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Author Topic: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 9: Death of the Divine (always more players welcome)  (Read 14642 times)


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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2017, 03:12:12 am »

Phalanalin watched from the edge of Luar's light as the other gods made their moves. She tsked at the innovator's unthinking actions, rolled her unseeing eyes as the emotional one fawned over their master, and mimicked Lu's voice as he fixed the younger gods' mistakes.
"Ooh, look at me, I'm Lu, watch me save these mortals. Aren't I the nicest?"
As the sphere taught them magic, she nodded in tacit approval. Finally someone who actually gave the mortals a chance to fix their own problems, rather than having to rely on the gods the whole time. She wasn't sure about the whole... ballgame thing. That sounded like an excuse for the strong to get stronger, and deny the weak the opportunity to rise against them.

However, all the gods, in their folly, had forgotten something. That being that where there are mortals, there is faith. And where there is faith, there is power. And Phalanalin was never one to let an opportunity like that go past her.

She reached into the darkness, and pulled out the form of a snake (leaving a patch of the universe slightly less dark, rendering a portion of the night sky filled with stars making the sign of a serpent), which she carefully stitched and wove into a living being- albeit one with semi-divine powers. The great serpent Yras was born.

Act: Create the champion Yras, in the form of a giant snake made of living darkness. It can swim through shadows like water, entering one pool of darkness, to emerge from another. It speaks all tongues, as any messenger should, and a single drop of its venom can slay even the mightiest of mortal creatures. It is, however, surprisingly weak for its size, preferring to strike from the shadows, then dart away before reprisal can be inflicted.

Whispering instructions in the ear of the titan, Phalanalin set the beast on a course for the first world, swimming through the void of space without a care. After a short journey- lasting perhaps a few years- from the edge of Luar's influence to the First World, it waited for night to fall on the planet below before descending. It landed on one of the larger floating islands, luscious and warm, and slithered through the night, searching for a suitable space for its mistress's work. Eventually, it found a suitable clearing, situated along the edges of a lake fed by a waterfall cascading down the mountains behind it. A confluence of leylines was situated here, making it a popular destination for seekers of arcane spheres.

Yras circled the clearing several times, before coming to a decision. With a flick of its tail, the mountains shook, and great blocks of stone cascaded down their flanks. Mortals for miles around were awoken by the sound, and several started to make their way towards the clearing. There they encountered Yras, who was quickly and skillfully stacking neatly carved stones upon each other. The sound of stone slamming into stone echoed throughout the clearing, deafening mortals who got too close. Eventually- the first rays of sunlight appearing over the horizon, the work was done, as Yras carefully slid the final stone into place.
Before the awe-struck mortals stood a towering temple, its base a perfect hexagon, its walls of plain stone nevertheless exuding elegance, bedecked with a handful of crude statues that appeared more real than any mortal. As the light of morning raced across the land, the great stone doors swung open, granting the light entrance into the interior. The single chamber was ringed by hexagonal pillars that held up the roof, but few had much attention for the minor details, for sitting half coiled, head held high, in the centre of the chamber, was Yras, whose pitch-dark form could only be truly appreciated when contrasted with the light. It towered over the mortals, a sight to inspire terror in even the bravest amongst them. Yet fascination with the strange structure- quite unlike anything the mortals had ever seen, who built only crude shelters, if they built anything at all- drew them forwards, until a small crowd bustled around the open doors. Yras regarded them impassionately, before speaking.
"Heed, mortalss. I am Yrass, Messsenger of Phalanalin. Know that thiss iss her temple, and that you musst show deference when entering itss hallowed hallss"
"Let it be known that in her wissdom, she hass sent me to ssecure your worship. Praisse her name, and all will be well. Build templess ssuch ass thesse and you shall be rewarded. Defy her and know ssuffering."

Act (through Yras): Steal the efforts of the other gods, by creating a grand temple on the First World, where mortals might worship Phalanalin. If possible, convey knowledge of its construction to the mortals, as that they might build more.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 08:32:13 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2017, 06:13:24 am »

In this oasis of reality there was nothing. It was singular, empty and perfect. But soon it would be polluted by creation, complexity and mortal delusion. Yet there was nothing wrong with polluting something. There is no real value in purity. Perfection in truth is an aberration. Reality will always move away from perfection. Imperfections will always diffuse into anything perfect over time. Similar to how the gods had leaked into this pool of perfect reality.

The Truth was always perfect.

It was incorruptible, uncontaminateable, an aberration unto even aberrations. Which made it all the more 'perfect'. It fascinated Relkieis immensely and always had. As the entity pondered the beauties and horrors of truth a veil of shadow was cast over the fledgling universe. So it had already begun.

It was his turn to pollute a little, he created a 'book' that recorded every event and true fact in the universe and keep itself updated. The object was different objects, different books to different people. Sometimes it was a polygonal shape with it's words carved across it's surface. Sometimes it was a slab adorned with shifting animated pictagrams showing how events had happened. Sometimes it appears as a book, it's words changing into different languages almost at random. Yet anyone looking at it can find the information they seek and any information they read they will know deeply and inescapably as true. So when mortals read of their insignificance, when they read things that clash with their volatile changing memories they can not ignore it or escape from it. Often descending into madness. When they read from the book of truth all the delusions that let them operate as mortal beings begin to be stripped from them.

Mighty Act: Create major artifact: Book of Truth (records all truth in the universe)

A thought occurred to the godsphere.

"Ralkiesis. I request permission to make use of the refuse-mortals who will in time read from your tome. I believe these Cursed to be important...for us both."
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2017, 07:52:33 am »

Despair, you mewling fool. No machine can control my works. This is no moon, but a battlestation but a world. It is the Second World, and it is mine.

You would seek to give its magic to these...mortals? Have you no thought for the consequences?! This is CREATION, raw creation! Such magic is too powerful to just give to them.

And to add to your folly, you wished to burn lines of magical force across the First World? You would have burned everything!

And with a burst of strength of his own, the Second World hurtled back, to Luar, orbiting closely once more. And with another thought, it was sealed there, its internal magic of Creation bound to Cerediron for all eternity.
For what was eternity, to a god?

Act: Creation's Domain
Cerediron undoes the work of the god-machine, forcing the Second World back to its rightful place near Luar, and binds it to himself, so that there is no further chance of such casual interruptions.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2017, 08:23:01 am »

Ralkieis watched as new information flowed into his book. New facts and truths taking form as imperfect creations were constructed. He cared little about the creatures created other than their ignorance. Ignorance bothered him immensely for it was a rejection of truth. But he knew it was not their fault and that they were created with the expressed desire to improve, maybe in time they would shed their ignorance. He cared not for their well being, he cared not for what they did he only cared about their ignorance of truth.

He watched as other gods reshaped the world to be more suited to these new mortals. He watched as his subordinate configured a source of magic for the mortals to draw on. Perhaps that magic would open the doors to understanding and madness for many.

He watched as Phalanalin tried to steal credit for the efforts of the other gods as she created herself a temple. She wasn't directly lying It was implied and it was dishonest and untruthful. It bothered Ralkieis a great deal. He reached out with his mind and left a shard of truth next to her temple. A towering black obelisk carved with many swirling and changing patterns. Yet any who looked upon it would know what it said.  It was a catalog of all the changes the gods had made to the world and details about those gods.

Act: create an obelisk that records every act or mighty act the gods have preformed and which gods preformed them
And with that he withdrew, he didn't care what the mortals did with the information just that they had access to it. He turned his attention back to the book of truth. It wasn't long until Tutelospera requested his permission to make use of the mortals.
"Important? They are and they are not. They will be and will never be important. Nothing is important. Minds like yours and mine decide that things are important. Mortal minds decide that things are important. What is important to you will not be shared with everyone else. Importance is not objective, it is not real outside the minds deciding what is and isn't important. Without people deciding that something is important nothing could be said to be important. Objectively I am not important and this universe will shake and change and shift with or without me. The myriad universes beyond will twist ever onwards unhindered by any notions of our importance. Yet every insect, vermin, mortal and god thinks their actions have impact and that they are in some way important. And yet they are not wrong. Since they assign their own importance they are important to themselves. It is not a lie and it is not a truth either. I do not care if you find them important, I do not care what you do so long as you are honest. Make use of whatever you choose Tutelospera; everything is permitted," With that he turned his attention back to his book only to see Tutelospera's work be undone, this did not upset him in the slightest.
After reading Cerediron's rant at Tutelospera from the book he pondered it a for moment; "burned everything" he had said, hyperbole was so distasteful. Eventually he decided send a message to Cerediron in response "You have said that such magic is too powerful to just give to them, leaving aside that it was not being just given to them and necessitated a complicated ritual to gain I have one question; Why? Why do you think such magic is too powerful to give them?"
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 12:57:59 pm by Jerick »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2017, 08:47:51 am »

It is the base power of this universe. It is creation: That of the making and the unmaking, the doing and the undoing. Giving these mortals access to it will cause many deaths, and much destruction, as the world is cursed and blessed based on strength and skill in a...ball game. Would you give muscle-bound fools access to the means of creation, and deny the wise, who might do good with their strength, access to magic, and indeed, would you curse them instead?

Magic in general will prevent the mortals from making everything they might make, for magic is a shortcut.

Giving them this magic would ruin their creativity, prevent so much from occurring.

Would you gift knowledge that prevents the gaining of other knowledge?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2017, 08:57:43 am »

Hmn? Ah, 'eyo there. Knowledge doesn't precule other knowledge, it just makes it less necessary. But don't worry, they want to figure it all out. I can promise, access to magic will make them want to learn all it's tricks, but it won't turn them away from the more mundane fields of interest.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2017, 10:02:38 am »

"You seem to ascribe me qualities I do not possess. Death is death and destruction is destruction both are inevitable. I care little how or if they come about. I do care about knowledge, accuracy and ignorance. Would that game truly favor the strong or would it favor the wisest star readers who could find easily the orbs of magic while the strong still searched? In truth I would prefer just giving the pure magic of creation to everything that lives. Hold nothing back, tell them no comforting lies and let them make their own mistakes and give them the opportunity to banish their own ignorance"


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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2017, 11:08:48 am »

Ralkieis, I commend your commitment to honesty. While I do not see truth as clearly or as in such a dichotomy, I can recognize and support honesty. It takes a great deal of strength to cut through the fog of misinformation and lies, and for doing so, you have my admiration.


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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2017, 12:34:48 pm »

Yras returned from the First World to the Darkness, and Phalanalin was content.
Yet the laws of the universe seemed to be tugging at her, prompting her to do something. To bestow upon her creation a title.

"Yras, my creation. You shall be the first amongst my servants, in servitude to the House of Twisting Shadows. Return to Luar, and be my mouth, eyes, and ears- your title shall be Proxy from this day forth."

Make Yras the Knight (Proxy) of Shadows.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 12:44:55 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2017, 12:57:06 pm »

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2017, 02:46:54 pm »

Tartin sits on his throne in the heart of Tarturus, waiting and brooding. He waits and marshals his strength for the trials to come.

Takes no action this turn.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2017, 03:11:35 pm »

Lu was unhappy with the speed at which the gods would go to war. Mere moments after the First Children were created to die, Lu saved them. A mere moment later the gods were prepared to descend upon the worlds and wage war against eachother. Some would throw the planets about, others would battle over the history of the gods. Lu would not and could not allow either of these. He had already began to save the new mortals, and it appears his job was yet complete. He would save their bodies, and their souls.

Lu plucked seven feathers from his head and willed his strength into each of them. From each of them a great bird grew forth. They were large powerful beasts, their wing beats stirring the skies, and their calls shattering the night like sudden thunder. The sky was theirs, and all which was under it fell within their protection. Lu gifted them with the power over light, allowing their eyes to cut through darkness like a flaming sword. This was not figurative, not a metaphor for night vision, but a gift of power. Their eyes burned like the sun Luar, casting a constant cutting beam of light, forever driving darkness of all sorts back into the recesses of the universe. Their feathers too were gifted with the shining power of Luar, so that these beasts may never cast a shadow, or a shadow to crawl across them. Not even solid objects could block this light, for it simply shown through them and onwards past them. These were Luars first creation, the seven Sun Eagles. Their ferocity is unmatched in the world so far.

Lu placed them upon the  Islands of Passion and Invention. The intention obvious. Lu was not afraid to add his strength to the coming conflicts over the bodies and minds of mortals.

A temple of lies cannot be tolerated. The corruption of mortals will not be allowed. Flee, desperate Shadow, flee.

Act: Create Hounds, the seven Sun Eagles. Place all seven of them upon the Islands so that they will be forced to enter into gambits over mortals (especially the upcoming credit temple gambit).
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 03:19:40 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2017, 03:31:14 pm »

Despair, you mewling fool. No machine can control my works. This is no moon, but a battlestation but a world. It is the Second World, and it is mine.

You would seek to give its magic to these...mortals? Have you no thought for the consequences?! This is CREATION, raw creation! Such magic is too powerful to just give to them.

And to add to your folly, you wished to burn lines of magical force across the First World? You would have burned everything!

And with a burst of strength of his own, the Second World hurtled back, to Luar, orbiting closely once more. And with another thought, it was sealed there, its internal magic of Creation bound to Cerediron for all eternity.
For what was eternity, to a god?

Act: Creation's Domain
Cerediron undoes the work of the god-machine, forcing the Second World back to its rightful place near Luar, and binds it to himself, so that there is no further chance of such casual interruptions.

"Calm, smith-king. I do not claim your creation, merely utilise its worth. There is no need for aggression, no need for shedding. Though in truth I should have sought permission, I thought the worlds something to be shared and I do still think that."

"As for your give too little trust to the short-lives. Far too little."
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2017, 05:24:16 pm »

I suspect YOU should have just made your own planet. It will take far less energy and embarrassment that way.

Do not incur the Wrath of the Elder House of Creation, or you will discover just how much energy is left in those planets. I've already given one to you careless destroyers, leave the second to me.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon IV IC-Thread Turn 1: Beginning
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2017, 05:49:29 pm »

I suspect YOU should have just made your own planet. It will take far less energy and embarrassment that way.

Do not incur the Wrath of the Elder House of Creation, or you will discover just how much energy is left in those planets. I've already given one to you careless destroyers, leave the second to me.

" know such an act is impossible. There is no need to mock."

Great Acts

The Act of creating a World, an Afterlife, a Realm beyond the Mortal World, weapons of great destruction and artifacts of great power. The Power to change the face of a planet and to imprison another god. Great Acts are not easy to come by and it requires great amounts of energy,prayer, sacrifice or similiar things to get enough of them.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando
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