Ok, thats a new one. How did you manage to get them into the hammer? Do they add much to the weight, and maybe damage?
Just Advfort, believe it or not. Using the -c argument allows you to construct a furniture item out of whatever reagent.
Built a war hammer into a cabinet, put the bees inside, and deconstructed it. If you drop the war hammer and reload the area, take a nap, whatever, all of the bees inside the hammer will disappear. However, if the hammer is still in your inventory when you retire your character, take a nap, whatever, the bee colonies will persist.
Umm, interestingly, the hammer didn't do any more noticeable damage.
What did do a significant amount of damage however, was the porcelain bee hive I was running around bashing people with. Like, it was severing limbs via blunt damage. No idea how that was happening.
As of premium, you can finally relocate bee colonies to cages and other objects in fort mode. At least, once the colonies have been installed to a hive. This means that strange beehive hybrid objects could be made very easily using DFHack. Haven't tested much on that end besides just vanilla stuff, like placing a bunch of bees onto a pedestal, in order to make probability distribution clouds made out of bees.
From what I've gathered, the remote flying worker bees, which spawn outside the colony and sting people, won't spawn unless the bee colonies are attached to some kind of constructed furniture item. The remote bees haven't appeared to spawn if you have a backpack full of them and drop the backpack etc. That said, the remote bees are a little 'bugged' in adv mode. They are very fickle about when they like to spawn in advmode, and their motivations for doing so, or not doing so, are mysterious.
In premium, I know I placed a bunch of bee colonies in a cage, and deconstructed the cage, but I don't remember what the results were. My hunch is that is that it was a negative though.