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Author Topic: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Game over!  (Read 38573 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #135 on: October 07, 2017, 07:08:57 pm »

There hasn't always been a coven when a witch is present, there have been lone witches. Maybe once, anyway. I'm reasonably sure that the witches in some games weren't even PRs, beyond the quicktopic.

There could be more than one witch. There might not be *shrugs* I know there's at least one, and given the current theories regarding the scum, felt it would be useful for folk to know.

Kinda defeats the purpose of being witches if you're the scum team though... you already get a quicktopic.

Not really sure what you hope to glean from my response though. I might be a witch going for a double bluff, but if I was, what would I gain from revealing that the role exists?

Kinda curious what they're saying in the quicktopic if there is a coven though.

Not sure about you, manny. You've been quite reactive in your play so far. Looking forward to that reads list.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #136 on: October 07, 2017, 11:09:23 pm »

What you are positing as NK analysis - which I would define as "x player died during the night, who benefits and how?" - is actually flavour analysis. Given we've had a few players agree that the kill appears ritualistic, flavour analysis can be useful in figuring out what we're dealing with in a non-vanilla game like this.
Oh ._.
Thanks! And to the everything above that paragraph too.

To be fair the town allowed that by having 2/3 not voting. It should probably be embarrassing that two votes was enough to lynch someone on D1.
"the town allowed [...]"
...That's some oddly specific wording there Hector.

I'd like to know what you mean here before responding to it.

I've been pondering over whether or not to reveal this tidbit, but I think it's probably a good idea for y'all to know there's at least one witch in the game. So far as I can tell, they've always been town-aligned in previous games, but that might just make Meph want to spice things up a bit by makin' 'em bad now.
I'd like to know what you thought before responding to what I thought :P
But in all seriousness--one big part of that thought was 'ok why did Hector say Town when there's like, only 2 out of 9 voting? Does that mean something about what he thought about the voters?"
So it's more query and assumed suspicion :V

...Also is that softclaiming @_@ Muuuuch like me saying 'yo dudes my role is in the OP, yo!'


Part of me not wanting to reveal this is I don't want to distract us too much about talking about cults versus witches too much.

Please don't go into theorycrafting.

"well I think it's a cult because x!" "well I think you're an idiot it must be a coven because y!" doesn't really help us find scum.
You saying Witches can be associated with that kill flavor? :V
BEcause that's what makes people talk. Stuff pertinent to scum.

And it kinda doesn't help for you to say 'hey there may be this one dude', and then go 'let's not talk about that one dude please? :<'
Because I see it as okay to do so. Because it kinda makes me feel a bit more confident in my role. :P
There hasn't always been a coven when a witch is present, there have been lone witches. Maybe once, anyway. I'm reasonably sure that the witches in some games weren't even PRs, beyond the quicktopic.
Yeah these existed in past Supernatural games. I forgot where but there were lone covens, and they were all benevolent or-non-malevolent witches.

What made YEW bring that topic up though @_@

TDS: Can we have your thoughts on everything please?

Sure. I'll post reads later but here are some responses and comments.

That being the case, it would seem possible that a cultist could have killed Shakerag. The thing that bothers me though, is why?

I'm curious what you think about this. Why does it bother you?

Everyone: thoughts on a mass roleclaim?

I'd be fine with it, I guess. Do you think it's scummy for someone to not be okay with it?


Since we had two people flip what seemed to be unaligned evil third parties, I was assuming that we had at most 1 more scum, since it seems unlikely that almost half the starting players were scum. Hence there's either no scumteam and there's just one evil 3P left or one of the dead players is part of a two-man scumteam. I guess there could still be a scumteam but I'd be surprised.

re: roles: probably 1-2 investigative, since that's normal. At least one evil killing role. At least one role that either protects other people or is normally unkillable, given the ghoul flip. Possibly more? And that's 3-5 of the remaining roles. There's... probably not another vig, since we already had one die. If there was anything really esoteric we'd probably have heard about it by now. All in all, though, there's not much to go off of here and the same logic would apply to most role-heay games with 3/9 people dead. Why do you want to know?

Do you think it's LYLO? Do you think it's MYLO (which it is if there are still two scum left)?
I'm feeling MYLO-ish, but to give a note (and perhaps bait :3 because I like bait, because nobody knows my role but meeee) is that I don't think scum can win with me still alive because I'ma War Vet their face [/wronggameTiri]
But in all seriousness, I feel its MYLO-dependent-on-role-abilities at this point; if 2 scum and 4 town, or third-party mix.
If 1 scum, most likely the Cha. Cultist which I haven't given up the assumption of, that means tomorrow can likely be a 2 scum thing but tonight being a really important thing.
Either way its less of a day vote thing, and more of "LYLO or MYLO based on presumption of power", which still leads me to thinking MYLO, despite the ones dead being wholly third-party and one Templar.

re: roles: probably 1-2 investigative, since that's normal. At least one evil killing role. At least one role that either protects other people or is normally unkillable, given the ghoul flip. Possibly more? And that's 3-5 of the remaining roles. There's... probably not another vig, since we already had one die. If there was anything really esoteric we'd probably have heard about it by now. All in all, though, there's not much to go off of here and the same logic would apply to most role-heay games with 3/9 people dead. Why do you want to know?
Because this points to action-networking later on when massclaim comes :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #137 on: October 08, 2017, 01:13:50 am »

To be fair the town allowed that by having 2/3 not voting. It should probably be embarrassing that two votes was enough to lynch someone on D1.
"the town allowed [...]"
...That's some oddly specific wording there Hector.

I'd like to know what you mean here before responding to it.

I've been pondering over whether or not to reveal this tidbit, but I think it's probably a good idea for y'all to know there's at least one witch in the game. So far as I can tell, they've always been town-aligned in previous games, but that might just make Meph want to spice things up a bit by makin' 'em bad now.
I'd like to know what you thought before responding to what I thought :P
But in all seriousness--one big part of that thought was 'ok why did Hector say Town when there's like, only 2 out of 9 voting? Does that mean something about what he thought about the voters?"
So it's more query and assumed suspicion :V

...Also is that softclaiming @_@ Muuuuch like me saying 'yo dudes my role is in the OP, yo!'

More or less on the softclaim. Then again, everybody has something to claim, so read into that what you will *shrug*

They're a possible scum team too, cha know :P

Also, when I said town in regards to town letting the scum get away with potentially not voting on D1, I meant the town faction (we know one of them was voting, Teneb is maybe town too) and the town at large (all the players) 'cause there was pretty much nobody voting.

I guess I'm leaning on Teneb being town, despite the vote looking super opportunistic.


Part of me not wanting to reveal this is I don't want to distract us too much about talking about cults versus witches too much.

Please don't go into theorycrafting.

"well I think it's a cult because x!" "well I think you're an idiot it must be a coven because y!" doesn't really help us find scum.
You saying Witches can be associated with that kill flavor? :V
BEcause that's what makes people talk. Stuff pertinent to scum.

And it kinda doesn't help for you to say 'hey there may be this one dude', and then go 'let's not talk about that one dude please? :<'
Because I see it as okay to do so. Because it kinda makes me feel a bit more confident in my role. :P

Well I didn't mean not to discuss it, more that I'd rather we not focus on whether this means it's a cult or the witch as scum. That doesn't tell us who is the baddy.

There hasn't always been a coven when a witch is present, there have been lone witches. Maybe once, anyway. I'm reasonably sure that the witches in some games weren't even PRs, beyond the quicktopic.
Yeah these existed in past Supernatural games. I forgot where but there were lone covens, and they were all benevolent or-non-malevolent witches.

What made YEW bring that topic up though @_@

TDS made the point that witches always come in multiples and in covens, whereas that isn't actually the case.

I'm personally working under the opinion that there's one scum left, and whether or not it's the witch is the issue, I guess.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #138 on: October 09, 2017, 04:03:17 am »

Okay, so skimming over the weekend's content, most of what I am picking up is that
  • Tiruin feels confident about her ability against the baddies and tells us so
  • hector by some means or another has gleaned that we have a witch in this setup

Regarding the first point, I'm not exactly sure what to make of this, except that it's bold and polarises my read of you. We have yet to decide whether we are claiming today or not, yet you undermine the downside of claiming immediately (i.e. giving scum a target) by insinuating that you are critical to town's success. It's a bold strategy that urges everyone to make up their mind about you right now. I'm torn between your statement being bait for scum (to want to target you) or bait for town (to flag you as essential). Why this timing, Tiruin?

As to the second point, I don't trust witches too much. I'm not above thinking that we might have a witch-y scumteam that might have need for eyes and hearts for something sinister. This push for the idea that we have a cult scumteam could very well be trying to direct us away from the witch idea, but it's nothing concrete.

Everyone: thoughts on a mass roleclaim?

I'd be fine with it, I guess. Do you think it's scummy for someone to not be okay with it?

Not in a vacuum, no. Town doesn't have very many options in their disposal as far as organisation, and sharing claims to get their bearings is probably chief among them. At this point I think it's a question of how many nights we give ourselves for individual snooping before we compare notes and put ourselves at the mercy of the scumteam thereafter.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #139 on: October 09, 2017, 08:11:54 am »

I’d like to extend, given my lack of availability today.

Still waiting to hear TDS’ reads list and Teneb’s response to my befuddlement.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #140 on: October 09, 2017, 08:36:47 am »

Agreed, extend.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #141 on: October 09, 2017, 09:40:39 am »

The Scribe's Tally Sheet
Teneb: juicebox
TheDarkStar: Tiruin
Tiruin: Reverie

Day has been Extended to ~5pm Pacific Tuesday. One possible extension remains for this day.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #142 on: October 09, 2017, 02:19:05 pm »

Yes let's extend


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #143 on: October 09, 2017, 03:16:50 pm »

Teneb’s response to my befuddlement.
I already responded. It was pure pressure to see if you would slip, trying to see if you had any feelings of guilt. That I unvoted your should tell you that I think you are possibly town now.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
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What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #144 on: October 09, 2017, 03:38:57 pm »

That makes no sense though. I’m a good enough player to talk myself out of accusations that have a basis, and you threw stuff at me that was nonsense.

I mean, there’s a lot going on with that interaction. Afterward you said that you had wanted to see me slip, and you just said you see me as Town now, both of which heavily imply I was your top scumpick when you asked me those questions.

You quoted the first paragraph of my response which was basically me accusing you of the same things you were accusing me, apparently ignoring the rest of it. How did that pretty basic response convince you I was not scum?

I can’t really be bothered reading the thread again. Using my phone and it’s all weird and shit after I updated it. How many scum (n) do you think there are left, and whatever number you choose, give me n+1 as your top scumpicks and, n town picks, preferably with citations.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #145 on: October 09, 2017, 05:14:22 pm »

@Reverie At this point I would say a D3 massclaim would probably be good.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #146 on: October 09, 2017, 06:09:16 pm »

I mean, there’s a lot going on with that interaction. Afterward you said that you had wanted to see me slip, and you just said you see me as Town now, both of which heavily imply I was your top scumpick when you asked me those questions.
You were not my top scumpick. At that point I had no real top scumpick because of the shit activity of D1. I can't just form a read from a scant few posts. So I decided to be bold and do bullshit to see how you reacted. And to me, you reacted as town. That is it.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #147 on: October 09, 2017, 08:05:06 pm »

Psst. You forgot your scum and town picks.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #148 on: October 09, 2017, 08:24:22 pm »

Psst. You forgot your scum and town picks.
It'll have to wait until tomorrow when I'm not dead tired and have time to do a re-read.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural Mafia 9 - Day 2 has no time for monsters
« Reply #149 on: October 10, 2017, 11:06:03 am »

I was going to wait for Tiruin's response (or maybe the reads of TDS or Teneb), but this silence is pushing it. Extending again just in case. Please let's try to not have a repeat of yesterday.

TDS: you're operating under the assumption that there is only one scum this game, right? That is, considering balance reasons versus the third party flips so far. What are your thoughts on the presence of a witch? Do you think a one-person scumteam, witch or otherwise, would have fairly reasonable win chances if said scumteam wasn't the recruiting type?
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