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Author Topic: But You Still Gotta Catch 'Em All - Succession Pokemon Fortress of Goldsilver  (Read 78837 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • My sole interest is uncovering the truth!
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Hello there! Welcome to the world of DWARVÉMON! My name is COLE. People call me the DWARVÉMON SCHOLAR.
This world is inhabited by creatures called POKÉMON- Oh god bad example For some dwarves, POKÉMON are slave labor. Others use them for fights. Myself... I really don't care unless they're MIMIKYU, but whatever floats your boat.
So tell me, are you a boy or a girl?

Wait, Pokemon? There's Pokemon in Dwarf Fortress?
I asked if you were a boy or a girl you son of a- Yes! Pokemon in Dwarf Fortress! Our wonderful Professor FirePhoenix11 developed a wonderful mod that puts every single Pokemon in Dwarf Fortress, along with other features such as Mega Evolution, Shadow Pokemon (we'll get to see that, trust me), and even Legendary Megabeasts! You can find the mod here!

So... are there other vanilla animals in this?
Nope!... Well, as much as we can control. We'll probably encounter some randomly generated titans or HFS new Pokemon, like Badger in the last succession fort.

Last succession fort?
Yep, if you haven't read the last succession fort, you will not understand the lore of some peoples' posts (for example, my first post), so I would recommend reading it. It's awfully Fun.

Why do this one, then?
Because last fort was the very first succession fort I ever played, let alone ran. It had lots of flaws, so this one I hope to fix a lot of the flaws the last one had. Namely, we'll be embarking in a 2x2 spot, and I'll provide a better system for claiming Pokemon; probably related to the document I implemented last time but with better care.

Post if you want to be dorfed or if you want a turn, and what you want your dwarf's profession to be!

1. RedMageCole (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2. Nopal (1) (2) (3) (3.5) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
3. FirePhoenix11 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
4. Paddywagon Man (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5. Maximum Spin (In Progress)
6. bloop_bleep
7. Moonstone_Flower
8. MottledPetrel
9. DolosusDoleus

Dorf List
1. Beirus
2. Glass
3. Shidoni
4. xSkeletalx
5. Melkor
6. MCreeper
7. Fluffe9911
8. Bearskie
9. Ball
10. birdy51
11. Kamani
12. Zefermcdwarfpants
13. AernJardos
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 10:20:07 am by RedMageCole »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cancels Programming: Went insane.
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I'll definitely be in this one too, either 2nd or 3rd if someone wants to go before me (I'm not too fussed). Like last time, I'll be the animal Pokemon caretaker / trainer with an Absol if available, otherwise my trusty Snivy.
Dwarvemon Mod (For all your Pokemon needs)


  • Bay Watcher
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Gimme a male Swordsdwarf and a Larvitar if possible. If not, maybe an Aron or alolan sandshrew.

I might try to take a turn this time, but I'll have to see what my schedule will be like first.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 11:19:40 am by Beirus »
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.

Paddywagon Man

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I'll be an engraver with a Dratini, or a Zubat if that's not a possibility. If it isn't too much trouble, see if any of the starting dwarves like Gulpin or Swalot, I'm gonna beautifly this fort!

Otherwise... any poison works.

And I can take a turn for sure, put me on your list.


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« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 09:20:53 pm by Nopal »


  • Bay Watcher
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The blacksmith is still here and would still like some fire-types.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • My sole interest is uncovering the truth!
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This is fun; I typed up an introduction draft last night when it was just Phoenix and Beirus and the 'filler dwarves until they join for sure' were Glass, Paddywagon and Nopal, and the three who literally just joined...

One more dorf and we can start, then!

Maximum Spin

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One more dorf and we can start, then!
Uh, me, obviously! Add me to the turn list. Since Nopal has a Mareep, I guess I'll take a Gabite instead. And if I'm going to have a ground shark, I might as well be a miner... and a combeekeeper on the side.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 12:23:06 pm by Maximum Spin »


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I missed the chance to start, but could I please be dorfed among the first wave?

Not on the turn list for now. We'll see if I get more time.


  • Bay Watcher
  • My sole interest is uncovering the truth!
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Fuck, this already started?
I've been a little sick lately so I haven't been around the forums but you didn't have to leave me behind you bunch of Cloysters!
1. RedMageCole
2. FirePhoenix11
3. Paddywagon Man
4. Nopal
_EDIT: No fair. I wanted a very early turn in the fort, I told you in the Pocketball thread, what a bummer.

Sorry about that! :-[ My mistake!

I'll put you before FirePhoenix11 if there's no qualms!

Otherwise, we'll start soon!


  • Bay Watcher
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Please sign me up for Dorfing! Male, if possible. My personal preference is for the first couple of generations, preferrably the Gastly and Abra lines; maybe make me the fort's resident medical dwarf and also gravekeeper? I have some journal ideas, hearing the voices of the dead, surrounded by psychic and ghost pokemon and just generally being an unnerving presence.

Will possibly ask to join the turn line-up later on.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 01:17:02 pm by xSkeletalx »


  • Bay Watcher
  • My sole interest is uncovering the truth!
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Summer, Hematite 2
It started as a day like any other. The day was fresh and bright and rather chipper. Especially with the screams of terrified dwarves on the outside of the Masterball library... yes, it truly was a beautiful day. As I sipped my mug of ale, I started to finish the rest of my new book. This was it; the finished Dwarvedex. I would never remember anything that wasn't my darling Mimikyus (inexplicably, I felt the need to grow a giant afro at that point), so I had created this so that everyone could look up Pokemon quite easily. I'd just go to the overseer and tell them we needed to make copies of this immediately! As I wondered who the overseer was, Beirus slammed open the door. He looked like absolute hell, upper lip missing as always, which I smiled and nodded at. Beirus, noticeably, was not smiling.

"Good evening, Beirus. To what do I owe the-"

Beirus immediately started to barricade the library doors with tables. I paniced.

"Beirus! What are you doi-"

"Cole, we need to get the fuck OUT OF HERE."

Beirus looked absolutely terrified. I looked puzzled.

"Excuse m-"

Just then, Professor FirePhoenix11 came in, desperately scribbling notes as he, too, started barricading entries with tables.

"Now really, Professor, is this really the way to behave!?"

FirePhoenix11 simply started desperately scribbling after barricading while muttering to himself in a panic.

"Demons... not... safe to tame... like Pokemon... requires... further... research... though most likely... not..."

Only one word registered with me.

"DEMONS!? Professor- no, Beirus, what the fuck is going on!? What dumbass overseer would let the demons in!? I thought we had a cave-in system and-"

Beirus came up to me.

And slapped me across the face.

"Get outta the damn library like a real dwarf and actually pay attention to what's going on! Maybe if you were out of this library, you'd notice the overseer was a child!"

I blinked a few times, then laughed.

"Oh, that rascal MCreeper. Tell me, did he make a new water tow-"

Beirus grabbed me and shook me. I had to adjust my glasses a bit to see Nopal, Maximum Spin, Glass and Paddywagon Man.

"STOP JOKING! I mean a literal goddamn child! Nobody bothered to keep the overseer position in check after Maximum stepped down, so some child came in, butchered literally everything they did, and let a goddamn forgotten beast in! The forgotten beast burned up everything, and you know what happened next!? It broke the barrier we had and let the demons in before we could seal them back up! We have to evacuate Pocketball now!"

I blinked.

I stuttered.

I gazed at FirePhoenix11 looking at notes, on the verge of tears that never quite came.

Then I yelled.


Summer, Hematite 7

"This is bullshit. This is bull. Shit! This is some kind of maximized bullshit I can't even come up with a better word for it!"

I kept complaining, but it seemed like nobody wanted to listen. Not the Pokemon we salvaged, not the dwarves that survived, nobody.

"How did we let a child run the fortress!? How!?"

Nobody answered. Eventually, I did give up.

"...Forgive me."

With the demons at every exit, we had to immediately dig a tunnel and build a wall behind us. Demons couldn't get past walls, thankfully. I hadn't even heard about the forgotten beast that laid us to waste before the demons came back, but Nopal gave me a nice little sketch of the freakish abomination. I loved Nopal's artwork, but the poor guy seems very down. I don't even have the heart to yell anymore, seeing Nopal so upset. Thinking about it, all of his great works were in that fortress. All of the masterworks we commissioned him for... all gone.

I watched Maximum Spin mine at the tunnels, uncaringly as he did. This was... a rough time, to say the least. It wasn't even just him and Nopal that were feeling depression; I felt bad for everyone I saw. FirePhoenix11 didn't even have the motivation anymore to keep himself occupied with his Pokemon notes. Paddywagon Man looked even worse than she did when she lost the title of baroness. Glass didn't have a single forge or Fire-type Pokemon to keep him company. Beirus was grumbling, and I could see his teeth grinding. I would say I felt badly even for MCreeper, who I saw came in at the last second... though I don't think he's that upset. I think he's been yelling at anyone longer than I've yelled.

His yelling... it's all I can goddamn hear anymore. I'm getting tired of it. I angrily ask Maximum Spin to mine a quick hole for me. Not to take a leak. But because I want to do something desperate.

Yes... for the sake of the dwarves who had worked so hard...

RedMageCole looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!

Summer, Hematite 11

Freedom! We finally breach the Earth, hopefully miles away from Pocketball! Everyone's in a much better mood finally seeing sunlight; some of us had cave sickness, but thankfully, everyone was happy! Especially since we had nice food to eat, it turned out I had some in my pockets, and we were all able to share. Also, I had found a lovely little leather and bone headband as well. Nopal seemed the worst off, so to honor his service, I gave it to him. Nopal seemed happy about it. It was the first time I saw him smile in months...

We chopped trees and planned to set up a new fort. I sent a few scouts to go check the area around us, they should be back in a couple days, hopefully.

Summer, Hematite 13

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Paddywagon Man and Beirus, the scouts I had sent, came back screaming. They told me there was hell and fire being raised nearby by demons. It seems we aren't safe, even here. Thankfully, we fashioned a wagon, and we salvaged a Blitzle in our Pokemon stock. We saddle up and get moving. We have to get out of here, and fast.

Summer, Hematite 20

We stop at a lovely dwarven town. They heard of Pocketball's exploits and wanted us to tell them all about it in the morning, but for now, we were treated to a feast. FirePhoenix11, the most analytic of all, laughed and told me that this meat was so good, it tasted entirely different from the meat I gave everyone in the caverns. He then looked at me quite sternly and asked what Pokemon it was.

I laughed and told him, 'at least it wasn't Poison-type, right?'

The answer satisfied him. As we all wondered how we were going to detail our extravagent tale to everyone in the morning, we went to sleep...

Summer, Hematite 21


Summer, Galena 13

We've been running for almost two months now. Today is pretty much the first day we've ever been able to even take a break. We've had to eat while running.

Apparently, the demons all conglomerated from Pocketball and started to spread throughout the world. The lands are ruined. Everything is gone. Nothing's going to be left. We don't know how we've survived at this point. There's only so many demons Beirus, Paddywagon Man and Nopal can cut up.

We were able to find a new continent far, far away from this one that the demons would never be able to reach. We'd just have to find the proper supplies, make a boat that can stay afloat for days, and somehow not die in the process.

I've never been good at labor but i have to help everyone

Autumn, Limestone 10

We reached the edge of the continent. We had our boat, we found supplies, and we hunted Pokemon. FirePhoenix11, for once, did not object. Everything's going to be dead by the time the demons arrive anyway. We might as well let them provide us some nourishment. We even found plants to make some booze for the trip, and we're making a boat at top speeds.

Autumn, Limestone 15

The demons caught up to us, so we didn't get to prepare as much as we would have liked. We set sail; I watched as Beirus deflected a few fireballs back at the assholes with his swords. It was pretty awesome.

What wasn't awesome was everyone's faces as we watched the continent behind us burn.

Autumn, Limestone 20

We're so far away from it. It's still burning

Autumn, Limestone 28

Oh god i can still smell the burning bodies

Autumn, Sandstone 10

None of this would have happened if i werent so greedy

I didnt have to grab so much adamantine i could have just been happy with what we had

I cant go on i should have just pitched myself off the boat when i had the chance

i cant do this naymore

RedMageCole is stricken by melancholy!

Autumn, Sandstone 16

nopal drew me a picture.

it was a mimikyu but it was giving me two thumbs up.

and it was saying get better soon.

i guess people were seeing me sulking and crying and maximum spin had to stop me from throwing myself off the boat.

i guess i didnt make it that subtle.

thanks nopal.

Autumn, Sandstone 24

today beirus noticed i wasnt eating any of my shares

i insisted i wasnt hungry but i look skeletal

beirus ended up shoving some chansey meat down my throat

told me firephoenixii said it would help


Autumn, Sandstone 28

i dont think it matters anymore

Autumn, Timber 15

Today, a miracle happened.

It was probably my 29th time trying to commit suicide (Maximum Spin says it was 30th, but I beg to differ), when I was stopped not by Maximum Spin or Beirus desperately pulling me away from the edge of the boat, but what we saw.

A rainbow.

But not just a rainbow.

A Pokemon.

It was a shimmering bird that reflected the rainbow in its feathers, making it look as if it glowed a myriad of beautiful golden colors when truly, its own sheen was that of the rainbow as well. Its golden sparkles landed on us...

That's when FirePhoenix11 came up from behind us, scribbling notes a mile a minute, spoke.


We all watched as it flew into the clouds... and I felt rejuvenated as the sparkles touched my skin. And what was even more heavenly were the words Nopal said.


Winter, Moonstone 1

Winter had arrived, and thankfully we found a nice cave to hole up in. I think this must have been some kind of kobold cave before we moved in, because it was loaded with food and supplies to last us throughout the winter. But we'd have to get out when Spring arrived.

It's gonna be busy around here, so I'm gonna be avoiding writing in my journal until the winter's over.

Godspeed. Strike the earth.

Spring, Granite 15

Just in time for spring, I had finished my map of the area we had stumbled upon. I'd place us around that grey and red area at the left. I looked around... Forest. Forest everywhere, to start. I figured, okay, not a bad place to settle, right?


The Pokemon here... something about them wasn't right. It took a bit for us to find out, but we all saw something almost haunted. You ever see those zombie movies? These were like... zombie Pokemon. But not quite; they were still alive and well. But they were... like... shadows of their former selves.

FirePhoenix11 had a guess; these were Pokemon that artificially had the door to their hearts closed, probably by a necromancer out of a job. So they were like Zombie Pokemon, just... less rotting.

We coined the term 'Shadow Pokemon'. And the place was crawling with them. Maximum Spin wanted us to continue digging, but I stopped him. I picked a spot; 2x3 with width being the biggest factor. I had said 2x2, but it should still yield better results than 3x3, and this world has been giving me much less lag due to its size. And hopefully, just hopefully, we won't run into any demons. And I told everyone some inspirational speech about how we need to find the secrets of these Shadow Pokemon. Everyone was less than willing, but FirePhoenix11 thought it was a great idea. With him and I having the most influence, that was settled. I triumphantly yelled...


Everyone thought that was a stupid quote to say, but then I started playing music at that point, which resulted in the Pokemon also dancing. It was pretty sweet and everyone got kind of pumped.

I checked the area.

Basically everything was optimal condition minus, well, you know, the Shadow Pokemon. We could be worse off for sure...

Our Pokemon consisted of a couple we caught on the way. Beirus was the only one who got a bit stiffed on his Aron or Larvitar or Alolan Sandshrew, but I picked him up a Probopass. Hopefully he doesn't mind; it's still Rock/Steel.

We also trained them, so they're strong enough to fend for themselves. Paddywagon Man has a Crobat, Maximum Spin has a Gabite (not a Garchomp yet), Nopal has an Ampharos, Glass has a Charizard, FirePhoenix11 has a Serperior, and I have... an Eevee wearing a Mimikyu costume.

Don't laugh, okay? I miss my babies. And I can study evolution with this Eevee.

Decent supplies (no iron anvils for some reason)...

We were once Pocketball. But now... we are Goldsilver.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Let's do this.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 02:29:16 pm by RedMageCole »


  • Bay Watcher
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I've read so many succession games, but it's exciting to be part of a brand new one so early!

When my dorf eventually wanders in, would it be possible to request his detail screen?


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Probopasses seemed pretty awesome in Pocketball, so I don't mind having one. I'd still like a Larvitar or aron if we manage to trade with anyone that has them, if possible. Or a male Ralts or Kirlia so I could try to get a Gallade. Or a Pawniard/Bisharp would work too. I needs a sword Pokemon to match my swords.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.
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