(I’m glad you are with us again, Liel. Your mental defenselessness was an unpleasant surprise. And my mistake. I should have thought better but to use your help in analyzing every encountered being and phenomena, forgoing caution for knowledge sake.
Right now, we diffused hostile situation into uneasy partnership of sorts. We use him, he uses us... But no trust is present barring trust put into each other self-interest. This may evolve in time or end soon, but I thought you should know this: we ceased hostilities, but you should take utmost care still. I might be able to protect you now with mind field, but it is not fully adapted yet.
From my observations, Ambition the Irregular - so is he called in these places - is less adept mentally compared to myself, but more experienced, used to forcing his way and reaching the spoils. The one thing he could not force himself into was Sky Temple - my guess it is the Beacon you’ve led us to or it’s protection.
We partnered up to gain entrance into Sky Temple, but a powerful guardian was alarmed of our presence and would be here soon. So my question for you is if you’re willing and able to help us break the riddle.)
Liel attentively listened to your explanation of the situation. She answered with a very understanding tone.
(I understand. Such cooperative operation is to be expected in these foreign territories and, I will not shy away to tell you that this deal is similar to the one linking us to you. I am satisfied rather, let's benefit as much as possible from this.)
(We are in the land of Marandars, which is ruled by Great Ten - five Beasts who represent monsterkind and five Hunters who represent settled races, though distinction between them is unclear. When any rise above others, they unite to cull them. Our partner is distinct from those, rising on his own accord and challenging them. From what I gathered, he is one stage behind, with us being even further.
That said, one of the Beasts, Cradled Skydragon Gol Gimmum is Keeper of Sky Temple and we defeated his servants, using Essence to revive you. Now he is on the move and Astrosa does not feel good about our odds...
From what I gathered, Sky Temple is a structure from Levemite times, as none were seem able to penetrate it yet, lacking understanding or fouled by ancient counters built-in. From what I gathered, beings here are interested in strength and stability at its own sake, with Ambition being curious outlier.)
(Thank you for the report. Your assumption concerning the Sky Temple is true. I wanted to confirm it myself before revealing further informations to you, but what they call the Sky Temple is most likely a Levemite installation. Still, there is a discrepancy in the situation: the distress signal I am picking up is not coming from the structure you indicate, rather, the signal is coming from far higher in altitude.
And unfortunately, the Xatares core unit has refused to grant me clearance to information pertaining this structure until we can reach it. I assume I will be granted the means necessary to access the installation at that moment.)
(Hm. Most interesting! We shall start with Sky Temple first, then. Our partnership with Ambition lingers on that and I’m sure signal can wait a little bit more without attention from powerful monsters. We’ll decide on when it would be approached best right after Sky Temple. Agreed?)
“Astrosa... How bad it is?”
Astrosa was grim.
"I can't see the horizon. All I see is a ball of blinding power, like a small sun coming right at us. Ulkas, we can't face that and escape unscathed."
"Not now, at least."
“Well, that was obvious from the start. We take risks to rise further and further. We would have encountered such monsters anyway, sooner or later. Now, we still have chance to delay the battle gaining access to the Temple and using it for advantage.
Fear not. I’ll always be by your side.”
She smiled, recovering her unwavering aura.
"I have nothing to fear if we fight side by side."