There is only one thing I'm completely against in this game, but first only minor issues:
- Some minor random bugs, mainly graphical
- Fuc*in' loading screens all over the place and completely not consistent. Talking to NPC? Loading screen. Finished talking? Loading screen. Cutscene? Much shorter loading screen. Changing graphics option in main menu? By far the longest loading screen in the game, almost as long as starting game + loading a save + all loading screens in 1h gameplay in the town talking to npcs combined. You WILL think the game crashed. WTF? Are they running some benchmarks in the background? Or trying to fund a game by mining cryptocurency.
- Optimisation is all over the place as well. Running around with torch in the night, with all the shadow play - 60fps. Pretty much static talking to NPC - 5fps.
The one thing that puts me off and many other players is a save system. I don't need save everywhere or anything like that, but LET ME EFFIN' SAVE ON QUIT. I'm not unemployed 20 yo, that can play hours at time just to be able to save. Autosaves are irrelevant because of being only in main story.
Saving item being a huge strain on economy and currently only way to save on quit. Oh, and don't forget that using it even moderately often will give you game-changing debuff.
Sleeping is nice and all, but I think it missed the point. More often than not you are sleeping because you want a save, not because you need to sleep. Here is a catch also - you can't sleep when you are not tired. That means to get that save you are waiting to get tired (takes time looking at slow moving cirlce) and then get to sleep.
It looks like the mechanic is annoying just to be annoying and brings nothing otherwise. I'm almost 100% sure that it's there to sell the game. Such annoying mechanics gets talked about and being talked about sells the game no matter what's the tone.
It is so obvious for anyone (including devs) that it will get modded (if not done already), and it's kind of mod that will get more downloads than PC copies sold.
This saving system alone made me discourage people from buying this and convinced me to uninstall and wait for fixes for other stuff.