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Author Topic: But You Still Gotta Catch 'Em All - Succession Pokemon Fortress of Goldsilver  (Read 78889 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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First mandate, after my complete militarization of GoldSilver and its transformation into a war state, will be mechanical stuff everywhere, EVERYTHING will have the option to be lever operated.


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I whole heartedly approve of this plan.

Paddywagon Man

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Junta -> Mafia State -> Junta II

Great place to live, Goldsilver.


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All right, I'm going to download the save now, and then immediately start on the gladiator arena so I can pen useless or untamable pokemon against any caged invaders. Or just berserk animals against berserk animals (If we have any). Any dorfing requests or pet requests I need to deal with?

Got it up and it seems to be working, but this is a WAY smaller embark site than I'm used to play with, so I might have to skimp on the arena a little.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 12:14:48 pm by MottledPetrel »


  • Bay Watcher
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First update- Initial Look
     Just another day in my mayor's office with my advisor Thothil. He's been using his telepathic psycic whatever powers to try to convince me to let him go since I moved him into my office, his most recent tactic was to bombard me with created scenes of my family being tortured. After seeing my mother ripped to shreds before me in my minds eye for about the fifth time today his voice bellowed through my mind "RELEASE ME YOU WEAK DWARF! RELEASE ME OR THE TORMENT WILL CONTINUE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!".

     Despite myself, I couldn't help but laugh. This angered Thothil "WHAT'S SO FUNNY!". Still laughing I responded "Oh Thothil, you jokester you, if you were the all powerful psychic lord you want me to believe you are you'd know that my entire family is already dead." despite all of his natural powers, Thothil was still just a pokemon. Thothil floundered for a moment "Wha-..." I could feel him probing my mind "Oh, I probably should have noticed that... How about this, after reading the minds of your other, fort members, I have found out that it is a couple more years until you are in line to lead. If I pull some strings in their minds and get you to rule now, will you release me?" I stifled a laugh "No, but you can try and see what that gets you.". Thothil frowned, but pulled out of my mind, likely to move his psychic tendrils into other people's minds. I went back to the paper work in front of me, but inevitably my eyes wandered around the room.

     This office/dining room/bedroom won't do, I'd like it to be a little better before I can truly lead the fort. To remedy this I started filling out a mandate form for two weapon racks.

     The ghost of Kel floats through my door, and offers a wimpy "boooooo". Damn, there have been a lot of ghosts here recently. Behind him comes Maximum Spin, the current overseer. He looked like he was drunk, but the hollow look in his eyes told me that this was probably Thothil's work "Hey, uh, Mottled Petrel. You're a pretty cool guy, right? I've been thinking, uh, maybe you could, like, be overseer for a little while? Like, a year, or more, maybe. You can still be mayor and all, but... yeah, you can be overseer.".

     "How about now, weak dwarf, will you release me now that I have granted you power? I know your kind always craves power." I rolled my eyes "Did you not hear me say I wouldn't release you if you made me overseer?" Thothil looked down "Yeah, I heard it, I was just hoping you might change your mind...". Well, I guess I'm overseer now. First order of business, I want my room at least smoothed out. Now. Second, lets check the list of dwarves currently in the fort. Actually, scratch that, second is to just look around the fort.

     I walk to the surface and have a look around, I'm greeted by a large pile of goblin corpses. Third action is going to be digging a deep pit we can drop all of these bodies in, because all of the flesh tendrils now growing on this pile is a bit unsettling.

     Which brings me to my fourth point, the entirety of the entrance building is an ankle deep pool of vomit. I'm not sure if there is much I can do about that other than just asking some haulers nicely to clean it up.

     Sixth, we only have one training room for all three squads. This is too little space for live weapons practice, this will be remedied by moving one of the weapon racks I've mandated to the floor above and make that the new barracks.

     Why do we even have this room? It's completely empty. Seventh, there are way too many trees out here to be able to get anything done, all trees in the immediate area are to be chopped down and made into my eighth point.

     Have any of these savages heard of bins? We'd be able to cut our storage footprint immensely if we had more than 10 bins in the entire fort.

     There is also an entire room filled with nothing but clay fisheries, ninth will be to remove a good number of these to free up space for more useful things. What these things will be, I do not know.

     I've also noticed that there is a lot of graphitee around the fort, it's actually kinda funny, and generally too much effort to remove. I'm also a bit concerned by the ludicrous amount of weapons traps in the king's room's.

Most of them are training weapons, but a worrying amount are made out of sharp glass. I, might, remove them for safety reasons.

     Cavern security is... lacking nonexistent. On almost all three cavern levels the only defense against the horrors of the deep is a door. Some entrances don't even have that little defense. This will be remedied, a ludicrous amount of defenses will be added, I don't want to have to use my substitute move a second time down there because some agron decided to mosey up into the fort.

     The forges sit idle, and are vulnerable to attack from anything that decides to come up through the magma, extreme defense measures must be taken. In addition, all hands not being used to fortify the area will be put to creating weapons and armor for the army. Anyone further migrants deemed unessential to the fort will be placed into the army. Speaking of which, none of the army is training, "Get back to training, we have to be ready for an all out pokemon invasion! I want each and everyone of you to be able to kill a garchomp with with only your bare hands and both of your legs tied behind your back!". Finally, once the fort is secured and is ready to defend against the butterfree hoards, I will have an arena dug out. Any pokemon we catch that are too wild, too dangerous, or too useless will be pitted against any caged prisoners we may have.

     I think we may already have our first match up... Anyway, this is just my preliminary look at the fort and my plan to fix it, I better get to work.
This is my first succession fort, so I was expecting things to have been done differently than how I would have done them. But why is there a room filled to the brim with clay fisheries? Why is the depot filled with useful but forbidden items? Why is there a ton of totally undefended entrances to the caverns that people don't even use?

Why is there a dead outpost liaison next to the main stairway on top of a butcher's table? You guys haven't become cannibals before I got here, have you?


  • Bay Watcher
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Second update- Mottled Petrel cries way too much over spilled milktank milk

     The production floor is a mess. Everything is scattered about and I can't find the necessary workshops to tell people to make bins, weapon racks, and slabs.

     The entrance level below ground looks more like a naturally forming air pocket below a swamp than a dwarven grand hallway. In addition, one of our previous outpost liaisons is currently laying face up, dead, on a butcher's table. I need to find who's responsible for this, I don't need any cannibals in my fort. The refuse stockpile is also full of joltik corpses, they will be missed. First order of business is to get the body pit dug out, but I find that there are only two miners in the fort.

This will be remedied.

Oh boy, a shearer made herself one half of a wedding gown.

It seems that her wedding will be having a 'completely useless artifact' theme to it.

Thankfully, the engravers have started smoothing my room over. Unfortunately, my room is still right next to the jail cells, so my property value is still abysmal.

Look at them, packed in there like pignite sausage. Hopefully I'll get them upstairs before anyone hurts themselves.

I can't believe this, I have to get the workers to remove one of my statues before they can finish smoothing, the nerve of them.

ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? First I have to dismantle my office/room and now I'm not even allowed to be mayor? Whatever, but you aren't taking my room, you can go mine out your own with all the nice copper picks I just had made.

    I assign the big empty room to be the new barracks, but no one moves to it. Fine, I hope you all get paper cuts from each other's weapons. Especially you, MCreeper, stealing my office as 'mayor'.

     A human diplomat has arrived, it would have been my job to talk to him, but MCreeper decided he'd be a better 'mayor' than me. So now HE'S talking to the diplomat, because he's the 'mayor'. Oh wait, now the diplomat is talking to Paddywagon Man instead of ME.

     Apparently the human diplomat was from some elven civilization, Paddywagon Man told me, with me not listening because I was busy sulking over the loss of my status as mayor. They wanted to implement a tree cutting ban or something. I didn't want to hear it "I don't care what they want us to do, I'll be sure to mount his head on a wooden pike if he doesn't take his tree cutting nonsense out of here right now!". Paddywagon Man walked off to tell the diplomat, but I didn't care to wait to see what the response was. So I called the 'mayor' MCreeper with his dirty beard and his stupid face and told him to do what 'mayors' do and deal with the diplomat.

     "Uh, isn't Paddywagon Man handling the diplomacy. I'm not sure I'd be ab-" "I WANT YOU TO KILL THAT PRISSY DIPLOMAT! I DON'T CARE WHY HE'S HERE OR WHAT HE WANTS, THE ELVES WILL NOT PUSH US AROUND!". The 'mayor' MCreeper weighed his options for a moment, but eventually waved the rest of his squad down.

     Paddywagon man apparently got the message, and slew the diplomat before the 'mayor' could get down to him. I gave MCreeper a slow clap as he walked back up the the barracks "Good job 'mayor', you couldn't even get down there in time to help out your squad mate". MCreeper just gave me a look like 'dude, what the hell is your problem'.

     In hind sight, that was probably a bad idea, but I don't care, that's the 'mayor's' problem. I don't even know where the fight took place, but hopefully they didn't just leave his corpse on a butcher's table somewhere.

Oh good, more elves to bite my thumb at, or should I say, for the 'mayor' to bite his thumb at.

     They actually brought a lot of pokemon, I think I'll wait a little bit to see what the 'mayor's' decision will be. Look at him over there, stealing my position, living it up over there with his unkempt beard and his 'mayor' pin. Not to mention his dumb pants that don't even match his shirt.

     I think, I think I'm going to curl up in this corner for a little bit, and cry some manly tears, just... just a little... (the rest of the page is soaked in tears)
So, that got out of hand really quickly. I'm too over tired to be making rational decisions, and for whatever reason I really latched onto the 'I lost mayor' thing. My general hatred of elves pushed me over the edge, and I recall earlier in the thread people didn't want to piss of the elves. If you guys want, I'm only like 10 days in, so I could revert the save if this is a problem. But for now, I'm going to hopefully get some sleep.


  • Bay Watcher
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I request the two Hydreigon. Because if I can't have birds, I may as well master the inner darkness of death.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses

Paddywagon Man

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The pokemon will become ours, and besides we already have way too many pokemon and we don't need more elven caravans.

Crazy elf sieges would be appreciated, to make up for the lack of zombie sieges...

EDIT: And when the bloodbath is over I shall claim the Lickitung.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 08:29:02 pm by Paddywagon Man »


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« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 10:18:07 pm by Nopal »


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The pokemon will become ours, and besides we already have way too many pokemon and we don't need more elven caravans.

There is actually a good bit of truth to this. While the elves are nice to have around in the early years, it does become a bit too easy to become inundated with pets. I'm thinking that full-scale war against them would be welcome at this point.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


  • Bay Watcher
  • If only I knew what was going on
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I'm glad to see that everyone is open to the idea of all out elf genocide, I'll get right on it.

Maximum Spin

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Are there still over 9000, literally, raw fish lying around?
That's why there was a room full of clay fisheries.

Nothing should've been forbidden, in the depot or elsewhere, except for all the trash to be sold off, though, like I said before.

BTW, uh, you might want to take a closer look at that statue. And then some of the others lying around. :P
« Last Edit: January 28, 2018, 04:46:21 am by Maximum Spin »


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can i take the wigglypuff? and hopefully someone in the guard ?.......and a guardivor (not sure if i spelled that right) if you ever get one ill.....take good "care" of it....>_> <_< >_> -///-'


  • Bay Watcher
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id also like to be on of the dwarfs i the guard if possible


  • Bay Watcher
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Pretty soon, everyone will be in the Guard as we advance to a bright new junta state, so don't you worry! Just like ol Birdy, you'll soon be slaughtering innocent creatures wholesale, uplifting your life from that of a simple cheesemaker or a hunter, to that of a dangerous carnivore thirsting for blood! You'll be running through the halls like a frothing maniac, ready to kill at a moments notice!

Armok finds joy in SLAUGHTER!

Oh. And I might have a suggestion. If we can somehow catch a Steelix, it might be wise to pen it behind a fortification or two as target practice for any new Marksdwarf squads. If we use wooden bolts, we might not be able to pierce it's sides, but experience will be gained all the same.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses
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