So how goes progress? I'm really liking the sound of this mod so far. Also any tips on creating custom races? I'm trying to learn so I can create a tyranid/zerg style hive race. XD
I normally Hang around ZM5's discord and he has a modding channel you can ask me questions there
As for this it seem interesting I'll toss some suggestions in, and some possible solutions to a few others.
Make your race primarily genderless, now it's good to know that a race with no genders just pop into existence when needed (thanks Enemy post) the main castes will have a high POP_RATIO (chance for a caste to be born/picked is CASTE_POP_RATIO / TOTAL_OF_ALL_CASTE_POP_RATIOS) and create two "breeder" castes with a POP_RATIO of 1 and make them mostly unintelligent/grazers. This will allow you to embark (and possibly other fungi to have them as pets to migrate with) that you can setup to just pump out sporelings which you mentioned was going to be a caste that is smaller and faster but I think it works better as a child name "Brute Sporeling"
each caste can have their BLOOD be the poison spores if you [BLOOD:LOCAL_CREATURE_MAT:BLISTER_SPORES:GAS] or as a non leaking gas tissue layer, this way when an attack lands it "breaks off" some of the gasous spores but without TISSUE_LEAKS it won't disappear BLOOD method would look way cooler from a severed limb or deep wound and would still allow them to be killed.
Ranged weapons are thorn cannons that use the BLOWGUN skill, and is a fungi based wand that can be loaded with plant thorns to fire(spit?) at targets
Thorn whip (fungi whip with thorns growing out of it)
classic mushroom mace/club
(need axes for woodcutting but I'm not sure what weapon that can be axe like and fungi like)
Unless they can't dig or cut trees but have a special workshop that needs nothing to make, and can generate "mushroom blocks" from nothing and you simply just build a giant fungi spore fort but you mentioned meat and bone, but could also use plant_growth (fruit, nuts) and plants
@leoniswulf if discord is not your cup of team, I'd say look up behavior tags to get an idea of how you can make the creature's AI behave how you want
(normally it's pretty limited, but if you had a zergling that was just "I don't care what happens to me, I must kill that target" Probably NO_FEAR and FIREIMMUNE would replicate that (FIREIMMUNE I believe only tells the AI that fire is not bad for it, even if it's materials are high combustible)) They could also have PRONE_TO_RAGE with a high number, so if non militray instances of this creature will fly into a fit before or mid flee to turn and attack wildly (I think Enraged also gives some combat boosts) might want to give them a high willpower and endurance/toughness so they won't give into pain easy or get winded easy. And that is just behavior, there's their materials, tissues, body parts, CASTES (normally there are just two MALE and FEMALE but hive-like races normally have Drones to Queens/Kings castes) And if you want them to be hostile to all civs UTTERANCES will make them hostile because civs can't understand them to make peace treaties so they just say "to war then" much like how poor kobolds are atm.
But the best piece of advice is, draft them out, write what the creature is, what it can do, what it is made of, and how it behaves. From there you can seek the asnwers you need.
Out of boredom I could create these however without OP's full vision of these creatures I'd probably end up filling in some gaps with "my own ideas"
And I'd just be making the creature, not the civ, items, workshop, reactions.