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Author Topic: You are a Monster - Turn 67  (Read 227687 times)


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #810 on: May 31, 2018, 07:42:13 am »

Squelchy was starting to collect its thoughts. It began to realize that no matter where the slimes went, they would still be in danger. Thus, to Squelchy, the only logical next step was to become powerful enough to protect its group, whom Squelchy had grown quite fond of and considered to be like family to it. With this in mind, he gathered the group's strongest hunters and set off, telling the rest of the group to wait here. (That's assuming Xorosk doesn't tell them to leave. If Xorosk does, Squelchy tells the slimes to simply follow a light pheromone trail he will leave.) He then brings the small hunting group out to the forest to find some monsters with essence to harvest, leaving behind the aforementioned pheromone trail.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 30
« Reply #811 on: June 01, 2018, 04:50:35 am »

Turn 30:

Turn 29

Ulkas, the Horned Demon (Sarrak)
"Thanks for assistance, Liel, I think I'm getting more precise in my control with your observations. Seeing that many Essence being completely useless to us gave me an idea. What if we use Lesser Essence to farm monsters with my mind-control?"

"Let me elaborate. Astrosa, do you remember how we met initially? Your strategy was betting on luck heavily, but we can make it much more refined. Not all mosters we have met could consume Essence, but whose who did, might use this free Essence to evolve to the stage that is of use to us. Obviously, herding many weak monsters would be pointless, but stage 2 shows promise. Liel, how many of those weaklings a stage 2 monster would need to evolve into a passable snack?"

Ulkas grinned devilishly before adding:

"And in case we find someone as unique and understanding as myself, who knows? We could use some capable minions. What do you think?"

If controllers are too weak, kill them. Else, feed all Essence to one without brain to see what happens and if it can still evolve. Then, rush to our destination, using Astrosa eyes to seek good prey - or numerous stage 2 pack.

She smiled.
"Yes, I do fondly remember our meeting."

Your body couldn't help but remember the pain from that time.
"But this time was different: you were worthy of my Essence. Those lowly creatures are not comparable to- Ah. I just understood. Hmm... that could be worth a try if feeding these insects won't take too much time."

If I am not mistaken, about 10 of these Monsters Essence would be needed for a Tier 2 Monster to attain Tier 3.
(A small note, I will use Tier when talking about Stage with Liel. Just for flavor.)

Luck Roll: [4]
It was just your luck, it just so happened that the less damaged of the Skalruogs had the potential to awaken. You forced all Essence into it-

The Skalruog 'Leader' evolved into an All-Eye Skalruog
The transformation was quick. The Skalruog humanoid shape didn't change, but eyes appeared all over its body, forming lines of eyes connected to its plexus.

It was still under your control, but was starting to fight it off.

Travel Roll: [1]
"Ulkas. It seems I underestimated this place."

When Astrosa started with this low and serious tone, it was a sign she sensed a powerful being. One that she wasn't sure she could win against. She described her sensations to Liel, who gave an estimation of the enemy's stage.
Tier 8. That would be the the highest we have seen since we left Xatares.

"I think it sensed us too."

Nearby Monsters:
-Unknown Stage 8 Monster
-1 Skalruog 'Leaders' Controlled
-1 All-Eye Skalruog Controlled
Stage 3
Max HP 24
Max MP 22
POW -1
[Poisons detected]
[No magic affinity detected]

Spoiler: Ulkas Status (click to show/hide)

Azarian, the Imbued Thoughtling (Dustan Hache)
ogres are smarter than they look, and being dead probably didn't change that. Devour the mind of one, and try to turn them on eachother. Hopefully it will weaken or kill the one that I dont control.

Mind Eater:
Very Easy 4: [3]
Outcome: [4] -Failure-
A simple undead mind is very simple, close to that of an automaton. Yet you tried to eat the mind of that undead Ogre... only to realize both had no mind at all.

They were just moving corpses that would very definitely attack anything they would detect.

Nearby Monsters:
-2 Undead Ogres

Spoiler: Azarian's Status (click to show/hide)

Viridikion the Green Dragon Hatchling (randomgenericusername)
((that guy waaay too strong and there was nothing I could have done. Escaping or fghting, both would have gotten me killed no mather what because of the area spell.))

Spoiler: New Monster (click to show/hide)

[4] The first thing you felt when you hatched from your egg was the soft sensation of fabric. Then the warm rays of the sun stroking your scales. And the light breeze that came from the tall and wide windows of the room with white stone walls.

A bell ringed. Before you stood a strange creature.

A Human wearing priest garments was sitting on a chair before you, carrying with him a plate on which rested juicy meat and delicious fruits.

"Viridikion" it said. It was your name.

Spoiler: Viridikion Status (click to show/hide)

Skee, the Insect Parasite (Legendary Marksdorf)
((Holy heck. 20 Essence. I was expecting a lot, but not this much ! Seems like the Banera was reaallly strong.))

Claim the essence, then Transform : ((if I counted right, this should be enough for Skee to reach stage 2 right away))

Spoiler: 'Stage 2, here we go' (click to show/hide)

Then, make your host say : "Against all odds, we've managed to defeat this fearsome beast through teamwork. Even though we lost several brothers tonight, this goes to show that if we stand united, nothing will be able to stop us. Now if just five of us were able to defeat a Banera, imagine what all Makralians would be able to do if they worked together. If any of you weren't convinced that reuniting all the packs was a good idea, I'm sure they've changed their mind now."

Before leaving, cut off the bladed part of the Banera's tail, then skin it and take its pelt. If you can't carry these alone, ask the other Makralians for help. With these, you should be able to craft something interesting later, such as a weapon for your host and possibly even armor. Have your host wear the Banera's head on his own. ((In a similar fashion to this))

Finally, head for the Makralian reunion.

The other Makralians were awed before the feat. They celebrated, and unanimously choose you as the new Leader of the Pack.
"Shnapa! Shnapa!"

You ordered them to help you skin the Banera and cut its tail to wield as a weapon, but the Makralian's claws and hand shape made wielding something very unwieldy. It was very hard for your host to maintain a half-decent grasp on the tail. While Makralians could pick up things, they couldn't wield and manipulate them easily.

(The Banera has no fur)

You had your host wear the beast's head, further encumbering it. The Makralians didn't understand your strange behavior, but they didn't care. Your new pack then left for the Reunion spot...

After another day of walking you reached the Reunion spot. Around a massive tree, probably hundreds of Makralians were gathered. The area was bustling with activity, but the packs were still firmly separated.

Luck Roll: [1]

Your arrival was quickly noticed. A Makralian wearing the rotting head of a Banera and attempting to wield its tail. Your pack looked proud and confident, but every Makralians around gave you weird looks.

Nearby Monsters:
-Hundreds of Adult Makralians

Spoiler: Skee Status (click to show/hide)

Go'Von, the Strangler Ooze (Puppyguard)
Ambush a small hunting party for snacks.

Luck Roll: [3]

Marandars, the Savage Country. So called by the other nations not because of the monsters roaming its lands, but because of their hunters. The Marandars, also known as the greatest known hunters of the civilized countries.

You lied in ambush close to the settlement, on the lookout for a small group of hunters. These strange creatures never left alone, always in groups of three. But by chance, one of the leaving groups was made of only two creatures.

You followed them silently, ready to ambush them once they would drop their guard.

Ambushing Hunters:
Hard 12: [8]
Outcome: [1] -Critical Failure-

You suddenly lost track of them. Strange, until now they were moving at a regular pace and didn't seem t have detected y-

(Str 2 vs Con 1): [8]+5 (Ambush2 Spear3) vs [4]
Critical: [4] -Normal Hit-
Damage: ([4]+1)*1.5=7

One of the hunter appeared from behind, stabbing one of your arms into the ground with its spear. It was also wielding a shield, and was apparently wearing a full suit of fur and leather armor.

The other hunter was nowhere to be seen.

Nearby Beings:
-1 Marandarsian Hunter
-1 Unseen Marandarsian Hunter

Spoiler: Go'Von Status (click to show/hide)

Eximius Res, the Rusty Ring (Hawk132)
"... Let's wait for a short while, Veras. I do not want to endanger the villagers unnecessarily. One of my effects lessens fatigue and dulls pain. If we're lucky, the kid'll wake up soon. But if he doesn't show any signs of waking up, use it."

Let's wait for a bit. If Prias doesn't wake up, use Veras' tool.

Moderate 10: [10]
Outcome: [6] -Overshoot-
Prias woke up, having recovered some of its energy. But its sense of pain was so dulled it could barely sense any. Veras explained the situation to Prias, and you also warned him of his current state.

"We have no choice. Better go before the pain starts kicking back."

The group left all non-vital items here, at the entrance of the ruin. Then Prias lifted Veras to carry him on his back. You left toward the village of Safara.

Travel Roll: [4]
Was it luck or fate? Your journey back to the village was undisturbed, and it was a good thing. You wouldn't have survived an encounter with any creature, you were sure of it.

You arrived to the village of Safara. Prias, who couldn't feel pain anymore, had walked until the skin of his feet got scraped to the bone. The rest of his body was in an equally terrible shape, and you still remember the panicked looks and the tears of his friends.


It will take some time for Veras and Prias to recover. What did you do in the meantime, and even after they recovered?

Nearby Monsters:

Spoiler: Eximius Res Status (click to show/hide)

Terrence the Bone Baron - (ironsnake345)
Well, I'm getting the short corner of this triangle.
Vel and the specter whose name I CANNOT remember are doing a lot better than I am; continue fighting, but focus more on defense; try to last until the others can give me a hand.

Adopting a more defensive stance, you started stalling for time.
Spoiler: Second Round (click to show/hide)
Terrence lost 4HP

Hooligans! Your footwork helped defend yourself a little better, but your body still ended up slashed and battered. Vel was doing good with his three opponents, that is until he suddenly managed to somehow trip? Which ended up badly for him.

Artomal on the other hand, had finished his two Rippers. He was unsure who to assist.

Nearby Monsters:
-Artomal, 'Gentleman' Specter Ally
-8 Undead Rippers (humanoid, 4 to 6 clawed arms, no armor)
Vs Terrence:
> one to -4
> one to -3
> one to -6
Vs Vel:
> one dead
> one to -8
> one okay
Vs Artomal:
> two dead

Spoiler: Terrencce Status (click to show/hide)

Squelchy, the Omnislime (Coolrune206)
Squelchy was starting to collect its thoughts. It began to realize that no matter where the slimes went, they would still be in danger. Thus, to Squelchy, the only logical next step was to become powerful enough to protect its group, whom Squelchy had grown quite fond of and considered to be like family to it. With this in mind, he gathered the group's strongest hunters and set off, telling the rest of the group to wait here. (That's assuming Xorosk doesn't tell them to leave. If Xorosk does, Squelchy tells the slimes to simply follow a light pheromone trail he will leave.) He then brings the small hunting group out to the forest to find some monsters with essence to harvest, leaving behind the aforementioned pheromone trail.

You ended up sharing your thoughts with Xorosk, who ended up being a very understanding and wise fellow. It gave you four days to gain strength, after which you would have to leave. In the meantime, he would protect your friends.

Gloop Blop and Zed had survived, and joined the hunting group. Two more slimes joined, Tacloo and Balabalababa, respectively a Spinebomb Slime and a Pungent Filth Eater. The former looked like a slimy cushion with countless spines that could be expelled with force. The latter was a brown-purple puddle that could eat anything, and could weaponize the diseases it held within it.

Your hunting group then left.

Hunting Roll: [3,5]
Luck Roll: [1]

In four days, you five fought several creatures of the Jungle. From beasts, to insects, to amorphous creatures. With coordination and determination, you took them all down, and even managed to kill a strong creature.

30 Lesser Essence gathered
10 Medium Essence gathered

But your hunts attracted unwanted attention, and the Elemanoptera attacked once more. And while Xorosk took them all out, he told you that you had to leave earlier than arranged, both for yours and the spring's safety.

Nearby Monsters:
-Xorosk, 'Spring Guardian' Superior Miasma Dragon Friendly

Spoiler: Squelchy Status (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 04:54:11 am by Nakéen »


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #812 on: June 01, 2018, 04:55:17 am »

I'm open to allowing two players. It will definitely slow the game a bit, but that's not a problem.


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #813 on: June 01, 2018, 05:22:09 am »

((The essence obtained by my hunting does not seem to have made its way onto my status page, as I still have 6/20. If I gathered 40, does that mean I'm ready to transform with 26 essence left over?))
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #814 on: June 01, 2018, 05:24:09 am »

((The essence obtained by my hunting does not seem to have made its way onto my status page, as I still have 6/20. If I gathered 40, does that mean I'm ready to transform with 26 essence left over?))
((I left it open in case you would want to share it.))

Dustan Hache

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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #815 on: June 01, 2018, 05:25:50 am »

maybe they are not true undead. Try to psi siphon the mana from the bodies, and draw out whatever raised them.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #816 on: June 01, 2018, 05:29:57 am »

((Ah, I see))

Squelchy's original plan was to keep all the essence for itself so that it may become powerful quickly to protect its allies. However, seeing as how well his allies performed, it figured they were due some reward. As such, Squelchy only absorbed 20 of the essence, allowing the other 4 slimes to split the remaining 20 between themselves, with each receiving five.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #817 on: June 01, 2018, 05:57:07 am »

"Too bad. I was hoping to gain more before confronting such entities. With our equipment and abilities, we might yet prevail, but it would be disastrous at best. I really think we should try to avoid fighting for now."

Knowing that this potential enemy might have already felt their presence, Ulkas had to think fast:

"I'll try to teleport us closer to beacon and then we bet on speed for avoidance. If it still gives chase... Then we would think of strategy to raise our odds in confrontation."

Kill Skalruog & consume Essence, while preparing long-distance teleportation [high in the air at beacon direction]. Observe new surroundings and make sure we're not walking into more powerful entities. Try to put distance between us.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 06:12:19 am by Sarrak »
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #818 on: June 01, 2018, 06:11:43 am »

((I really hope stage 8 ignores us for now. Or follows very slowly, so that we would raise a few stages and see beacon before confronting it  :P ))
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 06:13:35 am by Sarrak »
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.

Legendary Marksdorf

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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #819 on: June 01, 2018, 06:46:15 am »

Skee was disappointed. He thought that wearing the head of a fierce predator would get his pack the admiration they deserved. Instead of that, all these apes were staring at Shnapa like he was some sort of a deranged madman. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. He decided to discard the Banera's head.

Skee also noticed that his host's hands were ill-suited for wielding weapons. But that wasn't something he couldn't fix. Using [Bioengineer], Skee rearranged Shnapa's fingers to make his hands more human-like. If he doesn't already have these, grow some opposable thumbs as well. ((don't know how long this should take, all up to you Nakéen)).

Using [Thoughtwalker], Skee then attempted to learn the Makralian dialect by exploiting Shnapa's memories. He practiced it by talking a bit with members of the pack first, so he'll be ready when he speaks to Makralians from the other packs.

Finally, observe the other packs while waiting for the arrival of the last remaining packs. See if any of them stand out.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 06:57:47 am by Legendary Marksdorf »


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #820 on: June 01, 2018, 08:26:56 am »

Can mine join Nakéen?

Um, am I supposed to put My Ice Spirit here form the waitlist?

Well, either way, my action is being born.
Bit silly, but I do need to be born, even if it's just crystallization of my form.

Stage 1 is like a crystal gem/core
Stage 2 will be a bit like the size of a pixie.

edit, sorry. Have a pic of stage 0.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 01:52:46 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #821 on: June 01, 2018, 09:35:30 am »

Spoiler: Squacks (click to show/hide)


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #822 on: June 01, 2018, 09:42:45 am »

Viridikion closes distance with the strange creature. It smells it and stares at it with curiosity.
For a moment, he struggles to imitate the noises of the creature, but quickly forgets about this when he notices the smell of fresh fruits and food.
Viridikion waits, waving his tail like an excited dog and with his stomach growling. Is that food for me?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 12:35:28 pm by randomgenericusername »
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #823 on: June 01, 2018, 12:26:38 pm »

It may have one arm pinned, but it doesn't have the other! Grab it by the throat and pull it in to digest.
If that fails, rush at it with our main body and attempt to dissolve its legs.


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Re: You are a Monster - Turn 29
« Reply #824 on: June 01, 2018, 02:38:21 pm »

Eximius, being a ring and essentially stuck in place as Prias recovered, couldn't do much. With his true restorative abilities still sealed away, the most he could do was try his damnedest best to recall any methods or potions the Ancients used to treat these kinds of wounds.

After they recovered completely, Eximius would first try to unshackle some of Prias' potential. He made use of it to make his escape back then, so perhaps it's doable now. Failing that, he'd suggest hunting some weak monsters to relatively safely allow Eximius to evolve again.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 03:11:05 pm by Hawk132 »
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.
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