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Author Topic: You are a Monster - Turn 67  (Read 228066 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 10
« Reply #345 on: October 28, 2017, 03:04:50 pm »

Well, time for another staring contest. Use Blinding Terror if they get too close.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 10
« Reply #346 on: October 29, 2017, 09:40:10 pm »

Well, time for another staring contest. Use Blinding Terror if they get too close.
I think, if you had just let it run off with it's tail between it's legs yiu would fie just about now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #347 on: October 30, 2017, 04:12:20 am »

Turn 11:

Turn 10

Xizilitiz, the Lesser Angel (crazyabe)
I Attempt to use my magic(Flesh shifter) to restore this one's side to slightly more useful shape.

Flesh Shifter: -2MP
Action Roll (Diff 5): [12]
Outcome Roll: [4] -Critical Success-

In an incredible display of skill, you manage to shift back your whole side to a normal shape. You could move it normally, and the pain was gone. Unfortunately, sealing your wounds didn't make your lifeforce return.

No more Wounds

Beyond the grass, you could hear the noise of the rampaging Dibras getting farther away.

Intentions Unknown:
-Evined Viper: it hisseeees

-Earthbound Dibras:

Spoiler: Xizilitiz Status (click to show/hide)

Go'Von, the Gray Ooze (Puppyguard)
Go'Von blindly went towards the light calling to him.

You followed the invisible trail your instinct was beckoning you to follow. You arrived in front of a small tunnel carved in the rock, leading upward. It was barely large enough for you to fit in without squeering.

You entered, going further into the crack. Closer, and closer to this curious call. Finally you noticed a faint glow ahead. Your dream wasn't one! Excited and curious, you creeped even faster toward it.

You reached a very small cavity filled with a dim white light. On the other side of its wall, there was an embedded crystal emitting the light that had drawn you in. And just as you touched it, the crystal shattered and essence filled your body.

+2 Lesser Essence
Evolution to Stage 1 enabled

Spoiler: Go'Von Status (click to show/hide)

Squelchy, the Omnislime (Coolrune206)
Squelchy quickly absorbed some sunlight (assuming there's some here), then tried to break his companions free using the same strategies as earlier. If that failed, he retreated to the other slimes and began recruiting an emergency rescue party to save his companions.

Action Roll (Diff 8 ): [19]
Outcome Roll: [1] -Success-

In emergency, you managed to convert some of the sunlight into inner light. +2MP
As you felt some light inside you, your heaviness slightly waned off.

Hook and Pull the web apart:
Action Roll (Diff 3): [8]-6 (Glimmering Hope Backlash (-2) Greatly Exhausted (-4))
Outcome Roll: [1] -Critical Failure-

It still didn't work, you couldn't free your companions no matter how hard you tried. Dejected and worried for their lives, you retreated to bring the other slimes with you. Hopefully you will arrive in time.

Fetching Reinforcements in time:
Action Roll (Diff 10): [16]-6 (Glimmering Hope Backlash (-2) Greatly Exhausted (-4))
Outcome Roll: [4] -Critical Success-

A twist of luck! You hadn't reached the orchard yet, that you saw a small group of your friends coming into your direction. They had sensed your emergency pheromones!

With their help, you managed to free Gloup and Zed before the Miasma Dragon returned.

And finally, you reached the orchard without losing anyone.

Nearby Monsters:
-A lot of friendly slimes

Spoiler: Squelchy Status (click to show/hide)

Neophytos the Sole Survivor, Psychic Pain Spider (randomgenericusername)
Past!Neophytos: Fell asleep and probably had a dream

I will try to extract more information about their numbers and strenght. If they are strong enough to protect us, they are strong enough to destroy us.
Neophytos: Accept the mission, go to the southern part of the forest and try to find the Arachnastian lands.

Fluff Roll: [2]

You had a dreamless night, simple and easy.


The rabbit monster made a clicking sound with his teeth.
"Got it, I will pass the word. Good luck Neophytos"

And thus, you departed toward the South, in search of the Arachnastinian lands...

Event Roll: [3]

The start of your journey was pretty uneventful. You just travelled across known areas, and no monster of particular interest interrupted you.

Fluorine, the Harpie - (AbstractTraitorHero)
Flourine actually seemed to be in a good mood slightly wet from the condensation in the clouds and in the atmosphere they felt just a bit chilly. Fluorine, however, didn't seem to mind and an almost....youthful expression overtook their face their white hair blowing in the breeze as they moved almost doing small spin"s before moving downwards.

Wanna Know Something? Even monsters gotta enjoy the small thing's in life.

Fluorine is going to go down to one of the hills and make a nice snow harpy and have a bit of snow fun and get an idea of the area.

Of Course, she will be making sure that the hill she lands on seems safe before doing any of this.

Fluorine ain't interested in being no Chicken Dinner you feel me?

"Ah Snow. Alway's the softest...nice to see it."

You had a childlike burst, where you felt like indulging yourself in the pleasures of the snow. You landed on a nearby pure white hill, feeling the chilling sensation of snow between your talons.

You started gathering snow into a ball, trying to make a snow harpy. At the same time, you flew around a bit to get a better idea of these places. The bright white was making it hard to discern anything. There were a few trees in the regions of lowest altitude, but overall, the whole area seemed pretty barren.

Event Roll: [6]

As you admired your finished pile of snow called a snow harpy, you heard the sounds of heavy steps behind you. Turning back, you saw a large and tall figure, towering above you. With fur as white as the hills, it had two small eyes and a third very large eye. It seemed like a furred giant.

Nearby Monsters:
-Snowstorm Triclops

Spoiler: Fluorine Status (click to show/hide)

Gordy the Toothbaby (Paxiecrunchie)
Gordy Unfurls his tentacle from around his body[when not in use it coils around his torso and left shoulder, ] he opens his maw and hisses out Iff I were you I would come no clossser,even If you consume me you will suffer greatlyhe begins pumping paralytic juices into his tendril and tenses for a fight that he hopes will not come

Is the eel sentiant ?

The eel made a slippery and slimy sound with its tentacles, and started moving left and right. Then it said in the monstrous tongue:

"Speaking before fighting mmh? Amusing, are you pleading for your life, or are trying to gain time?"

There was still tension in the air, you could feel an attack could occur at any moment.
"Why wouldn't I turn you into my meal, mmmh?"

Nearby Monsters:
-Mangrove Tentacled Eel Monster [Not enough inspiration for a name]

Spoiler: Gordy's Status (click to show/hide)

(Shard of) Breadweed, the Resilient (ATHATH)
Take a piece of magical-looking plant, extract the purpose "be magical" from it, then mix the produced "be magical" purpose with water in the cauldron (heat the cauldron up with a fire as well, of course). Pour the resulting mana potion into a bottle, wait for it to cool (that wouldn't count as a rest for the purposes of MP regeneration, would it?), then drink it in order to regain some MP.

After regaining some MP, take a magnifying glass or a lens and extract the purpose "to analyze" from it. Take a gear (make one out of wood if necessary) and extract the purpose "to be part of something greater" from it. Then mix the two purposes with water in the cauldron, soak a potato eye in the resulting solution, then remove it (the potato eye) and insert it into my forehead, integrating it into my body as a third eye, which the effects of the "to be part of something greater" purpose should (hopefully) allow me to do. Use my potato eye to analyze the butterfly on the table.

The ettin observed all your actions silently.

Purpose Extraction: -1MP
Action Roll (Diff 8 ): [7]+3 (Not enough mana (+3))
Outcome Roll: [4] -Failure-

Your spell fizzled out, lacking mana. The ettin's left head laughed.

Looking for alternatives:
Action Roll (Diff 5): [20] -Critical Success-

You wouldn't be undone by such trivial inconvenience. You studied the available plants, and saw one with strong magical storing properties. The ettin right head made an interested grunt.

You then ground the plant into paste, put it in the cauldron with not too much water and heated it up. Once your instinctive knowledge told you it was the ideal time to stop, you lowered the fire and poured the resulting mixture into a nearby muddy flask. It was light blue, but mostly dirt colored because of the water.

You drank from it.

"Grrm, he actually did it. Even despite failing the earlier spell, he does have some alchemical knowledge."

You weren't done, but unfortunately, there was nothing as sophisticated as a magnifying lens around. The Ettin clapped anyway.

"I'm not that impressed, but that's a nice surprise nonetheless. You seem to know alchemy, and also seem to have a good eye for it. Though there is a big flaw in your method, you tried to extract the purpose of this herb first mmh?"

He picked up the plant you first wanted to use.
"Judging from what you did, you probably tried to extract some mana related property. That's not a bad idea at all, but that shows you focus too much on the big purposes of ingredients. There are some times when extracting a single purpose is actually not that efficient you know."

The left head then continued:
"Your first potion would have been less effective than the one you just created. In this plant, if we follow the alchemical principles, there is a mana holding purpose inside. But there is also one that ease mana absorption, one that increase mana fixation into liquids, and of course one that give it a better taste. That's just a few among many of course. Actually, your alchemy is a bit weird, as if you learnt how to extract purposes before even knowing how to mix ingredients together."

"Sometimes, you get better results using raw ingredients. Alchemy is all about ingredients. And that's why we are cutting that butterfly open."

The left head made a "hey" toward the right head. They seemed to speak in their minds for a bit, until the right one said:
"Yeah good idea. Hey, try to look at this monster's inside. Tell us if a bodypart seems like a better ingredient than the others."

Intentions Unknown (but probably not friendly):
-Blue Ettin: Having fun?
-Butterfly monster: Not having fun

Spoiler: Breadweed Status (click to show/hide)

Gray the Unstable Prismetal Blaster (Beirus)
"I...did not plan that far ahead. I wanted to see what the people here were like, but I did not realize that the prejudice against even non-aggressive monsters would be so strong. Hopefully having a guide will keep the people from attacking me on sight. I would be honored if you would be our guide, or at least help us to find one. Gray ponders for a moment, realizing that he doesnt have an effective way of defending himself from foes immune to his physical methods of attack. After he ponders, he makes a request of Hinrab. "Do you think you could teach me Glyph magic as well? I can shift my body, so I might be able to form the Glyphs that way. Brown probably could too, if he wanted to learn."

Talky stuff and a question.

"Oooh, ooh! Amazing, that's an idea that never crossed my mind! One such glyph magic, using your own body to form glyphs... That could be a brand new form of body magic!"

Hinrab seemed incredibly excited.
"That is such an interesting, perhaps revolutionary idea Gray! I would love to teach you the secrets of the Glyphs, but you have to realize that learning magic is a long, very long path. Mmh, we will probably find something later, there is a more urgent matter though. How to get you inside of Farune without you being attacked?"

The man started thinking very hard. It seemed his head started spewing smoke at some point. And finally he said:
"Troubles, so much troubles... We could easily conceal your forms by covering you with desert clothes. You can change your shape a bit right? With that much, we could be able to fool the common people... But if we were to come across people capable of sensing non-humans... we could get into heavy troubles... Aaah... Either way, entering Farune will be very risky for you, Gray and Brown. You could die at any moment. But with my plan, we can definitely increase your survival."

Nearby Humans:
-Hinrab, Masen disciple:
-Caravan Security Riders:

Spoiler: Gray Status (click to show/hide)

Eximius Res, the Rusty Ring (Hawk132)
"It could endanger your village, couldn't it? Let's slay it now and wonder where it came from later."

Now that's some sagely advice right there. Stab first, ask yourself questions later.

((Also, you accidentally my whole turn in Prias' speech color.))

"But that's a Gargarm, even wounded, I don't stand a chance..."

It seemed as if Prias would turn back to fetch reinforcements, but courage suddenly welled up inside him. Maybe was it because of your Of Ambition, that magnified his desire to be stronger?

Stab (Prias):
Combat Roll (Str 0 vs Con 1): [2] vs [7]-5
Critical Roll: [2] -Normal Hit-
Damage: [2]*0.5=[1]

Prias stabbed the Gargarm, barely managing to pierce its thick hide with his human strength. The monster roared and tried to smash both of you with its restrained arm, but failed to do so, clumsily flaying around.

"His hide is thick!... Listen Eximius, if you don't have some trump card, I am definitely going to die once this thing gets out!"

Nearby Monster:
-Gargarm: Stunned / Movement Impaired / Wounded

Spoiler: Eximius Res Status (click to show/hide)

Skee, the Insect Parasite (Legendary Marksdorf)
Skee instructed the young Junbara to tend to its wounds. After that, he tried to move around and tested out the Junbara's strength to get a feel of what this body's limits were. Once he had a good idea of his host's prowess, he hunted for a suitable prey.

Once the poison had worn off, the Junbara licked his wounds, cleaning them. Afterward he took a quick rest, managing to recover a very slight amount of lifeforce.

You jumped around, making incredible leaps across the trees. You also tested its strength, capable of leaving large slashing marks in the trunk of thick trees. That was a nimble and powerful body.

Looking for suitable prey:
Action Roll (Diff 14): [6]
Outcome Roll: [3] -Failure-

With this new body, you started looking around the jungle for a prey. But unlike a true Junbara, you moved with no stealth, just brutally jumping around. You found nothing at all during your search.

Event Roll: [4]

Searching a bit more, you only came across some large green amphibian with two front legs.

Nearby Monsters:
-Two-legged amphibian monster

Spoiler: Skee Status (click to show/hide)

Aspred Bagrid, the Enormous Catfish Serpent (GigaGiant)
Aspred Bagrid, the Enormous Catfish Serpent
Search for weak prey within the ocean. Devour whatever I find, unless it may present a challenge.

Searching for weak prey:
Action Roll (Diff 7): [7]
Outcome Roll: [1] -Success-

You searched around the ocean for more preys to satisfy your hunger. You came across some sort of shark with bone plates along its body. It seemed menacing, but was an easy prey for you.

Combat Roll (Str 2 vs Con 1): [4] vs [6]
Critical Roll: [1] -Normal Defense-
Counterattack Roll (Str 1 vs Con 1): [3] vs [2]
Damage: [2]

The shark dodged your assault, and responded with a bite of its own! It managed to tear a chunk of flesh from you.

Nearby Monsters:
-Boneplate Shark: Hostile

Spoiler: Aspred Bagrid Status (click to show/hide)

The Protoquin (Failbird105)
The Protoquin

Enter its dreams

You entered the dream of the creature without a hitch. Like a long dive in a dark sea, you descended deeper and deeper...

Darkness. Pitck black darkness. Where you in its dream yet? Was it even dreaming? As you pondered such questions, the floor suddenly turned marble white. You could see your reflection in this clear surface, but the rest of the place was still dark, so very dark it was something darker than darkness itself.

You felt a chilling sensation. The feeling that something wasn't right in there.

Suddenly two puddles of ink appeared not far from you. From them emerged two shapes, one looked like the spiritual golem you saw earlier, except it was ink black with some shifting white reflections. The other shape was like the lower body of an humanoid from which sprouted many tendrils.

The two shapes started moving toward you.

Nearby Things:
-Corrupted Nightmare #1
-Corrupted Nightmare #2

Spoiler: The Protoquin Status (click to show/hide)

The Azarian Project, the Thoughling (Dustan Hache)
Reach out and begin devouring the minds of the other two. They will help fill any blanks and bolster my strength.
After I have consumed enough, take a form from their memories and approach them.

Mind Eater:
Combat Roll (Int 1 vs Ind 0): [12]+4 (Sneak Attack (+4))
Criticial Hit

Mind Eater:
Combat Roll (Int 1 vs Ind 0): [11]+4 (Sneak Attack (+4)) vs [1]
Critical Roll: [2]

The first one's mind was so easily accessible you devoured it whole without thinking. The gnome dropped dead instantly.
The second one's was less accessible, but still trivial to eat. The gnome fell to its knees, but managed to retain a hint of consciousness.

You saw more scenes this time, many more scenes. Around this ruined city was a desolate wasteland filled with vicious creatures killing each others on a daily basis. One gnome could hear the ogres speaking in monstrous tongue, they were fleeing the mountains which had started being controlled by Giants.

One gnome had seen more than the others. There were many ruins underground, inhabited by all sort of strange magical creatures. You also saw where the Ogres had set their camp in the city. It seemed they even had some sort of shaman with them.

Nearby Monsters:
-1 Dark Gnomes: Half Conscious
-1 Dark Gnome: Unconscious
-1 Dead Dark Gnome (essence unclaimed)

Ulkas, the Horned Demon (Sarrak)
"Hm... No, not really. For now at least. I think we should proceed for now, as we can't be sure to disable this guardian without others knowing. And I'm not keen on starting a lengthy battle even without getting to the artifacts first."

See if we can reach something interesting before more guardians appear.

The sleepiness had started disappearing with all this excitation. Studying the map once more, you moved quickly to the nearbiest marked room.

Luck Roll: [4]

You entered a very strange room, far different from the other pretty plain room you explored. There were some stands over which rested strange devices of all sort, embedded in a bigger device. It gave of an air of tool rack, but there was probably something more about it.
There were also much larger machines of use unknown to the sides of the room.

All of these were definitely artifacts, you were sure of it.

You picked one of it randomly.

Luck Roll: [5]

That was some sort of fingerless glove with a device fixed on it. The glove was surprisingly flexible, and seemed to adapt to your hand's shape. You could feel magic energy inside it, and couldn't resist but analyze it. It was probably safer not to use your Expansive Mind right now.

Artifact Analysis:
Action Roll (15): [18]+3 (Intelligence)
Outcome Roll: [6] -Overshoot-

You studied the artifact. It seemed some sort of unknown spell was embedded inside it. And just by pressing that button, it would activate it! Just a push of a button, just one... You couldn't resist and pressed it.

A forcefield appeared around you. Astrosa freaked out a bit, and touching it, she realized she couldn't get through. It acted like some sort of shield!

Suddenly her face changed.
"The Guardian is changing direction!"

That couldn't have been because of you, could it?

Spoiler: Ulkas Status (click to show/hide)

Theta, the Wolf (Rautherdir)
Well, time for another staring contest. Use Blinding Terror if they get too close.

You stared at them, but your gaze was locked onto the first Leuscrat! You suddenly felt the stiffness in your body once more, from the effects of its gaze.

Action Roll (Diff 12): [14]
Outcome Roll: [2] -Success-

You managed to break the gaze, and looked immediately at the other Leuscrat.

Action Roll (Diff 12): [15]
Outcome Roll: [1] -Success-

You managed to resist the two gazes, thus creating a mental connection to both of them. The two monsters charged at you!

Blinding Terror: -4MP
Combat Roll1 (Int 2 vs Ind 0): [10] vs [10]
Combat Roll2(Int 2 vs Ind 0): [13] vs [6]
Critical Rolls [10] [1]

You used your Blinding Terror on the two monsters, greatly terrorizing one of them so much it tripped and hurt itself badly trying to flee. The other just ran away in terror.

Nearby Monsters:
-Leuscrat: Terrified! / Critically Wounded
-Leuscrat#1: Terrified!
-Leuscrat#2: Greatly Terrified! / Badly Wounded

Spoiler: Theta Status (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 04:19:38 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #348 on: October 30, 2017, 05:25:05 am »

Squelchy reports the forest as dangerous but survivable to all the members of his group, although they've probably figured that out. He then rests for the rest of the turn in direct sunlight,
trying to recover.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #349 on: October 30, 2017, 06:21:51 am »

Hide in the trees and keep going south. Use my telepathy to scan the area for any monster that could be nearby while moving.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #350 on: October 30, 2017, 06:36:23 am »

I maintain my combative stance crouched ready to leap like a flea or a frog, perhaps spring would be a better adjective I thought, but no matter,.
I still was not truly interested in taking on a possible foe such as this now that the element of surprise, my clans chief asset had been lost, but the monster was was wrong I was not simply biding for time or begging for my life as both would be pointless at the moment instead I was watching its every move attempting chiefly to determine how fast it could move and thus devise a strategy to over come its attack


However before anything more occurred I responded to to the eels question;l ''Neither, It is just that if you do eat me you shall be paralyzed for a twelth of a day, long enough for say a crocodile to take its time with you or for your skin to dry in the sun. ''[I of course kne this was a half truth as only if my tendril was swallowed would the eel be in any direct danger of such a fate, but eels cannot chew...right ?]
I hastily add in.
''Additionally I could be of greater value to you alive, for you see I can take over any body larger than my own and would be more than willing to help aid a great lord of the river such as yourself by bringing you any meaL...or slave you desire.'

I speak no further preparing either for an attack or an offer in return.

TLDR; He is causing delay to look for weaknesses, he will not make the first strike if blows come in this sort of scenario and is attempting to dissuade the beast by pointing out that he can be a great ally if alive and possibly a deadly obstacle even if killed' basically he is relying on speed or hopefully intimidation/persuasion as he is physically weaker.

[I hope I have given Gordy sufficient personality here to show that he is a cautious individual and yet proud of his abilities. Let me know what you think]
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 06:38:16 am by Paxiecrunchle »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #351 on: October 30, 2017, 07:25:22 am »

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Legendary Marksdorf

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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #352 on: October 30, 2017, 07:41:45 am »

Rather than giving precise commands to it's host, Skee decided to simply instruct the Junbara to kill the amphibian. This way, maybe he'd get to see some of the Junbara's special skills ?


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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #353 on: October 30, 2017, 09:35:43 am »

"To be honest, sir, I did. When one enters a new dimension, their skills, spells, techniques, biology, items, etc. will be adapted to fit the mechanics of the world that they're in. I used to be/am skilled in my world's alchemy; I suppose it's just taking a bit longer than usual for my skills to adapt to the alchemy of your world. Well, either that or the Shattering has damaged my mind. Maybe a bit of both."

Look inside of the butterfly and try to find the most potent parts of it. In my world, appendixes were quite important/powerful; maybe start there?
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 09:46:36 am by ATHATH »
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #354 on: October 30, 2017, 10:11:43 am »

No. no. nononononoonono. WRONG

Kill them, get the big one between you and the tentacle thing
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 10:30:27 am by Failbird105 »


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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #355 on: October 30, 2017, 10:13:02 am »

"I got you, pal. A word of warning, it'll feel a bit weird until you get used to it."

Limiter Release!
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #356 on: October 30, 2017, 12:08:13 pm »

Go'von fell asleep, and evolved.
((This is one of my favorite forum games so far.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 10
« Reply #357 on: October 30, 2017, 12:44:44 pm »

Well, time for another staring contest. Use Blinding Terror if they get too close.
I think, if you had just let it run off with it's tail between it's legs yiu would fie just about now.
((I know. But then again, the dice apparently decided to not kill me for my questionable decisions.))

Punish the Weak against the uninjured Leuscrat. If I can, use it again on the Badly Injured one afterwards.

Dustan Hache

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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 11
« Reply #358 on: October 30, 2017, 03:49:27 pm »

approach the dead one and absorb the essence. Ignore the unconscious and half conscious gnomes unless they attack me. Attempt to speak for the first time in my existence.
"Shah-men. Where? What way?"
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster [14] - Turn 9
« Reply #359 on: October 30, 2017, 07:33:01 pm »

Aspred Bagrid, the Enormous Catfish Serpent
Crush the shark's head with my mighty jaws. Then messily devour the corpse. Let out a terrifying screech after my victory.
Insert witty signature here
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