[OOC: I am going into this blind, I didn't even read the O.P. so don't expect me to know the lore
this is gonna be !FUN!]
Journal of Ryukan Giltink, Travelling Wizard
11th of Slate, 253
Well then dear Henry, I must express that I have indeed found myself in a bind. No, nothing like that Elf chick who turned out to be a guy (I still deny ever thinking different), no, I believe I have found myself the accidental leader of this quaint Dwarven Fortress.
After travelling for days, heading to Wizard-Con in Tamedgrowl, I stumbled across a strange set of towers shooting into the sky, they looked new and appeared to be not quite done yet. I decided to take a detour and see what this new structure was. I was surprised to see several dwarves, over a hundred by my reckoning, to be delving out a home for themselves.
After a few inquiries, I found that the last leader of this expedition had buggered off, something out a God-Emperor or some other nonsense. I introduced myself as a Travelling Wizard and performed a few card tricks to show them, they seemed rather excited for some reason. I, being the fool I am, followed them into the upper levels of their fort.
A bit dirty and smelly, but the farther we went, the more it turned to nice smoothed stone
After a few hours of talking, I was asked to lead this place until next spring, more than a whole year away! I tried to decline, but they wouldn't take no for an answer and now I find myself several stories below the earth writing in you. I figured that I might as well stay comfy while I serve my tenure, so I asked for a small apartment to be delved for my tired bones, I ain't the spring chicken I used to be.
Also, I swear I'm seeing things, but I can't help but sense otherworldly things are watching me....
With that Henry, I am now going to take stock of the place and try to remember what I learned in my one class of "Fortress Management" back in college, man, Prof. Obuk was right, I
would need those skills someday....