Currently, The New Adventure mode in my personal opinion is completely broken which means if you're even the little bit of experienced you won't be experiencing any !!FUN!!
Let's start by talking how utterly broken becoming a Intelligent Wilderness Creature. Becoming a Wilderness Creature that is massive is beyond broken, especially when you are taking on civilized enemies (goblins, humans and such) as you can literally explode heads with your punches and scratch of limbs easily.
Here's the big Kicker, For non enemies it will force them into a brawl, So they will never draw their weapons (unless you aim for the neck) even if you're blowing off their limbs.
If you are interested in becoming an all mighty god, here's a list of all the sizes. Try finding something bigger then 1,000,000 (for me that was rhinecerosman) for some reason most Civilized enemies are big wusses, If you are surrounded by a group of humans and you kill one or sometimess even just inflict a wound, They all just run away and it's very often for you too feel uneasy, To have the agreesive "Legendary" Rebel warlord to run away from you without you doing anything.
3. For Some reason Every single civilzation is always at peace with each other, so the only threat to you are Beasts, Night creatures and the boogeymen.
4. Super Training is soo easy, All you need to do now is to go to Mead halls (Which are in every single hamlet) and get armor and a Training weapon. Then all you do is go to city grab cat and let it attack you, Until your defensive skills are were you want them to be, Then you can start whaling on all the animals in town to get High Weapon skill.
5. This one is minor and likely a bug, But when enemies of a civ set up temporary camps (The rare chance that that actually happens btw) THEY ARE ALWAYS SLEEPING even in the middle of day. Really weird
If you want a challenge start up 0.34.11, It fixes all these Problems that the new versions have brought.