@Question Chiefwaffles, the Astrian's are basically acting like Terrorists because their shooting up any civilians just to achieve their objective (like modern day Russians, not caring about human casualties), especially in a area like in the middle of a well-populated city (Human Inc.). Shouldn't their be some repercussion from the Global League, like we our Government could just tell them that they are doing local terrorism just to spread their influence, seems pretty ETHICAL on their part. And other countries would totally accept this form of action as a humane way to gain influence.
Like couldn't we just have a bunch of people in disguises, basically go in to the Human Inc. with RPGs and Attack Helicopters, and just blow up the place, just so that we could say that the Astrian's Human Inc couldn't defend against a "terrorist" attack. And gain influence/control this way?
That's what really tilted me. If a nation was sending "terrorist" attacks and just shooting up the place (including bystander civilians), why isn't their no repercussions? They have no access to disguises, so theirs a bunch of Astrian operatives in plain sight of civilians who could go to the news. Like even during the Cold War, if Russians sent a bunch of entitled Russian operatives and started shooting up a company in the middle of a city, where civilians are. The USA would basically tell everyone in the Global League (or UN), that they are Global Menace, and they would lose their UN Privilege.
Here me through though, the Human Inc. makes no sense, it should be a completely agent/operative stealth thief tactics, but the Single Arm Company make sense, their aren't instant smart phone cameras or fast responsive rural policeman at this point, so noise in the country-area doesn't matter, you can pretty much send tanks their. Global League, is still extra stealthy though, since its the UN and you can't really shoot the place.
I forgot about your Papers Please skill revision, so I went back and edited. That's what probably caused the glitch.