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Author Topic: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: Pretty Kitty Simulator  (Read 245244 times)


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #915 on: January 09, 2018, 11:40:28 am »

Spoiler: Vencarlo Barvasi (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Gang (click to show/hide)
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #916 on: January 09, 2018, 12:49:51 pm »

"I'm sure that round won't land anywhere inconvenient. Probably."

Another shot at wherever is the densest cluster. Then start moving downward.

Spoiler: Abu Hajaar (click to show/hide)
You re-position and then fire again, launching another round towards the lower slope. You actually see the blast this time, a bright flash and then rising smoke amid screaming.

You smile, heft the rifle onto your shoulder and move out towards the lower slope. start towards it. You're so damn slow that you don't even make it out of the bunker.

"Seriously, why do you idiots love these shitty acid pits enough to die for them?"

Hunker Down! Squak additional nonsense at the fuckers down the slope!

Spoiler: Raven Feathra (click to show/hide)

You shout, while safely hunkered in your Bunker.

Roncal Roth Map Legend

First, enchant the ground with "wall", summoning some cover that's close enough to the edge to allow view downhill.  Then, shoot that mage who just summoned a wall.

((I gotta agree, enchanting is already OP and too good, making it not cost words on an int failure just makes it even better.))

Spoiler: Corven Feathra (click to show/hide)

You fashion a wall, careful not to accidentally cut off the acid flow in the process. That done, you take aim at the man who conjured the wall a moment ago. Partly for tactical reasons and partly for copyright infringement reasons, one expects.

You fire...well lets just say you PROBABLY hit the ground in the same post code where your target is. You don't hit him, god no. But your miss is only...mildly completely embarrassing, I guess?

Help Abu with aiming his impromptu mortar. If that's not really an option for whatever reason, hunker down where I am and continue trying to peek-and-shoot enemies

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
No enemies here, captain. Enemies over there. Down the hill. Getting melted.

((@syv Ok, I have an idea then. Might be a dangerous overkill, though.))

Roncal-thol Rotheleaod

Lean in from above and enchant the outpouring acid stream (so downstream from our position/somewhat below us, for safety reasons) with [Many] for increased volume and pressure/speed of the acid flood. If the acid pool on our level nonetheless begins to rise as well, hurriedly get away from the acid.

Scream manly if when my fingers start to melt in the process of such enchantment.

((Woo, updated killcount!  ;D ))
Its at times like this I hope for extremely high rolls, for the sake of amusing catastrophes.

You dip one finger into the acid [2] and scream like Ned Flanders as the acid eats your finger tip and the magic flows down into it. The acid stream does not get bigger so much as it gets more numerous. 10 more streams of identical size and amount spring off the original like gooey acidic branches. The flood of acid becomes a deluge and much of the slope is instantly soaked.

About half the remaining men die in a few moments, smothered by acid. The survivors immediately begin making a break for it, running in any direction not currently covered in acid. I think you guys have pretty much won this, since no one else is here anymore. Although...the place is basically entirely flooded with acid now and will probably one huge pit instead of several smaller ones by the time this evens out.



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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #917 on: January 09, 2018, 01:16:29 pm »

Get down, but throw the weapon down before me, so that I'm not holding it as I try to get down.  Grab the edge and drop down that way to shorten it six or so feet.
You drop your weapon down and then promptly follow it when your attempt to carefully lower yourself goes horribly wrong. You fall, land awkwardly and break your ankle, before collapsing into a pile right next to a horned man. You can see more of the pit from here, sections that are dug into the walls and not visible from up top. There are what look like the entrances to burrows dug into the stone near you, piles of entrails and meat to the north, a webwork of flesh bridges across the pit, now weighed down by a bloom of lead in their center, as well as a holding pen filled with cattle, a nook with several human corpses and horned men, and then another nook filled with what look like giant pus filled boils.

No, not going to fire a d12 difficulty ranged attack on a d6 dex.
Instead, I'l stick with the other two and attempt to get down a level, prferably on the back of the big cat who can most easily land such a jump. in fact, I could wait on the current level, let the big cat jump down and put it's forepaws up on our level, then climb down its back.

Spoiler: Deck (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Chu Sana'me (click to show/hide)
Shadow Alliance

((Sorry. Things have been keeping me a bit busy.))

"Alright, time to get closer. And pick up Thag, too."

Have the Cat jump down a level (preferably onto the goat thing) and then across to the other side so that Thag can jump down to us.

Spoiler: Shade (click to show/hide)

The big kitty, Shade, DOAS and Chu riding it, leaps down from the first level onto the second. It lands directly on top of the goat man, plowing him straight into the ground before it leaps off and continues on, charging across the flesh bridge towards Dev.

The horned men scatter, most running for the burrows, while the sound of something loud and angry reverberates up from below.

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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #918 on: January 09, 2018, 01:49:37 pm »

Spoiler: Big Poppa (click to show/hide)

"Oh crap, the boss needs me!" Quickly, become intoxicated and follow Vencarlo!

Spoiler: Planning (click to show/hide)


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #919 on: January 09, 2018, 08:08:23 pm »

Also yeah, egan lose those failed enchanting words.


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #920 on: January 09, 2018, 09:02:58 pm »

"Job well done, then. Good job boys."

That's a lotta acid. Well, guess we can clean most of this up later with our LITERAL MAGIC.
Oh yeah, and better reattach mister chainblade's finger, before I forget.

Spoiler: Raven Feathra (click to show/hide)
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #921 on: January 09, 2018, 09:10:07 pm »

Cosa Nostra

Spoiler: Planning (click to show/hide)

Follow Vencarlo. Bring the scotch glass.

Spoiler: Cyril Morris (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Deck/Inventory (click to show/hide)
RTD Graveyard
Many people have gone missing or died.
I don't remember their names.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #922 on: January 10, 2018, 05:21:51 am »

((Dammit, there goes my artillery battle.  >:| ))

"Hey Kay, are you feeling high right now? Cause you just dropped a lot of acid!"

Mission end? Loot? Level up? Metal Gear?

Spoiler: Abu Hajaar (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 05:23:30 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #923 on: January 11, 2018, 08:08:34 am »

((Yes, don't hesitate to horribly maim yourself, I can fix it. That's a good minion~))
((Who's a good minion? Me, me, me! :D ))

Roncal-thol Rotheleaod

"Yes, Abu, the acid levels have been out of balance recently for me; leaves a bad aftertaste in the mouth, don't you think?"


Have my fingers (and lungs, and facial features) healed and leave the hazardous area already.

((OOOOH, by my count of new dead bodies on the map, +20 kills out of this round alone!  ;) ))
Past Sigs
Nikitian kneels in front of his computer, fresh lamb's blood on his hands, and prays to the dark powers for answers about armor thickness.


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #924 on: January 11, 2018, 12:37:07 pm »

Spoiler: Vencarlo Barvasi (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Gang (click to show/hide)
Cosa Nostra

Spoiler: Planning (click to show/hide)

Follow Vencarlo. Bring the scotch glass.

Spoiler: Cyril Morris (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Deck/Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Big Poppa (click to show/hide)

"Oh crap, the boss needs me!" Quickly, become intoxicated and follow Vencarlo!

Spoiler: Planning (click to show/hide)
You all head over to the guard indicated and he, a bit unnerved that there are four of you, grabs a few extra guards before escorting you downstairs. The downstairs section of the brewery seems to be where the majority of the actual brewing takes place There are huge metal tanks taking up most of the west side and a kitchen on the east. The guards lead you to an office near the tanks and direct you in.  There, behind a desk, sits a rather matronly old woman with thin, sharp features and white streaked black hair. She looks up from some papers she's working on stares at the group with passionless eyes.

"Yes?" She says, after a moment.
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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #925 on: January 11, 2018, 12:40:54 pm »

"Job well done, then. Good job boys."

That's a lotta acid. Well, guess we can clean most of this up later with our LITERAL MAGIC.
Oh yeah, and better reattach mister chainblade's finger, before I forget.

Spoiler: Raven Feathra (click to show/hide)
You go heal Kay's finger.

((Yes, don't hesitate to horribly maim yourself, I can fix it. That's a good minion~))
((Who's a good minion? Me, me, me! :D ))

Roncal-thol Rotheleaod

"Yes, Abu, the acid levels have been out of balance recently for me; leaves a bad aftertaste in the mouth, don't you think?"


Have my fingers (and lungs, and facial features) healed and leave the hazardous area already.

((OOOOH, by my count of new dead bodies on the map, +20 kills out of this round alone!  ;) ))

((Dammit, there goes my artillery battle.  >:| ))

"Hey Kay, are you feeling high right now? Cause you just dropped a lot of acid!"

Mission end? Loot? Level up? Metal Gear?

Spoiler: Abu Hajaar (click to show/hide)
You can loot anything you can see or get to, if you want.

I'm basically just waiting on Sy's ok to end the mission. Leader and all.


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #926 on: January 11, 2018, 12:42:26 pm »

UH...did Rau's entire team not post? Am I blind?

Radio Controlled

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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #927 on: January 11, 2018, 12:49:18 pm »

Well, in that case:
Go steal whatever gear or uniforms that are within safe reach (aka not too close to the acid stream). Maybe from the guys that got blown up by the second recoilless rife blast? Also grab any magic words from said bodies that are still there.

Spoiler: Abu Hajaar (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 08:59:23 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #928 on: January 11, 2018, 12:54:29 pm »

Shadow Alliance

Go tie up my ankle as best I can, and enchant my next bullet with "when inflicting damage, shockwave"

((If the others don't post, I'll do them tomorrow, okay?))

Spoiler: Deck (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Thag Simmons (click to show/hide)


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Re: Chalice: Wizard Gang Wars: The Return of Murder
« Reply #929 on: January 11, 2018, 05:00:06 pm »

Shadow Alliance

"Hey Thag, do you think you can climb up here?"

Have the Cat stop next to Thag, then help Thag get up onto the cat if he wants.((New action later))

Spoiler: Shade (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 07:03:07 pm by Rautherdir »
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