Hello, everyone!
I'm gonna be honest... these past few months (I think that's how long I was gone, jesus) have not been too great for me, and overall I've stopped coming to Bay12Forums. I ended up dropping a lot of websites I used to go to, but lately I've told myself I'm going to pick myself up and start getting back to everything.
I never got to write everyone a post apologizing and clearing up everything that was going on. I have been back into college and this year has been rough; I've been trying to find a job recently but have had very little luck, which has been putting me into a bit of a tantrum spiral of my own as I try to figure out what exactly I'm supposed to do with my life.
I've lost friend after friend as well, which really didn't help my mood.
But today, I vowed to try and get back on my feet. It starts with trying to apply to everywhere I possibly can work for a job, it starts with trying to get my grades in college up, and it starts with owing everyone I owe an apology. And I owe you all an apology; an apology for having neglected this fort for so long and an apology for not updating it or giving you guys an update on how I was doing.
But I promise that I'm going to do better now. I'm planning on one day in my spare time going back and updating the front page with all of the posts. I figure the doc may be a bust, but maybe that can be a thing one day, just so MottledPetrel (hey, I just noticed, that's the name of that one Rocket Admin in HGSS with all the Koffings) doesn't have to be confused on who wants what Pokemon.
All in all, I'm sorry for everything and I understand if some of you might be angry with me, but please know that I am doing only the best that I can do. And I want to continue to support this fort. One day I might even look forward to making Rubysapphire for the new update; it could be fun.
I promise that I'm gonna try to do better from now on, guys. Thank you for your patience.