most important is to draw fire with those illusions.  With that being a secondary ability, you should be able to do something else in addition to that.)

(Also.. telepathy means we can do this IC!  ;-p)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 11:52:36 am by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #789 on: January 22, 2019, 03:45:02 pm »

(Does Tooru feel she'll be in range if she drops off of the staircase and/or stops singing? That knowledge would help me figure out what to do.)
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #790 on: January 22, 2019, 09:16:06 pm »

((Projection is a primary... and also getting pretty expensive, worth noting. It's a good thing Mina's been keeping pretty light on soul use up until now... I hope this one gives a multi-use seed or something, we're all gonna be pretty low. If you have alternate suggestions or ways to make this better I am open to suggestion.))

<Don't give up! We can do this!> Mina shouted over the telepathic link, but besides that kept her focus after trying to get to cover.

Alright, first up, get on the move and find some cover to make it harder to be found. Second up - continue to maintain illusions to distract, confuse, and divert fire. That should be easier with sight, now. As suggested, they'll drop once hit and revealed as illusions to save on power. If Alida is in sensory range, make sure to tell Asha a safe-ish route to her. If it's possible to do that too, try and find a safer way to reach the witch - once she goes down, everything else does.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 10:02:16 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #791 on: January 22, 2019, 09:44:01 pm »

(Sustaining something isn't a primary action, you can do another primary action while sustaining the current one.  I could use CC while sustaining Effigy for one thing, or keep Painless running.  Or use CC while both Effigy and Painless are running.)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 09:46:29 pm by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #792 on: January 22, 2019, 09:46:44 pm »

((Projection is a primary... and also getting pretty expensive, worth noting.

The Projection was a Major cost, and maintenance on Projection only costs 1/6 of the activation cost. I think you're good to keep them going for at least a few more turns. It's certainly more efficient to keep it up than it would be to drop it and then recast it.

If you have alternate suggestions or ways to make this better I am open to suggestion.))

Let a couple people die so that the seed goes farther~


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #793 on: January 22, 2019, 09:48:33 pm »

(Yes.. casting it every turn is brutally expensive compared to just sustaining it.)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #794 on: January 22, 2019, 09:55:54 pm »

Twin, I highly recommend that you change the wording of your action. Change "continue to create illusions" to "continue to maintain illusions". This shouldn't cost much in terms of effectiveness because you already have plenty of decoys, will vastly reduce the soul cost because maintaining is cheaper than activation, and will allow you to use a Primary power because maintenance is secondary.
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